Blatant Racism in Action

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Sure of what?? That he was offended?? That he was amused?? Don't get bent because I demonstrated how one can be both hurt and amused.:D

You did not demonstrate it though. You formulated a scenario to fit your assumptions. You cant be hurt and amused at the same time.

Horseshit...laughter is the best medicine and often used as a coping mechanism. Just because it may not be a method which you employ, does not preclude it from being used by other. Anything else you'd like me to explain for you??:D

BS. Laughter is a reaction and a coping mechanism as you stated. Amusement is not a coping mechanism. Amusement is a feeling just like being hurt and you dont have to laugh to be amused. Did you think I wouldnt notice you trying to use laugh instead of amused? :lol:
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You did not demonstrate it though. You formulated a scenario to fit your assumptions. You cant be hurt and amused at the same time.

Horseshit...laughter is the best medicine and often used as a coping mechanism. Just because it may not be a method which you employ, does not preclude it from being used by other. Anything else you'd like me to explain for you??:D

BS. Laughter is a reaction and a coping mechanism as you stated. Amusement is not a coping mechanism and you dont have to laugh to be amused. Did you think I wouldnt notice you trying to use laugh instead of amused? :lol:

Did you think I wouldn't notice you trying to make the most pitiful attempts at parsing're hysterical, but not quite like that crazy bitch.:D

Having a hard time keeping your logic on point I see. :lol:

Sweetie, you're the one who is getting lost in your floundering attempts to further debate the topic. Next??:lol:

No sweetie. you are the one getting lost. Their is no debate until you can prove your point.

I'm not debating.:dunno: I'm just entertained by you caught up in your little victimhood mentality. I'm guessing you're not amused.:eusa_whistle:
Horseshit...laughter is the best medicine and often used as a coping mechanism. Just because it may not be a method which you employ, does not preclude it from being used by other. Anything else you'd like me to explain for you??:D

BS. Laughter is a reaction and a coping mechanism as you stated. Amusement is not a coping mechanism and you dont have to laugh to be amused. Did you think I wouldnt notice you trying to use laugh instead of amused? :lol:

Did you think I wouldn't notice you trying to make the most pitiful attempts at parsing're hysterical, but not quite like that crazy bitch.:D

Sweetie, you're the one who is getting lost in your floundering attempts to further debate the topic. Next??:lol:

No sweetie. you are the one getting lost. Their is no debate until you can prove your point.

I'm not debating.:dunno: I'm just entertained by you caught up in your little victimhood mentality. I'm guessing you're not amused.:eusa_whistle:

Actually you are very amusing. Its funny watching you try to tread water with your assumptions but not having a life raft to keep you afloat. Its ok though.
BS. Laughter is a reaction and a coping mechanism as you stated. Amusement is not a coping mechanism and you dont have to laugh to be amused. Did you think I wouldnt notice you trying to use laugh instead of amused? :lol:

Did you think I wouldn't notice you trying to make the most pitiful attempts at parsing're hysterical, but not quite like that crazy bitch.:D

No sweetie. you are the one getting lost. Their is no debate until you can prove your point.

I'm not debating.:dunno: I'm just entertained by you caught up in your little victimhood mentality. I'm guessing you're not amused.:eusa_whistle:

Actually you are very amusing. Its funny watching you try to tread water with your assumptions but not having a life raft to keep you afloat. Its ok though.

I can't even tell you what a relief it is that I haven't offended're making progress in letting go of being a victim.:thup:
Some screaming compared to the knockout game that kills.

Fuck you.

But the knockout game isn't racist because mostly black folks are doing it. :) Oh...and by definition...white folks can never be victims...only oppressors.

Hope this clears things up. :thup:
Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

Here's an example of it.

Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY - YouTube

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.


After he's done he's going to go hang with his niggas.

you know it, I know it, we all know it.
I've already said it was wrong. I was real clear about it. The bitch is ignorant and crazy. Say your peace and leave. It's like making fun of a retarded person, then filming it, and posting it on the internet. It doesn't make either party look good.

Somebody needed to take the high road. The crazy bitch will always be in the gutter. To bad the guy stayed right there with her.
You seem to be minimizing it, and you seem to have a need to make the VICTIM to be in th wrong somehow by suggesting he should have handled it differently, better.

He did handle it well.

He recorded it and posted it for the world to see.

The Civil Rights Movement really took effect AFTER the entire America WITNESSED the atrocities of spraying black people with firehouses for simply being black. The WITNESSED the brutality of the racist folk in power doing and saying reprehensible things.

It's called shame sir, that was a major part of it. And this is EXACTLY the same vein as that.

That you don't or can't see that is concerning.
oooo, blantant racism

so what do you want done? hang the person, firing squad, jailed for life?

you people are now finding racism in watermelons and fried chicken if the are put together with Obama

good gawd
Because he's a victim??
Actually, he IS the victim.

However, until YOU brought it in the conversation, I wasn't seeing any victim or anyone to pity at all.

Why did you ask that anyway...who do you pity? Who's the victim in your mind?

I would have sympathized with him if he called her a crazy bitch...told her to fuck off...and then left. Sitting there for all that time filming her and egging her what purpose? Why do that?

Maybe I'm missing something.
That's the thing about life...everyone responds to situations differently. Your way isn't wrong, it's just your way, aka not the only way.

Are you suggesting that HIS response was wrong somehow?

I pity you because you're a victim of a victim mentality...seriously, it's sad that so much of your time is taken up by looking for a racist boogeyman around every corner.:smiliehug:
a. YOU'RE the one that brought in pity. Like I stated, that thought/emotion NEVER even crossed my mind, I was simply responding to what you asked, IF there's someone to pit.

2. How do you know how much time I spend "looking for a racist boogeyman around every corner?"
She proved it would take nothing to piss her off. He said he started his car and it scared her kids. She called him a ******. He continued to film while she mouthed off. She threated violence and he rolled up his window. He did not leave. I wouldn't have either!
Exactly. Not to mention she stated that she was calling the cops, so at that point if he left he might have been facing legal repercussions.
So, he was supposed to say Yassah Ma'am and bob his head, apologize for making her brats scared, then duck his head as he drives away because she's a crazy bitch? I don't think so.
Unfortunately, that's the mindset of many whites, even today.

If a black person, particularly a black male, isn't kow-towwing to them, they don't like it.

Anyway, I think I know pretty much how it went down.

That woman and her kids were heading into the store area at the same time the gentleman entered in his car. The minute he ignited the engine to turn on his car to drive out, the stereo came on. Because it was loud, and accompanied by a lot of base from the music, it most likely did startle not only the kid, but the woman herself. At that point she turned around and proceeded to call him a ******. He then responded by whipping out his trusty smartphone and hit record.

The irony is, I know the exact album he's playing. 'Illmatic" by Nas, arguably my favorite Hip-Hop album.

This year is the album's 20-year anniversary since it's release. It's been re-released w/a couple of updates. I haven't bought the release (as yet), but I have the original.



So considering what he was listening to, adds an interesting, and humorous dimension to it to those in-the-know.

Here's the song being listened to....

*snapping, nodding & bopping*
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