Black republicans...who are they really?

This is true, no one has the right to force anyone through a pregnancy. But at the same time it is the easy way out and human nature always finds the easy way out. And the price the pay is the innocent child's burden.
That is why no one's going to be forcing anyone through any pregnancy as it should be.

An embryo is NOT a child.
Science has no Authority on the matter.
Just as I will not tell you what a child is or is not... you also will not tell someone else what a child is or is not.
My personal view I cannot blame the only truly innocent party in an abortion, the baby. The one that has truly no fault in the matter but pays the ultimate price... That's just me.

Right, and you can apply your standards when it comes to yourself but not to other people. I don't "blame" the unborn either. It's just not your or my decision to make for a complete stranger. You cannot apply your morals to someone else's life.
I don't care if someone wants to abort day of delivery, if they don't like the babies sex, color of their skin, or just the timing is off. It should never be a federal government issue...
Any involvement of the federal government on personal issues - I don't care if it's financial, abortion, First Amendment, Second Amendment they're always in the wrong.

Well, you are entitled to your own opinions, as am I.
Abortion is a much better dealt with as a states issue. Say, If California wants to abort for any reason at any time fine, and that's your view live there. Say, If Idaho wants to put in place all abortions illegal except incest and rape fine, And that's your huckleberry go live there.
The more we keep the federal government out of our personal lives in All aspects the better... No one wants a fucked up career politician in their bedroom.
The federal government has spent this country into oblivion... And They have and will do that with every other aspect of life, that's what they do they fuck peoples lives over.
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It is not relevant. What is relevant is that it is a very personal choice and has nothing to do with you or your feelings. You are irrelevant in someone else's life and lifestyle.
Right. So then you support rape. You're feelings about rape are irrelevant to the rapists desire to rape. That is his lifestyle. Who are you to impose your own "morals" on him? :eusa_doh:

Stop being an idiot.
Stop being an idiot = damn, my own position is irrational and I can't refute that it is irrational
Science has no Authority on the matter......

God created mankind with a brain. The expectation is that mankind would use that brain.

Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

God created the Universe and all the physical laws within it. The study of those laws is called "science". Ergo, the study of science is divine because it is studying God's Universe.

Therefore, Science is an authority in that it gives us a better understanding of the facts involved within God's creation.
Science is just that, just science - it has no moral component to it nor should it.
I don't care if someone wants to abort day of delivery, if they don't like the babies sex, color of their skin, or just the timing is off. It should never be a federal government issue...
Any involvement of the federal government on personal issues - I don't care if it's financial, abortion, First Amendment, Second Amendment they're always in the wrong.
An interesting position. So you support a woman's right to choose without interference of the law. Fascinating.

I, OTOH, understand that what started out as a zygote eventually can become a human being. The current crossover point is 24 weeks, but that's an average. Our science isn't good enough to define when a fetus actually becomes a human being except within the average of 24 weeks but I will support a 24 week limit on abortion.
Abortion is a much better dealt with as a states issue. Say, If California wants to abort for any reason at any time fine, and that's your view live there. Say, If Idaho wants to put in place all abortions illegal except incest and rape fine, And that's your huckleberry go live there.
The more we keep the federal government out of our personal lives in All aspects the better... No one wants a fucked up career politician in their bedroom.
The federal government has spent this country into oblivion... And They will do that with every other aspect of life, that's what they do they fuck peoples lives over.
Boom! The 10th Amendment. That's exactly how the U.S. was intended to operate. Sadly, the cancer known as liberalism has destroyed that.

We were intended to be 50 individual states operating independently. The citizens of each state deciding for themselves what kind of world they wanted to live in. California could be a shit hole of socialist liberalism with state funded health care, housing, etc., while Texas could be a bastion of individualism.

That's one reason I actually hope that Donald Trump wins this election (as much as I can't stand the dirt-bag). Aside from Hitlery being one of the worst candidates ever, the fact that Dumbocrats shredded the Constitution and consolidated all power in Washington D.C. means that they will end up suffering the most under Donald Trump and that makes me smile.
I don't care if someone wants to abort day of delivery, if they don't like the babies sex, color of their skin, or just the timing is off. It should never be a federal government issue...
Any involvement of the federal government on personal issues - I don't care if it's financial, abortion, First Amendment, Second Amendment they're always in the wrong.
An interesting position. So you support a woman's right to choose without interference of the law. Fascinating.

I, OTOH, understand that what started out as a zygote eventually can become a human being. The current crossover point is 24 weeks, but that's an average. Our science isn't good enough to define when a fetus actually becomes a human being except within the average of 24 weeks but I will support a 24 week limit on abortion.
It should be a states issue... The federal government is insistent the population to be drones and/or lemmings.
Contrary to the government's position we are not all in this together there is such a thing as the individual. No doubt the enemy of the individual is socialism.
The fact remains embryo, fetus or whatever if let alone it will become a child and up to the moment a delivery they are the most innocent of us. The Bible says not one of us are not born without sin, this is true. But the unborn child has not been given a chance to fuck up on its own yet, thus the most innocent of us.
Abortion is a much better dealt with as a states issue. Say, If California wants to abort for any reason at any time fine, and that's your view live there. Say, If Idaho wants to put in place all abortions illegal except incest and rape fine, And that's your huckleberry go live there.
The more we keep the federal government out of our personal lives in All aspects the better... No one wants a fucked up career politician in their bedroom.
The federal government has spent this country into oblivion... And They will do that with every other aspect of life, that's what they do they fuck peoples lives over.
Boom! The 10th Amendment. That's exactly how the U.S. was intended to operate. Sadly, the cancer known as liberalism has destroyed that.

We were intended to be 50 individual states operating independently. The citizens of each state deciding for themselves what kind of world they wanted to live in. California could be a shit hole of socialist liberalism with state funded health care, housing, etc., while Texas could be a bastion of individualism.

That's one reason I actually hope that Donald Trump wins this election (as much as I can't stand the dirt-bag). Aside from Hitlery being one of the worst candidates ever, the fact that Dumbocrats shredded the Constitution and consolidated all power in Washington D.C. means that they will end up suffering the most under Donald Trump and that makes me smile.
Sorry to say the 10th admendment is nonexistent in spineless politically correct America. Political correctness and its spinelessness with the warm and fuzzy feelings that want everyone to get along and if they don't get along they will force them to get along - via - the federal government. Lol
Getting along has always been overrated...
Abortion is a much better dealt with as a states issue. Say, If California wants to abort for any reason at any time fine, and that's your view live there. Say, If Idaho wants to put in place all abortions illegal except incest and rape fine, And that's your huckleberry go live there.
The more we keep the federal government out of our personal lives in All aspects the better... No one wants a fucked up career politician in their bedroom.
The federal government has spent this country into oblivion... And They have and will do that with every other aspect of life, that's what they do they fuck peoples lives over.
While I tend to agree with you on more state control and less federal, the results will be akin to divorce in the 1960s. Like marriage, divorce is under jurisdiction of the states (as long as it is Constitutional, namely 14th Amendment). Some states only granted divorce under very narrow circumstances, others were much more lenient. Hence why many couples to "head to Vegas for a quicky divorce".

In the end, I doubt most states would ban abortion and some might even be much more lenient about it than others. Anyone with a car or bus fare could go to those states.

IMHO, instead of focusing on banning or restricting abortion, our time and money would be better spent on minimizing unwanted pregnancies thereby avoiding or minimizing the problem/controversy of abortion.
Sorry to say the 10th admendment is nonexistent in spineless politically correct America. Political correctness and its spinelessness with the warm and fuzzy feelings that want everyone to get along and if they don't get along they will force them to get along - via - the federal government. Lol
Getting along has always been overrated...
It's time to bring the 10th Amendment back. It is the law. We should, as a nation, bring it back by force if necessary. It is 100% legal to enforce the U.S. Constitution.
Abortion is a much better dealt with as a states issue. Say, If California wants to abort for any reason at any time fine, and that's your view live there. Say, If Idaho wants to put in place all abortions illegal except incest and rape fine, And that's your huckleberry go live there.
The more we keep the federal government out of our personal lives in All aspects the better... No one wants a fucked up career politician in their bedroom.
The federal government has spent this country into oblivion... And They have and will do that with every other aspect of life, that's what they do they fuck peoples lives over.
While I tend to agree with you on more state control and less federal, the results will be akin to divorce in the 1960s. Like marriage, divorce is under jurisdiction of the states (as long as it is Constitutional, namely 14th Amendment). Some states only granted divorce under very narrow circumstances, others were much more lenient. Hence why many couples to "head to Vegas for a quicky divorce".

In the end, I doubt most states would ban abortion and some might even be much more lenient about it than others. Anyone with a car or bus fare could go to those states.

IMHO, instead of focusing on banning or restricting abortion, our time and money would be better spent on minimizing unwanted pregnancies thereby avoiding or minimizing the problem/controversy of abortion.
Socialism teaches and dictates its citizens to be weak and dependent on government for their every need, as far as abortion and a socialist society it will always be the default as it is the easiest way out of life's problems when it comes to that particular issue.
Abortion is going nowhere the federal government will see to it
Abortion is going nowhere the federal government will see to it
That is pretty short-sighted. The federal government was once run by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Now, Harry Reid is long gone and Pelosi is an irrelevant minority. All of it can change in the blink of an eye.

Right now Gary Johnson is more popular than he has ever been thanks to the Dumbocrats and Rebloodlican's nominating their two worst candidates ever. If by some bizarre chance he happens to win, he will have the opportunity to nominate at least a couple of Supreme Court Justices. That could be enough to get Roe vs. Wade overturned.

I'm not saying it will happen. But to believe it can't happen is pretty naive. History has taught us that anything can happen. Be honest - did you ever think you would wake up with a Kenyon-born Marxist sitting in the White House appointing self-admitted communists (Van Jones) to positions inside the White House? But it happened....
It doesn't matter. Assume I agree with you. Doesn't mean I want to make little betty lou or lashaundra have a baby they don't want to have. They didn't murder anyone.

It doesn't matter if someone believes whether or not the ability to get out of bed quantifies whether or not an elderly person is still in fact a person?!? Jesus...if that doesn't matter in your mind....what the fuck does matter?!? You're just trying to run from it because it illustrates your absurd bullet point about a baby not being able to eat. Just admit that the entire 14 questions were absurd. There was no basis in logic or reality.

You have to realize there are religious thinkers and scientific thinkers. When I see a 1000 turtles hatch from their eggs and they are trying to get to the ocean and seagulls swoop in and eat most of them, that's life. I actually feel more sorry for those turtles because they were born and didn't make it. The little seed that's sucked out of a woman isn't a living thing yet. Not with feelings and emotions. You can't hurt an embryo.
Yeah...and then there are Dumbocrats. People who don't think at all. Everything is emotional with them. Which explains two things: why they are incapable of defending their position and why they get so aggravated when asked to.

Because they are all emotion. Not logic. No reason. No science. No facts. Pure emotion.
You don't understand there are a lot of good God fearing Christians who are pro choice. It's just the reality. Even though we understand its a life, sad, etc. Still their choice and not so big a deal we need to outlaw it.

I think you are a good well thought out pro lifer. In a perfect world, even then it should be legal to abort. Sorry.
Socialism teaches and dictates its citizens to be weak and dependent on government for their every need, as far as abortion and a socialist society it will always be the default as it is the easiest way out of life's problems when it comes to that particular issue.
Abortion is going nowhere the federal government will see to it
Agreed about socialism but don't see how that applies to my point about crossing state borders. It's a free country, not a totalitarian socialist one where everyone is required to have travel permits, carry ID and present them upon demand by any governmental police.
Odd because you seemed to imply the opposite with your little deception.
I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from.

Ben carson has convinced himself the obvious...

You know what? I just realize I agree with a lot of what Ben carson says, but he's just nuts. He clearly ignores so much. At least he does in his speeches. I could teach him a better pitch that he makes to the black community. A little softer pitch where he acknowledges the unfairness that exists in America. Why doesn't he try to win over black people? It's a good pitch telling the black community what it needs to hear. But usually he's uncle Tom ING it up for whites who will pay to hear Tom speak.

If you don't like Jessie Jackson and al sharpton debate them Mr carson.

Ben Carson's advice to blacks in black communities is to get out.

He's just not a champion of the common man
Odd because you seemed to imply the opposite with your little deception.
I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from.

Ben carson has convinced himself the obvious...

You know what? I just realize I agree with a lot of what Ben carson says, but he's just nuts. He clearly ignores so much. At least he does in his speeches. I could teach him a better pitch that he makes to the black community. A little softer pitch where he acknowledges the unfairness that exists in America. Why doesn't he try to win over black people? It's a good pitch telling the black community what it needs to hear. But usually he's uncle Tom ING it up for whites who will pay to hear Tom speak.

If you don't like Jessie Jackson and al sharpton debate them Mr carson.

Ben Carson's advice to blacks in black communities is to get out.

He's just not a champion of the common man

They got out of the hood by ignoring Democrats and working hard. How is not telling other blacks to do what they didn't do forgetting anything?
Odd because you seemed to imply the opposite with your little deception.
I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from.

Ben carson has convinced himself the obvious...

You know what? I just realize I agree with a lot of what Ben carson says, but he's just nuts. He clearly ignores so much. At least he does in his speeches. I could teach him a better pitch that he makes to the black community. A little softer pitch where he acknowledges the unfairness that exists in America. Why doesn't he try to win over black people? It's a good pitch telling the black community what it needs to hear. But usually he's uncle Tom ING it up for whites who will pay to hear Tom speak.

If you don't like Jessie Jackson and al sharpton debate them Mr carson.

Ben Carson's advice to blacks in black communities is to get out.

He's just not a champion of the common man

They got out of the hood by ignoring Democrats and working hard. How is not telling other blacks to do what they didn't do forgetting anything?
Maybe when trump tariffs imports and brings jobs back home they'll but those jobs back in detroit and flint. The factories are sitting empty
Odd because you seemed to imply the opposite with your little deception.
I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from.

Ben carson has convinced himself the obvious...

You know what? I just realize I agree with a lot of what Ben carson says, but he's just nuts. He clearly ignores so much. At least he does in his speeches. I could teach him a better pitch that he makes to the black community. A little softer pitch where he acknowledges the unfairness that exists in America. Why doesn't he try to win over black people? It's a good pitch telling the black community what it needs to hear. But usually he's uncle Tom ING it up for whites who will pay to hear Tom speak.

If you don't like Jessie Jackson and al sharpton debate them Mr carson.

Ben Carson's advice to blacks in black communities is to get out.

He's just not a champion of the common man

They got out of the hood by ignoring Democrats and working hard. How is not telling other blacks to do what they didn't do forgetting anything?
Maybe when trump tariffs imports and brings jobs back home they'll but those jobs back in detroit and flint. The factories are sitting empty

Tariffs are a job killer, the decreased economics won't benefit anyone. And Michigan did it to itself, it had nothing to do with foreign competition

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