Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show

People use words a lot and I Correll have determined those words null and void! Why? Because....thats why

I have repeatedly explained my reasons.

Why do you lie and pretend not to know it?

It is almost like you believe that the truth won't work for you.

WHy is that?

Correll: Dont call them racist because I'm da boss and I make the rules!

Uh no


I have seen you libs accuse republicans of being racist because they gave a speech miles away from where, decades ago, something racist happened.

If you and yours had reserved the term "racist" for actual racists, I would not be pointing out that the word is dead.

Killed by you and people like you.

Hey, remember "code words"?


You know what "Code Word" is code for? We libs can't find anything racist and we really need some so lets just make crap up.
Correll: Lets have a debate. One where I make the rules and ban words. Fairs fair.

Now lets discuss racism but you cant use the word because I make the rules. And go!

Me: Well, racism exists because

Correll: NO NO NO!! We are discussing RACISM but you arent allowed to use the word!!!

Correll: Lets have a debate. One where I make the rules and ban words. Fairs fair.

Now lets discuss racism but you cant use the word because I make the rules. And go!

Me: Well, racism exists because

Correll: NO NO NO!! We are discussing RACISM but you arent allowed to use the word!!!


And you still have not addressed the reason I stated for the word being dead.

It's almost like you think the Truth won't work for you.
Words are dead. Because I, Correll of Message Board has determined it so. Now play my game!! I BEG OF THEE!
Correll: Lets have a debate. One where I make the rules and ban words. Fairs fair.

Now lets discuss racism but you cant use the word because I make the rules. And go!

Me: Well, racism exists because

Correll: NO NO NO!! We are discussing RACISM but you arent allowed to use the word!!!
We both know that you cannot have a debate about race without the restrictions of political correctness. The obvious and decidedly stubborn discrepancy of IQ testing and achievement between races, even adjusted for socioeconomic variables, clearly indicates an ugly truth which even political correctness cannot account for.

You know it. I know it. The world knows it. That is simply the way it is.
The forum is called Race Relations and Racism LMAO....But dont say racism because,....uhhh
Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show - The New Observer

They REALLY needed to do a study on this? This is common fucking sense! Hell scores show that poor whites and asians out perform rich blacks! Its not about environment or wealth its about genetics.

Top 12 People with Highest IQ in the World - Listovative

6th smartest person in the world would seem to discredit your claim about genetics. Try again.

"6. Philip Emeagwali (IQ Level- 190)


There are outliers of every race. Sorry.....your point proves nothing. It's about where different groups fall in a frequency distribution. Please educate yourself.
Words are dead. Because I, Correll of Message Board has determined it so. Now play my game!! I BEG OF THEE!


I explained why repeatedly.

Why are you afraid to address my stated reason?

It's almost like you know that you cannot dispute it...
Would love to side with supposed science being Ashkenazi Jewish which seems to always be in 1st place of all other ethnicities. But it just isn't so. Give identical circumstances and everyone learns equally well. But in a system with gross disparity, cultrual priorities, etc. it comes out reflecting those differences.

No. You are absolutely incorrect, and there is almost 100 years of data and literally thousands of studies which all state the same thing. Again...educate yourself. :)
Correll thinks explaining why he bans others from using words means anything to other people.
Correll thinks explaining why he bans others from using words means anything to other people.

I think my reasoning on why the word is dead means something.

THat fact that you are afraid to address that reason kind of implies that you think so too.

Or you would not be lying so much.
NO, I think no one should call anyone a racist.

If you can't argue your position on it's merits, that is what is relevant, not the almost certainly false accusation of racism that is sure to follow from a liberal in that position.

This in not about me being in charge. This is about my observation that Accusations of Racism are horribly misused to suppress much needed debate on serious issues.

It needs to stop for the good of this nation, indeed, all of Western Civilization.

Should people not call racists racists? I mean, it's what they are. It's a label for what they are. If I decide we shouldn't call women women, would that be okay and you'd stop?

Look, I've said my piece on what you wrote, I've explain why, and you keep coming back, and instead of writing a more detailed argument you simply hammer away at trying to get one over on me by pretending that I somehow can't argue against you because your argument is so great.

Seems you're more interested in having a fight.

I give up, you may now not bother to reply to me.
NO, I think no one should call anyone a racist.

If you can't argue your position on it's merits, that is what is relevant, not the almost certainly false accusation of racism that is sure to follow from a liberal in that position.

This in not about me being in charge. This is about my observation that Accusations of Racism are horribly misused to suppress much needed debate on serious issues.

It needs to stop for the good of this nation, indeed, all of Western Civilization.

Should people not call racists racists? I mean, it's what they are. It's a label for what they are. If I decide we shouldn't call women women, would that be okay and you'd stop?

Look, I've said my piece on what you wrote, I've explain why, and you keep coming back, and instead of writing a more detailed argument you simply hammer away at trying to get one over on me by pretending that I somehow can't argue against you because your argument is so great.

Seems you're more interested in having a fight.

I give up, you may now not bother to reply to me.

So, other than racism, you have nothing to say?

Sort of what I expected.
Summarizing several textbook definitions, a "racist" is someone who believes that inherent differences among the various human racial groups render certain races or groups to be inferior or superior to others - usually concluding that the racist's own racial group is superior to all others. In its most extreme form, Fascism (e.g., Imperialist Japanese, the German 3d Reich), concludes that the superior race should, by right, dominate and rule the other races with which it comes into contact.

However, it is arguable whether pointing out demonstrable differences between and among different races makes one a "racist." The most extreme view (prevailing currently in America's "Progressive" community) is that, "race does not exist," and that any attempt to categorize any human or group of humans by "race" is, in itself, "racist."

The observation at the top of this thread, i.e., that the "Blackest" school districts in the country are also the least academically proficient, is a verifiable fact. But to attribute this fact to the race of the subjects is a conclusion that may itself be racist. What if the differences in academic performance are due to economic, social, or cultural forces, independent of inherent intellectual capacities? In such case, the association with race and academic performance is merely coincidence. What conclusions are reached by studies (surely there are some) in which "Black" children are adopted by, say, middle-class white families in geographic areas where the schools foster high academic achievement? Do these "Black" children perform with their neighbors or their fellow "Blacks"?

Regardless, any conclusions about the traits of any race must be understood alongside the statistical reality of the so-called, "Bell Curve." Just because "Blacks" score 10-15 points lower than "whites" on standard intelligence tests - just a made-up number - that says NOTHING about the relative intelligence of one randomly selected person of each race (assuming race exists). Further, what is the relevance to "reality" of standard intelligence tests? Is a "Black" cop with a 100 IQ (effective minimum for passing the written tests) any less capable than a "white" cop with a 120 IQ? Not necessarily.

Unfortunately, there are many communities in our society which have a vested interest in promoting the idea that "racism" (and it's cousin, "bigotry") remain a major impediment to the success of, for example, "Blacks," women, Hispanics, certain ethnic groups, people professing certain religions, people with physical handicaps, ugly people, fat people, people with body odor, and so on. If I am a member of a victim-minority, then I can't be blamed for my lack of success, and I MIGHT EVEN be able to get some Government booty due to my victim status!

Humans tend to relate better to people who are "like themselves." People of a different race or ethnicity are less likely to be "like me," and hence are more likely to generate a negative "gut" response on initial contact. Consider Pittsburgh Pirate, Andrew McCutcheon. He is intelligent, articulate, personable, handsome, and a fantastic baseball player. But because of his appearance when he came to the Pirates (long, flowing dreadlocks), many of the paying customers delayed embracing him for quite a while, despite his major contributions to the team and his manifest positive traits. Racism? You betcha. But pretty much unavoidable.

He married a beautiful white woman a couple years ago. Proposed on national television.

Just sayin'.

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