Blatant Racism in Action

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He didn't act like his feelings were hurt. He seemed a bit amused in a wry sort of way. I would've been too.

Then why did he make such a big issue about it...stick around to film it...and then post it on the internet. Cos it was amusing?

Marc doesn't think it's amusing. Marc thinks it a major statement about racism in America.

People post everything on the internet from getting drunk to how to draw a gimp. I don't thnk the guy was making a political statement by posting it on the is funny, just funny.

Wait, why are we even discussing this...again. The exact same arguments on the exact same topic.
The guy in the car kept his cool but I'm pretty sure he was ticked. I got ticked just watching it. And the more she mouthed off..the more pissed I got just watching. If I were in that car and that bitch was doing to me what she was doing to him, I'd be in jail.
He didn't act like his feelings were hurt. He seemed a bit amused in a wry sort of way. I would've been too.

Then why did he make such a big issue about it...stick around to film it...and then post it on the internet. Cos it was amusing?

Marc doesn't think it's amusing. Marc thinks it a major statement about racism in America.

What big issue did he make? Its not hard to video tape people with these new devices called smart phones.

It is a statement about racism. Why cant it be amusing in its stupidity at the same time?
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I PITY her.

I SYMPATHIZE with him.

Because he's a victim??
Actually, he IS the victim.

However, until YOU brought it in the conversation, I wasn't seeing any victim or anyone to pity at all.

Why did you ask that anyway...who do you pity? Who's the victim in your mind?

I PITY her.

I SYMPATHIZE with him.

I would have sympathized with him if he called her a crazy bitch...told her to fuck off...and then left. Sitting there for all that time filming her and egging her what purpose? Why do that?

Maybe I'm missing something.
That's the thing about life...everyone responds to situations differently. Your way isn't wrong, it's just your way, aka not the only way.

Are you suggesting that HIS response was wrong somehow?

I've already said it was wrong. I was real clear about it. The bitch is ignorant and crazy. Say your peace and leave. It's like making fun of a retarded person, then filming it, and posting it on the internet. It doesn't make either party look good.

Somebody needed to take the high road. The crazy bitch will always be in the gutter. To bad the guy stayed right there with her.
He was just pushing her buttons, SJ. I would have done the same damn thing.
I know he was. So how do we know he wasn't pushing her buttons before he started recording? How do we know he didn't make a few racial remarks to her first? She seemed awfully upset over just him scaring her kids. More likely she called him an asshole and he continued to antagonize her. Most people don't get that upset right off the bat.
He didn't act like his feelings were hurt. He seemed a bit amused in a wry sort of way. I would've been too.

Then why did he make such a big issue about it...stick around to film it...and then post it on the internet. Cos it was amusing?

Marc doesn't think it's amusing. Marc thinks it a major statement about racism in America.

People post everything on the internet from getting drunk to how to draw a gimp. I don't thnk the guy was making a political statement by posting it on the is funny, just funny.

Wait, why are we even discussing this...again. The exact same arguments on the exact same topic.

And the exact same OP. Imagine that? :)
I PITY her.

I SYMPATHIZE with him.

Because he's a victim??
Actually, he IS the victim.

However, until YOU brought it in the conversation, I wasn't seeing any victim or anyone to pity at all.

Why did you ask that anyway...who do you pity? Who's the victim in your mind?

I PITY her.

I SYMPATHIZE with him.

I would have sympathized with him if he called her a crazy bitch...told her to fuck off...and then left. Sitting there for all that time filming her and egging her what purpose? Why do that?

Maybe I'm missing something.
That's the thing about life...everyone responds to situations differently. Your way isn't wrong, it's just your way, aka not the only way.

Are you suggesting that HIS response was wrong somehow?

I pity you because you're a victim of a victim mentality...seriously, it's sad that so much of your time is taken up by looking for a racist boogeyman around every corner.:smiliehug:
He didn't act like his feelings were hurt. He seemed a bit amused in a wry sort of way. I would've been too.

Then why did he make such a big issue about it...stick around to film it...and then post it on the internet. Cos it was amusing?

Marc doesn't think it's amusing. Marc thinks it a major statement about racism in America.

I would've done the same thing, WQ. Bitch deserves to be seen as the skank she is. Kudos to the guy that did it, says I.

I work in the mental health field. I know crazy when I see it. You engage crazy in a direct lose.
now someone post the link where she was on meds and apologized
She proved it would take nothing to piss her off. He said he started his car and it scared her kids. She called him a ******. He continued to film while she mouthed off. She threated violence and he rolled up his window. He did not leave. I wouldn't have either!
He didn't act like his feelings were hurt. He seemed a bit amused in a wry sort of way. I would've been too.

Then why did he make such a big issue about it...stick around to film it...and then post it on the internet. Cos it was amusing?

Marc doesn't think it's amusing. Marc thinks it a major statement about racism in America.
How do you know what I think sir?

Where did I post what you're stating I did?

Read your words again carefully. :)

Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.
Then why did he make such a big issue about it...stick around to film it...and then post it on the internet. Cos it was amusing?

Marc doesn't think it's amusing. Marc thinks it a major statement about racism in America.

I would've done the same thing, WQ. Bitch deserves to be seen as the skank she is. Kudos to the guy that did it, says I.

I work in the mental health field. I know crazy when I see it. You engage crazy in a direct lose.

I'm crazy, I suppose. Or so I have been told. What I know about myself is...I don't take shit. From anyone. Never have. Never will. I could relate to that guy. Don't start shit, won't be shit. Start shit, gonna be a shitload of shit. I can live with myself being that way. It's in my genetic makeup.
Then why did he make such a big issue about it...stick around to film it...and then post it on the internet. Cos it was amusing?

Marc doesn't think it's amusing. Marc thinks it a major statement about racism in America.
How do you know what I think sir?

Where did I post what you're stating I did?

Read your words again carefully. :)

Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

You obviously have a hard time reading. Sounds more like amused resignation to me.
How do you know what I think sir?

Where did I post what you're stating I did?

Read your words again carefully. :)

Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

You obviously have a hard time reading. Sounds more like amused resignation to me.

Sure Marc....:lol: you made no comment about racism. Anyone can see that. :lol:
So, he was supposed to say Yassah Ma'am and bob his head, apologize for making her brats scared, then duck his head as he drives away because she's a crazy bitch? I don't think so.
I would've done the same thing, WQ. Bitch deserves to be seen as the skank she is. Kudos to the guy that did it, says I.

I work in the mental health field. I know crazy when I see it. You engage crazy in a direct lose.

I'm crazy, I suppose. Or so I have been told. What I know about myself is...I don't take shit. From anyone. Never have. Never will. I could relate to that guy. Don't start shit, won't be shit. Start shit, gonna be a shitload of shit. I can live with myself being that way. It's in my genetic makeup.

How has that worked for you?
Because she used bad words that made a psychic boo-boo.

Who told you that?

The n-word when used by a white person toward a black person is the worst sin imaginable. It always causes a major psychic boo-boo.

Who told you that? I think its disrespectful but a major psychic boo-boo? It may be to someone that is not sure of themselves. If that was the case you would have been reading about this as a "knockout game" story.
I work in the mental health field. I know crazy when I see it. You engage crazy in a direct lose.

I'm crazy, I suppose. Or so I have been told. What I know about myself is...I don't take shit. From anyone. Never have. Never will. I could relate to that guy. Don't start shit, won't be shit. Start shit, gonna be a shitload of shit. I can live with myself being that way. It's in my genetic makeup.

How has that worked for you?

Just fine, WQ. How does it work for you to be a door mat? Or..are you one? You don't seem like it. But..what do I know?

You wanted him to act like YOU wanted him to act. I say I would have done exactly as he did. Just makes us different individuals, you and I.
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