Blatant Racism in Action

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I like you Marc....I think you know that. But judging but the huge number of race based threads you post you seem enslaved (word used intentionally) by your relationship to white folks in this society. To be fair, your are generally fairly thoughtful in these threads, and seem at times to genuinely want to gauge people's thoughts and intentions. But come across as obsessed.

Now before you issue your usual denials and obfuscations....just consider what I have said. I am not being unkind. But I am certain you are much more than your skin color. There is a real human being there. You can define who are without any help from white folks....either those that are enlightened or bigoted. Free your mind as much as you can from the racial construct. It has never helped any individual or society that I can tell. It only seems to hurt folks.

Okay, let's break this down. Your sign on is "welfare queen," (call me starqueesha) 1st a reference to Reagan's fictional boogy man, 2nd a reference to a white's version and vision of chosen African American names. Then you tell him to free HIS mind from the racial construct.

Honestly I feel he handled that situation very well even tho he stuck around. Him not leaving really isn't antagonizing from my point of view. The way I see it, it's holding your ground. She was acting like she had some authority over blacks just because she's white. Telling him what to do like she was in charge. Barkin' orders and talking down to him. I'm only biracial (roughly 50%) African american and I don't think I would have been able to stay in the car and I definitely wouldn't have left just because she was mad. Granted he is a man but if that had be me (a woman) I'd have to beat her ass in front of her kids. How sad that her kids are being indoctrinated and raised as racists. I know this all sounds bad but the word n#*%$r sets fires man. In my book that's like someone spitting in your face. Smh. He was pretty composed. She's actually lucky it was that specific black man because that situation could have gone completely different.

Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

When did anyone on the Supreme Court say that there is no longer any racism in America? Got a link to that?

And, of course there is still plenty of racism to go around. Are you implying with your post that only white people can be racist? Some douchebags in academia try to trot that one out every now and again.
I have no regrets or disappointments with myself or my decisions. I know who I am as a person and I'm at peace with that. Teaching ones kids to be racist has nothing to do with that.

Let me tell you a story. My grandmother lived in an apartment complex mostly rented by lower income African Americans (herself being black as well) The land lord and his wife were white and his wife was a hateful racist. When the landlords wife came upon my father and my uncle (grandmothers children) she called them filthy n$&%#r babies. They went to my grandmothers apartment and told them what the landlords wife had called them. She left them home with their father (my grandfather) and went to the rental office. Instead of wasting time confronting this ignorant women verbally (which in my opinion would have been pointless) she beat the hell out of her.. My grandparents lived there for month after the incident (werent evicted immediately) and the landlords wife never called her children n$&@%rs again.

My grandmother grew up in an all white town in PA after her parents fled the south due to segregation,racism, and hate crimes. While attending school in rural PA her teacher slammed her fingers in the droor located under her chair/desk when she reached for a pencil, breaking her fingers. She told her father (the only black business owner in town, from the only black family in town) and her father came to the school the next day. Instead of verbally confronting the racist teacher, her father threw him up against the chalk board in front of his students and told him that if he ever layed a hand on my grandmother again it'd be the last mistake he'd ever make.

I don't believe in constantly resorting to violence. But I also don't believe in being degrated by whites who are clearly die hard racists. There's some people who say racist things in the heat of the moment that normally wouldn't use such language. Then there's people who use such language regularly due to a deep hatred for a specific race or all other races outside of their own. People like that don't deserve to be talked to peacefully. In my book. But that's why everyone has their own method of handling things. I'm not saying my methods are standard or justified. Just that they are mine.

Honestly I feel he handled that situation very well even tho he stuck around. Him not leaving really isn't antagonizing from my point of view. The way I see it, it's holding your ground. She was acting like she had some authority over blacks just because she's white. Telling him what to do like she was in charge. Barkin' orders and talking down to him. I'm only biracial (roughly 50%) African american and I don't think I would have been able to stay in the car and I definitely wouldn't have left just because she was mad. Granted he is a man but if that had be me (a woman) I'd have to beat her ass in front of her kids. How sad that her kids are being indoctrinated and raised as racists. I know this all sounds bad but the word n#*%$r sets fires man. In my book that's like someone spitting in your face. Smh. He was pretty composed. She's actually lucky it was that specific black man because that situation could have gone completely different.


That is the evil black monkey violence gene in you...wanting to beat up a woman in front of her kids. You should look around the forum...those who you have been supporting - would never support you!
I have no regrets or disappointments with myself or my decisions. I know who I am as a person and I'm at peace with that. Teaching ones kids to be racist has nothing to do with that.

Let me tell you a story. My grandmother lived in an apartment complex mostly rented by lower income African Americans (herself being black as well) The land lord and his wife were white and his wife was a hateful racist. When the landlords wife came upon my father and my uncle (grandmothers children) she called them filthy n$&%#r babies. They went to my grandmothers apartment and told them what the landlords wife had called them. She left them home with their father (my grandfather) and went to the rental office. Instead of wasting time confronting this ignorant women verbally (which in my opinion would have been pointless) she beat the hell out of her.. My grandparents lived there for month after the incident (werent evicted immediately) and the landlords wife never called her children n$&@%rs again.

My grandmother grew up in an all white town in PA after her parents fled the south due to segregation,racism, and hate crimes. While attending school in rural PA her teacher slammed her fingers in the droor located under her chair/desk when she reached for a pencil, breaking her fingers. She told her father (the only black business owner in town, from the only black family in town) and her father came to the school the next day. Instead of verbally confronting the racist teacher, her father threw him up against the chalk board in front of his students and told him that if he ever layed a hand on my grandmother again it'd be the last mistake he'd ever make.

I don't believe in constantly resorting to violence. But I also don't believe in being degrated by whites who are clearly die hard racists. There's some people who say racist things in the heat of the moment that normally wouldn't use such language. Then there's people who use such language regularly due to a deep hatred for a specific race or all other races outside of their own. People like that don't deserve to be talked to peacefully. In my book. But that's why everyone has their own method of handling things. I'm not saying my methods are standard or justified. Just that they are mine.

You have a vivid imagination. I call bullshit.
I have no regrets or disappointments with myself or my decisions. I know who I am as a person and I'm at peace with that. Teaching ones kids to be racist has nothing to do with that.

Let me tell you a story. My grandmother lived in an apartment complex mostly rented by lower income African Americans (herself being black as well) The land lord and his wife were white and his wife was a hateful racist. When the landlords wife came upon my father and my uncle (grandmothers children) she called them filthy n$&%#r babies. They went to my grandmothers apartment and told them what the landlords wife had called them. She left them home with their father (my grandfather) and went to the rental office. Instead of wasting time confronting this ignorant women verbally (which in my opinion would have been pointless) she beat the hell out of her.. My grandparents lived there for month after the incident (werent evicted immediately) and the landlords wife never called her children n$&@%rs again.

My grandmother grew up in an all white town in PA after her parents fled the south due to segregation,racism, and hate crimes. While attending school in rural PA her teacher slammed her fingers in the droor located under her chair/desk when she reached for a pencil, breaking her fingers. She told her father (the only black business owner in town, from the only black family in town) and her father came to the school the next day. Instead of verbally confronting the racist teacher, her father threw him up against the chalk board in front of his students and told him that if he ever layed a hand on my grandmother again it'd be the last mistake he'd ever make.

I don't believe in constantly resorting to violence. But I also don't believe in being degrated by whites who are clearly die hard racists. There's some people who say racist things in the heat of the moment that normally wouldn't use such language. Then there's people who use such language regularly due to a deep hatred for a specific race or all other races outside of their own. People like that don't deserve to be talked to peacefully. In my book. But that's why everyone has their own method of handling things. I'm not saying my methods are standard or justified. Just that they are mine.

You have a vivid imagination. I call bullshit.

Thats makes sense because you pretty much play in your shit all day cave monkey.
Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

Funny how you cry about racism but use the avatar of a black power racist who was part the equivalent of the KKK! Pot calling the kettle black! Just a little bit of a hypocrite!
Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

Funny how you cry about racism but use the avatar of a black power racist who was part the equivalent of the KKK! Pot calling the kettle black! Just a little bit of a hypocrite!

Its the self hating Jew! How are those Jew hating allies of yours?
I have no regrets or disappointments with myself or my decisions. I know who I am as a person and I'm at peace with that. Teaching ones kids to be racist has nothing to do with that.

Let me tell you a story. My grandmother lived in an apartment complex mostly rented by lower income African Americans (herself being black as well) The land lord and his wife were white and his wife was a hateful racist. When the landlords wife came upon my father and my uncle (grandmothers children) she called them filthy n$&%#r babies. They went to my grandmothers apartment and told them what the landlords wife had called them. She left them home with their father (my grandfather) and went to the rental office. Instead of wasting time confronting this ignorant women verbally (which in my opinion would have been pointless) she beat the hell out of her.. My grandparents lived there for month after the incident (werent evicted immediately) and the landlords wife never called her children n$&@%rs again.

My grandmother grew up in an all white town in PA after her parents fled the south due to segregation,racism, and hate crimes. While attending school in rural PA her teacher slammed her fingers in the droor located under her chair/desk when she reached for a pencil, breaking her fingers. She told her father (the only black business owner in town, from the only black family in town) and her father came to the school the next day. Instead of verbally confronting the racist teacher, her father threw him up against the chalk board in front of his students and told him that if he ever layed a hand on my grandmother again it'd be the last mistake he'd ever make.

I don't believe in constantly resorting to violence. But I also don't believe in being degrated by whites who are clearly die hard racists. There's some people who say racist things in the heat of the moment that normally wouldn't use such language. Then there's people who use such language regularly due to a deep hatred for a specific race or all other races outside of their own. People like that don't deserve to be talked to peacefully. In my book. But that's why everyone has their own method of handling things. I'm not saying my methods are standard or justified. Just that they are mine.


You have a vivid imagination. I call bullshit.

Thats makes sense because you pretty much play in your shit all day cave monkey.

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I have no regrets or disappointments with myself or my decisions. I know who I am as a person and I'm at peace with that. Teaching ones kids to be racist has nothing to do with that.

Let me tell you a story. My grandmother lived in an apartment complex mostly rented by lower income African Americans (herself being black as well) The land lord and his wife were white and his wife was a hateful racist. When the landlords wife came upon my father and my uncle (grandmothers children) she called them filthy n$&%#r babies. They went to my grandmothers apartment and told them what the landlords wife had called them. She left them home with their father (my grandfather) and went to the rental office. Instead of wasting time confronting this ignorant women verbally (which in my opinion would have been pointless) she beat the hell out of her.. My grandparents lived there for month after the incident (werent evicted immediately) and the landlords wife never called her children n$&@%rs again.

My grandmother grew up in an all white town in PA after her parents fled the south due to segregation,racism, and hate crimes. While attending school in rural PA her teacher slammed her fingers in the droor located under her chair/desk when she reached for a pencil, breaking her fingers. She told her father (the only black business owner in town, from the only black family in town) and her father came to the school the next day. Instead of verbally confronting the racist teacher, her father threw him up against the chalk board in front of his students and told him that if he ever layed a hand on my grandmother again it'd be the last mistake he'd ever make.

I don't believe in constantly resorting to violence. But I also don't believe in being degrated by whites who are clearly die hard racists. There's some people who say racist things in the heat of the moment that normally wouldn't use such language. Then there's people who use such language regularly due to a deep hatred for a specific race or all other races outside of their own. People like that don't deserve to be talked to peacefully. In my book. But that's why everyone has their own method of handling things. I'm not saying my methods are standard or justified. Just that they are mine.


You have a vivid imagination. I call bullshit.

Believe what you want. Makes no difference to me.

You have a vivid imagination. I call bullshit.

Thats makes sense because you pretty much play in your shit all day cave monkey.

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I don't think Asclepias was talking to you!
I have no regrets or disappointments with myself or my decisions. I know who I am as a person and I'm at peace with that. Teaching ones kids to be racist has nothing to do with that.

Let me tell you a story. My grandmother lived in an apartment complex mostly rented by lower income African Americans (herself being black as well) The land lord and his wife were white and his wife was a hateful racist. When the landlords wife came upon my father and my uncle (grandmothers children) she called them filthy n$&%#r babies. They went to my grandmothers apartment and told them what the landlords wife had called them. She left them home with their father (my grandfather) and went to the rental office. Instead of wasting time confronting this ignorant women verbally (which in my opinion would have been pointless) she beat the hell out of her.. My grandparents lived there for month after the incident (werent evicted immediately) and the landlords wife never called her children n$&@%rs again.

My grandmother grew up in an all white town in PA after her parents fled the south due to segregation,racism, and hate crimes. While attending school in rural PA her teacher slammed her fingers in the droor located under her chair/desk when she reached for a pencil, breaking her fingers. She told her father (the only black business owner in town, from the only black family in town) and her father came to the school the next day. Instead of verbally confronting the racist teacher, her father threw him up against the chalk board in front of his students and told him that if he ever layed a hand on my grandmother again it'd be the last mistake he'd ever make.

I don't believe in constantly resorting to violence. But I also don't believe in being degrated by whites who are clearly die hard racists. There's some people who say racist things in the heat of the moment that normally wouldn't use such language. Then there's people who use such language regularly due to a deep hatred for a specific race or all other races outside of their own. People like that don't deserve to be talked to peacefully. In my book. But that's why everyone has their own method of handling things. I'm not saying my methods are standard or justified. Just that they are mine.


You have a vivid imagination. I call bullshit.

Don't believe me look it up. My grandmother became a news reporter for wmfj her names Pamela miles. My grandfather owned a garage in Kane PA called chapmans garage. Google it.

[ame=]Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube[/ame]

The woman in the video seems to be partially of African descent and I cannot help noticing her Afro-textured hair. Her children may also be around 1/8 African and her husband is likely to be a white man. Mixed-race people often face racism but some of half black women I encountered were also racist, especially the one with a South African boyfriend.

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Thats makes sense because you pretty much play in your shit all day cave monkey.






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I don't think Asclepias was talking to you!

Well then pass it on to SJ 😆 and sorry to the guy who got the finger for no reason.






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I don't think Asclepias was talking to you!

Well then pass it on to SJ 😆 and sorry to the guy who got the finger for no reason.


Its ok. I thought you meant to quote SJ instead anyway.





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I don't think Asclepias was talking to you!

Well then pass it on to SJ 😆 and sorry to the guy who got the finger for no reason.

You porch monkeys are so stupid, you don't even know who you're giving the finger to. Fucking idiots. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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