BLM response to Dallas shootings

BLM is a collection of vermin. The statements they made are just ass covering; they know they are on their way to the terrorist watch lists and racist hate group status, where they belonged a long time ago. They're afraid of losing funding, since one of their members just got Trump a few million more votes and their sponsors are backing away from them. Given their favorite chants and the rantings of their leadership, they should be shot on sight; they are a menace.

Hi Farnsworth! Awww, do they not let you have your swastika avatar on this forum? You poor, poor thing you.

Ah, another mystery poster ... The only people who thought my Drink Coca Cola bracelet charm was something 'bad' were the NAMBLA bois and apologists, the antisemites who thought Israelis are somehow obligated to commit suicide, that baby murdering was the ultimate in Kewl, are all of those, i.e. deranged degenerates and mentally ill psychopaths.

I haven't tried to upload any avatar here, but if I get around to it I'll find that one, just for you, gimp. was a "drink coca cola bracelet charm" was it? Ohhhhh, is that what is was, ya fuckin twat? Good to see you here. It was always fun embarrassing you and your racist bullshit.
This whole shit started - and repeated time and time and time and time again - when some punk with false indignation, too much knowledge of rights and not enough knowledge of responsibilities disobeyed a simple order by police at a routine traffic stop.

When police stop you, do what they tell you.

If you have nothing to hide, you are safe.If you show respect, you will receive respect.

Of course, with no daddy, your single mom was too busy to earn a living to teach you that.

Yes, well, a 'Hood culture that glorifies vermin like 'rappers', 'hoes', and lets 9 year olds run around on weeknights at 1 a.m. in the morning on the streets with the gang vermin, another fine South Dallas 'family value', and then cries and snivels when the 9 year old gets shot and killed by a stray bullet in a gunfight between dope dealers and police is pretty much oblivious to common sense.
BLM is a collection of vermin. The statements they made are just ass covering; they know they are on their way to the terrorist watch lists and racist hate group status, where they belonged a long time ago. They're afraid of losing funding, since one of their members just got Trump a few million more votes and their sponsors are backing away from them. Given their favorite chants and the rantings of their leadership, they should be shot on sight; they are a menace.

Hi Farnsworth! Awww, do they not let you have your swastika avatar on this forum? You poor, poor thing you.

Ah, another mystery poster ... The only people who thought my Drink Coca Cola bracelet charm was something 'bad' were the NAMBLA bois and apologists, the antisemites who thought Israelis are somehow obligated to commit suicide, that baby murdering was the ultimate in Kewl, are all of those, i.e. deranged degenerates and mentally ill psychopaths.

I haven't tried to upload any avatar here, but if I get around to it I'll find that one, just for you, gimp. was a "drink coca cola bracelet charm" was it? Ohhhhh, is that what is was, ya fuckin twat? Good to see you here. It was always fun embarrassing you and your racist bullshit.

Another loser trying to pretend it's winning. which NAMBLA member gimp were you at DA?
Here's a thought for all of you:

The NRA has been telling everyone for decades that we need assault weapons in preparation for the day that we feel the need to take up arms against our own government. Well...that is exactly what happened this week in dallas - someone used assault weapons to take up arms against the government.

Are we still okay with listening to the idiotic advice, and talking points of the NRA?
Quote where the NRA said anything remotely like go kill cops if you don't like the fact you can't resist arrest without consequences. Cops aren't the government anyway, Dingbat. They carry out lawful orders, if it comes to gun confiscation most will not obey. Having guns is like a country having nukes. You don't invade them if they have nukes. You don't try to turn citizens into cattle if they are armed.

Seriously, the issue is well over your ability.
Here's a thought for all of you:

The NRA has been telling everyone for decades that we need assault weapons in preparation for the day that we feel the need to take up arms against our own government. Well...that is exactly what happened this week in dallas - someone used assault weapons to take up arms against the government.

Are we still okay with listening to the idiotic advice, and talking points of the NRA?
Quote where the NRA said anything remotely like go kill cops if you don't like the fact you can't resist arrest without consequences. Cops aren't the government anyway, Dingbat. They carry out lawful orders, if it comes to gun confiscation most will not obey. Having guns is like a country having nukes. You don't invade them if they have nukes. You don't try to turn citizens into cattle if they are armed.

Seriously, the issue is well over your ability.
First, neither the killer cops in Louisiana, nor in Minnesota had anything to do with "resisting arrest", so do feel free to piss up a rope with that bullshit.

Second, these are "famous quotes" that the NRA has endorsed using to defend "second amendment rights":


But, when someone actually does what the NRA advised, you all want to scream, ironically, "But...but...that's not what the NRA meant!!!!!"

Why isn't it? This guy felt that the government has overreached its authority, and something needs to be done. He used his automatic weapon to do just that. In what way did he not do what the NRA advised to do?
Here's a thought for all of you:

The NRA has been telling everyone for decades that we need assault weapons in preparation for the day that we feel the need to take up arms against our own government. Well...that is exactly what happened this week in dallas - someone used assault weapons to take up arms against the government.

Are we still okay with listening to the idiotic advice, and talking points of the NRA?
Quote where the NRA said anything remotely like go kill cops if you don't like the fact you can't resist arrest without consequences. Cops aren't the government anyway, Dingbat. They carry out lawful orders, if it comes to gun confiscation most will not obey. Having guns is like a country having nukes. You don't invade them if they have nukes. You don't try to turn citizens into cattle if they are armed.

Seriously, the issue is well over your ability.
First, neither the killer cops in Louisiana, nor in Minnesota had anything to do with "resisting arrest", so do feel free to piss up a rope with that bullshit.

Second, these are "famous quotes" that the NRA has endorsed using to defend "second amendment rights":


But, when someone actually does what the NRA advised, you all want to scream, ironically, "But...but...that's not what the NRA meant!!!!!"

Why isn't it? This guy felt that the government has overreached its authority, and something needs to be done. He used his automatic weapon to do just that. In what way did he not do what the NRA advised to do?
Piss up a string. A rope is too big for you. You don't have the facts of the cases, you think you do because you're an idiot and only needs to hear what he already believes. But go ahead and prove I'm wrong and you do understand the issue, show us how the police are representing tyranny.
Here's a thought for all of you:

The NRA has been telling everyone for decades that we need assault weapons in preparation for the day that we feel the need to take up arms against our own government. Well...that is exactly what happened this week in dallas - someone used assault weapons to take up arms against the government.

Are we still okay with listening to the idiotic advice, and talking points of the NRA?
Quote where the NRA said anything remotely like go kill cops if you don't like the fact you can't resist arrest without consequences. Cops aren't the government anyway, Dingbat. They carry out lawful orders, if it comes to gun confiscation most will not obey. Having guns is like a country having nukes. You don't invade them if they have nukes. You don't try to turn citizens into cattle if they are armed.

Seriously, the issue is well over your ability.
First, neither the killer cops in Louisiana, nor in Minnesota had anything to do with "resisting arrest", so do feel free to piss up a rope with that bullshit.

Second, these are "famous quotes" that the NRA has endorsed using to defend "second amendment rights":


But, when someone actually does what the NRA advised, you all want to scream, ironically, "But...but...that's not what the NRA meant!!!!!"

Why isn't it? This guy felt that the government has overreached its authority, and something needs to be done. He used his automatic weapon to do just that. In what way did he not do what the NRA advised to do?
Piss up a string. A rope is too big for you. You don't have the facts of the cases, you think you do because you're an idiot and only needs to hear what he already believes. But go ahead and prove I'm wrong and you do understand the issue, show us how the police are representing tyranny.
Yup. So says the idiot who wants to defend shooting innocent people, and then can't understand why people might be becoming so fearful, and frustrated with killer cops that they no longer see any alternative but to kill the cops before they get a chance to kill them.

Congratulations. You are part of the problem.
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Don't you dare try to smooth over the BLM racist narrative. Don't try to make nice here.
Just because you suck the BLM asshole, does not mean they are nice people.
The BLM movement has been confirmed to be a racist anarchist group.
I suppose the mob scene on I-75 in Atlanta last night tells you BLM is a bunch of really cool people...
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Yes, I'm sure that wasn't their intended outcome when they screamed over and over again, "Kill the pigs!"
Blacks in a blanket. Fry 'em like bacon.

What do we want? Dead blacks.
When do we want them ? Now.

Does that have the same stirring cachet?
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.

Gee look, BLM lies it's ass off and Tommy-girl eats it up.

The protestors and supporters of BLM have been and continue to call for violence against cops, even death threats.
Dignified? The BLM statement only showed concern that the shooting would "stifle a movement". Nowhere in the entire statement was there the slightest concern for the Officers who were assassinated or their families or the 11 other Officers that were wounded. It's sounds a lot like the KKK's apology for a lynching.
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
Of course not they were left wing anti cop, anti gun loons. Duh.
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
Of course not they were left wing anti cop, anti gun loons. Duh.
So, your claim is that the open carry activists - that would be activists supporting open carry gun laws - were "anti-gun loons"? Logic, and reason isn't exactly your strength, now is it?
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
Of course not they were left wing anti cop, anti gun loons. Duh.
So, your claim is that the open carry activists - that would be activists supporting open carry gun laws - were "anti-gun loons"? Logic, and reason isn't exactly your strength, now is it?

Why exactly would I expect a bunch of liberal activists loons screeching about " damn white America". Help white cops being shot at?
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
Of course not they were left wing anti cop, anti gun loons. Duh.
So, your claim is that the open carry activists - that would be activists supporting open carry gun laws - were "anti-gun loons"? Logic, and reason isn't exactly your strength, now is it?

Why exactly would I expect a bunch of liberal activists loons screeching about " damn white America". Help white cops being shot at?
Reread the post before you make yourself sound more retarded with your next response.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
Of course not they were left wing anti cop, anti gun loons. Duh.
So, your claim is that the open carry activists - that would be activists supporting open carry gun laws - were "anti-gun loons"? Logic, and reason isn't exactly your strength, now is it?

Why exactly would I expect a bunch of liberal activists loons screeching about " damn white America". Help white cops being shot at?
Reread the post before you make yourself sound more retarded with your next response.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You were bragging about no one at the BLM rally helping the murdered cops.

Do you really think anyone thought they would?
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
Of course not they were left wing anti cop, anti gun loons. Duh.
So, your claim is that the open carry activists - that would be activists supporting open carry gun laws - were "anti-gun loons"? Logic, and reason isn't exactly your strength, now is it?

Why exactly would I expect a bunch of liberal activists loons screeching about " damn white America". Help white cops being shot at?
Reread the post before you make yourself sound more retarded with your next response.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You were bragging about no one at the BLM rally helping the murdered cops.

Do you really think anyone thought they would?
No I wasn't. Reread the post.

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