Black republicans...who are they really?

Even then one begins to dream.

Hmmm. I don't know about that. I haven't had many surgeries, but I know a lot of people who did including my father. The last one I had was about six years ago, and all I remember is being on the table, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on a chair in a recovery room. I don't remember any dreams nor even getting tired before I was out.
. Yes some dream and some don't.
I bet you more than 2% are gay. Keep in mind many are still in the closet.
What is your percentage guess? How much do you want to bet? The LGBT community wants to fluff up their numbers just like the anti-gun community, so they use half-truths and outright lies. They count anyone who has had a "homosexual experience" as gay/lesbian so two girls who practiced kissing each other in HS are "gay". That's just as deceitful as LWers who count 17000+ suicides/year as "gun violence".

Americans Greatly Overestimate Percent Gay, Lesbian in U.S.
"The American public estimates on average that 23% of Americans are gay or lesbian, little changed from Americans' 25% estimate in 2011, and only slightly higher than separate 2002 estimates of the gay and lesbian population. These estimates are many times higher than the 3.8% of the adult population who identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in Gallup Daily tracking in the first four months of this year....

...Americans with the highest levels of education make the lowest estimates of the gay and lesbian population, underscoring the assumption that part of the reason for the overestimate is a lack of exposure to demographic data

Guess everyone now knows where you fit on the education curve, eh?

Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population
The National Health Interview Survey, which is the government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors, found that 1.6 percent of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent consider themselves bisexual.

The overwhelming majority of adults, 96.6 percent, labeled themselves as straight in the 2013 survey. An additional 1.1 percent declined to answer, responded “I don’t know the answer” or said they were “something else.”

The figures offered a slightly smaller assessment of the size of the gay, lesbian and bisexual population than other surveys, which have pegged the overall proportion at closer to 3.5 or 4 percent. In particular, the estimate for bisexuals was lower than in some other surveys.
Do you want to make out with me? Come on! It doesn't make you gay.

I sucked one dick but it was back in college. Im not gay, right?
Wow, this thread has went to hell literally... LOL..... Even the black Republicans have left the building on this one.
Yup. Fertilizer.

Interesting. Then you don't believe in God I presume.
. Would love to hear her on her last moment before dying, because that's what they all say till that moment arrives, then they remarkably find God or try too.
Sure when they are more scarred than ever. That's not the best time to think rationally. My mom is dying right now. As much as I would love to believe she's going to a heaven, that's just wishful thinking. I want to believe but I just can't believe the unbelievable just because I want it to be true.

Just like I don't believe in ghosts, demons, angels, the devil. Lots of people believe in ghosts.

Humans are still a very new species. We are superstition plus we hate not knowing so religion came along and filled in the gaps. You think you have all the answers? Laughable. But I know it provides people with comfort. Just keep it to yourselves. You aren't that special.

I love how anti science people don't believe in multiverses or alternate universes but where is heaven?

And if all land animals didn't come from the water, how did all those animals get here? Was there an Adam and Eve giraffe? Dogs frogs snakes birds?
Yup. Fertilizer.

Interesting. Then you don't believe in God I presume.
. Would love to hear her on her last moment before dying, because that's what they all say till that moment arrives, then they remarkably find God or try too.

Sorry, that won't change a thing. I don't believe in superstitions, heaven or hell. Wishful thinking is all it is because humans have a difficult time coming to terms with their own mortality.
Would love to hear her on her last moment before dying, because that's what they all say till that moment arrives, then they remarkably find God or try too.

Same with many death row inmates.

I don't believe in religion very much. After all, God only knows who wrote these books and how honest and accurate they are after being rewritten a hundred times, but I do believe there is a God. I don't understand how anybody cannot.
Would love to hear her on her last moment before dying, because that's what they all say till that moment arrives, then they remarkably find God or try too.

Same with many death row inmates.

I don't believe in religion very much. After all, God only knows who wrote these books and how honest and accurate they are after being rewritten a hundred times, but I do believe there is a God. I don't understand how anybody cannot.

I don't understand how anyone can. To me, that's like believing in Santa or the Tooth fairy!
So you believe it's kind of like the last episode of the Sopranos? You just go to black like getting knocked out before surgery?
Interesting analogy for several reasons, but will only mention one:

In my junior year of high school I had a near-death experience. I'd been raised Christian, but became an atheist due to the conflicts between what Biblical literalists claimed and what factual experience taught.

The power of NDE caused me to reconsider all my previous conclusions. I even tried to replicate the experience with various condition, but never did. One experience, not by choice, was the blackout of being surgically anesthetized. It spooked me a little, but still wonder about my NDE.
I don't understand how anyone can. To me, that's like believing in Santa or the Tooth fairy!
Blind faith is like blind doubt. It's blind.

Forget all the fucking religions. They're just tools, guidelines for teaching.

The ultimate goal is for you to maximize your potential as a human being. Have you? Do you fill as full as a tea cup with knowledge and experience? Is there anything missing?
I don't understand how anyone can. To me, that's like believing in Santa or the Tooth fairy!
Blind faith is like blind doubt. It's blind.

Forget all the fucking religions. They're just tools, guidelines for teaching.

The ultimate goal is for you to maximize your potential as a human being. Have you? Do you fill as full as a tea cup with knowledge and experience? Is there anything missing?

Lol. What? Is there anything missing from what?
Human beings are physical as well as spiritual beings in which have yes physical limitations, and we also have an order to reside within.
An order to reside within? Like the Federal government? Sorry, but while we should render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, I don't accept that it obviates our Constitution.
Lol. What? Is there anything missing from what?
Are you happy? Happy people have specific traits as do unhappy people.

Unhappy people may try to spread their misery upon others. Happy people may try to spread their happiness to other or simply enjoy it for themselves.
Lol. What? Is there anything missing from what?
Are you happy? Happy people have specific traits as do unhappy people.

Unhappy people may try to spread their misery upon others. Happy people may try to spread their happiness to other or simply enjoy it for themselves.

Although I've suffered a lot of tragedies, for the most part when I'm not here, I'm pretty happy, yes. Why do you ask?
Interesting analogy for several reasons, but will only mention one:

In my junior year of high school I had a near-death experience. I'd been raised Christian, but became an atheist due to the conflicts between what Biblical literalists claimed and what factual experience taught.

The power of NDE caused me to reconsider all my previous conclusions. I even tried to replicate the experience with various condition, but never did. One experience, not by choice, was the blackout of being surgically anesthetized. It spooked me a little, but still wonder about my NDE.

Very interesting response.

When you say that you tried to replicate the experience, what exactly do you mean by that? What experience?
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I don't understand how anyone can. To me, that's like believing in Santa or the Tooth fairy!

You don't understand how anyone can?

When people discuss religion or the lack thereof, I never suggest going to church or reading the Holy Bible. I suggest turning on a nature show.

To see all the incredible things that happen on this planet everyday is simply amazing. How insects interact with animals and nature; how animals interact with humans; how water falls from the sky and food magically grows from dirt; how our energy and warmth comes from a star millions and millions of miles away; the atmosphere alone is in itself amazing. How everything has reproductive abilities, including humans where the greatest experience (physically and emotionally) is sex as if that satisfaction were created so that we would procreate and populate the world.

All just dumb luck? Did you ever look at what's outside of this earth?. the cold barren planets that are lifeless and nothingness? Or ask yourself how our planet has never been wiped out (as small as it is) by meteors? Could you ever construct a bee hive, or even a bird nest with just natural things alone? These beings have no training to do such things, it's more they were pre-programed by somebody or something, and do so successfully with the tiny minds that they have.

Man could never create such a place, and neither can Santa or the Tooth Fairy. A greater power conducts all these daily activities to sustain this planet. That's what I believe.
I don't understand how anyone can. To me, that's like believing in Santa or the Tooth fairy!

You don't understand how anyone can?

When people discuss religion or the lack thereof, I never suggest going to church or reading the Holy Bible. I suggest turning on a nature show.

To see all the incredible things that happen on this planet everyday is simply amazing. How insects interact with animals and nature; how animals interact with humans; how water falls from the sky and food magically grows from dirt; how our energy and warmth comes from a star millions and millions of miles away; the atmosphere alone is in itself amazing. How everything has reproductive abilities, including humans where the greatest experience (physically and emotionally) is sex as if that satisfaction were created so that we would procreate and populate the world.

All just dumb luck? Did you ever look at what's outside of this earth?. the cold barren planets that are lifeless and nothingness? Or ask yourself how our planet has never been wiped out (as small as it is) by meteors? Could you ever construct a bee hive, or even a bird nest with just natural things alone? These beings have no training to do such things, it's more they were pre-programed by somebody or something, and do so successfully with the tiny minds that they have.

Man could never create such a place, and neither can Santa or the Tooth Fairy. A greater power conducts all these daily activities to sustain this planet. That's what I believe.

Dumb luck. Yes. Nature is not evidence of a god (s).

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