Blame Boehner


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
He had the chance to defund this Obama/Boehner health care bill monster and didn't do it...coward! :mad:
He had the chance to defund this Obama/Boehner health care bill monster and didn't do it...coward! :mad:

How? The senate would have never complied....

Only the House can spend the peoples money. The Senate can't over rule an appropriation bill. He should have listened to Michele Bachmann and choked this monster out by not funding it but , like I said he is a coward.
He had the chance to defund this Obama/Boehner health care bill monster and didn't do it...coward! :mad:

How? The senate would have never complied....

Only the House can spend the peoples money. The Senate can't over rule an appropriation bill. He should have listened to Michele Bachmann and choked this monster out by not funding it but , like I said he is a coward.

That is a temporary bandaid. It served to solve nothing as the next house would have done what they wanted. I place the blame solely where it belongs, Reid...Pelosi and Obama. And everything beyond that is a moot point until the GOP has the votes and the presidency to actually kill this bill.
If they could have defunded it they would have had to fix the underlying problem and they have NO idea how to fix anything
If they could have defunded it they would have had to fix the underlying problem and they have NO idea how to fix anything

This creates so many more problems that it won't even exist after next year. If you wanna fix the problem we should try to move to follow the swiss model of healthcare. The Ryan/Rivlin bill was closer to that then this Bill is.
you lost

get it

your guys ideas did not win the people over.

the next step is a public option.
If they could have defunded it they would have had to fix the underlying problem and they have NO idea how to fix anything

This creates so many more problems that it won't even exist after next year. If you wanna fix the problem we should try to move to follow the swiss model of healthcare. The Ryan/Rivlin bill was closer to that then this Bill is.

I'm a two tier fan myself. I like both the French and the Swiss models. This version, this Obamacare is a dogs breakfast. It's so unwieldy.
He had the chance to defund this Obama/Boehner health care bill monster and didn't do it...coward! :mad:

u were going to have this fight, how was Boehner supposed to know illegal is now the new legal? Come on, the guy isnt standing there collecting a check he assumed like the rest of us it was going to be squashed like the law should have been.
He had the chance to defund this Obama/Boehner health care bill monster and didn't do it...coward! :mad:

u were going to have this fight, how was Boehner supposed to know illegal is now the new legal? Come on, the guy isn't standing there collecting a check he assumed like the rest of us it was going to be squashed like the law should have been.

Yes he figured wrong! as he often does and I don't want a political coward like him in charge of the house republicans, sorry,he is a sissy compared to Pelosi.

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