Blacks-Ebonics, Latinos-Spanglish, Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?

Here is a List of Common English words of Norse Origin.

List of English words of Old Norse origin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ado, aloft, anger, awe, are, awkward, axle, bag, bairn, bait, ball, band, bark, bask, berserk, billow, birth, bleak, blunder, both, bug, bulk, bull, bylaw, cake, call, cast, choose, clip, club, crawl, crook, cur, die, dirt, dregs, egg, fellow, flat, flit, fog, freckle, gad, gap, garth, gawk, get, geyser, gift, girth, give, glitter, glove, gosling, guest, gun, gust, haggle, hail, hap, happy, heathen, Hell, hit, how, husband, ill, irk, keel, kid, kindle, knife, knot, lad, lathe, law, leather, leg, likely, link, litmus, loan, loft, loose, low, mire, mistake, muck, mug, muggy, Norman, oaf, odd, outlaw, plough, plow, race, raft, raise, ransack, reindeer, rid, rive, root, rotten, rugged, run, saga, sale, same, scale, scant, scare, scarf, scathe, score, scrape, scrap, seat, seem, shake, skate, skid, skill, skin, skip, skirt, skull, sky, slant, slaughter, slaver, sledge, sleight, sleuth, sly, snare, snub, sprint, stagger, stain, stammer, steak, sway, take, tarn, their, they, thorp, though, thrall, Thursday, thrift, thrust, thwart, tidings, tight, till, troll, trust, ugly, until, Vanadium, viking, wand, want, weak, whirl, whisk, wight, wile, window, wing, wrong, yule
They must have run out of threads to post in at Free Republic and other KKK sites?

Are all the racists and bigots here to recruit?
We all know that in the Obama-Nation, fair is NOT fair when it comes to race in America.

Just ask Eric Holder about "Killing Cracker Babies". He states that Whites are Race Cowards... so far, he appears to be correct.

Most Things "Liberal" are a Government Enforced and sometimes CREATED Anti-white Racial Discrimination.

A School, Company, Scholarship, Government Agency, Branch of Military, Profession, Hobby, or Sports Team... Basically any group, entity or organization...

A group can have too few Blacks, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Whites, but it cannot have too few.

A group can have too few Women, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Males, but it cannot have too few.
(Yes, Males... we're not allowed to be "Men".)

The Liberal "Enforcement" of Diversity, comes down to a one sided exclusion of Whites/Males.

One of the advantages I've seen happening in workplaces and classrooms is the blatant discussions in Ebonics or Spanglish insulting, excluding, limiting, denying and plotting the character assassination (false accusations of academic cheating) of a clueless White Student by those who HATE, using a language that they victim could not understand, therefore it was done right in the open, standing directly in front of them.

Often a Teachers assistants, and in one case, a University Professor joined in the discussion and gave assurances of their designs being aided.

Well, I have a miniature voice recorder with a very sensitive pickup. I grew up on the streets in some very rough neighborhoods. I cannot always decipher what is said in real time, but played back several times, and played to friends who are Black or Latino for translations, I can get the meaning over time...

Needless to say, Whites, particularly White-Males Absolutely NEED to learn to understand Ebonics and Spanglish, if they hope to survive!

If the White Kids in the class, or work place, had a similar Argot, a way of talking to each other, at least they'd be able to talk, in the open, about what was being done and said in Ebonics or Spanglish, and compare notes so as to partially defend themselves.

So, What to base an American White Slang Argot on?

Why not Ancient Norse? It fits doesn't it? Brave Vikings and all that, to make it "Cool"?

There is a large base of published knowledge on the subject, dictionaries and lexicons. It is a complete language, so could be academically studied.

There is a distinctive accent and rhythm to the language which is pleasing and lyrical. Slang words and phrases would no doubt be added as time went on, creating a more complete encryption.

Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?

Should they make a point of NOT sharing that language with people who are not White?

Fair is Fair...

Rise up to compete, or be eliminated.


Ah cain't unnerstand what yer sayin.' Mebbe its cause Ah only get three TV chan-nes in mah trailer.
The proposed Argot of Bork would have very little to do with any Historical Race or Ethnic Group.... It would be a contrived Slang Argot forged as a Defensive Weapon against Organized, Anti-White Racial Hatred.

The Purpose of the Tool is to allow White Americans to communicate in the open, in public settings, in a language which those who Hate Whites having a low probability of understanding what is said. This would allow them to warn each other and organize evidence and witness to report the Hate-Crimes.

The People over at Stormfront are unlikely to learn to Speak Ebonics.

The People over at La Raza are unlikely to learn to Speak Bork.
Maybe you should all bother to learn other languages so that you can understand foreigners when they call you a stupid American.
Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?

Should they make a point of NOT sharing that language with people who are not White?

Fair is Fair...

Rise up to compete, or be eliminated.


Your people already have a patois, my narrow-minded friend: Redneck.

"I'm fixin' ta learn yoo sumthin."
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Maybe you should all bother to learn other languages so that you can understand foreigners when they call you a stupid American.

If you READ the OP, I've already done that!

Listening to the Racist, Degrading, and ILLEGAL things said, is what led me to understand that Low-Mid Income American Whites need tools to defend themselves.

A Wall, Gate, Security Camera, Club, Activist Group, Law (when Honest), Government Agency (when JUST), or Aware and Vigilant Citizens can also be Defensive Tools of protection against Racial Discrimination.

I've studied the Life and Methods of Dr. ML King closely, which is part of the knowledge which has led to this thread.

Maybe you should all bother to learn other languages so that you can understand foreigners when they call you a stupid American.

If you READ the OP, I've already done that!

Listening to the Racist, Degrading, and ILLEGAL things said, is what led me to understand that Low-Mid Income American Whites need tools to defend themselves.

A Wall, Gate, Security Camera, Club, Activist Group, Law (when Honest), Government Agency (when JUST), or Aware and Vigilant Citizens can also be Defensive Tools of protection against Racial Discrimination.

I've studied the Life and Methods of Dr. ML King closely, which is part of the knowledge which has led to this thread.
What? What good is slang when no one can understand what you're trying to say in the first place? Americans are already dumb enough without more slang.
In the classroom HATE on display I witnessed, there were plenty of participants who understood first the Ebonics, and later the Spanglish. (Including ME! ... after a bit of effort.)

Kurmugeon's people already have their own language:

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It's nothing but hip-hop street junkie peer pressure directed at Black kids who really want to succeed and speak acceptable english. They call them "uncle tom's". A-holes who will never succeed do the same thing to White kids.
I don't think it would catch on. A bunch of kids sounding like the Swedish chef from the Muppets...

Have you spent much time around mid-school kids?!

I think you'd do so, you would know, it would have been hard time getting them to STOP talking it.

One of my nephews was sent home from mid school the other day by his teacher with a note explaining how he was disruptive in class.

Evidently the Liberal Teacher was going on about the many virtues of St. Obama.

One of the other students in the class made a comment about ObamaCares Race-Concordance segregation and racial pandering measures.

My nephew responded " Umbers! That's Racissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...."

The whole class burst out in laughter.

What was even more strange and humorous, the teacher had the gall to demand that the parent explain whether the kid's comment. She demanded to know, was the child stating that the Race-Concordance measures in ObamaCare were racist, or whether he was making an accusation of Racism against the other kid who made an Anti-Obama comment.

The teacher demanded a written explanation from the parent before the school reviewed the student for the appropriate discipline.

The Left has gone off the Tracks.

Clearly it has, since it went to all the trouble to fly in the entire Left the night before to a meeting where they went over with this teacher what she would do the next day. Just so they would all be on the same page in this anecdote written on an internet message board with no source.

Yessiree bob, that's off the tracks. I mean the jet fuel alone to do that... :ack-1:


Welcome to USMB. Yer gonna have to dig a little deeper here.
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Many of U.S. want to speak an Argot, to defend ourselves from the rampant Anti-White Racism prevalent in America today.

Many of U.S. are seeking defensive tools to protect ourselves, our friends, and our families.

Duke lacrosse case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Street killing of soldier Lee Rigby was faked claim members of controversial London university's Islamic society | Mail Online

False Accusations of Racism Harmful - Civitas Review

It has become so common to make these false accusations, that the technique of the Left has become a Slang Word in itself.

Urban Dictionary: moby


An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question.

The term is derived from the name of the liberal musician Moby, who famously suggested in February of 2004 that left-wing activists engage in this type of subterfuge: “For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion. Then you go to an anti-immigration Web site chat room and ask, ‘What’s all this about George Bush proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?’”

The strategy has been frequently attempted on conservative blogs, but has not been nearly as effective as Moby envisioned, since false rumors are easily debunked by fact-checking minions, and cartoonishly extreme commenters often get immediately identified as mobys and banned.
"While I agree that it is vital to monitor incoming international phone calls from terrorists, President Bush has gone too far.

By secret executive order, he has instructed the NSA to place hidden cameras in the girls' locker rooms of Washington D.C. (Dirt bag City) Islamic schools. His desire to find out 'what is under all those burqas' is beyond the pale.

Maybe the Dhimmicrats are right. If he would do this, what else is he capable of? Let your voice be heard! I for one will never send the RNC money ever again. And, no, I am not a moby."

Are you defending these Blatantly RACIST, false accusations?

Are you Proud of these actions?

Who is the Bigot?
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Perhaps this is the Left's version of Tolerance:

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We all know that in the Obama-Nation, fair is NOT fair when it comes to race in America.

Just ask Eric Holder about "Killing Cracker Babies". He states that Whites are Race Cowards... so far, he appears to be correct.

Most Things "Liberal" are a Government Enforced and sometimes CREATED Anti-white Racial Discrimination.

A School, Company, Scholarship, Government Agency, Branch of Military, Profession, Hobby, or Sports Team... Basically any group, entity or organization...

A group can have too few Blacks, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Whites, but it cannot have too few.

A group can have too few Women, but it cannot have too many.

A group can have too many Males, but it cannot have too few.
(Yes, Males... we're not allowed to be "Men".)

The Liberal "Enforcement" of Diversity, comes down to a one sided exclusion of Whites/Males.

One of the advantages I've seen happening in workplaces and classrooms is the blatant discussions in Ebonics or Spanglish insulting, excluding, limiting, denying and plotting the character assassination (false accusations of academic cheating) of a clueless White Student by those who HATE, using a language that they victim could not understand, therefore it was done right in the open, standing directly in front of them.

Often a Teachers assistants, and in one case, a University Professor joined in the discussion and gave assurances of their designs being aided.

Well, I have a miniature voice recorder with a very sensitive pickup. I grew up on the streets in some very rough neighborhoods. I cannot always decipher what is said in real time, but played back several times, and played to friends who are Black or Latino for translations, I can get the meaning over time...

Needless to say, Whites, particularly White-Males Absolutely NEED to learn to understand Ebonics and Spanglish, if they hope to survive!

If the White Kids in the class, or work place, had a similar Argot, a way of talking to each other, at least they'd be able to talk, in the open, about what was being done and said in Ebonics or Spanglish, and compare notes so as to partially defend themselves.

So, What to base an American White Slang Argot on?

Why not Ancient Norse? It fits doesn't it? Brave Vikings and all that, to make it "Cool"?

There is a large base of published knowledge on the subject, dictionaries and lexicons. It is a complete language, so could be academically studied.

There is a distinctive accent and rhythm to the language which is pleasing and lyrical. Slang words and phrases would no doubt be added as time went on, creating a more complete encryption.

Should American Whites create a Norse Slang Argot?

Should they make a point of NOT sharing that language with people who are not White?

Fair is Fair...

Rise up to compete, or be eliminated.


Ve do not need to to create a Norse Slang Argot. Vas ve vant ist ein gut deutsch vord.

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