Blatant Racism in Action

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Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

Quick question, the guy keeps claiming he called the cops. For what? Last I checked it is not illegal for one to be racist. Nor can the cops arrest you for cursing at someone even a racist curse. So what did he call the cops for and what did he expect them to do?
Watch the video again. He thought SHE called the cops. And he was very OK with that idea.

His attitude was "yes, please DO get the cops involved...I'll wait."

Watch it again and you'll see.
Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

Let me see if I understand your position, you are upset that the Supreme Court said something they didn't say, and this video somehow makes it right that you are attacking them for it.

Did I miss anything?
What are you claiming the Supreme Court didn't say?
Just read that the woman's name is Janelle Ambrosia.
She called in to the local radio station defiantly, claiming that the man called her a "cracker" before the altercation intensified.
That must not have worked, because she called back in at a later time in full contrition mode, claiming that she's sorry, that she suffers from bi-polarism, that's she's not a racist at all and that she has a black cousin.
I also read that her ex-husband has filed for custody of the children because he doesn't feel they're safe with her.
Oh, and she's really a stripper.
She really, really stepped in it.
The gentleman's name is Narvell Benning, and he's been getting nothing but praise for the way he handled the verbal onslaught of the lady.
He also called in to that same radio station.
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The video was posted on YouTube on 6/3/2014.
Today is 6/6/2014
That means it rang up almost 7.5 million in record speed.
And some posters have quipped "who the hell cares?!?"
Well, apparently many people do.
And she's notorious now.
Did it to herself too.
No one else to blame but her and her racism.
Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

Let me see if I understand your position, you are upset that the Supreme Court said something they didn't say, and this video somehow makes it right that you are attacking them for it.

Did I miss anything?
What are you claiming the Supreme Court didn't say?

When did they say there is no racism in America? I dare you to give me a fucking quote, asshole.
Let me see if I understand your position, you are upset that the Supreme Court said something they didn't say, and this video somehow makes it right that you are attacking them for it.

Did I miss anything?
What are you claiming the Supreme Court didn't say?

When did they say there is no racism in America? I dare you to give me a fucking quote, asshole.
Ahhhh...I'm challeneged to PRESENT TO YOU a quote straight from the horses A$$, I mean, uhm, mouth huh?

Well these will have to do...

Supreme Court Poised to Declare Racism Over | Mother Jones

Scalia: Voting Rights Act Is 'Perpetuation Of Racial Entitlement' | ThinkProgress

If you can't read between the lines then I don't know what else to tell you.
What are you claiming the Supreme Court didn't say?

When did they say there is no racism in America? I dare you to give me a fucking quote, asshole.
Ahhhh...I'm challeneged to PRESENT TO YOU a quote straight from the horses A$$, I mean, uhm, mouth huh?

Well these will have to do...

Supreme Court Poised to Declare Racism Over | Mother Jones

Scalia: Voting Rights Act Is 'Perpetuation Of Racial Entitlement' | ThinkProgress

If you can't read between the lines then I don't know what else to tell you.

You got nothing, which means you are obsessed over something they never happened. How does it feel to know you are a deluded idiot?
When did they say there is no racism in America? I dare you to give me a fucking quote, asshole.
Ahhhh...I'm challeneged to PRESENT TO YOU a quote straight from the horses A$$, I mean, uhm, mouth huh?

Well these will have to do...

Supreme Court Poised to Declare Racism Over | Mother Jones

Scalia: Voting Rights Act Is 'Perpetuation Of Racial Entitlement' | ThinkProgress

If you can't read between the lines then I don't know what else to tell you.

You got nothing, which means you are obsessed over something they never happened. How does it feel to know you are a deluded idiot?

Seems he got your panties in a bunch. :lol:

You should have called yourself Quantum Hot airbag but windbag describes you as well. Only morons like you pretend that is not exactly what RW Supreme Court justices said when they struck down laws protecting voting rights for minorities.

If The Supreme Court Says Racism Is Pretty Much Over, Why Are So Many People Still Being So Racist?

The majority opinion, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts and joined by Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, stated that “things have changed dramatically” in the South and that the "country has changed" since the Voting Rights Act was passed. The court argued the law had successfully defended against discrimination, but was no longer needed. Racism, the court majority appeared to suggest, was over, and laws created during a time when such hatred was in its heyday served now to place unjust "burdens" on certain states and jurisdictions that wished to pass new voting laws -- laws, of course, that had nothing to do with trying to suppress minority votes.
Ahhhh...I'm challeneged to PRESENT TO YOU a quote straight from the horses A$$, I mean, uhm, mouth huh?

Well these will have to do...

Supreme Court Poised to Declare Racism Over | Mother Jones

Scalia: Voting Rights Act Is 'Perpetuation Of Racial Entitlement' | ThinkProgress

If you can't read between the lines then I don't know what else to tell you.

You got nothing, which means you are obsessed over something they never happened. How does it feel to know you are a deluded idiot?

Seems he got your panties in a bunch. :lol:

You should have called yourself Quantum Hot airbag but windbag describes you as well. Only morons like you pretend that is not exactly what RW Supreme Court justices said when they struck down laws protecting voting rights for minorities.

If The Supreme Court Says Racism Is Pretty Much Over, Why Are So Many People Still Being So Racist?

The majority opinion, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts and joined by Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, stated that “things have changed dramatically” in the South and that the "country has changed" since the Voting Rights Act was passed. The court argued the law had successfully defended against discrimination, but was no longer needed. Racism, the court majority appeared to suggest, was over, and laws created during a time when such hatred was in its heyday served now to place unjust "burdens" on certain states and jurisdictions that wished to pass new voting laws -- laws, of course, that had nothing to do with trying to suppress minority votes.

I am not the one that is insisting that the Supreme Court said something they didn't am I? That would be you and the other racists in this thread. All you have to do is to point to a single court ruling that said that racism no longer exists to prove me wrong, yet all you do is point to racists that insist they said something they didn't.
Actually, he IS the victim.

However, until YOU brought it in the conversation, I wasn't seeing any victim or anyone to pity at all.

Why did you ask that anyway...who do you pity? Who's the victim in your mind?

That's the thing about life...everyone responds to situations differently. Your way isn't wrong, it's just your way, aka not the only way.

Are you suggesting that HIS response was wrong somehow?

I pity you because you're a victim of a victim mentality...seriously, it's sad that so much of your time is taken up by looking for a racist boogeyman around every corner.:smiliehug:
a. YOU'RE the one that brought in pity. Like I stated, that thought/emotion NEVER even crossed my mind, I was simply responding to what you asked, IF there's someone to pit.

2. How do you know how much time I spend "looking for a racist boogeyman around every corner?"

Yeah, I'm aware that I brought it up...I was interested in your perspective, which is why I asked. No need to be defensive.

Whether it's your intention or not, I think you can come off as race obsessed to some people, at least in this sort of a forum. Seriously Marc, have you ever felt like perhaps you're an emotional slave to whitey, due to the impact that their actions have on taking up a considerable amount of your thoughts?? You seem angry, like you focus on more of the negatives in your life...again, that's just the impression you've made on me.

I like you Marc....I think you know that. But judging but the huge number of race based threads you post you seem enslaved (word used intentionally) by your relationship to white folks in this society. To be fair, your are generally fairly thoughtful in these threads, and seem at times to genuinely want to gauge people's thoughts and intentions. But come across as obsessed.

Now before you issue your usual denials and obfuscations....just consider what I have said. I am not being unkind. But I am certain you are much more than your skin color. There is a real human being there. You can define who are without any help from white folks....either those that are enlightened or bigoted. Free your mind as much as you can from the racial construct. It has never helped any individual or society that I can tell. It only seems to hurt folks.
Marc has bought the line how everything wrong in his life is because of white people...They've been brainwashing them with this for years and as see unfortunately, it has stuck on a lot the black people in this country...too me they enslave themselves into a life of bitterness, hate and misery because of it

I find this sad that so many people buy into that...It doesn't HELP anyone

and then it makes other's hate to see this projected onto them and the racism, hate, prejudice just goes round and round

none of those things I listed will ever end and I think you'd be foolish and wasting your time dreaming it would...We are human being and all different..there is no way you will program everyone to think the same...sorry to burst your bubble
Try reversing the roles.

If a white guys scared the children because he started his car and the black lady went crazy on him like this white chick did.... I am sure all of you would be on here making fun of the "crazy insane black lady" yelling at the white guy. And have no problem with him filming her for laughs.

Or am i wrong?

The crazy black lady would've pulled out her gun and shot the f-ing cracker.
Yeah, I'm aware that I brought it up...I was interested in your perspective, which is why I asked. No need to be defensive.

Whether it's your intention or not, I think you can come off as race obsessed to some people, at least in this sort of a forum. Seriously Marc, have you ever felt like perhaps you're an emotional slave to whitey, due to the impact that their actions have on taking up a considerable amount of your thoughts?? You seem angry, like you focus on more of the negatives in your life...again, that's just the impression you've made on me.
Why do you think those people think I'm race obsessed?

I like you Marc....I think you know that. But judging but the huge number of race based threads you post you seem enslaved (word used intentionally) by your relationship to white folks in this society. To be fair, your are generally fairly thoughtful in these threads, and seem at times to genuinely want to gauge people's thoughts and intentions. But come across as obsessed.

Now before you issue your usual denials and obfuscations....just consider what I have said. I am not being unkind. But I am certain you are much more than your skin color. There is a real human being there. You can define who are without any help from white folks....either those that are enlightened or bigoted. Free your mind as much as you can from the racial construct. It has never helped any individual or society that I can tell. It only seems to hurt folks.
"Huge number of race based threads?"


Are you aware, sir, that I'm almost NEVER in the "Race Relations" forums?

I believe that 90% or more of my threads, which are prolific, are in the "Politics" forum.

You can do a search on my handle and see.

Meantime, there are MANY posters on this site that practically DWELL in that forum.

However, I don't recall you EVER calling them out on that.

Why is that? How is it that you can interpret my relatively few posts in the "Race Relations" threads as my being obsessed w/race, yet totally and completely ignore those posters that practically DWELL in that forum?

Does that make sense to you?
Yeah, I'm aware that I brought it up...I was interested in your perspective, which is why I asked. No need to be defensive.

Whether it's your intention or not, I think you can come off as race obsessed to some people, at least in this sort of a forum. Seriously Marc, have you ever felt like perhaps you're an emotional slave to whitey, due to the impact that their actions have on taking up a considerable amount of your thoughts?? You seem angry, like you focus on more of the negatives in your life...again, that's just the impression you've made on me.
Why do you think those people think I'm race obsessed?

Maybe it's how you express yourself on the topic with a certain level of passion that can also be interpreted as obsession and/or anger. Hey, are you familiar with the author Richard Wright?? We had to read his book "Black Boy", a memoir of his childhood and young adulthood, my freshman year in HS. Sometimes the way you state things make me think of him, and I've wondered how many parallels you've shared in your respective life journeys.
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