Blacks waking up to the truth of the democrat party?

Most of these people destroyed their own lives and families, regardless of politics.

We can blame one political party for just about anything. But the bottom line is their own actions that make or break their own lives.
Blaming any political party because someone turns to a life of crime is like blaming gun violence on the manufacturer.

I'm not siding the with democrats on this issue, because the radical left are retards. Same with the radical right. But to think that politics has that much affect on our lives is ridiculous.
Oh look. The uneducated whites think segregationist policies had no effect on black families. How adorable. 😄
Oh look. The uneducated whites think segregationist policies had no effect on black families. How adorable. 😄

No one has to be segregated now a days. It's a free country for everyone. People segregate themselves per their own choices.

You think peoples lives revolve around politics. No democrat or republican makes laws that says blacks have to live in area X and white have to live in area Z. People do that themselves.
And it's not because they're racist. People just want to be around others they somewhat understand & have cultures they can associate with. People who talk and act like them.
It's called human nature. And it's actually the nature of almost every species on the planet.
You don't see a pack of dogs running with the cats.

Trying to make this about politics, completely overlooks the obvious. You're like conspiracy theorist.

But I get it. You're probably a die hard Republican and want to take a jab at the left, and somehow prove you are right about how bad the left is, ain't gonna work with die hard democrats. Or independents like me.
No one has to be segregated now a days. It's a free country for everyone. People segregate themselves per their own choices.
Not quite. Things in this country aren't free. To move out of the situations segregationists red lined black families into requires money, money black families just don't have. See after segregationist new deal policies subsidized white home ownership and the creation of the white middle class the average white family has over $100,000 in wealth while the average black family has around $10,000 in wealth.
You think peoples lives revolve around politics. No democrat or republican makes laws that says blacks have to live in area X and white have to live in area Z. People do that themselves.
Wrong again dipshit. Segregationists did that. Learn the history of red lining. They define a lot of the boundaries of today's inner cities.
And it's not because they're racist. People just want to be around others they somewhat understand & have cultures they can associate with. People who talk and act like them.
It's called human nature.
Its called racism. Don't be a bitch about it. Either be a proud racist or don't be racist, why choose to be a little bitch racist instead?
And it's actually the nature of almost every species on the planet.
You don't see a pack of dogs running with the cats.
Dogs and cats aren't the same species. Way too fail biology there as well as history. I did introduce some numbers up top. Maybe next you can argue that families with $10,000 have as many options as families with $100,000 so you can be a failure at math as well. You know, complete the trifecta.
Trying to make this about politics, completely overlooks the obvious. You're like conspiracy theorist.
Not realizing how segregationist policies have affected black families is missing the obvious.
But I get it. You're probably a die hard Republican and want to take a jab at the left, and somehow prove you are right about how bad the left is, ain't gonna work with die hard democrats. Or independents like me.
Wrong again you Bingo.
Not quite. Things in this country aren't free. To move out of the situations segregationists red lined black families into requires money, money black families just don't have. See after segregationist new deal policies subsidized white home ownership and the creation of the white middle class the average white family has over $100,000 in wealth while the average black family has around $10,000 in wealth.

Which black families? The "do nuffins?" Or the ones who chose hard work and education to get themselves out of the ghetto's and projects?
Being black doesn't segregate anything. There's no limits on what a black person can do in this country. Or than the limits he/she puts on himself.
Example: George Floyd. Had some college. Scholarship for football. He had all the makings of a successful person, but through his own decisions, turned to a life of crime and drugs.

Wrong again dipshit. Segregationists did that. Learn the history of red lining. They define a lot of the boundaries of today's inner cities.

People define their own lives, regardless of where they live.
Who oppresses you and why do you let them?

Its called racism. Don't be a bitch about it. Either be a proud racist or don't be racist, why choose to be a little bitch racist instead?

LMAO.. You probably think math is racist too, huh?
Dogs and cats aren't the same species. Way too fail biology there as well as history. I did introduce some numbers up top. Maybe next you can argue next that families with $10,000 have as many options as families with $100,000 so you can be a failure at math as well. You know, complete the trifecta.

Not the same species but both are mammals. Both have a lot of the same characteristics. And both can coexist. Just as whites and blacks do. But they still would rather run with their own kind. Not because they don't like the other kind. But simply because they're more comfortable with their own kind.
This especially goes for black folks. They too would rather be with their own kind.
Does that make them racist? Or are you going to say that's whitey's fault too?

Not realizing how segregationist policies have affected black families is missing the obvious.

The only realization is that you're trying to make this 100% about politics, without any regard to human nature and culture.
Wrong again you Bingo.

The radical left is just as retarded as the radical right. So regardless of which side you're on, you're still a radical. And somewhat retarded when it comes to the obvious. Most peoples lives don't revolve around politics.
Those who choose to inject politics into every aspect of their lives are retarded conspiracy theorist.
And I might add, are some of the most hateful, disillusioned people on the planet.
The democrat party has destroyed black families and black lives......yet the democrats continue to push the "republicans are racist," lie. Are blacks finally catching on?

REmember , it was Democrats that defined Black down to the octaroon level and then blocked all help to those they had legally made Black



Embarass me, show me wrong, run me off the site
Which black families? The "do nuffins?" Or the ones who chose hard work and education to get themselves out of the ghetto's and projects?
"Do nuffins" ?

Why continue this charade like you care or understand anything about black families? Its one thing to live as a racist your entire life but why choose to live like a coward as well? Maybe you're just too stupid to even know thats what you are. You don't seem to understand much about anything. You don't even understand how politics impacts people's lives when we our entire economic system couldn't even exist without it. You're a Bingo.
"Do nuffins" ?

Why continue this charade like you care or understand anything about black families? Its one thing to live as a racist your entire life but why choose to live like a coward as well? Maybe you're just too stupid to even know thats what you are. You don't seem to understand much about anything. You don't even understand how politics impacts people's lives when we our entire economic system couldn't even exist without it. You're a Bingo.

At least half of my customers are black. They're not just my customers they're also my friends, most of them. So you trying to deem me as a racist, ain't going to work. Every single one of my friends & family, black, white, Hispanic or Asian would shove you're false, racist narrative down your throat.
And BTW, none of them, not one, let's politics drive their lives. They don't take a job based on who's president. They don't go shopping based on who their representative or senators are. They don't live in a certain neighborhood because one party has a majority over the other, or what their campaign speeches consist of.

And what you don't understand is that living without politics surrounding our lives is 100% doable. And is done by most people.
People like you, who let politics consume their lives, are the kind that others avoid because you simply won't shut up about it.

P.S. Yeah, Du nuffins. Those that go through life thinking they're entitled to what everyone else has, without having to put forth the effort to get it.
At least half of my customers are black. They're not just my customers they're also my friends, most of them. So you trying to deem me as a racist, ain't going to work. Every single one of my friends & family, black, white, Hispanic or Asian would shove you're false, racist narrative down your throat.
Well until they show up here I'm going to consider them figments of your addled, racist mind. You're a stupid stupid Bingo. A world without politics is a world without a modern economy. Politics is why you can go to a store and give them green paper and get back useful goods. Without that you'd be bartering your ass for eggs and medicine.
Well until they show up here I'm going to consider them figments of your addled, racist mind. You're a stupid stupid Bingo. A world without politics is a world without a modern economy. Politics is why you can go to a store and give them green paper and get back useful goods. Without that you'd be bartering your ass for eggs and medicine.

Oh yeah, they're going to come knocking on your door, just to satisfy your curiosity. :rolleyes:

Who TF is saying politics don't exist? :dunno:

You're misconstruing what's actually being said. Reading comprehension? A lack of, or the inability to understand that most people simply don't let politics consume them like you do?
Oh yeah, they're going to come knocking on your door, just to satisfy your curiosity. :rolleyes:

Who TF is saying politics don't exist? :dunno:

You're misconstruing what's actually being said. Reading comprehension? A lack of, or the inability to understand that most people simply don't let politics consume them like you do?
I'm not misconstruing anything. You don't understand the role politics plays in the creation of the economy or its historical role in depriving black families of economic opportunity. You're a racist moron.
I'm not misconstruing anything. You don't understand the role politics plays in the creation of the economy or its historical role in depriving black families of economic opportunity. You're a racist moron.

The creation of our economy, created by whites have since allowed the largest number of blacks to become not only middle class, but also millionaires and billionaires.
So the argument that whitey's economy only allows for whites to succeed is retarded. It also allows for darkies and whitey's to fail miserably, if they so choose to.

George Floyd is a prime example. He not only failed his own life, but the lives of all his children. He, like so many others chose drugs and crime to be their driving force. Instead of work, education and living a decent life, free of bad influences.
No one force him to live a life of crime. No one forced him to use counterfeit money. No more than anyone else is forced to live that kind of life style.
No, everyonne is not a racist. Just right wing whites like you. See your second comment is eevidence of your cognitive dissonance.

What the MSM really doesn't show.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachingsabout history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressionsof culture, and personal relationships have for most whitesbeen both limited and false.” -Horace Seldon

People yell and scream about welfare to the poor because they have been race-baited to envision a black woman with many little kids looking different following her around like baby ducks. But the major recipients of welfare are white men wearing black and blue suits who get up every morning and drive to work in their Mercedes or Range Rovers.

“The American government spends more on corporate welfare than it does on food stamps and financial assistance for needy families with children.”

Who REALLY has their hand out for government freebies, subsidies and other carrots the government dangles and have become enslaved to government with no incentive to better themselves fool?

Read! No specificity was called out .. only those dependent on government and enslaved to government have no incentive to be successful. You wear me out. Besides xenophobic, islamaphobic, transphobic, nazi and every other overused label .. evidently I'm a racist now .. and I don't even know it. Sweet .. okay! What's next?
The democrat party has destroyed black families and black lives......yet the democrats continue to push the "republicans are racist," lie. Are blacks finally catching on?

The Democrats will get over 90% of their vote next year like they always do. Black turnout may drop, but they aren't voting for you.
The Democrats will get over 90% of their vote next year like they always do. Black turnout may drop, but they aren't voting for you.

I'm not running, and I agree with you...democrats can run their cities in a way where black children die in the 10s of thousands, and are trapped in generational crime and poverty....but they will keep voting for the democrats over and over again...
Are you still pretending not to be a racist cuck? You going to live your whole life that way?

Why do people with less education, fewer jobs, lower skilled jobs, more single parent households and higher rates of criminal convictions have lower levels of wealth?

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