I agree with other posters that Black Lives Matters wants to reassure its supporters that it is still woke.

(P.S. I just learned the idiom "woke" while reading the very respectable and influential magazine Bloomberg Businessweek.)
The only colored people

"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air
someone please explain the logic in BLM and NAACP issuing warnings--a travel at your own risk--not against other blacks for MURDERING blacks--but against white discrimination !!!!
--this is how IDIOTIC these blacks are!!

you can't explain it --so don't try
Ive seen the videos. the police shoot them in the back as they run away. Its wrong.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police

anyone with a fourth grade math level or above knows blacks should fear other blacks at an astronomically higher rate than police/whites/etc
compared to blacks murdering/shooting blacks, cops shoot blacks at almost a 0 rate
Your obsession with race is a bit sick. Skin colour has no bearing on criminal or violent tendencies.
I am responding to the myths/lies/falsehoods/etc that ONLY whites are evil
that's all we ever hear
you can't deny the math:
blacks commit more per capita at many times the rate--not just a little:
hate crimes
stating facts is not racist
I'm an activist/defender/etc of the white race which is constantly denigrated --while the other races are NOT--but as we see in the undeniable MATH, the blacks commit more hate crimes/etc per capita

Yes.We all know how badly the white race has been discriminated against. You can even see it in old movies where all those white slaves are picking cotton and singing white spirituals.
Ah yes those cotton picking days when the Democrats formed the KKK and hung any republican that tried to get them into office
The only colored people

"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air

You know why he has to apologize? Because of people like you, who find factually accurate statements like "colored people" to be racist. People are afraid to speak their minds in fear of being labeled racist or having their careers ruined.

And besides, I think intellectual freedom is way more 21st Century than censoring speech.

Also, who made you the speech police anyway? I mean, this is a consistent pattern I see in leftists like you. It's as if words hurt more than actions.

Please spare me.
Last edited:
The only colored people

"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air
so you can't say "colored people" but you can say "people of color".

and you wonder why people don't give a shit anymore.
The only colored people

"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air

You know why he has to apologize? Because of people like you, who find factually accurate statements like "colored people" to be racist. People are afraid to speak their minds in fear of being labeled racist or having their careers ruined.

And besides, I think intellectual freedom is way more 21st Century than censoring speech.

Also, who made you the speech police anyway? I mean, this is a consistent pattern I see in leftists like you. It's as if words hurt more than actions.

Please spare me.

Poor baby, can't say colored or the n-word. Such a travesty. Get over it. Been that way for decades now. If you're too old a dog to learn that, time to hurry up and shuffle off this mortal coil.
The only colored people

"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air
so you can't say "colored people" but you can say "people of color".

and you wonder why people don't give a shit anymore.

That is correct. Does that ruin your day?

Be brave Mr. "I don't give a shit". Start using "colored people" when you're speaking to people IRL, not just here on an anonymous message board.
someone please explain the logic in BLM and NAACP issuing warnings--a travel at your own risk--not against other blacks for MURDERING blacks--but against white discrimination !!!!
--this is how IDIOTIC these blacks are!!

you can't explain it --so don't try
Ive seen the videos. the police shoot them in the back as they run away. Its wrong.
how many videos was that?? 2
there are MILLIONS of calls for police assistance per year --not counting traffic stops
you will always have bad judgments/errors/human imperfections --that's what humans do--white/black/etc
the numbers/math prove there is NOT a huge, chronic problem of blacks being shot by cops
you must not have read or want to believe the link I posted because people like you are part of the problem --you are a hater
--the math/numbers are undeniable

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified per legal, fair, etc courts with MUCH more information than you have

Do you think it's OK for cops to kill any black person because some cases of police shootings are justified, and sometimes they just do their job and don't kill anyone?
Man arrested after gunning down Arizona fire captain, police say
The only colored people

"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air
so you can't say "colored people" but you can say "people of color".

and you wonder why people don't give a shit anymore.

That is correct. Does that ruin your day?

Be brave Mr. "I don't give a shit". Start using "colored people" when you're speaking to people IRL, not just here on an anonymous message board.
i didn't say i used either one. to avoid stupid arguments, i just don't use either expression.

but you didn't answer the question - you just went into attack mode.

how is colored people different than people of color?
Why are lib cities so violent whether it be the police or the citizens?
Why are lib cities so violent whether it be the police or the citizens?
Because when growing up, there never was an adult in the room. When you don't teach your children Right from Wrong, or Good vs Evil, but 50 shades of grey, then a small crime, becomes a large crime and then it becomes violence. Why else did Ferguson, Baltimore, and UC Berkley burn? Why after the super bowl where the Eagles "WON" did violence happen on the streets? Just in their nature and you can thank the parents for not stepping up...

“Liberal cities “. A bogus righty term . All cities are liberal . Thank god . They are the engines of our economy.
The only colored people

"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air

You know why he has to apologize? Because of people like you, who find factually accurate statements like "colored people" to be racist. People are afraid to speak their minds in fear of being labeled racist or having their careers ruined.

And besides, I think intellectual freedom is way more 21st Century than censoring speech.

Also, who made you the speech police anyway? I mean, this is a consistent pattern I see in leftists like you. It's as if words hurt more than actions.

Please spare me.

Poor baby, can't say colored or the n-word. Such a travesty. Get over it. Been that way for decades now. If you're too old a dog to learn that, time to hurry up and shuffle off this mortal coil.

First, I'm 30 years old. Next, on your false list of assumptions about me, is that I like to refer to colored people as the "n-word". Last I checked, saying "colored people" was nothing close to being the "n-word". I stopped using such foul language in middle school, when I made the mistake of calling a black kid just that, and got my ass handed to me. Unlike you, I treat everyone with respect until they show me, through both words and actions, that they no longer deserve it.

Lastly, wishing death on me is not the classiest thing to do, Seawytch. But I guess that's all I've reduced you to doing. Perhaps you should shuffle off, with your tail between your legs.
"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air
so you can't say "colored people" but you can say "people of color".

and you wonder why people don't give a shit anymore.

That is correct. Does that ruin your day?

Be brave Mr. "I don't give a shit". Start using "colored people" when you're speaking to people IRL, not just here on an anonymous message board.
i didn't say i used either one. to avoid stupid arguments, i just don't use either expression.

but you didn't answer the question - you just went into attack mode.

how is colored people different than people of color?

People first.
The only colored people

"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air
so you can't say "colored people" but you can say "people of color".

and you wonder why people don't give a shit anymore.

That is correct. Does that ruin your day?

Be brave Mr. "I don't give a shit". Start using "colored people" when you're speaking to people IRL, not just here on an anonymous message board.

Is that a threat?
"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air

You know why he has to apologize? Because of people like you, who find factually accurate statements like "colored people" to be racist. People are afraid to speak their minds in fear of being labeled racist or having their careers ruined.

And besides, I think intellectual freedom is way more 21st Century than censoring speech.

Also, who made you the speech police anyway? I mean, this is a consistent pattern I see in leftists like you. It's as if words hurt more than actions.

Please spare me.

Poor baby, can't say colored or the n-word. Such a travesty. Get over it. Been that way for decades now. If you're too old a dog to learn that, time to hurry up and shuffle off this mortal coil.

First, I'm 30 years old. Next, on your false list of assumptions about me, is that I like to refer to colored people as the "n-word". Last I checked, saying "colored people" was nothing close to being the "n-word". I stopped using such foul language in middle school, when I made the mistake of calling a black kid just that, and got my ass handed to me. Unlike you, I treat everyone with respect until they show me, through both words and actions, that they no longer deserve it.

Lastly, wishing death on me is not the classiest thing to do, Seawytch. But I guess that's all I've reduced you to doing. Perhaps you should shuffle off, with your tail between your legs.

Actually I was referring to "Patriot". You didn't use the term, he did...you simply defended the old man's use of it.
"Colored"? Did someone wake up in 1950?

Racist mother fuckers.

You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air
so you can't say "colored people" but you can say "people of color".

and you wonder why people don't give a shit anymore.

That is correct. Does that ruin your day?

Be brave Mr. "I don't give a shit". Start using "colored people" when you're speaking to people IRL, not just here on an anonymous message board.

Is that a threat?

Are you an idiot? Did I say "come use that term in front of me"? I said, if he's so "sick of this shit", then he should be brave, use the term in public.
You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air

You know why he has to apologize? Because of people like you, who find factually accurate statements like "colored people" to be racist. People are afraid to speak their minds in fear of being labeled racist or having their careers ruined.

And besides, I think intellectual freedom is way more 21st Century than censoring speech.

Also, who made you the speech police anyway? I mean, this is a consistent pattern I see in leftists like you. It's as if words hurt more than actions.

Please spare me.

Poor baby, can't say colored or the n-word. Such a travesty. Get over it. Been that way for decades now. If you're too old a dog to learn that, time to hurry up and shuffle off this mortal coil.

First, I'm 30 years old. Next, on your false list of assumptions about me, is that I like to refer to colored people as the "n-word". Last I checked, saying "colored people" was nothing close to being the "n-word". I stopped using such foul language in middle school, when I made the mistake of calling a black kid just that, and got my ass handed to me. Unlike you, I treat everyone with respect until they show me, through both words and actions, that they no longer deserve it.

Lastly, wishing death on me is not the classiest thing to do, Seawytch. But I guess that's all I've reduced you to doing. Perhaps you should shuffle off, with your tail between your legs.

Actually I was referring to "Patriot". You didn't use the term, he did...you simply defended the old man's use of it.

And? You quoted my post.

I see nothing wrong with it (colored people). However, using the n-word has been something I have never been okay with. If me defending perfectly innocuous terms such as "colored people" make you scream "racist" then so be it!

"Colored people" is a descriptor, not something meant to be derogatory. Only true racists would use it that way, and what do I see? Seawytch making a big deal out of it, assuming that usage of the term automatically infers that the user is racist. Perhaps you should get your mind out of the intellectual gutter. Okay? Okay.

Good day.
You must have, because that's where your mind immediately went when he said "colored." This is what he said, since you didn't manage to read past the halfway point of the statement you quoted:

"3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement are radicals like BLM."

Let's be factual. First, black is a color, so therefore black people are colored. Second, such a statement is not racist, it is a statement of fact. Third, BLM is a a radical group, founded on the false premise that police brutality is the norm throughout America, much to your chagrin. And lastly, what demographic consists the majority of BLM? Black people. Colored people.

Thanks again for quoting someone out of context, you partisan hack.

Yeah...in context is no better, maybe worse.

Wake up to the 21st Century. It ain't cool.

‘Good Morning America’ Anchor Apologizes After Saying ‘Colored People’ On Air
so you can't say "colored people" but you can say "people of color".

and you wonder why people don't give a shit anymore.

That is correct. Does that ruin your day?

Be brave Mr. "I don't give a shit". Start using "colored people" when you're speaking to people IRL, not just here on an anonymous message board.

Is that a threat?

Are you an idiot? Did I say "come use that term in front of me"? I said, if he's so "sick of this shit", then he should be brave, use the term in public.

I'm pretty sure you'd be more than willing to deck anyone who uses such a term. Your attitude suggests such.

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