Black republicans...who are they really?

I bet you more than 2% are gay. Keep in mind many are still in the closet.
What is your percentage guess? How much do you want to bet? The LGBT community wants to fluff up their numbers just like the anti-gun community, so they use half-truths and outright lies. They count anyone who has had a "homosexual experience" as gay/lesbian so two girls who practiced kissing each other in HS are "gay". That's just as deceitful as LWers who count 17000+ suicides/year as "gun violence".

Americans Greatly Overestimate Percent Gay, Lesbian in U.S.
"The American public estimates on average that 23% of Americans are gay or lesbian, little changed from Americans' 25% estimate in 2011, and only slightly higher than separate 2002 estimates of the gay and lesbian population. These estimates are many times higher than the 3.8% of the adult population who identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in Gallup Daily tracking in the first four months of this year....

...Americans with the highest levels of education make the lowest estimates of the gay and lesbian population, underscoring the assumption that part of the reason for the overestimate is a lack of exposure to demographic data

Guess everyone now knows where you fit on the education curve, eh?

Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population
The National Health Interview Survey, which is the government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors, found that 1.6 percent of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent consider themselves bisexual.

The overwhelming majority of adults, 96.6 percent, labeled themselves as straight in the 2013 survey. An additional 1.1 percent declined to answer, responded “I don’t know the answer” or said they were “something else.”

The figures offered a slightly smaller assessment of the size of the gay, lesbian and bisexual population than other surveys, which have pegged the overall proportion at closer to 3.5 or 4 percent. In particular, the estimate for bisexuals was lower than in some other surveys.
I don't believe in God. I'm talking to someone who does though.

Just like you would think left handed people would go extinct but they don't, same goes for gays. Hetero right handed couples keep producing gays and us left handed people.
Translation: I was lying on the second one plus trolling.

Left-Handed people have consistently been about 10% of the human population for as long as manking, albeit some societies frowned on it. I'm also Left-Handed. 56 Facts about Left-Handedness & Left-Handed People

Gays have consistently been about 2% of the population too, although they sometimes congregated into groups drivingt the percentage higher in some areas.

Why some people are born Left-Handed or Gay isn't fully understood, although there is a clear genetic link to Left-Handedness. Sexual preference is much more complicated and not directly linked to only genetics albeit genes are a factor.
. No one is born gay is my thinking, because being gay requires a person to use their bodies in ways in which they weren't created for nor were they designed for. Think about it. You can modify anything or misuse anything, but does that prove it's right or that it is something natural afterwards ? Nope it doesn't IMHO...People can find excuses for just about anything it seems anymore.. Now back on topic.
In a perfect world i'd agree.

The universe is over 13 billion years old. You've been around for less than 100. What were things like for you before you were born? What makes you think things will be any different after you die?

If you go to nothingness after you die, what was the point of living in the first place?
No one is born gay is my thinking, because being gay requires a person to use their bodies in ways in which they weren't created for nor were they designed for. Think about it. You can modify anything or misuse anything, but does that prove it's right or that it is something natural afterwards ? Nope it doesn't IMHO...People can find excuses for just about anything it seems anymore.. Now back on topic.
It's an anomaly, but there are many anomalies in human behavior. Some are, indeed, "choice" (although I think there's more to it), but many are due to factors beyond simple "choice".

Sure, some people may choose to experiment with being "gay" like experimenting with drugs, but there is a verified sexual drive preference at work here just as it is for straights. I didn't make a "choice" to like girls, it was just how I felt. There's no logical argument to my desire to like girls as a sexual partners. It's just how I'm wired.

What would possibly compel someone to choose something against to which they are naturally wired?
No one is born gay is my thinking, because being gay requires a person to use their bodies in ways in which they weren't created for nor were they designed for. Think about it. You can modify anything or misuse anything, but does that prove it's right or that it is something natural afterwards ? Nope it doesn't IMHO...People can find excuses for just about anything it seems anymore.. Now back on topic.
It's an anomaly, but there are many anomalies in human behavior. Some are, indeed, "choice" (although I think there's more to it), but many are due to factors beyond simple "choice".

Sure, some people may choose to experiment with being "gay" like experimenting with drugs, but there is a verified sexual drive preference at work here just as it is for straights. I didn't make a "choice" to like girls, it was just how I felt. There's no logical argument to my desire to like girls as a sexual partners. It's just how I'm wired.

What would possibly compel someone to choose something against to which they are naturally wired?
. How do you know how anyone is wired other than yourself ? The wiring could be exactly as it should be until something changes the wiring. Now what would do that or how ? No one knows how someone is wired, and there isn't but two codes (one set for girls) & (one set for guys). Now if the wiring is changed or shorts out somehow, then there is a problem. Right ?
How do you know how anyone is wired other than yourself ? The wiring could be exactly as it should be until something changes the wiring. Now what would do that or how ? No one knows how someone is wired, and there isn't but two codes (one set for girls) & (one set for guys). Now if the wiring is changed or shorts out somehow, then there is a problem. Right ?
The same way I know the numbers of those who lean Left or Right, statistics.

The wiring in your house doesn't change just because you're unhappy one day. Human beings are physical beings with physical limitations. The spiritual side is a different aspect, but the physical side is verifiable and factual.....just like God made it. ;)
In a perfect world i'd agree.

The universe is over 13 billion years old. You've been around for less than 100. What were things like for you before you were born? What makes you think things will be any different after you die?

If you go to nothingness after you die, what was the point of living in the first place?

There is no point. We just are, just like any other animal or insect.
There is no point. We just are, just like any other animal or insect.
Some in the Abrahamic religions get wrapped up on the "created in God's image" phrase thus believing only humans, and in many cases, only certain humans, can go to heaven. There are many interpretations of that phrase which do not exclude any or all living creatures.
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In a perfect world i'd agree.

The universe is over 13 billion years old. You've been around for less than 100. What were things like for you before you were born? What makes you think things will be any different after you die?

If you go to nothingness after you die, what was the point of living in the first place?

There is no point. We just are, just like any other animal or insect.
. Wrong. We are far greater than the animals or insects. We have been tasked to care of such creatures, but not be beneath them or equal to them. We are their caretakers.
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How do you know how anyone is wired other than yourself ? The wiring could be exactly as it should be until something changes the wiring. Now what would do that or how ? No one knows how someone is wired, and there isn't but two codes (one set for girls) & (one set for guys). Now if the wiring is changed or shorts out somehow, then there is a problem. Right ?
The same way I know the numbers of those who lean Left or Right, statistics.

The wiring in your house doesn't change just because you're unhappy one day. Human beings are physical beings with physical limitations. The spiritual side is a different aspect, but the physical side is verifiable and factual.....just like God made it. ;)
. Human beings are physical as well as spiritual beings in which have yes physical limitations, and we also have an order to reside within.
There is no point. We just are, just like any other animal or insect.

So you believe it's kind of like the last episode of the Sopranos? You just go to black like getting knocked out before surgery?
. Even then one begins to dream.

Because your brain has not shut down. Once you're dead, you're dead. End of story.
. :link::link::link::link::link:

You need a link to know that while under anesthesia, your brain is still functioning but after death it isn't? Come on, you can't be that stupid.
Even then one begins to dream.

Hmmm. I don't know about that. I haven't had many surgeries, but I know a lot of people who did including my father. The last one I had was about six years ago, and all I remember is being on the table, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on a chair in a recovery room. I don't remember any dreams nor even getting tired before I was out.
LOL... Love it when people try to make statements that are impossible for them to answer. As for me I believe, so I need not to be convinced about it at all by any man or woman.
There is no point. We just are, just like any other animal or insect.

So you believe it's kind of like the last episode of the Sopranos? You just go to black like getting knocked out before surgery?
. Even then one begins to dream.

Because your brain has not shut down. Once you're dead, you're dead. End of story.
. :link::link::link::link::link:

You need a link to know that while under anesthesia, your brain is still functioning but after death it isn't? Come on, you can't be that stupid.
. Humor escapes you doesn't it ? LOL

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