Blacks were SLAVES ON A PLANTATION until yesterday

And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
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After being told 1,000 times how we are slaves by republicans you bitches have got some nerve. And I have been personally told how I am not black by you republicans. So fuck you white racists, Biden was right. If you're dark skinned and support trump you ain't black.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
I simply dont give a fuck what these silly ass punk white boys think. I'm on record as saying I would vote for the local dog catcher over Drumpf so what they think is really none of my business.
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And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. That's a comfort zone for many blacks. I'm merely showing how your life could be better.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
  • Love
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And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. I'm merely showing how your life could be better. :)

I didnt ask what you were good with. You cant show me a better life when mine is already better than yours. :)
  • Love
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And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
What was that, little lap dog? You’re not black if you don’t vote for your master Biden. Didn’t you hear him? Ha ha ha ha. You have been a slave to the Democrats for your entire life and you still don’t even see that. You’re stupid. And a bitch.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. I'm merely showing how your life could be better. :)

I didnt ask what you were good with. You cant show me a better life when mine is already better than yours. :)

If it were better you would not be crying nonstop for reparations. You lie and you’re Bidens bitch.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. I'm merely showing how your life could be better. :)

My life is just fine. Listening to an illiterate sellout isn't going to help me. If I wanted to live on a plantation, I'd be a black republican.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
What was that, little lap dog? You’re not black if you don’t vote for your master Biden. Didn’t you hear him? Ha ha ha ha. You have been a slave to the Democrats for your entire life and you still don’t even see that. You’re stupid. And a bitch.
You really mad huh bro? :laughing0301:
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And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
Lol! Brother you got a neo nazi jew trying to tell you what to think. I suppose he likes being walked to the ovens.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. I'm merely showing how your life could be better. :)

My life is just fine. Listening to an illiterate sellout isn't going to help me. If I wanted to live on a plantation, I'd be a black republican.

I once told a Black repub that him trying to change the party back to what it used to be was like trying to convince a slave owner to give up his slaves. Just not going to happen.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. I'm merely showing how your life could be better. :)

I didnt ask what you were good with. You cant show me a better life when mine is already better than yours. :)

Is it?
How can your life be better when you're always complaining ?
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
Lol! Brother you got a neo nazi jew trying to tell you what to think. I suppose he likes being walked to the ovens.
Assgod really believes he is smart. He is just another dumb ass white boy trying his hardest to convince me a Black god to vote for that fuckup in the white house.
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And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. I'm merely showing how your life could be better. :)

I didnt ask what you were good with. You cant show me a better life when mine is already better than yours. :)

Is it?
How can your life be better when you're always complaining ?

Yes it is.

Who told you I was always complaining? I dont have anything to complain about and if I did I wouldnt complain to white people about it.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. I'm merely showing how your life could be better. :)

I didnt ask what you were good with. You cant show me a better life when mine is already better than yours. :)

Is it?
How can your life be better when you're always complaining ?

Because we refuse to be fucked. Your gaslighting doesn't work junior, we are not black trump supporters.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

Only whites like you listen to this retard.

Posting the Uncle Ruckus video again will not make me watch it. Whites like you glorify this illiterate retard.

I'm good with you choosing to live on the plantation. I'm merely showing how your life could be better. :)

I didnt ask what you were good with. You cant show me a better life when mine is already better than yours. :)

Is it?
How can your life be better when you're always complaining ?

Yes it is.

Who told you I was always complaining? I dont have anything to complain about and if I did I wouldnt complain to white people about it.

I've been reading your posts over the past several years. You're always whining and bitching about something. :)
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
Lol! Brother you got a neo nazi jew trying to tell you what to think. I suppose he likes being walked to the ovens.
Assgod really believes he is smart. He is just another dumb ass white boy trying his hardest to convince me a Black god to vote for that fuckup in the white house.
Yeah he does. And you're 100 percent about him.

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