Black republicans...who are they really?

I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from....
Only a racist believes there are no middle class or upper class blacks, that all come from "the hood".

This is General Benjamin O. Davis Sr., first African-American to become an U.S. Army General. His son, Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (second picture), became the first African-American Air Force General. I doubt General Davis Sr. grew up in "the hood", but I definitely know General Davis Jr. didn't because of his father's career path.
Benjamin Oliver Davis, Sr. - U.S. Army Center of Military History

GENERAL BENJAMIN OLIVER DAVIS JR. > U.S. Air Force > Biography Display
I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from....
Only a racist believes there are no middle class or upper class blacks, that all come from "the hood".

This is General Benjamin O. Davis Sr., first African-American to become an U.S. Army General. His son, Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (second picture), became the first African-American Air Force General. I doubt General Davis Sr. grew up in "the hood", but I definitely know General Davis Jr. didn't because of his father's career path.
Benjamin Oliver Davis, Sr. - U.S. Army Center of Military History

GENERAL BENJAMIN OLIVER DAVIS JR. > U.S. Air Force > Biography Display
I was going to say if a black kid grows up in a nice neighborhood he might not know racism so that wouldn't be an uncle Tom.
General Colin Powell, although born in Harlem to Jamaican immigrants, went to college City College of New York, graduated in 1958 and was commissioned in the US Army. Growing up poor and/or from immigrant parents is a common story in the US, but General Powell's accomplishments is well above average. No doubt he continues to face racism from those like sealybobo who consider him to be an Uncle Tom.

Colin Luther Powell - People - Department History - Office of the Historian
Profile in courage: Colin L. Powell
I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from....
Only a racist believes there are no middle class or upper class blacks, that all come from "the hood".

This is General Benjamin O. Davis Sr., first African-American to become an U.S. Army General. His son, Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (second picture), became the first African-American Air Force General. I doubt General Davis Sr. grew up in "the hood", but I definitely know General Davis Jr. didn't because of his father's career path.
Benjamin Oliver Davis, Sr. - U.S. Army Center of Military History

GENERAL BENJAMIN OLIVER DAVIS JR. > U.S. Air Force > Biography Display
I was going to say if a black kid grows up in a nice neighborhood he might not know racism so that wouldn't be an uncle Tom.

So white kids grow up in a nice neighborhood and might not know racism either or is that just the black kids?

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General Colin Powell, although born in Harlem to Jamaican immigrants, went to college City College of New York, graduated in 1958 and was commissioned in the US Army. Growing up poor and/or from immigrant parents is a common story in the US, but General Powell's accomplishments is well above average. No doubt he continues to face racism from those like sealybobo who consider him to be an Uncle Tom.

Colin Luther Powell - People - Department History - Office of the Historian
Profile in courage: Colin L. Powell
Do you know I came from a poor Detroit neighborhood and had immigrant parents?

So I have the advantage of knowing the disadvantages black people face.

If you found out Powell had empathy for inner city poor black people, would you agree with him? Because he did endorse Obama. Who knows how liberal Powell is on this.

Powell has never run for anything because black men can't get elected president,senator or governor in red states
I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from....
Only a racist believes there are no middle class or upper class blacks, that all come from "the hood".

This is General Benjamin O. Davis Sr., first African-American to become an U.S. Army General. His son, Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (second picture), became the first African-American Air Force General. I doubt General Davis Sr. grew up in "the hood", but I definitely know General Davis Jr. didn't because of his father's career path.
Benjamin Oliver Davis, Sr. - U.S. Army Center of Military History

GENERAL BENJAMIN OLIVER DAVIS JR. > U.S. Air Force > Biography Display
I was going to say if a black kid grows up in a nice neighborhood he might not know racism so that wouldn't be an uncle Tom.

So white kids grow up in a nice neighborhood and might not know racism either or is that just the black kids?

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A lot of white kids today are not racist thank gosh
I'm lost. My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from....
Only a racist believes there are no middle class or upper class blacks, that all come from "the hood".

This is General Benjamin O. Davis Sr., first African-American to become an U.S. Army General. His son, Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (second picture), became the first African-American Air Force General. I doubt General Davis Sr. grew up in "the hood", but I definitely know General Davis Jr. didn't because of his father's career path.
Benjamin Oliver Davis, Sr. - U.S. Army Center of Military History

GENERAL BENJAMIN OLIVER DAVIS JR. > U.S. Air Force > Biography Display
I was going to say if a black kid grows up in a nice neighborhood he might not know racism so that wouldn't be an uncle Tom.

So white kids grow up in a nice neighborhood and might not know racism either or is that just the black kids?

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A lot of white kids today are not racist thank gosh

What kind of neighborhood did you grow up in that gave you your racist attitude?

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It doesn't matter. Assume I agree with you. Doesn't mean I want to make little betty lou or lashaundra have a baby they don't want to have. They didn't murder anyone.

It doesn't matter if someone believes whether or not the ability to get out of bed quantifies whether or not an elderly person is still in fact a person?!? Jesus...if that doesn't matter in your mind....what the fuck does matter?!? You're just trying to run from it because it illustrates your absurd bullet point about a baby not being able to eat. Just admit that the entire 14 questions were absurd. There was no basis in logic or reality.

You have to realize there are religious thinkers and scientific thinkers. When I see a 1000 turtles hatch from their eggs and they are trying to get to the ocean and seagulls swoop in and eat most of them, that's life. I actually feel more sorry for those turtles because they were born and didn't make it. The little seed that's sucked out of a woman isn't a living thing yet. Not with feelings and emotions. You can't hurt an embryo.
Yeah...and then there are Dumbocrats. People who don't think at all. Everything is emotional with them. Which explains two things: why they are incapable of defending their position and why they get so aggravated when asked to.

Because they are all emotion. Not logic. No reason. No science. No facts. Pure emotion.
You don't understand there are a lot of good God fearing Christians who are pro choice. It's just the reality. Even though we understand its a life, sad, etc. Still their choice and not so big a deal we need to outlaw it.

I think you are a good well thought out pro lifer. In a perfect world, even then it should be legal to abort. Sorry.
It's impossible to be a Christian and pro-choice at the same time. shit for brains
My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from.
Well clearly Democrats are still the party of racism. "Stay in your place young negro - don't you dare leave 'the hood' or vote for liberty over handouts". Wow... :eusa_doh:

You are seriously racist sweetie. Incidentally - the Democrat Party founded the Klu Klux Klan. That is a fact. So tell me again why all African-Americans wouldn't be voting Republican's (other than ignorance of American history)?
Ben Carson's advice to blacks in black communities is to get out. He's just not a champion of the common man
Ben Carson understands that the official liberal narrative that everyone who is not a conservative is a victim, is a false narrative. Ben Carson understands that mature adults do not need "champions" to do for them. That they are quite capable of doing for themselves if government gets the hell out of their way and doesn't implement policy aimed at keeping them down and government dependent.

This is the nation of opportunity. Why would anyone need someone to act as a "champion for them"?!? It's really a shame that you buy into the liberal victim narrative. You'd be amazed what the world is really like if you'd tune them out and open your eyes.
My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from.
Well clearly Democrats are still the party of racism. "Stay in your place young negro - don't you dare leave 'the hood' or vote for liberty over handouts". Wow... :eusa_doh:

You are seriously racist sweetie. Incidentally - the Democrat Party founded the Klu Klux Klan. That is a fact. So tell me again why all African-Americans wouldn't be voting Republican's (other than ignorance of American history)?
So stupid
Do you know I came from a poor Detroit neighborhood and had immigrant parents?

So I have the advantage of knowing the disadvantages black people face.

If you found out Powell had empathy for inner city poor black people, would you agree with him? Because he did endorse Obama. Who knows how liberal Powell is on this.

Powell has never run for anything because black men can't get elected president,senator or governor in red states
Is that why you're a racist?
Ben Carson's advice to blacks in black communities is to get out. He's just not a champion of the common man
Ben Carson understands that the official liberal narrative that everyone who is not a conservative is a victim, is a false narrative. Ben Carson understands that mature adults do not need "champions" to do for them. That they are quite capable of doing for themselves if government gets the hell out of their way and doesn't implement policy aimed at keeping them down and government dependent.

This is the nation of opportunity. Why would anyone need someone to act as a "champion for them"?!? It's really a shame that you buy into the liberal victim narrative. You'd be amazed what the world is really like if you'd tune them out and open your eyes.
That's not the liberal narrative that's just the conservative narrative about liberals. And any conservative who says it sounds stupid.
Do you know I came from a poor Detroit neighborhood and had immigrant parents?

So I have the advantage of knowing the disadvantages black people face.

If you found out Powell had empathy for inner city poor black people, would you agree with him? Because he did endorse Obama. Who knows how liberal Powell is on this.

Powell has never run for anything because black men can't get elected president,senator or governor in red states
Is that why you're a racist?
I'm racist for all the same reasons you are.

Do you have a problem with the black community? The high crime? The difference between me and you is I don't think it's all their fault
It's impossible to be a Christian and pro-choice at the same time. shit for brains
Disagreed, at least as far as Protestants are concerned. Being "pro-choice" doesn't equal being pro-abortion. It means people have a choice and those choices are between them and God.

Matthew 7:1-3
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

We'll all face up to our actions in one form or another. Protestants understand that what people do in their lives are best judged by God, not man except in specific cases.

FWIW, is it Christian to favor carpet-bombing an enemy knowing innocents will be killed? Is it Christian to know millions of human beings are starving or dying of disease while we sit in safety living in relatively wealthy air-conditioned houses with all the latest technology, so much food obesity is a national health crisis and medical help just minutes away?
I'm racist for all the same reasons you are.

Do you have a problem with the black community? The high crime? The difference between me and you is I don't think it's all their fault
I'm not racist. You're the one who continues to divide people by the color of their skin and label any person darker than a sheet of notebook paper as an Uncle Tom/race traitor/hypocrite.

No. You are once again proving yourself to be a fucking liar by falsely accusing me.

High crime areas are a combination of economics and cultural. Ever see "The Gangs of New York"? "Godfather II"? Ever read about the "Black Hand"? The "Cosa Nostra"? Historically speaking, it wasn't that long ago that "proper people" (meaning snobs of English descent) equated Micks and Wops along with Blacks.

It used to be Irish were thought of the same way as we see "gang-bangers". Low-lifes who only know crime. Now how do we look at them? We're all Irish on March 17th? New York or Boston Police? The differences aren't racial, they're cultural no matter what kind of fucking asshole racists say they are.
I'm racist for all the same reasons you are.

Do you have a problem with the black community? The high crime? The difference between me and you is I don't think it's all their fault
I'm not racist. You're the one who continues to divide people by the color of their skin and label any person darker than a sheet of notebook paper as an Uncle Tom/race traitor/hypocrite.

No. You are once again proving yourself to be a fucking liar by falsely accusing me.

High crime areas are a combination of economics and cultural. Ever see "The Gangs of New York"? "Godfather II"? Ever read about the "Black Hand"? The "Cosa Nostra"? Historically speaking, it wasn't that long ago that "proper people" (meaning snobs of English descent) equated Micks and Wops along with Blacks.

It used to be Irish were thought of the same way as we see "gang-bangers". Low-lifes who only know crime. Now how do we look at them? We're all Irish on March 17th? New York or Boston Police? The differences aren't racial, they're cultural no matter what kind of fucking asshole racists say they are.
I agree. So how am I more racist than you? What is it I believe about blacks that that you dont.
I agree. So how am I more racist than you? What is it I believe about blacks that that you dont.
You continue to make racist remarks and denigrating any blacks who are conservative.

Try reading your own posts and my responses including the one you just quoted.
I agree. So how am I more racist than you? What is it I believe about blacks that that you dont.
You continue to make racist remarks and denigrating any blacks who are conservative.

Try reading your own posts and my responses including the one you just quoted.
Denigrating blacks who vote Republican doesn't make me racist. I say the same thing about whites! Rich whites are greedy and poor ones are stupid.

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