Black republicans...who are they really?

YOU cannot force women to be pregnant against their wills. You can think anything you want about them and their morals or lack of, but you do not have a right to force ANY women to go through an unwanted pregnancy!
This sounds racist.
Agreed because it is racist. nat4900 is labeling every conservative who happens to be black to be a hypocritical race traitor aka Uncle Tom.

He seems to sneer at the fact that some black people want to be independent and think for themselves instead of following the herd. Narrow minded apparently.

What would you call this black man?

What in the hell are you talking about? Black republicans just have a different standard and different views. Nothing to work yourself up into a tizzy over and start posting things that have nothing to do with the topic.

Are you claiming that black republicans are racist against themselves? Good Lord. You people are nucking futz, totally.
Nope, I believe in body sovereignty and it is up to the woman whether or not she is pregnant and nobody else.
So do I! And if a pregnant woman wants to put a gun to her head and pull the trigger while she's pregnant, you won't hear a peep out of me.

But she's not doing anything to her body during an abortion. It's not her arm sucked off with a vacuum. It's not her skull caved in with a clamp. It's totally disingenuous to say "it's her body" when the reality is it is the body and the life of a completely separate human being.

Pregnancy comes with risks. It is up to the individual woman whether or not she wants to risk her health. It's not up to you or me. Besides, shut up! You don't care about some strange woman's fetus! It's not your business.
So you support rape then right? "It's not your business" if one stranger rapes another. :eusa_doh:

What a silly ridiculous analogy. That is not body sovereignty.

Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy) is the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and be the exclusive controller of her or his own body and life.
And once again....I 100% support "body sovereignty". A woman can do whatever the hell she wants to her own body. She has no right to do something to someone else's body. The baby is not "her body". It is a completely separate body.
Nope, I believe in body sovereignty and it is up to the woman whether or not she is pregnant and nobody else.
So do I! And if a pregnant woman wants to put a gun to her head and pull the trigger while she's pregnant, you won't hear a peep out of me.

But she's not doing anything to her body during an abortion. It's not her arm sucked off with a vacuum. It's not her skull caved in with a clamp. It's totally disingenuous to say "it's her body" when the reality is it is the body and the life of a completely separate human being.

Pregnancy comes with risks. It is up to the individual woman whether or not she wants to risk her health. It's not up to you or me. Besides, shut up! You don't care about some strange woman's fetus! It's not your business.
So you support rape then right? "It's not your business" if one stranger rapes another. :eusa_doh:

What a silly ridiculous analogy. That is not body sovereignty.

Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy) is the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and be the exclusive controller of her or his own body and life.
And once again....I 100% support "body sovereignty". A woman can do whatever the hell she wants to her own body. She has no right to do something to someone else's body. The baby is not "her body". It is a completely separate body.

It's not a "baby." It is an embryo!
I'm just giving you an example of a poor person who would be dooming themselves to a life of poverty. I know middle age white women who got abortions when they were 17. They now have children that they had later when they were ready. To me it's unthinkable to think you would make abortion illegal and make them have those babies.

I wonder if women would be more careful if abortion weren't an option.
Hey.....drama queen....stop with the false narrative. Those women do not have to keep those babies and "live a life of poverty". They can put the baby up for adoption. And I guarantee there are some cases in which the father would love to raise their child.

Yes, but you cannot force women to take the risks of pregnancy against their wills. Abortion isn't something new. Women have been self aborting since ancient times. Personally, I wouldn't abort my baby, but that is not my or your decision to make for someone else's body.
That's exactly like a muslim saying "an honor killing is my decision to make". It just doesn't hold up. We protect victims in this country.

If you care so much about these poor babies why don't you offer free pre-natal care? That might make more women not want to abort.

Fourteen ways a fetus ISN’T a human:
14. If a fetus is a person then why don’t they issue conception certificates?

13. If a fetus is a person then why do they go to an OB/GYN for medical care instead of a pediatrician?

12. If a fetus is a person then why can’t we claim it on our taxes?

11. If a fetus is a person then why do we count age starting from birth?

10. If a fetus is a person then why is it often kept a secret for the first three months?

9. If a fetus is a person then why does “God” kill so many of them?

8. If a fetus is a person then why doesn’t it eat its own food?

7. If a fetus is a person then why does medicine put the life of the mother before that of the fetus?

6. If a fetus is a person then why can’t it live outside the womb for several months?

5. If a fetus is a person does that mean a pregnant woman is two people? Can she drive in the carpool lane? Can she buy two items when a store advertises “one per customer” sales?

4. If a fetus is a person, why would a politician even consider a rape or incest exception?

3. If a fetus is a person, why is no one (I shouldn’t speak too soon) suggesting the death penalty for women who have abortions?

2. If a fetus is a person then why is the smallest clothing size “newborn?”

1. If a fetus is a person then why aren’t adoptions finalized until after the baby is born?

In no way am I trivializing abortion. For most women, it’s a very difficult decision, but to take away that right to make that decision is to say that not only are fetuses people, their personhood takes precedence over the personhood of the woman and that is indefensible. And for dog’s sake, can we please stop calling people “pro-life” or even “pro-fetus?” Not one anti-choicer gives a damn about quality of life.
Nope, I believe in body sovereignty and it is up to the woman whether or not she is pregnant and nobody else.
So do I! And if a pregnant woman wants to put a gun to her head and pull the trigger while she's pregnant, you won't hear a peep out of me.

But she's not doing anything to her body during an abortion. It's not her arm sucked off with a vacuum. It's not her skull caved in with a clamp. It's totally disingenuous to say "it's her body" when the reality is it is the body and the life of a completely separate human being.

Pregnancy comes with risks. It is up to the individual woman whether or not she wants to risk her health. It's not up to you or me. Besides, shut up! You don't care about some strange woman's fetus! It's not your business.
So you support rape then right? "It's not your business" if one stranger rapes another. :eusa_doh:

What a silly ridiculous analogy. That is not body sovereignty.

Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy) is the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and be the exclusive controller of her or his own body and life.
And once again....I 100% support "body sovereignty". A woman can do whatever the hell she wants to her own body. She has no right to do something to someone else's body. The baby is not "her body". It is a completely separate body.

Then why do you agree with murdering babies who've been conceived from rape? I understand the woman doesn't want to raise or give birth to that child but the child is innocent. Why murder it for what the father did? Just have it and give it up for adoption.
So do I! And if a pregnant woman wants to put a gun to her head and pull the trigger while she's pregnant, you won't hear a peep out of me.

But she's not doing anything to her body during an abortion. It's not her arm sucked off with a vacuum. It's not her skull caved in with a clamp. It's totally disingenuous to say "it's her body" when the reality is it is the body and the life of a completely separate human being.

Pregnancy comes with risks. It is up to the individual woman whether or not she wants to risk her health. It's not up to you or me. Besides, shut up! You don't care about some strange woman's fetus! It's not your business.
So you support rape then right? "It's not your business" if one stranger rapes another. :eusa_doh:

What a silly ridiculous analogy. That is not body sovereignty.

Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy) is the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and be the exclusive controller of her or his own body and life.
And once again....I 100% support "body sovereignty". A woman can do whatever the hell she wants to her own body. She has no right to do something to someone else's body. The baby is not "her body". It is a completely separate body.

It's not a "baby." It is an embryo!
And what is an "embryo"? A Ford F-150? :eusa_doh:
If you care so much about these poor babies why don't you offer free pre-natal care? That might make more women not want to abort.

Fourteen ways a fetus ISN’T a human:
14. If a fetus is a person then why don’t they issue conception certificates?
What purpose would that serve? We could do it - but why? If that will stop abortion - we'll start doing it.
13. If a fetus is a person then why do they go to an OB/GYN for medical care instead of a pediatrician?
Why doesn't an adult go to a pediatrician? :eusa_doh: We have different specialists for different stages of life.
12. If a fetus is a person then why can’t we claim it on our taxes?
Why can't I claim my dog on our taxes? We could - but greedy liberals choose not to make that an option so as much money as possible is consumed by the government.
11. If a fetus is a person then why do we count age starting from birth?
Again...because we choose to. Why do we call the ocean the "ocean" and not the "splifelhouser"? None of your questions are science - they are stupid ass "why do we call a house a house".
10. If a fetus is a person then why is it often kept a secret for the first three months?
Personal choice (again) :eusa_doh:
9. If a fetus is a person then why does “God” kill so many of them?
Bwahahahaha! Do you have any idea how many children die every year? Are children not people in your mind as well?
8. If a fetus is a person then why doesn’t it eat its own food?
Uh...what? A newborn "eats" "food" from its mother. And because at that stage of life - it can't. Guess what - all of my grandparents and aunts & uncles were unable to get out of bed at the end of their life. Since they couldn't walk - does that mean they ceased to be people? Should we have put a gun in their mouth and pulled the fucking trigger? There are different challenges for the human body at different stages of life - none of which dictate whether you are living or not. Who decided that the ability to chew your own food dictates whether you are a person or not?
7. If a fetus is a person then why does medicine put the life of the mother before that of the fetus?
Because the mother is a more established life form with not only better chances of survival but also existing responsibilities (such as other children to care for).
6. If a fetus is a person then why can’t it live outside the womb for several months?
Neither can a person on life support. Are they not people as well?
5. If a fetus is a person does that mean a pregnant woman is two people? Can she drive in the carpool lane? Can she buy two items when a store advertises “one per customer” sales?
Not if one understands the actual intent of car pool lanes and one per customers sales. :eusa_doh:
4. If a fetus is a person, why would a politician even consider a rape or incest exception?
For the same reason murder is against the law while capital punishment isn't. We have different standards for criminal acts.
3. If a fetus is a person, why is no one (I shouldn’t speak too soon) suggesting the death penalty for women who have abortions?
Well this is extra special stupid. Does everyone involved in a murder get the death penalty? The death penalty is usually reserved for people who commit mass murders or are serial killers. Killing one person almost never ends in the death penalty. Hell, killing three or four people almost never ends in the death penalty. Just ask all of the crips and the bloods sitting in prison right now.
2. If a fetus is a person then why is the smallest clothing size “newborn?”
Because you can't reach up into the uterus to put a onesie on a baby :eusa_doh:
1. If a fetus is a person then why aren’t adoptions finalized until after the baby is born?
Because some crazy bitch could decide to kill the baby. Also - a baby at that stage is extremely vulnerable and can die from a number of reasons.
In no way am I trivializing abortion. For most women, it’s a very difficult decision, but to take away that right to make that decision is to say that not only are fetuses people, their personhood takes precedence over the personhood of the woman and that is indefensible. And for dog’s sake, can we please stop calling people “pro-life” or even “pro-fetus?” Not one anti-choicer gives a damn about quality of life.
Answers above. Do liberal as give any thought at all before speaking? Those were some of the dumbest questions I have ever seen. They were very easy to answer. You liberals have to do MUCH better than that.

Incidentally - can we please stop calling it "pro-choice" and call it exactly what it is: pro-murder. You people are all so disingenuous with your labels.
YOU cannot force women to be pregnant against their wills. You can think anything you want about them and their morals or lack of, but you do not have a right to force ANY women to go through an unwanted pregnancy!
Again....this is just as stupid as saying "you cannot force a man not to commit rape. You do not have the right to prevent him from fulfilling his biological urges". We protect victims in this country.

A woman can do anything she wants to her own body - including committing suicide while she's pregnant to terminate the pregnancy. But she has no right to harm another person or their body. Period.
This sounds racist.
Agreed because it is racist. nat4900 is labeling every conservative who happens to be black to be a hypocritical race traitor aka Uncle Tom.

He seems to sneer at the fact that some black people want to be independent and think for themselves instead of following the herd. Narrow minded apparently.

What would you call this black man?

What in the hell are you talking about? Black republicans just have a different standard and different views. Nothing to work yourself up into a tizzy over and start posting things that have nothing to do with the topic.

Are you claiming that black republicans are racist against themselves? Good Lord. You people are nucking futz, totally.

What made me think of this skit was the idea that a successful black who lived in the ghetto and experienced racism
If you care so much about these poor babies why don't you offer free pre-natal care? That might make more women not want to abort.

Fourteen ways a fetus ISN’T a human:
14. If a fetus is a person then why don’t they issue conception certificates?
What purpose would that serve? We could do it - but why? If that will stop abortion - we'll start doing it.
13. If a fetus is a person then why do they go to an OB/GYN for medical care instead of a pediatrician?
Why doesn't an adult go to a pediatrician? :eusa_doh: We have different specialists for different stages of life.
12. If a fetus is a person then why can’t we claim it on our taxes?
Why can't I claim my dog on our taxes? We could - but greedy liberals choose not to make that an option so as much money as possible is consumed by the government.
11. If a fetus is a person then why do we count age starting from birth?
Again...because we choose to. Why do we call the ocean the "ocean" and not the "splifelhouser"? None of your questions are science - they are stupid ass "why do we call a house a house".
10. If a fetus is a person then why is it often kept a secret for the first three months?
Personal choice (again) :eusa_doh:
9. If a fetus is a person then why does “God” kill so many of them?
Bwahahahaha! Do you have any idea how many children die every year? Are children not people in your mind as well?
8. If a fetus is a person then why doesn’t it eat its own food?
Uh...what? A newborn "eats" "food" from its mother. And because at that stage of life - it can't. Guess what - all of my grandparents and aunts & uncles were unable to get out of bed at the end of their life. Since they couldn't walk - does that mean they ceased to be people? Should we have put a gun in their mouth and pulled the fucking trigger? There are different challenges for the human body at different stages of life - none of which dictate whether you are living or not. Who decided that the ability to chew your own food dictates whether you are a person or not?
7. If a fetus is a person then why does medicine put the life of the mother before that of the fetus?
Because the mother is a more established life form with not only better chances of survival but also existing responsibilities (such as other children to care for).
6. If a fetus is a person then why can’t it live outside the womb for several months?
Neither can a person on life support. Are they not people as well?
5. If a fetus is a person does that mean a pregnant woman is two people? Can she drive in the carpool lane? Can she buy two items when a store advertises “one per customer” sales?
Not if one understands the actual intent of car pool lanes and one per customers sales. :eusa_doh:
4. If a fetus is a person, why would a politician even consider a rape or incest exception?
For the same reason murder is against the law while capital punishment isn't. We have different standards for criminal acts.
3. If a fetus is a person, why is no one (I shouldn’t speak too soon) suggesting the death penalty for women who have abortions?
Well this is extra special stupid. Does everyone involved in a murder get the death penalty? The death penalty is usually reserved for people who commit mass murders or are serial killers. Killing one person almost never ends in the death penalty. Hell, killing three or four people almost never ends in the death penalty. Just ask all of the crips and the bloods sitting in prison right now.
2. If a fetus is a person then why is the smallest clothing size “newborn?”
Because you can't reach up into the uterus to put a onesie on a baby :eusa_doh:
1. If a fetus is a person then why aren’t adoptions finalized until after the baby is born?
Because some crazy bitch could decide to kill the baby. Also - a baby at that stage is extremely vulnerable and can die from a number of reasons.
In no way am I trivializing abortion. For most women, it’s a very difficult decision, but to take away that right to make that decision is to say that not only are fetuses people, their personhood takes precedence over the personhood of the woman and that is indefensible. And for dog’s sake, can we please stop calling people “pro-life” or even “pro-fetus?” Not one anti-choicer gives a damn about quality of life.
Answers above. Do liberal as give any thought at all before speaking? Those were some of the dumbest questions I have ever seen. They were very easy to answer. You liberals have to do MUCH better than that.

Incidentally - can we please stop calling it "pro-choice" and call it exactly what it is: pro-murder. You people are all so disingenuous with your labels.

Uh, my mom is dying of Alzheimers right now. She's suffering. They are now giving her morphine every 2 hours. If they didn't she would live a lot longer but she would suffer. If they allowed a kill pill we would probably have given it to her last night. California and Oregon are doing the right thing allowing assisted suicide.

And no we don't have to do any better than we already have. We've already won this argument. It is you who's trying to start the fight all over again. It is YOU who has to be more convincing because you lost this argument 43 years ago. Get over it.

Here are 11 appalling laws pushed by right-wing Republican nutters near you

Republicans Introduce An Anti-Abortion Bill So Extreme That GOP Women In Congress Are Revolting

But no worries because all your anti choice bills are unconstitutional. Maybe if Trump appoints a couple right wing wack jobs maybe the country will move in your favor? I doubt it.
YOU cannot force women to be pregnant against their wills. You can think anything you want about them and their morals or lack of, but you do not have a right to force ANY women to go through an unwanted pregnancy!
Again....this is just as stupid as saying "you cannot force a man not to commit rape. You do not have the right to prevent him from fulfilling his biological urges". We protect victims in this country.

A woman can do anything she wants to her own body - including committing suicide while she's pregnant to terminate the pregnancy. But she has no right to harm another person or their body. Period.
The beginning of human personhood is the moment when a human is first recognized as a person. There are differences of opinion as to the precise time when human personhood begins and the nature of that status. The issue arises in a number of fields including science, religion, philosophy, and law, and is most acute in debates relating to abortion, stem cell research, reproductive rights, and fetal rights.

I'm ok with science experimenting on this

This sounds racist.
Agreed because it is racist. nat4900 is labeling every conservative who happens to be black to be a hypocritical race traitor aka Uncle Tom.

He seems to sneer at the fact that some black people want to be independent and think for themselves instead of following the herd. Narrow minded apparently.

What would you call this black man?

What in the hell are you talking about? Black republicans just have a different standard and different views. Nothing to work yourself up into a tizzy over and start posting things that have nothing to do with the topic.

Are you claiming that black republicans are racist against themselves? Good Lord. You people are nucking futz, totally.

What made me think of this skit was the idea that a successful black who lived in the ghetto and experienced racism
If you care so much about these poor babies why don't you offer free pre-natal care? That might make more women not want to abort.

Fourteen ways a fetus ISN’T a human:
14. If a fetus is a person then why don’t they issue conception certificates?
What purpose would that serve? We could do it - but why? If that will stop abortion - we'll start doing it.
13. If a fetus is a person then why do they go to an OB/GYN for medical care instead of a pediatrician?
Why doesn't an adult go to a pediatrician? :eusa_doh: We have different specialists for different stages of life.
12. If a fetus is a person then why can’t we claim it on our taxes?
Why can't I claim my dog on our taxes? We could - but greedy liberals choose not to make that an option so as much money as possible is consumed by the government.
11. If a fetus is a person then why do we count age starting from birth?
Again...because we choose to. Why do we call the ocean the "ocean" and not the "splifelhouser"? None of your questions are science - they are stupid ass "why do we call a house a house".
10. If a fetus is a person then why is it often kept a secret for the first three months?
Personal choice (again) :eusa_doh:
9. If a fetus is a person then why does “God” kill so many of them?
Bwahahahaha! Do you have any idea how many children die every year? Are children not people in your mind as well?
8. If a fetus is a person then why doesn’t it eat its own food?
Uh...what? A newborn "eats" "food" from its mother. And because at that stage of life - it can't. Guess what - all of my grandparents and aunts & uncles were unable to get out of bed at the end of their life. Since they couldn't walk - does that mean they ceased to be people? Should we have put a gun in their mouth and pulled the fucking trigger? There are different challenges for the human body at different stages of life - none of which dictate whether you are living or not. Who decided that the ability to chew your own food dictates whether you are a person or not?
7. If a fetus is a person then why does medicine put the life of the mother before that of the fetus?
Because the mother is a more established life form with not only better chances of survival but also existing responsibilities (such as other children to care for).
6. If a fetus is a person then why can’t it live outside the womb for several months?
Neither can a person on life support. Are they not people as well?
5. If a fetus is a person does that mean a pregnant woman is two people? Can she drive in the carpool lane? Can she buy two items when a store advertises “one per customer” sales?
Not if one understands the actual intent of car pool lanes and one per customers sales. :eusa_doh:
4. If a fetus is a person, why would a politician even consider a rape or incest exception?
For the same reason murder is against the law while capital punishment isn't. We have different standards for criminal acts.
3. If a fetus is a person, why is no one (I shouldn’t speak too soon) suggesting the death penalty for women who have abortions?
Well this is extra special stupid. Does everyone involved in a murder get the death penalty? The death penalty is usually reserved for people who commit mass murders or are serial killers. Killing one person almost never ends in the death penalty. Hell, killing three or four people almost never ends in the death penalty. Just ask all of the crips and the bloods sitting in prison right now.
2. If a fetus is a person then why is the smallest clothing size “newborn?”
Because you can't reach up into the uterus to put a onesie on a baby :eusa_doh:
1. If a fetus is a person then why aren’t adoptions finalized until after the baby is born?
Because some crazy bitch could decide to kill the baby. Also - a baby at that stage is extremely vulnerable and can die from a number of reasons.
In no way am I trivializing abortion. For most women, it’s a very difficult decision, but to take away that right to make that decision is to say that not only are fetuses people, their personhood takes precedence over the personhood of the woman and that is indefensible. And for dog’s sake, can we please stop calling people “pro-life” or even “pro-fetus?” Not one anti-choicer gives a damn about quality of life.
Answers above. Do liberal as give any thought at all before speaking? Those were some of the dumbest questions I have ever seen. They were very easy to answer. You liberals have to do MUCH better than that.

Incidentally - can we please stop calling it "pro-choice" and call it exactly what it is: pro-murder. You people are all so disingenuous with your labels.

Uh, my mom is dying of Alzheimers right now. She's suffering. They are now giving her morphine every 2 hours. If they didn't she would live a lot longer but she would suffer. If they allowed a kill pill we would probably have given it to her last night. California and Oregon are doing the right thing allowing assisted suicide.

And no we don't have to do any better than we already have. We've already won this argument. It is you who's trying to start the fight all over again. It is YOU who has to be more convincing because you lost this argument 43 years ago. Get over it.

Here are 11 appalling laws pushed by right-wing Republican nutters near you

Republicans Introduce An Anti-Abortion Bill So Extreme That GOP Women In Congress Are Revolting

But no worries because all your anti choice bills are unconstitutional. Maybe if Trump appoints a couple right wing wack jobs maybe the country will move in your favor? I doubt it.

But you didn't answer any of my questions. I answered all of yours. Because my grandparents literally couldn't get out of bed - does that make them cease to be people?
Agreed because it is racist. nat4900 is labeling every conservative who happens to be black to be a hypocritical race traitor aka Uncle Tom.

He seems to sneer at the fact that some black people want to be independent and think for themselves instead of following the herd. Narrow minded apparently.

What would you call this black man?

What in the hell are you talking about? Black republicans just have a different standard and different views. Nothing to work yourself up into a tizzy over and start posting things that have nothing to do with the topic.

Are you claiming that black republicans are racist against themselves? Good Lord. You people are nucking futz, totally.

What made me think of this skit was the idea that a successful black who lived in the ghetto and experienced racism
If you care so much about these poor babies why don't you offer free pre-natal care? That might make more women not want to abort.

Fourteen ways a fetus ISN’T a human:
14. If a fetus is a person then why don’t they issue conception certificates?
What purpose would that serve? We could do it - but why? If that will stop abortion - we'll start doing it.
13. If a fetus is a person then why do they go to an OB/GYN for medical care instead of a pediatrician?
Why doesn't an adult go to a pediatrician? :eusa_doh: We have different specialists for different stages of life.
12. If a fetus is a person then why can’t we claim it on our taxes?
Why can't I claim my dog on our taxes? We could - but greedy liberals choose not to make that an option so as much money as possible is consumed by the government.
11. If a fetus is a person then why do we count age starting from birth?
Again...because we choose to. Why do we call the ocean the "ocean" and not the "splifelhouser"? None of your questions are science - they are stupid ass "why do we call a house a house".
10. If a fetus is a person then why is it often kept a secret for the first three months?
Personal choice (again) :eusa_doh:
9. If a fetus is a person then why does “God” kill so many of them?
Bwahahahaha! Do you have any idea how many children die every year? Are children not people in your mind as well?
8. If a fetus is a person then why doesn’t it eat its own food?
Uh...what? A newborn "eats" "food" from its mother. And because at that stage of life - it can't. Guess what - all of my grandparents and aunts & uncles were unable to get out of bed at the end of their life. Since they couldn't walk - does that mean they ceased to be people? Should we have put a gun in their mouth and pulled the fucking trigger? There are different challenges for the human body at different stages of life - none of which dictate whether you are living or not. Who decided that the ability to chew your own food dictates whether you are a person or not?
7. If a fetus is a person then why does medicine put the life of the mother before that of the fetus?
Because the mother is a more established life form with not only better chances of survival but also existing responsibilities (such as other children to care for).
6. If a fetus is a person then why can’t it live outside the womb for several months?
Neither can a person on life support. Are they not people as well?
5. If a fetus is a person does that mean a pregnant woman is two people? Can she drive in the carpool lane? Can she buy two items when a store advertises “one per customer” sales?
Not if one understands the actual intent of car pool lanes and one per customers sales. :eusa_doh:
4. If a fetus is a person, why would a politician even consider a rape or incest exception?
For the same reason murder is against the law while capital punishment isn't. We have different standards for criminal acts.
3. If a fetus is a person, why is no one (I shouldn’t speak too soon) suggesting the death penalty for women who have abortions?
Well this is extra special stupid. Does everyone involved in a murder get the death penalty? The death penalty is usually reserved for people who commit mass murders or are serial killers. Killing one person almost never ends in the death penalty. Hell, killing three or four people almost never ends in the death penalty. Just ask all of the crips and the bloods sitting in prison right now.
2. If a fetus is a person then why is the smallest clothing size “newborn?”
Because you can't reach up into the uterus to put a onesie on a baby :eusa_doh:
1. If a fetus is a person then why aren’t adoptions finalized until after the baby is born?
Because some crazy bitch could decide to kill the baby. Also - a baby at that stage is extremely vulnerable and can die from a number of reasons.
In no way am I trivializing abortion. For most women, it’s a very difficult decision, but to take away that right to make that decision is to say that not only are fetuses people, their personhood takes precedence over the personhood of the woman and that is indefensible. And for dog’s sake, can we please stop calling people “pro-life” or even “pro-fetus?” Not one anti-choicer gives a damn about quality of life.
Answers above. Do liberal as give any thought at all before speaking? Those were some of the dumbest questions I have ever seen. They were very easy to answer. You liberals have to do MUCH better than that.

Incidentally - can we please stop calling it "pro-choice" and call it exactly what it is: pro-murder. You people are all so disingenuous with your labels.

Uh, my mom is dying of Alzheimers right now. She's suffering. They are now giving her morphine every 2 hours. If they didn't she would live a lot longer but she would suffer. If they allowed a kill pill we would probably have given it to her last night. California and Oregon are doing the right thing allowing assisted suicide.

And no we don't have to do any better than we already have. We've already won this argument. It is you who's trying to start the fight all over again. It is YOU who has to be more convincing because you lost this argument 43 years ago. Get over it.

Here are 11 appalling laws pushed by right-wing Republican nutters near you

Republicans Introduce An Anti-Abortion Bill So Extreme That GOP Women In Congress Are Revolting

But no worries because all your anti choice bills are unconstitutional. Maybe if Trump appoints a couple right wing wack jobs maybe the country will move in your favor? I doubt it.

But you didn't answer any of my questions. I answered all of yours. Because my grandparents literally couldn't get out of bed - does that make them cease to be people?

It doesn't matter. Assume I agree with you. Doesn't mean I want to make little betty lou or lashaundra have a baby they don't want to have. They didn't murder anyone.

You have to realize there are religious thinkers and scientific thinkers. When I see a 1000 turtles hatch from their eggs and they are trying to get to the ocean and seagulls swoop in and eat most of them, that's life. I actually feel more sorry for those turtles because they were born and didn't make it. The little seed that's sucked out of a woman isn't a living thing yet. Not with feelings and emotions. You can't hurt an embryo.
It doesn't matter. Assume I agree with you. Doesn't mean I want to make little betty lou or lashaundra have a baby they don't want to have. They didn't murder anyone.

It doesn't matter if someone believes whether or not the ability to get out of bed quantifies whether or not an elderly person is still in fact a person?!? Jesus...if that doesn't matter in your mind....what the fuck does matter?!? You're just trying to run from it because it illustrates your absurd bullet point about a baby not being able to eat. Just admit that the entire 14 questions were absurd. There was no basis in logic or reality.

You have to realize there are religious thinkers and scientific thinkers. When I see a 1000 turtles hatch from their eggs and they are trying to get to the ocean and seagulls swoop in and eat most of them, that's life. I actually feel more sorry for those turtles because they were born and didn't make it. The little seed that's sucked out of a woman isn't a living thing yet. Not with feelings and emotions. You can't hurt an embryo.
Yeah...and then there are Dumbocrats. People who don't think at all. Everything is emotional with them. Which explains two things: why they are incapable of defending their position and why they get so aggravated when asked to.

Because they are all emotion. Not logic. No reason. No science. No facts. Pure emotion.
And what is an "embryo"? A Ford F-150? :eusa_doh:
Fetal development: The 1st trimester - Mayo Clinic
Weeks 1 and 2: Getting ready

It might seem strange, but you're not actually pregnant the first week or two of the time allotted to your pregnancy. Yes, you read that correctly!

Conception typically occurs about two weeks after your last period begins. To calculate your due date, your health care provider will count ahead 40 weeks from the start of your last period. This means your period is counted as part of your pregnancy — even though you weren't pregnant at the time.

Week 3: Fertilization

The sperm and egg unite in one of your fallopian tubes to form a one-celled entity called a zygote. If more than one egg is released and fertilized, you might have multiple zygotes.

The zygote typically has 46 chromosomes — 23 from you and 23 from the father. These chromosomes help determine your baby's sex, traits such as eye and hair color, and, to some extent, personality and intelligence.

Soon after fertilization, the zygote travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. At the same time, it will begin dividing to form a cluster of cells resembling a tiny raspberry — a morula.

Week 4: Implantation

By the time it reaches the uterus, the rapidly dividing ball of cells — now known as a blastocyst — has separated into two sections.

The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it. On contact, the blastocyst will burrow into the uterine wall for nourishment. This process is called implantation.

The placenta, which will nourish your baby throughout the pregnancy, also begins to form.

Week 5: The embryonic period begins

The fifth week of pregnancy, or the third week after conception, marks the beginning of the embryonic period. This is when the baby's brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs begin to form.

The embryo is now made of three layers. The top layer — the ectoderm — will give rise to your baby's outermost layer of skin, central and peripheral nervous systems, eyes, inner ears, and many connective tissues.

Your baby's heart and a primitive circulatory system will form in the middle layer of cells — the mesoderm. This layer of cells will also serve as the foundation for your baby's bones, muscles, kidneys and much of the reproductive system.

The inner layer of cells — the endoderm — will become a simple tube lined with mucous membranes. Your baby's lungs, intestines and bladder will develop here.

By the end of this week, your baby is likely about the size of the tip of a pen.
Pregnancy comes with risks. It is up to the individual woman whether or not she wants to risk her health. It's not up to you or me. Besides, shut up! You don't care about some strange woman's fetus! It's not your business.
So you support rape then right? "It's not your business" if one stranger rapes another. :eusa_doh:

What a silly ridiculous analogy. That is not body sovereignty.

Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy) is the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and be the exclusive controller of her or his own body and life.
And once again....I 100% support "body sovereignty". A woman can do whatever the hell she wants to her own body. She has no right to do something to someone else's body. The baby is not "her body". It is a completely separate body.

It's not a "baby." It is an embryo!
And what is an "embryo"? A Ford F-150? :eusa_doh:

An embryo is a clump of cells. It has no consciousness and is not a "person" yet. I am supportive of limiting elective abortion to the first trimester though.
YOU cannot force women to be pregnant against their wills. You can think anything you want about them and their morals or lack of, but you do not have a right to force ANY women to go through an unwanted pregnancy!
Again....this is just as stupid as saying "you cannot force a man not to commit rape. You do not have the right to prevent him from fulfilling his biological urges". We protect victims in this country.

A woman can do anything she wants to her own body - including committing suicide while she's pregnant to terminate the pregnancy. But she has no right to harm another person or their body. Period.

Now, THIS is stupid and ignorant. Sorry but you cannot force women to be pregnant against their will. End of story.

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