Black Rep Screws Up Big Time

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Most have seen this ridiculous black politician saying that blacks should be exempt from paying taxes as a form of reparation for slavery. If you watch as the interview unfolds after she mindlessly spews such drivel, you will hear her sort of walk it back on account of the fact that most blacks already don’t pay income taxes (so she says they should get cash payments instead).

Think about this. If not paying taxes is a form of slavery reparations, and we are already allowing them not to pay taxes - and to openly commit billions of dollars of tax fraud annually (e.g., filing HOH when they clearly do not qualify for it; EIC fraud; fake dependents via false SSNs … all resulting in payments of billions in fraudulently obtained tax credits), THEN THEY ARE ALREADY GETTING THIS FOR OF “REPARATION”; I.e., they are getting slave reparations.

This sort of tax fraud is way under-prosecuted. They get government services without having to contribute. Plus, there are a myriad of gun-mint handouts already in existence that are available to them. If not paying taxes is a form of reparation, then so is every other government action that puts money in their pockets.

To be sure, whites can commit tax fraud too, and they do. But the negro leaders want payment solely on account of race because “JusTicE” and such. In other words, pay them to the exclusion of non-blacks. Of course, this is patently illegal. They just don’t give a sh!t.

Finally, I note that these comments from the IQ challenged negro politician comes from a podcast for lawyers. Now, I ask you: would you want to hire either of those 2 dingbat affirmative action idiots to represent you on ANY legal matter? I sure as heck wouldn’t. I want my lawyer to be intelligent, seasoned, tactical minded, and a huge a-hole. I do not want my lawyer’s head full of absurdities like “social justice”. The fact is, both of those nitwits on the podcast would malpractice on a traffic case and probably get you a jail sentence because they are low-IQ garbage people.
Find me a black person alive right now and I will say "that person shouldn't have to pay taxes". But until then? Nope.

This is the kind of bullshit that goes on in this country because whites are afraid of blacks. We're cowards because we won't tell them to shut up and stop perpetuating racism.

I guarantee you that if white people started rejecting their racist claims and ignoring them then this supposed racism issue would disappear real damn quick. Racism only exists because blacks use it as an excuse and they refuse to stop talking about. Black people are the ones perpetuating racism.

White people need to grow some balls and stop being afraid of them.

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