Black republicans...who are they really?

So when does life begin?
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.
When the seamen penetrates the egg

So when you abort a baby you are killing a living being. And you are good with killing living beings?

And thank you for your answer. Even though I give you a rash of crap, I appreciate your honesty.
So when does life begin?
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.

it;s not about when "life" begins. you don't care about "life" or you wouldn't believe i the death penalty.

either way....constitutionally protected right.. mind your own business. you don't like abortions, don't have one.

Your decision to have an abortion or not is not mine to make. It is your decision and you have to answer to your greater power. I do care about life and I am for the death penalty in certain circumstances. Of course you are a person known for giving snarky and thoughtless answers. Thanks for living up to your low reputation.
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.
When the seamen penetrates the egg

So when you abort a baby you are killing a living being. And you are good with killing living beings?

And thank you for your answer. Even though I give you a rash of crap, I appreciate your honesty.
Sealy's a good egg...(pun intended :biggrin:)
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.
When the seamen penetrates the egg

So when you abort a baby you are killing a living being. And you are good with killing living beings?

And thank you for your answer. Even though I give you a rash of crap, I appreciate your honesty.
Not a big deal to me. And it's my body bro. Mind your business. You know it's not the same thing as murder.

And I myself at my stage of life would not have an abortion. Doesn't mean I've forgotten there was a time when I might have gotten one. Or wanted one.

We should let only women vote on this. Where do they go to vote? Abortion clinics. And if they don't want to vote have the baby good for you.

I can't believe you want to force me to give birth when I don't want to. All because you think it's murder. Many many many people don't see it that way

Are trumps nominees anti choice?
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.

it;s not about when "life" begins. you don't care about "life" or you wouldn't believe i the death penalty.

either way....constitutionally protected right.. mind your own business. you don't like abortions, don't have one.

Your decision to have an abortion or not is not mine to make. It is your decision and you have to answer to your greater power. I do care about life and I am for the death penalty in certain circumstances. Of course you are a person known for giving snarky and thoughtless answers. Thanks for living up to your low reputation.
Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me". And it is her decisions to make. Let's keep it that way.

I care about life too. That young girl who has no business birthing a human. I don't want to sentence her to a life of poverty. And that person you put to death was her son.
We should let only women vote on this. Where do they go to vote? Abortion clinics. And if they don't want to vote have the baby good for you.
Typical misandrist liberal. Sorry sweetie - it's every bit as much the man's baby as it is the woman's. Saying that "only women should have a say" makes you a very disgusting misandrist pig.
Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me".
You form the basis of your policies and beliefs on Tupac fucking Shakur?!? :eusa_doh:

Wow does that explain a lot.

My you know who says "only God can judge me"? Assholes like Tupac who spend their life smoking crack, selling heroin, shooting people, and raping women. You know - people who can't afford to be judged.

Do you know what decent, respectable people say? Bring it, baby! Here I am - come judge me. "Only God can judge me" is the battle cry of the dirt-bags and the thugs.
So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.
When the seamen penetrates the egg

So when you abort a baby you are killing a living being. And you are good with killing living beings?

And thank you for your answer. Even though I give you a rash of crap, I appreciate your honesty.
Not a big deal to me. And it's my body bro. Mind your business. You know it's not the same thing as murder.

And I myself at my stage of life would not have an abortion. Doesn't mean I've forgotten there was a time when I might have gotten one. Or wanted one.

We should let only women vote on this. Where do they go to vote? Abortion clinics. And if they don't want to vote have the baby good for you.

I can't believe you want to force me to give birth when I don't want to. All because you think it's murder. Many many many people don't see it that way

Are trumps nominees anti choice?

It's a life, a life is a life, is a life. I don't care if you have an abortion, that is between you and your higher being. Where have I stated I wanted you to do anything. I simply asked when life began and you get all hostile. Not sure why you care? You said you don't. Yet, you

If you want to take a life, that is up to you but at least be honest about what you are doing.

I don't know where Trump stands on the issue, nor do I care. He is a corrupt as your hero Hillary.
So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.

it;s not about when "life" begins. you don't care about "life" or you wouldn't believe i the death penalty.

either way....constitutionally protected right.. mind your own business. you don't like abortions, don't have one.

Your decision to have an abortion or not is not mine to make. It is your decision and you have to answer to your greater power. I do care about life and I am for the death penalty in certain circumstances. Of course you are a person known for giving snarky and thoughtless answers. Thanks for living up to your low reputation.
Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me". And it is her decisions to make. Let's keep it that way.

I care about life too. That young girl who has no business birthing a human. I don't want to sentence her to a life of poverty. And that person you put to death was her son.

That is your opinion. You want to take a life fine, as you said not my business however I can have an opinion about those who support or will have an abortion.
Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me".
You form the basis of your policies and beliefs on Tupac fucking Shakur?!? :eusa_doh:

Wow does that explain a lot.

My you know who says "only God can judge me"? Assholes like Tupac who spend their life smoking crack, selling heroin, shooting people, and raping women. You know - people who can't afford to be judged.

Do you know what decent, respectable people say? Bring it, baby! Here I am - come judge me. "Only God can judge me" is the battle cry of the dirt-bags and the thugs.

Well you know Tupac is all wise and all knowing, druggies flock to him.
Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me".
You form the basis of your policies and beliefs on Tupac fucking Shakur?!? :eusa_doh:

Wow does that explain a lot.

My you know who says "only God can judge me"? Assholes like Tupac who spend their life smoking crack, selling heroin, shooting people, and raping women. You know - people who can't afford to be judged.

Do you know what decent, respectable people say? Bring it, baby! Here I am - come judge me. "Only God can judge me" is the battle cry of the dirt-bags and the thugs.

Well you know Tupac is all wise and all knowing, druggies flock to him.
I'm for women like Afenia shakur having abortions. For every 1 tupac how many bad citizens are raised?

I hate to pick on blacks but imagine how much better off Detroit would be if no unplanned pregnancies happened.
Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me".
You form the basis of your policies and beliefs on Tupac fucking Shakur?!? :eusa_doh:

Wow does that explain a lot.

My you know who says "only God can judge me"? Assholes like Tupac who spend their life smoking crack, selling heroin, shooting people, and raping women. You know - people who can't afford to be judged.

Do you know what decent, respectable people say? Bring it, baby! Here I am - come judge me. "Only God can judge me" is the battle cry of the dirt-bags and the thugs.

Well you know Tupac is all wise and all knowing, druggies flock to him.
I'm for women like Afenia shakur having abortions. For every 1 tupac how many bad citizens are raised?

I hate to pick on blacks but imagine how much better off Detroit would be if no unplanned pregnancies happened.

Racism is a liberal value. lol!
Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me".
You form the basis of your policies and beliefs on Tupac fucking Shakur?!? :eusa_doh:

Wow does that explain a lot.

My you know who says "only God can judge me"? Assholes like Tupac who spend their life smoking crack, selling heroin, shooting people, and raping women. You know - people who can't afford to be judged.

Do you know what decent, respectable people say? Bring it, baby! Here I am - come judge me. "Only God can judge me" is the battle cry of the dirt-bags and the thugs.

Well you know Tupac is all wise and all knowing, druggies flock to him.
I'm for women like Afenia shakur having abortions. For every 1 tupac how many bad citizens are raised?

I hate to pick on blacks but imagine how much better off Detroit would be if no unplanned pregnancies happened.

Racism is a liberal value. lol!
I'm just giving you an example of a poor person who would be dooming themselves to a life of poverty. I know middle age white women who got abortions when they were 17. They now have children that they had later when they were ready. To me it's unthinkable to think you would make abortion illegal and make them have those babies.

I wonder if women would be more careful if abortion weren't an option.
Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me".
You form the basis of your policies and beliefs on Tupac fucking Shakur?!? :eusa_doh:

Wow does that explain a lot.

My you know who says "only God can judge me"? Assholes like Tupac who spend their life smoking crack, selling heroin, shooting people, and raping women. You know - people who can't afford to be judged.

Do you know what decent, respectable people say? Bring it, baby! Here I am - come judge me. "Only God can judge me" is the battle cry of the dirt-bags and the thugs.

Well you know Tupac is all wise and all knowing, druggies flock to him.
I'm for women like Afenia shakur having abortions. For every 1 tupac how many bad citizens are raised?

I hate to pick on blacks but imagine how much better off Detroit would be if no unplanned pregnancies happened.

Racism is a liberal value. lol!
I'm just giving you an example of a poor person who would be dooming themselves to a life of poverty. I know middle age white women who got abortions when they were 17. They now have children that they had later when they were ready. To me it's unthinkable to think you would make abortion illegal and make them have those babies.

I wonder if women would be more careful if abortion weren't an option.

Where the hell did I say to make abortions illegal? Quit making bs up.

Again, You can have as many abortions as you want. That is between you and your greater being, what or whoever that maybe. You already stated it is taking a life. I am also allowed to have a negative opinion of those who choose to have an abortion or support abortions.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either
Science thinks you are an abomination. Any human that has such little regard for human life is just disturbed. I'm still wondering why liberals refuse to commit suicide when they insist that A.) life is not valuable and B.) we are "over populated anyway". So funny how they insist that there is a problem, they insist on being part of the problem, and they refuse to help be part of the solution.
Bull. We have less kids, wear condoms, take the pill, morning after pill, we get abortions, have gay sex and we are pro planned parenthood. What more do you want from us?

I'd rather off you than me.

I have a lot of regard for living human beings. More than you. You only care until they are born then fuck em.

then they rant about how they don't trust gubmint but think gubmint should control people's most personal decisions.


Says the closed minded liberal that refuses to admit that the other viewpoint even EXISTS.

Yes. Tupac said "only God can judge me".
You form the basis of your policies and beliefs on Tupac fucking Shakur?!? :eusa_doh:

Wow does that explain a lot.

My you know who says "only God can judge me"? Assholes like Tupac who spend their life smoking crack, selling heroin, shooting people, and raping women. You know - people who can't afford to be judged.

Do you know what decent, respectable people say? Bring it, baby! Here I am - come judge me. "Only God can judge me" is the battle cry of the dirt-bags and the thugs.

Well you know Tupac is all wise and all knowing, druggies flock to him.
I'm for women like Afenia shakur having abortions. For every 1 tupac how many bad citizens are raised?

I hate to pick on blacks but imagine how much better off Detroit would be if no unplanned pregnancies happened.

Racism is a liberal value. lol!
I'm just giving you an example of a poor person who would be dooming themselves to a life of poverty. I know middle age white women who got abortions when they were 17. They now have children that they had later when they were ready. To me it's unthinkable to think you would make abortion illegal and make them have those babies.

I wonder if women would be more careful if abortion weren't an option.

So when does life begin?
Late-term is defined as an abortion performed after viability of the fetus: If a pregnancy is farther than week 24, abortion is no longer an option. Currently 41 states have laws banning most post-viability abortions, according to Michigan State University

So what day does life begin and how do you know. You are citing law, not science.
Law. But science doesn't think it's a big deal to get an abortion either

So scientifically, when does life begin? You keep avoiding what should be a very easy question.

it;s not about when "life" begins. you don't care about "life" or you wouldn't believe i the death penalty.

either way....constitutionally protected right.. mind your own business. you don't like abortions, don't have one.

That is a Kindergarten answer.

The penalty for a crime describes the value society places on what is lost or hurt in the crime.

If the penalty for rape was a 20 dollar fine, you lefties would have no problem seeing that, correctly, as putting a low value on women and their Right to not be raped.

Try to be less dishonest.
I'm for women like Afenia shakur having abortions. For every 1 tupac how many bad citizens are raised?

I hate to pick on blacks but imagine how much better off Detroit would be if no unplanned pregnancies happened.
Tupac was a "bad citizen". He wasn't shot because he spent all night in church praying...
it;s not about when "life" begins. you don't care about "life" or you wouldn't believe i the death penalty.

either way....constitutionally protected right.. mind your own business. you don't like abortions, don't have one.
There is no "constitutional right" to abortions. Read the U.S. Constitution just once already.

And your death penalty argument is absurd. I care about life and I love the death penalty. There is no room in society for the animals that commit heinous crimes. It is a punishment. The question becomes - why do you believe in punishing babies? What heinous crime have they committed???
then they rant about how they don't trust gubmint but think gubmint should control people's most personal decisions.

Libererals rant about how government not only has the right to control everything and everyone, but also that they need to do it. That is - until they want to kill a baby. Then suddenly all of them become small government libertarians.


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