Black republicans...who are they really?

Ha! How do you support promiscuity?

How do gays hurt families?

What tax laws punish marriage?

And abortions prevent families from falling into poverty
. Abortions prevent families from falling into poverty ?????????? Wow. You are kidding me right ? So the liberals think that killing a human being is the right way to correct a lustful mistake ? You people are sick is what you are, and you have lost your moral compass if you ever had one.
You people are hypocrites because it is your daughter's who a filling up the abortion clinics

A fetus isn't a human being and abortion isn't murder.

Abortion is legal law of the land. Sorry :(

So when does life begin?
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either
Science thinks you are an abomination. Any human that has such little regard for human life is just disturbed. I'm still wondering why liberals refuse to commit suicide when they insist that A.) life is not valuable and B.) we are "over populated anyway". So funny how they insist that there is a problem, they insist on being part of the problem, and they refuse to help be part of the solution. they are not. Sperm by itself will not grow into a person. An egg by itself will not grow into a person.
Sperm and eggs aren't alive? Sorry, but you're wrong. They are alive. I never said anything about them not being able to grow into a person, just the fact a sperm and egg are alive.

Life making new life is not that strange. Mixing inanimate objects into something that comes alive is, indeed, miraculous.
. Abortions prevent families from falling into poverty ?????????? Wow. You are kidding me right ? So the liberals think that killing a human being is the right way to correct a lustful mistake ? You people are sick is what you are, and you have lost your moral compass if you ever had one.
You people are hypocrites because it is your daughter's who a filling up the abortion clinics

A fetus isn't a human being and abortion isn't murder.

Abortion is legal law of the land. Sorry :(

So when does life begin?
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.
We already have cloned animals. Cloning people is close.

I believe all living things have a relationship with spirituality. Some are small, some are big.

Animals and people are two different things. Animals don't really have a personality. Some act slightly different than others, but like insects, they just do what instinct tells them.
Yes, some. There is more to existence than what we see in front of us. There are mysteries to the universe and it's creation that are not, and possible may not, be understood. All religions are wrong, to some extent, but all major religions offer a path to better understandings of existence. Religions are not an end to themselves, but simply tools for helping people explore their spirituality and the power behind existence.

i think what I'm getting at is did you experience something that's unbelievable from a human standpoint? Kind of like some of those stories we've read where people died for a long period of time, and experienced the tunnel and the voice of God? Some have claimed to have out-of-body experiences? Something like that?
Animals and people are two different things. Animals don't really have a personality. Some act slightly different than others, but like insects, they just do what instinct tells them.
Insects and mammals are completely different orders. Reptiles and Mammals too, but less so. Still, saying Chimps are like insects is wrong. They are very close to humans. Whales and dolphins are different, but also intelligent, albeit not like humans.

So, back to clones. Are human clones human beings or not?
Why do you have to have existed in some capacity before your dad's sperm hit your mom's egg? Re incarnation is so silly. I think this has to do with people having a hard time imagining the universe will continue without you just like it did before you were born.

What happens to the soul a monkey has? They have emotions too.

Think about how someone pulls out before ejaculations. Had he came inside her she would have got pregnant and birthed a human animal that would grow to ponder these thoughts. But that person will never exist and did not exist in a previous life

I really don't know anything that I haven't experienced. But I'm open to all possibilities such as just going black and not existing.

I can't prove there is a place called heaven no more than you can prove no such place exists. To me, either or is a possibility. But I can't sit here and claim without hesitation that there is such a place. How would I know unless I've actually been there, or know somebody who has?

I have an uncle that swears he was reincarnated. He seems to have this vivid memory of being shot, and then loaded into a vehicle of some sort, and dying after they closed the door.
i think what I'm getting at is did you experience something that's unbelievable from a human standpoint? Kind of like some of those stories we've read where people died for a long period of time, and experienced the tunnel and the voice of God? Some have claimed to have out-of-body experiences? Something like that?
I was lying face down but with my head turned toward a beautiful snow covered rolling plain. I was on one small hill looking towards another hill about a half mile away with several people on it. Fifty or so. They were having fun sledding, skiing, tossing snow balls, etc. I could hear their laughter and wanted to be with them. I was completely comfortable despite laying in the snow. The sky was golden and I could look at the Sun without being blinded. I was neither hot nor cold, completely content...except for the small desire to join the fun on the other side.

A voice behind me said "You have to go back". I have no knowledge where the voice came from or who said it, but I did end up waking back up in the "real" world. The experience was as real to me as this every day one. Like I said before, I've attempted to replicate the experience in many ways and even studied psychology in college. Still, no answers.

My conclusion is there is more to existence than we know. Period.
Insects and mammals are completely different orders. Reptiles and Mammals too, but less so. Still, saying Chimps are like insects is wrong. They are very close to humans. Whales and dolphins are different, but also intelligent, albeit not like humans.

So, back to clones. Are human clones human beings or not?

No, I wouldn't think they were. I guess we all have our own opinions, and mine is you don't get a soul until you take your first breath on this earth as a baby. If we were able to clone people, I wouldn't think there would be a soul. That's speaking from a religious point of view of course. I really don't believe a fetus has a soul.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either
Science thinks you are an abomination. Any human that has such little regard for human life is just disturbed. I'm still wondering why liberals refuse to commit suicide when they insist that A.) life is not valuable and B.) we are "over populated anyway". So funny how they insist that there is a problem, they insist on being part of the problem, and they refuse to help be part of the solution.
Bull. We have less kids, wear condoms, take the pill, morning after pill, we get abortions, have gay sex and we are pro planned parenthood. What more do you want from us?

I'd rather off you than me.

I have a lot of regard for living human beings. More than you. You only care until they are born then fuck em.
I was lying face down but with my head turned toward a beautiful snow covered rolling plain. I was on one small hill looking towards another hill about a half mile away with several people on it. Fifty or so. They were having fun sledding, skiing, tossing snow balls, etc. I could hear their laughter and wanted to be with them. I was completely comfortable despite laying in the snow. The sky was golden and I could look at the Sun without being blinded. I was neither hot nor cold, completely content...except for the small desire to join the fun on the other side.

A voice behind me said "You have to go back". I have no knowledge where the voice came from or who said it, but I did end up waking back up in the "real" world. The experience was as real to me as this every day one. Like I said before, I've attempted to replicate the experience in many ways and even studied psychology in college. Still, no answers. My conclusion is there is more to existence than we know. Period.

I happen to find that fascinating. I appreciate you sharing that with us. I for one believe everything you experienced, and don't think it was something that could be replicated. It sounds to me like you were really there. You know what the other side looks like. It's experiences like yours that give the rest of us living beings hope.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either
Science thinks you are an abomination. Any human that has such little regard for human life is just disturbed. I'm still wondering why liberals refuse to commit suicide when they insist that A.) life is not valuable and B.) we are "over populated anyway". So funny how they insist that there is a problem, they insist on being part of the problem, and they refuse to help be part of the solution.
Bull. We have less kids, wear condoms, take the pill, morning after pill, we get abortions, have gay sex and we are pro planned parenthood. What more do you want from us?

I'd rather off you than me.

I have a lot of regard for living human beings. More than you. You only care until they are born then fuck em.

then they rant about how they don't trust gubmint but think gubmint should control people's most personal decisions.

You people are hypocrites because it is your daughter's who a filling up the abortion clinics

A fetus isn't a human being and abortion isn't murder.

Abortion is legal law of the land. Sorry :(

So when does life begin?
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.
When the seamen penetrates the egg
You people are hypocrites because it is your daughter's who a filling up the abortion clinics

A fetus isn't a human being and abortion isn't murder.

Abortion is legal law of the land. Sorry :(

So when does life begin?
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.

it;s not about when "life" begins. you don't care about "life" or you wouldn't believe i the death penalty.

either way....constitutionally protected right.. mind your own business. you don't like abortions, don't have one.
No, I wouldn't think they were. I guess we all have our own opinions, and mine is you don't get a soul until you take your first breath on this earth as a baby. If we were able to clone people, I wouldn't think there would be a soul. That's speaking from a religious point of view of course. I really don't believe a fetus has a soul.
Another perspective is that a truly all powerful, all knowing, all merciful entity would accept all life forms as part of itself.
I happen to find that fascinating. I appreciate you sharing that with us. I for one believe everything you experienced, and don't think it was something that could be replicated. It sounds to me like you were really there. You know what the other side looks like. It's experiences like yours that give the rest of us living beings hope.
Thanks. I don't believe "the other side" is a snow covered field, but do believe there is something there beyond our mere mortal understanding. I think it was presented in a form I could understand.

FWIW, anyone who says they "know what God wants" is a fucking liar or a fool. A power capable of creating the entire Universe, much less our single little rock, is so beyond the capability of human understanding that even equating an amoeba to a human being is an understatement.
Another perspective is that a truly all powerful, all knowing, all merciful entity would accept all life forms as part of itself.

Maybe, if such a power would recognize that existence as a real life. I happen to think a real life is one with a soul. I don't think animals and insects have souls. And if we ever were able to clone an entire human being, I think it would just sit there like a person in a coma. It might breathe, maybe digest food, piss and crap, but no person inside.
Thanks. I don't believe "the other side" is a snow covered field, but do believe there is something there beyond our mere mortal understanding. I think it was presented in a form I could understand.

FWIW, anyone who says they "know what God wants" is a fucking liar or a fool. A power capable of creating the entire Universe, much less our single little rock, is so beyond the capability of human understanding that even equating an amoeba to a human being is an understatement.

I understand totally. People that have had similar experiences have said the same thing; they all didn't experience the exact same events.

One consensus they do have is that they have no fear of death after their experience. Is that the way you feel?

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