Black republicans...who are they really?

How am I racist? I don't think my race is any better than anyone else's.

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Neither do I.

Come on, how am I racist?
Do you vote Republican?

Ok, I thought you were serious, I see that you aren't sincere about anything.
Well if you can tell me the racist position I have that you don't, let me know what it is. And don't say something that is wrong or vague

Look over your comments in this thread, your racist attitude comes shining through.
Let's start over. What are we talking about again? I want to see where my feelings are different than yours
Why you are a racist. Unsurprising you forgot. ;)
Well so far you guys are vague and wrong on why I'm more racist than you. It's always right wing spin about why no middle class or poor black should vote Republican.

They are free to do so though.

That's the beautiful thing about voting. No one has to know who you voted for. Blacks don't have to be ashamed for voting GOP because no one has to know. But even though no one is watching blacks still don't vote Republican.

You act like blacks are being teased for voting GOP. Just don't tell anyone who you voted for.

And black republicans can come here and tell us why they are Republicans but there are no black Republicans on usmb. Herman Cain Ben carson and colon Powell never won any high office
Why don't you tell us your feelings about black American society. Why is it what it is? I get the feeling you're holding back. What advice would you give blacks besides tell them to vote gop
Black American society? No doubt you also believe in a white American society where everyone thinks the same, believes the same and has a secret handshake. After all, that's how racists think; only in black and white.

There are many things particular to American culture that differentiates it from other nations, but we're not homogenous as a visit to a Cajun restaurant in Baton Rouge, a Vietnamese restaurant in Garden Grove and a Cuban restaurant in Miami will quickly reveal. More and more of our society is much more blended than it is separated. Some people do chose to isolate themselves, their choice, but most do not.

Additionally, and with that in mind, only racists believe in the "one drop of blood" rule; most Americans are not "pure" of one race or another as my posts about advances in genetics has revealed.
Well so far you guys are vague and wrong on why I'm more racist than you.....
Disagreed. You've been very racially divisive (i.e. racist) in several posts of this thread but all you've done is falsely accuse me of racism without ever showing a single post of mine that could possible be seen as racist.
Well so far you guys are vague and wrong on why I'm more racist than you.....
Disagreed. You've been very racially divisive (i.e. racist) in several posts of this thread but all you've done is falsely accuse me of racism without ever showing a single post of mine that could possible be seen as racist.
Thats because you won't be honest.

What's your opinion of black community? Why is it a mess? I don't even know you. All I know is you vote the racist party.
Well you know Tupac is all wise and all knowing, druggies flock to him.
I'm for women like Afenia shakur having abortions. For every 1 tupac how many bad citizens are raised?

I hate to pick on blacks but imagine how much better off Detroit would be if no unplanned pregnancies happened.

Racism is a liberal value. lol!
I'm just giving you an example of a poor person who would be dooming themselves to a life of poverty. I know middle age white women who got abortions when they were 17. They now have children that they had later when they were ready. To me it's unthinkable to think you would make abortion illegal and make them have those babies.

I wonder if women would be more careful if abortion weren't an option.

That's an option for people who are religious, consider abortion murder, don't mind going through the pregnancy and then giving their child up right after going through labor. Not a lot of people like this.

None of those are required to give a child up for adoption.
This sounds racist.
Agreed because it is racist. nat4900 is labeling every conservative who happens to be black to be a hypocritical race traitor aka Uncle Tom.

Well so far you guys are vague and wrong on why I'm more racist than you.....
Disagreed. You've been very racially divisive (i.e. racist) in several posts of this thread but all you've done is falsely accuse me of racism without ever showing a single post of mine that could possible be seen as racist.
Thats because you won't be honest.

What's your opinion of black community? Why is it a mess? I don't even know you. All I know is you vote the racist party.

The "racist party" that is a cop out because you and nat have proved that Democrats are racist also.

Democrats seem to make race an issue, which in of itself is racist.

The black community is fine. They have racist in the black community as there are in the white community. There are good and bad in the black community as there is in the white community.
Well so far you guys are vague and wrong on why I'm more racist than you.....
Disagreed. You've been very racially divisive (i.e. racist) in several posts of this thread but all you've done is falsely accuse me of racism without ever showing a single post of mine that could possible be seen as racist.
Thats because you won't be honest.

What's your opinion of black community? Why is it a mess? I don't even know you. All I know is you vote the racist party.

The "racist party" that is a cop out because you and nat have proved that Democrats are racist also.

Democrats seem to make race an issue, which in of itself is racist.

The black community is fine. They have racist in the black community as there are in the white community. There are good and bad in the black community as there is in the white community.
The black community is fine?
Inner City Violence

We are all a little racist. Republican policies and positions are racist. Democratic policies are designed to help black people. For example, giving the kids who need the most the same amount for school. But Republicans say the rich kids should get $7K a year each while the black kids who need it the most should get by with $6K.

I'm making the dollar amounts up but the fact is, you don't want to give each kid the same education. I do. You want your rich white children to get better educations because you pay higher taxes than those poor black people who live in ghetto's that you say are "fine".

You'll say it is your money so you should get what you pay for. You'll say its not fair that we spread out the $ so each kid gets the exact same equal amount.

This is just one small example of how the GOP is the racist party. I could go on and on.
Well so far you guys are vague and wrong on why I'm more racist than you.....
Disagreed. You've been very racially divisive (i.e. racist) in several posts of this thread but all you've done is falsely accuse me of racism without ever showing a single post of mine that could possible be seen as racist.
Thats because you won't be honest.

What's your opinion of black community? Why is it a mess? I don't even know you. All I know is you vote the racist party.

The "racist party" that is a cop out because you and nat have proved that Democrats are racist also.

Democrats seem to make race an issue, which in of itself is racist.

The black community is fine. They have racist in the black community as there are in the white community. There are good and bad in the black community as there is in the white community.
The black community is fine?
Inner City Violence

We are all a little racist. Republican policies and positions are racist. Democratic policies are designed to help black people. For example, giving the kids who need the most the same amount for school. But Republicans say the rich kids should get $7K a year each while the black kids who need it the most should get by with $6K.

I'm making the dollar amounts up but the fact is, you don't want to give each kid the same education. I do. You want your rich white children to get better educations because you pay higher taxes than those poor black people who live in ghetto's that you say are "fine".

You'll say it is your money so you should get what you pay for. You'll say its not fair that we spread out the $ so each kid gets the exact same equal amount.

This is just one small example of how the GOP is the racist party. I could go on and on.

It is telling that you make no mention of poor white kids, or rich/middle class blacks.

Beyond that, your claim about republicans is nonsense.
Well so far you guys are vague and wrong on why I'm more racist than you.....
Disagreed. You've been very racially divisive (i.e. racist) in several posts of this thread but all you've done is falsely accuse me of racism without ever showing a single post of mine that could possible be seen as racist.
Thats because you won't be honest.

What's your opinion of black community? Why is it a mess? I don't even know you. All I know is you vote the racist party.

The "racist party" that is a cop out because you and nat have proved that Democrats are racist also.

Democrats seem to make race an issue, which in of itself is racist.

The black community is fine. They have racist in the black community as there are in the white community. There are good and bad in the black community as there is in the white community.
The black community is fine?
Inner City Violence

We are all a little racist. Republican policies and positions are racist. Democratic policies are designed to help black people. For example, giving the kids who need the most the same amount for school. But Republicans say the rich kids should get $7K a year each while the black kids who need it the most should get by with $6K.

I'm making the dollar amounts up but the fact is, you don't want to give each kid the same education. I do. You want your rich white children to get better educations because you pay higher taxes than those poor black people who live in ghetto's that you say are "fine".

You'll say it is your money so you should get what you pay for. You'll say its not fair that we spread out the $ so each kid gets the exact same equal amount.

This is just one small example of how the GOP is the racist party. I could go on and on.

Democratic policies in Detroit have helped the black community. Democratic policies in Chicago have helped the black community. LOL! Your politics and views are pretty whacked out. Tell how much better Democratic policies have helped those two communities. Or how are things going in Baltimore? New York?
White Dumbocrats....who are they really? This is who they are at their core. Nothing but contempt for this country, everything it stands for, and everyone in it who refuses to convert to a new world order communist...

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told PBS that “white males” without college educations have voted Republican “because of guns, because of gays, and because of God — the three Gs — God being the woman’s right to choose.”

Conservative pundit Tucker Carlson appeared on Fox News’ “The Kelly File” Wednesday night from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and offered his take on Pelosi’s blunt statement from the day before.

“She’s pulled the mask off, they’re not pretending anymore,” Carlson said. “[Democrats] have contempt for the core of the country, for the middle class, for rural America, and they’re now admitting it.”

Tucker Carlson Says Nancy Pelosi’s Remarks on ‘White Males’ Show Dems Have ‘Pulled the Mask Off’
Well so far you guys are vague and wrong on why I'm more racist than you.....
Disagreed. You've been very racially divisive (i.e. racist) in several posts of this thread but all you've done is falsely accuse me of racism without ever showing a single post of mine that could possible be seen as racist.
Thats because you won't be honest.

What's your opinion of black community? Why is it a mess? I don't even know you. All I know is you vote the racist party.

The "racist party" that is a cop out because you and nat have proved that Democrats are racist also.

Democrats seem to make race an issue, which in of itself is racist.

The black community is fine. They have racist in the black community as there are in the white community. There are good and bad in the black community as there is in the white community.
The black community is fine?
Inner City Violence

We are all a little racist. Republican policies and positions are racist. Democratic policies are designed to help black people. For example, giving the kids who need the most the same amount for school. But Republicans say the rich kids should get $7K a year each while the black kids who need it the most should get by with $6K.

I'm making the dollar amounts up but the fact is, you don't want to give each kid the same education. I do. You want your rich white children to get better educations because you pay higher taxes than those poor black people who live in ghetto's that you say are "fine".

You'll say it is your money so you should get what you pay for. You'll say its not fair that we spread out the $ so each kid gets the exact same equal amount.

This is just one small example of how the GOP is the racist party. I could go on and on.

Democratic policies in Detroit have helped the black community. Democratic policies in Chicago have helped the black community. LOL! Your politics and views are pretty whacked out. Tell how much better Democratic policies have helped those two communities. Or how are things going in Baltimore? New York?
That's because those states are controlled by rich white Republicans. Don't blame Detroit, blame Rick Snyder.

If Republicans would allow us to work our magic there wouldn't be ghettos.

Republican policies have hurt blacks. Democratic policies have lessened the pain.

Don't tell me pal. When black people are alone with their ballot, they overwhelmingly vote Democratic. No one is watching. If they at all believed the shit you type, they'd secretly vote GOP. But they don't. What does that tell you? I know what you think but you won't say it. You think they are stupid. YOU think 90% of black people are stupid for voting Democratic. How fucking racist bro.
White Dumbocrats....who are they really? This is who they are at their core. Nothing but contempt for this country, everything it stands for, and everyone in it who refuses to convert to a new world order communist...

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told PBS that “white males” without college educations have voted Republican “because of guns, because of gays, and because of God — the three Gs — God being the woman’s right to choose.”

Conservative pundit Tucker Carlson appeared on Fox News’ “The Kelly File” Wednesday night from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and offered his take on Pelosi’s blunt statement from the day before.

“She’s pulled the mask off, they’re not pretending anymore,” Carlson said. “[Democrats] have contempt for the core of the country, for the middle class, for rural America, and they’re now admitting it.”

Tucker Carlson Says Nancy Pelosi’s Remarks on ‘White Males’ Show Dems Have ‘Pulled the Mask Off’
OMG she is saying what I've been saying for years. Republicans con stupid white voters into voting GOP with social wedge issues. God Gays Guns and she forgot RACISM. Way to go Nancy.
That's because those states are controlled by rich white Republicans. Don't blame Detroit, blame Rick Snyder.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Then why isn't Ann Arbor bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't East Lansing bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. Why isn't Kalamazoo bankrupt sweetie? It's in Michigan. How dumb do you look right now with that false narrative aimed at deflecting blame from your own failed ideology onto the one ideology that actually creates prosperity?!?

Disagreed. You've been very racially divisive (i.e. racist) in several posts of this thread but all you've done is falsely accuse me of racism without ever showing a single post of mine that could possible be seen as racist.
Thats because you won't be honest.

What's your opinion of black community? Why is it a mess? I don't even know you. All I know is you vote the racist party.

The "racist party" that is a cop out because you and nat have proved that Democrats are racist also.

Democrats seem to make race an issue, which in of itself is racist.

The black community is fine. They have racist in the black community as there are in the white community. There are good and bad in the black community as there is in the white community.
The black community is fine?
Inner City Violence

We are all a little racist. Republican policies and positions are racist. Democratic policies are designed to help black people. For example, giving the kids who need the most the same amount for school. But Republicans say the rich kids should get $7K a year each while the black kids who need it the most should get by with $6K.

I'm making the dollar amounts up but the fact is, you don't want to give each kid the same education. I do. You want your rich white children to get better educations because you pay higher taxes than those poor black people who live in ghetto's that you say are "fine".

You'll say it is your money so you should get what you pay for. You'll say its not fair that we spread out the $ so each kid gets the exact same equal amount.

This is just one small example of how the GOP is the racist party. I could go on and on.

Democratic policies in Detroit have helped the black community. Democratic policies in Chicago have helped the black community. LOL! Your politics and views are pretty whacked out. Tell how much better Democratic policies have helped those two communities. Or how are things going in Baltimore? New York?
That's because those states are controlled by rich white Republicans. Don't blame Detroit, blame Rick Snyder.

If Republicans would allow us to work our magic there wouldn't be ghettos.

Republican policies have hurt blacks. Democratic policies have lessened the pain.

Don't tell me pal. When black people are alone with their ballot, they overwhelmingly vote Democratic. No one is watching. If they at all believed the shit you type, they'd secretly vote GOP. But they don't. What does that tell you? I know what you think but you won't say it. You think they are stupid. YOU think 90% of black people are stupid for voting Democratic. How fucking racist bro.

How about Chicago, Washington DC, New York City, Oakland, Los Angeles. Not seeing your "magic."
When black people are alone with their ballot, they overwhelmingly vote Democratic. No one is watching. If they at all believed the shit you type, they'd secretly vote GOP.
Obviously they do sweetie or hard-core liberal Wisconsin wouldn't be run by Republican Scott Walker right now, hard-core liberal Michigan wouldn't be run by Republican Rick Snyder right now, and Ohio wouldn't been turned over to Republican John Kasich. Oops...

The fact is - the only reason the inner city ghetto tends to vote Dumbocrat is because they are uneducated (thanks to liberal public education) and believe the lies you feed that them Republican's are "racist" even though it's your side of the aisle that created the Klu Klux Klan, it's your side of the aisle that vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement, and it's your side of the aisle that actuall elected a member of the KKK to the Senate (Byrd from West Virginia).

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