Blacks-Ebonics, Latinos-Spanglish, Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
New Mexico
We all know that in the Obama-Nation, fair is NOT fair when it comes to race in America.

Just ask Eric Holder about "Killing Cracker Babies". He states that Whites are Race Cowards... so far, he appears to be correct.

Most Things "Liberal" are a Government Enforced and sometimes CREATED Anti-white Racial Discrimination.

A School, Company, Scholarship, Government Agency, Branch of Military, Profession, Hobby, or Sports Team... Basically any group, entity or organization...

A group can have too few Blacks, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Whites, but it cannot have too few.

A group can have too few Women, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Males, but it cannot have too few.
(Yes, Males... we're not allowed to be "Men".)

The Liberal "Enforcement" of Diversity, comes down to a one sided exclusion of Whites/Males.

One of the advantages I've seen happening in workplaces and classrooms is the blatant discussions in Ebonics or Spanglish insulting, excluding, limiting, denying and plotting the character assassination (false accusations of academic cheating) of a clueless White Student by those who HATE, using a language that they victim could not understand, therefore it was done right in the open, standing directly in front of them.

Often a Teachers assistants, and in one case, a University Professor joined in the discussion and gave assurances of their designs being aided.

Well, I have a miniature voice recorder with a very sensitive pickup. I grew up on the streets in some very rough neighborhoods. I cannot always decipher what is said in real time, but played back several times, and played to friends who are Black or Latino for translations, I can get the meaning over time...

Needless to say, Whites, particularly White-Males Absolutely NEED to learn to understand Ebonics and Spanglish, if they hope to survive!

If the White Kids in the class, or work place, had a similar Argot, a way of talking to each other, at least they'd be able to talk, in the open, about what was being done and said in Ebonics or Spanglish, and compare notes so as to partially defend themselves.

So, What to base an American White Slang Argot on?

Why not Ancient Norse? It fits doesn't it? Brave Vikings and all that, to make it "Cool"?

There is a large base of published knowledge on the subject, dictionaries and lexicons. It is a complete language, so could be academically studied.

There is a distinctive accent and rhythm to the language which is pleasing and lyrical. Slang words and phrases would no doubt be added as time went on, creating a more complete encryption.

Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?

Should they make a point of NOT sharing that language with people who are not White?

Fair is Fair...

Rise up to compete, or be eliminated.

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Some have suggested using Cockney Rhyming Slang


All the Gaelic/Irish slang that made it's way into American English not enough for you?

Guess you are in the "Black" Irish crowd.

Well we have an Irish President at the moment.

I can see how O'Bama makes ya mad.

Have a gander me boyo!

(Irish slang study URL)

Yes, Irish slang could be used as the base, others have suggested Cockney Rhyming Slang, others yet have suggested Italian Street/Gangster slang.

I prefer the Ancient Norse, partly because it fresh and new.

Partly because Nordic themes are very vogue ATM.

But mostly because of the "Pirate Attitude" factor!
Have a gander me boyo!

(Irish slang study URL)

Yes, Irish slang could be used as the base, others have suggested Cockney Rhyming Slang, others yet have suggested Italian Street/Gangster slang.

I prefer the Ancient Norse, partly because it fresh and new.

Partly because Nordic themes are very vogue ATM.

But mostly because of the "Pirate Attitude" factor!

Feel free.

Start using it.

It's a free country. Might even catch on.
We all know that in the Obama-Nation, fair is NOT fair when it comes to race in America.

Just ask Eric Holder about "Killing Cracker Babies". He states that Whites are Race Cowards... so far, he appears to be correct.

Most Things "Liberal" are a Government Enforced and sometimes CREATED Anti-white Racial Discrimination.

A School, Company, Scholarship, Government Agency, Branch of Military, Profession, Hobby, or Sports Team... Basically any group, entity or organization...

A group can have too few Blacks, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Whites, but it cannot have too few.

A group can have too few Women, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Males, but it cannot have too few.
(Yes, Males... we're not allowed to be "Men".)

The Liberal "Enforcement" of Diversity, comes down to a one sided exclusion of Whites/Males.

One of the advantages I've seen happening in workplaces and classrooms is the blatant discussions in Ebonics or Spanglish insulting, excluding, limiting, denying and plotting the character assassination (false accusations of academic cheating) of a clueless White Student by those who HATE, using a language that they victim could not understand, therefore it was done right in the open, standing directly in front of them.

Often a Teachers assistants, and in one case, a University Professor joined in the discussion and gave assurances of their designs being aided.

Well, I have a miniature voice recorder with a very sensitive pickup. I grew up on the streets in some very rough neighborhoods. I cannot always decipher what is said in real time, but played back several times, and played to friends who are Black or Latino for translations, I can get the meaning over time...

Needless to say, Whites, particularly White-Males Absolutely NEED to learn to understand Ebonics and Spanglish, if they hope to survive!

If the White Kids in the class, or work place, had a similar Argot, a way of talking to each other, at least they'd be able to talk, in the open, about what was being done and said in Ebonics or Spanglish, and compare notes so as to partially defend themselves.

So, What to base an American White Slang Argot on?

Why not Ancient Norse? It fits doesn't it? Brave Vikings and all that, to make it "Cool"?

There is a large base of published knowledge on the subject, dictionaries and lexicons. It is a complete language, so could be academically studied.

There is a distinctive accent and rhythm to the language which is pleasing and lyrical. Slang words and phrases would no doubt be added as time went on, creating a more complete encryption.

Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?

Should they make a point of NOT sharing that language with people who are not White?

Fair is Fair...

Rise up to compete, or be eliminated.


a lot of white already speak hill billy
a lot of white already speak hill billy

Yes, but it is not far enough from American Standard English to serve the needs of being an "Encrypted" Slang Argot.

Also, the "Cool" Factor of Ancient Norse, and its "Pirate" attitude and bravado fills a missing element in the spirit of the often maligned, guilt indoctrinated, and officially discriminated against low-mid Income American Whites.

The "Strong, Piratical, Raiding, Viking" attitude is what is most important about creating the Argot at this time in American Politics.

The various dialects of American English are a result of the influence of various non-American cultures. Southern American English is influenced by a combo of European and African culture. Blacks and whites in slave regions spoke essentially the same dialect with obviously differing degrees of intellect and eloquence. Blacks who migrated north then took that southern dialect with them and it was maintained as a result of their great northern emancipators forcing them into segregation. Post civil rights blacks continued to segregate themselves and the dialect stuck and morphed but it's still essentially southern American English. Hispanics are a newer phenomenon, the result of Spanish-speakers being discouraged to assimilate.
What is often referred to as 'white' is really a non-race-based assimilated culture. Thanks to democrat political opportunism, other dialects are a result of self segregation. That racist, neo-segregationist mindset has conditioned people to think of assimilated as 'white'.
The various dialects of American English are a result of the influence of various non-American cultures. Southern American English is influenced by a combo of European and African culture. Blacks and whites in slave regions spoke essentially the same dialect with obviously differing degrees of intellect and eloquence. Blacks who migrated north then took that southern dialect with them and it was maintained as a result of their great northern emancipators forcing them into segregation. Post civil rights blacks continued to segregate themselves and the dialect stuck and morphed but it's still essentially southern American English. Hispanics are a newer phenomenon, the result of Spanish-speakers being discouraged to assimilate.
What is often referred to as 'white' is really a non-race-based assimilated culture. Thanks to democrat political opportunism, other dialects are a result of self segregation. That racist, neo-segregationist mindset has conditioned people to think of assimilated as 'white'.

I agree with your analysis of the origins of Ebonics, but it has gone way beyond just a natural development of a dialect.

The Dialect has been formalized and regularized by University Level Language experts.

Additionally, the new language has been Politically WEAPONIZED!

From Wikipedia article on Ebonics
(I cannot yet post URLs)

A more formal shift in the recognition of AAVE came in the "Ann Arbor Decision" of 1979 (Martin Luther King Junior Elementary School Children et al., v. Ann Arbor School District). In it, a federal judge ruled that in teaching black children to read, a school board must adjust to the children's dialect, not the children to the school,[114] and that, by not taking students’ language into consideration, teachers were contributing to the failure of such students to read and use mainstream English proficiently.[119]

National attitudes towards AAVE were revisited when a controversial resolution from the Oakland (California) school board (Oakland Unified School District) on December 18, 1996, called on "Ebonics" to be recognized as a language of African Americans.[120] The proposal was to implement a program similar to the Language Development Program for African American Students (LDPAAS) in Los Angeles, which began in 1988 and uses methods from the SESD programs mentioned above.[121]

Like other similar programs,[122] the Oakland resolution was widely misunderstood as intended to teach AAVE and "elevate it to the status of a written language."[123] It gained national attention and was derided and criticized, most notably by Jesse Jackson and Kweisi Mfume who regarded it as an attempt to teach slang to children.[124] The statement that "African Language Systems are genetically based" also contributed to widespread hostility because "genetically" was popularly misunderstood to imply that African Americans had a biological predisposition to a particular language.[125] In an amended resolution, this phrase was removed and replaced with wording that states African American language systems "have origins in West [sic] and Niger–Congo languages and are not merely dialects of English. . . ."[126]

In reality, the belief underlying the Oakland proposal was that black students would perform better in school and more easily learn standard American English if textbooks and teachers incorporated AAVE in teaching black children to speak Standard English rather than mistakenly[119][127] equating nonstandard with substandard and dismissing AAVE as the latter. Baratz & Shuy (1969:93) point to these linguistic barriers, and common reactions by teachers, as a primary cause of reading difficulties and poor school performance.[128]

In the section of the quote above, "It gained national attention and was derided and criticized, most notably by Jesse Jackson and Kweisi Mfume who regarded it as an attempt to teach slang to children."

So why do you think they want Ebonics taught to children?

Clearly it is NOT to make them better students and employees in the greater American Culture.

I can tell how it actually being used! Read the OP!

So, it can be difficult to even begin to discuss such a concept, without giving it a name.

I suggest a name inspired by popular media.

I suggest this name in part to put people at ease with it, being a slang language not be taken too seriously, even though its USE could be fundamental in preventing racist abuse like that described in the OP.

Since I cannot post URLs, you'll have to search for it.

Youtube video - The Muppet Show The Swedish Chef - Banana Split

I think this new language should be called "Bork!"

And when a speaker of Bork wishes to begin conversing in that tongue, they should announce it by saying "Bork! Bork! Bork!
We all know that in the Obama-Nation, fair is NOT fair when it comes to race in America.

Just ask Eric Holder about "Killing Cracker Babies". He states that Whites are Race Cowards... so far, he appears to be correct.

Most Things "Liberal" are a Government Enforced and sometimes CREATED Anti-white Racial Discrimination.

A School, Company, Scholarship, Government Agency, Branch of Military, Profession, Hobby, or Sports Team... Basically any group, entity or organization...

A group can have too few Blacks, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Whites, but it cannot have too few.

A group can have too few Women, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Males, but it cannot have too few.
(Yes, Males... we're not allowed to be "Men".)

The Liberal "Enforcement" of Diversity, comes down to a one sided exclusion of Whites/Males.

One of the advantages I've seen happening in workplaces and classrooms is the blatant discussions in Ebonics or Spanglish insulting, excluding, limiting, denying and plotting the character assassination (false accusations of academic cheating) of a clueless White Student by those who HATE, using a language that they victim could not understand, therefore it was done right in the open, standing directly in front of them.

Often a Teachers assistants, and in one case, a University Professor joined in the discussion and gave assurances of their designs being aided.

Well, I have a miniature voice recorder with a very sensitive pickup. I grew up on the streets in some very rough neighborhoods. I cannot always decipher what is said in real time, but played back several times, and played to friends who are Black or Latino for translations, I can get the meaning over time...

Needless to say, Whites, particularly White-Males Absolutely NEED to learn to understand Ebonics and Spanglish, if they hope to survive!

If the White Kids in the class, or work place, had a similar Argot, a way of talking to each other, at least they'd be able to talk, in the open, about what was being done and said in Ebonics or Spanglish, and compare notes so as to partially defend themselves.

So, What to base an American White Slang Argot on?

Why not Ancient Norse? It fits doesn't it? Brave Vikings and all that, to make it "Cool"?

There is a large base of published knowledge on the subject, dictionaries and lexicons. It is a complete language, so could be academically studied.

There is a distinctive accent and rhythm to the language which is pleasing and lyrical. Slang words and phrases would no doubt be added as time went on, creating a more complete encryption.

Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?

Should they make a point of NOT sharing that language with people who are not White?

Fair is Fair...

Rise up to compete, or be eliminated.


I don't think it would catch on. A bunch of kids sounding like the Swedish chef from the Muppets...
I don't think it would catch on. A bunch of kids sounding like the Swedish chef from the Muppets...

Have you spent much time around mid-school kids?!

I think you'd do so, you would know, it would have been hard time getting them to STOP talking it.

One of my nephews was sent home from mid school the other day by his teacher with a note explaining how he was disruptive in class.

Evidently the Liberal Teacher was going on about the many virtues of St. Obama.

One of the other students in the class made a comment about ObamaCares Race-Concordance segregation and racial pandering measures.

My nephew responded " Umbers! That's Racissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...."

The whole class burst out in laughter.

What was even more strange and humorous, the teacher had the gall to demand that the parent explain whether the kid's comment. She demanded to know, was the child stating that the Race-Concordance measures in ObamaCare were racist, or whether he was making an accusation of Racism against the other kid who made an Anti-Obama comment.

The teacher demanded a written explanation from the parent before the school reviewed the student for the appropriate discipline.

The Left has gone off the Tracks.

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I agree with your analysis of the origins of Ebonics, but it has gone way beyond just a natural development of a dialect.

The Dialect has been formalized and regularized by University Level Language experts.

Additionally, the new language has been Politically WEAPONIZED!

You don't need to tell me that. I live in a Washington a DC suburb that has transformed from mostly old school DC white trash to neosegregationist black.
The original regionally evolved dialect would say something like...
'Oh, less goo danny ayshun and floot R boot in the wooter in ayshun city.
' (Oh, let's go down to the ocean and float our boat in the water in Ocean City.)
Now it would be ...
Yo, nigga, ahm goinna flab-stab a ho in da back ah dis hooptie and den jack dat boat.
(Say, my friend, I'm going to have sexual relations with a disreputable woman in the back seat of an old car and then I'll steal a boat.)

Ebonics Homework
EreckShawn Johnson is 18 and in the 8th grade. Homework is hard for him.

One day, EreckShawn Johnson got an easy homework assignment. All he had to do was put each of the following vocabulary words in a sentence. Here's what he wrote. (Ebonic style)

1. HOTEL - I gave my girlfriend da crabs and the HOTEL everybody.

2. RECTUM - I had two Cadillacs, but my ol' lady RECTUM both.

3. DISAPPOINTMENT - My parole officer tol me if I miss DISAPPOINTMENT they gonna send me back to the big house.

4. FORECLOSE - If I pay alimony this month, I'll have no money FORECLOSE.

5. CATACOMB - Don King was at the fight the other night, Man, somebody give that CATACOMB.

6. PENIS - I went to da doctor and he handed me a cup and said PENIS.

7. ISRAEL - Alonso tried to sell me a Rolex, I said Man, that looks fake. He said, No, ISRAEL.

8. UNDERMINE - There is a fine lookin' hoe livin' in the apartment UNDERMINE.

9. TRIPOLI - I was gonna buy my old lady a bra but I couldn't find no TRIPOLI.

10. STAIN - My mother-in-law axed if I was STAIN for dinner again.

11. SELDOM - My cousin gave me two tickets to the Knicks game, so I SELDOM.

12. ODYSSEY - I told my bro, you ODYSSEY the tits on this hoe.

13. HORDE - My sister got into trouble because she HORDE around in school.

14. INCOME - I just got in bed wit dis hoe and INCOME my wife.

15. HONOR - At the rape trial, the judge axed my buddy, who be HONOR first?

16. FORTIFY - I axed da hoe how much? And she say FORTIFY.

17. DICTATE - Hey girl! How my DICTATE?

Once again EreckShawn Johnson was asked to do a simple homework assignment. Still befuddled by the whole school thing, EreckShawn is a trooper. He was given another set of vocabulary words to use in sentences. Here's what he handed in:

1. HONOR ROLL - We was playin poker on the stoop the other day, man I was HONOROLL.

2. PLANET - I got me some seed to grow weed, so I PLANET in the backyard.

3. DISMAY - I went for a blood test, the doctor pulled out a big needle. He said, "DISMAY hurt a little."

4. OMELETTE - Every time I start a new job, OMELETTE go after a week.

5. STAIRWAY - When me and my homies get high, we STAIRWAY into space.

6. MOBILE - I went to buy crack, I was short on cash, my man said, "Gimme one MOBILE."

7. DEFENSE - I ran from the cops, and hopped DEFENSE and got away.

8. AFRO - I got so mad at my bitch, AFRO a lamp at her.

9. AFTERMATH - I like to be high in school, so AFTERMATH I go to the field and smoke weed.

10. LOCKET - I slam the door so hard, I LOCKET.

11. DOMINEERING - My girly's birthday was yesterday, I got her a DOMINEERING.

12. KENYA - I needed change fo the subway, so I axe a stranger KENYA spare some change.

13. DERANGE - DERANGE is where da deer and antelope play.

14. DATA - At my basketball game, I scored thirty points. My coach said, "DATA boy!"

15. COPULATE - I called 911 and an hour later when they show up, I said, "COPULATE!"

16. FASCINATE - My girly's titties are so big. Her shirt has ten buttons, she can only FASCINATE.

17. BEWARE - I asked the man at the unemployment office, "Is this BEWARE I get a job?"

18. DIMENSION - I be tall, dark, handsome and not DIMENSION hung like a horse.

19. COATROOM - The judge said, "One more outburst like that, and you'll be thrown out the COATROOM."

20. DECIDE - I like Wanda and Yolanda, but I like to have a couple of bitches on DECIDE.

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