Blacks-Ebonics, Latinos-Spanglish, Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?

No, I wrote "Ancient Norse", not German.

For Fascism, you need to find a Democrat.

No, not Norse...

But you would be a Nincompoop to ignore this:


Is that your "Tolerance" you're so proud of?

Mention "nincompoop" and he goes straight to Fox Noise. This is gonna be great.
Here is a U.S. News report of the subject of False Accusations

Statistics Don't Back Up Claims About 'Rape Culture' - US News

The Rape 'Epidemic' Doesn't Actually Exist
Statistics don't support the contention that 'rape culture' is pervasive.
By Caroline Kitchens Oct. 24, 2013

This Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012 photo shows Caleb Warner in his apartment in Fargo, N.D. The former University of North Dakota student's college career was cut short after being falsely accused of sexual assault about two years ago. The 25-year-old man now lives in Fargo, N.D., and works as a delivery driver. Despite being cleared of all charges and having his accuser charged with making a false report, Warner says he has moved on and doesn't plan to resume his studies at UND or any university. "It's not where I thought I'd be," he says.

A group of 100 protesters – including many topless women – recently marched the streets of Athens, Ohio chanting, "Blame the system, not the victim" and "Two, four, six, eight, stop the violence, stop the rape." Organized by an Ohio University student organization called "f*ckrapeculture," the protest was designed to bring attention to what the founders believe is a toxic culture of sexism and sexual violence infecting their campus.

F*ckrapeculture cofounder Claire Chadwick explained to the campus newspaper, "The name of our organization and the statements that we've made are loud. But it's because we need to be heard." But saying something loudly does not make it true or just.

Chadwick and the members of f*ckrapeculture aren't the only student sexual violence activists that are demanding attention. Since last spring, an expansive network of student activists has emerged to fight "rape culture" and change the way universities respond to cases of sexual misconduct. However, as universities reexamine their sexual assault policies, administrators should be wary of the demands of these "rape culture" activists. Not only is their movement built on a foundation of dubious statistics and a distorted view of masculinity, but it has already led to policies that have proved devastating to those who have been falsely accused.

Activists claim that reform is urgent because one in five women will be raped during her time at college. I have yet to see an article lamenting the campus rape culture that does not contain some iteration of this alarming statistic.


There are hundreds of these cases, far more than I could ever document.

Almost all of the false accusers are Liberals. WHY?


Doesn't really matter at this point.

As Identity Politics continues to divide us into little groups, as our culture continues to deteriorate, we're going to end up like a junior high school dance. Boys talking to each other on one side of the room, girls on the other, no progress taking place. Proper use of the English language is simply no longer a priority, that's apparent everywhere.

Should be interesting to watch. Sad, but interesting.


Doesn't really matter at this point.

As Identity Politics continues to divide us into little groups, as our culture continues to deteriorate, we're going to end up like a junior high school dance. Boys talking to each other on one side of the room, girls on the other, no progress taking place. Proper use of the English language is simply no longer a priority, that's apparent everywhere.

Should be interesting to watch. Sad, but interesting.


I understand your concern. You think that the Argot will cause people to talk "Across-the-Aisle" less.

Well, what if the creation of a countering Argot forces those currently making racist comments and plans openly in class forces them to recognize that they're not as immune, secret, or clever as they thought?

Maybe they will begin to see that not all White Americans are filled with racial guilt, and some will even stand up for their own, and their fellows defense?

Restoration of power BALANCE might just be what is required to get ALL in the mode of working toward pragmatic, non-race-based solutions.


Doesn't really matter at this point.

As Identity Politics continues to divide us into little groups, as our culture continues to deteriorate, we're going to end up like a junior high school dance. Boys talking to each other on one side of the room, girls on the other, no progress taking place. Proper use of the English language is simply no longer a priority, that's apparent everywhere.

Should be interesting to watch. Sad, but interesting.


I understand your concern. You think that the Argot will cause people to talk "Across-the-Aisle" less.

Well, what if the creation of a countering Argot forces those currently making racist comments and plans openly in class forces them to recognize that they're not as immune, secret, or clever as they thought?

Maybe they will begin to see that not all White Americans are filled with racial guilt, and some will even stand up for their own, and their fellows defense?

Restoration of power BALANCE might just be what is required to get ALL in the mode of working toward pragmatic, non-race-based solutions.


Here's the problem. In order to work toward a pragmatic, non-race-based solution, people have to want to accomplish those solutions.

There are too many who have a vested interest in keeping the races separate and angry at each other, in avoiding a melting pot, in further destroying E Pluribus Unum. Identity Politics, all that. Holy shit, look how successful they've been, they have no interest in actually making anything better.

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