BLM response to Dallas shootings

Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
Libs love to whine and cry about dangerous rhetoric when it fits their agenda.

Otherwise they are in , NM at trump rallies throwing bottles and grapefruit sized rocks at police, kicking horses and throwing poles at them trying to knock them down, setting fires, shooting guns at the police head quarters and convention centers.

Or blocking traffic,spewing anti police anti white rhetoric trying to get the masses in a frenzy in several cities this weekend.
And then ignoring when their anti cop crap results in looting and gun violence against cops in Dallas, LA, GA,Mo,San Antonio, NYC and California.

Save your lectures for someone who actually believes this fake dialogue you libs have now dreamed up to cover your lying asses.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
The retard here is YOU. Many have made hateful rhetoric against police and the fact that they are identifying themselves by race should speak to you. All lives matter and we can't fight racism with racism. The left wing is highly divisive overall. Pick the oppressed group to belong to. Instead of a melting pot they want a thousand special interest groups beholding to them.
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
People have a right to protest when they are being treated badly.
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence ....?

They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
Libs love to whine and cry about dangerous rhetoric when it fits their agenda.

Otherwise they are in , NM at trump rallies throwing bottles and grapefruit sized rocks at police, kicking horses and throwing poles at them trying to knock them down, setting fires, shooting guns at the police head quarters and convention centers.

Or blocking traffic,spewing anti police anti white rhetoric trying to get the masses in a frenzy in several cities this weekend.
And then ignoring when their anti cop crap results in looting and gun violence against cops in Dallas, LA, GA,Mo,San Antonio, NYC and California.

Save your lectures for someone who actually believes this fake dialogue you libs have now dreamed up to cover your lying asses.
^ Nice whine.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
Libs love to whine and cry about dangerous rhetoric when it fits their agenda.

Otherwise they are in , NM at trump rallies throwing bottles and grapefruit sized rocks at police, kicking horses and throwing poles at them trying to knock them down, setting fires, shooting guns at the police head quarters and convention centers.

Or blocking traffic,spewing anti police anti white rhetoric trying to get the masses in a frenzy in several cities this weekend.
And then ignoring when their anti cop crap results in looting and gun violence against cops in Dallas, LA, GA,Mo,San Antonio, NYC and California.

Save your lectures for someone who actually believes this fake dialogue you libs have now dreamed up to cover your lying asses.
What a fucking joke you are. "Don't blame Bundy for the nutcakes!!!!" "Oh! BLM is responsible for every insane, extreme thing any one says about the cops!"

YOU save YOUR double standard, self-righteous pontificating for for someone who doesn't see you for exactly the racist, retarded demagogue that you are.

Welcome to the land of the ignored. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
People have a right to protest when they are being treated badly.
They don't have a right to incite violence,block traffic, burn things down, loot and shoot cops dead in the streets.

Their fake message has been lost .
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
Libs love to whine and cry about dangerous rhetoric when it fits their agenda.

Otherwise they are in , NM at trump rallies throwing bottles and grapefruit sized rocks at police, kicking horses and throwing poles at them trying to knock them down, setting fires, shooting guns at the police head quarters and convention centers.

Or blocking traffic,spewing anti police anti white rhetoric trying to get the masses in a frenzy in several cities this weekend.
And then ignoring when their anti cop crap results in looting and gun violence against cops in Dallas, LA, GA,Mo,San Antonio, NYC and California.

Save your lectures for someone who actually believes this fake dialogue you libs have now dreamed up to cover your lying asses.
What a fucking joke you are. "Don't blame Bundy for the nutcakes!!!!" "Oh! BLM is responsible for every insane, extreme thing any one says about the cops!"

YOU save YOUR double standard, self-righteous pontificating for for someone who doesn't see you for exactly the racist, retarded demagogue that you are.

Welcome to the land of the ignored. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Don't cry
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
People have a right to protest when they are being treated badly.
They don't have a right to incite violence,block traffic, burn things down, loot and shoot cops dead in the streets.

Their fake message has been lost .

They've really never had a message, they are a bunch of unorganized thugs, stupid people for the most part.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
Libs love to whine and cry about dangerous rhetoric when it fits their agenda.

Otherwise they are in , NM at trump rallies throwing bottles and grapefruit sized rocks at police, kicking horses and throwing poles at them trying to knock them down, setting fires, shooting guns at the police head quarters and convention centers.

Or blocking traffic,spewing anti police anti white rhetoric trying to get the masses in a frenzy in several cities this weekend.
And then ignoring when their anti cop crap results in looting and gun violence against cops in Dallas, LA, GA,Mo,San Antonio, NYC and California.

Save your lectures for someone who actually believes this fake dialogue you libs have now dreamed up to cover your lying asses.
What a fucking joke you are. "Don't blame Bundy for the nutcakes!!!!" "Oh! BLM is responsible for every insane, extreme thing any one says about the cops!"

YOU save YOUR double standard, self-righteous pontificating for for someone who doesn't see you for exactly the racist, retarded demagogue that you are.

Welcome to the land of the ignored. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Don't cry
You're adorable. I'd throw you into the ignore bin, too, but everyone needs the obligatory retard to make things funny.

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
Libs love to whine and cry about dangerous rhetoric when it fits their agenda.

Otherwise they are in , NM at trump rallies throwing bottles and grapefruit sized rocks at police, kicking horses and throwing poles at them trying to knock them down, setting fires, shooting guns at the police head quarters and convention centers.

Or blocking traffic,spewing anti police anti white rhetoric trying to get the masses in a frenzy in several cities this weekend.
And then ignoring when their anti cop crap results in looting and gun violence against cops in Dallas, LA, GA,Mo,San Antonio, NYC and California.

Save your lectures for someone who actually believes this fake dialogue you libs have now dreamed up to cover your lying asses.
What a fucking joke you are. "Don't blame Bundy for the nutcakes!!!!" "Oh! BLM is responsible for every insane, extreme thing any one says about the cops!"

YOU save YOUR double standard, self-righteous pontificating for for someone who doesn't see you for exactly the racist, retarded demagogue that you are.

Welcome to the land of the ignored. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Don't cry
You're adorable. I'd throw you into the ignore bin, too, but everyone needs the obligatory retard to make things funny.
That's why we have you.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
People have a right to protest when they are being treated badly.

Peacefully protest....they don't have the right to incite violence
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?
some ranchers out west want to defend their land from the crooks in washington dc so they can be at peace with it in their own home state capital, or, some thug snipers who set ambush to murder police officers. there's really no equivalence in that. of course, if you want a race war in the cities, if you want to divide and conquer the people from a distance, you'll still lie and say there is an equivalence. but don't be surprised when that lie gets turned against you as people realize that states rights tend to become counties rights where all the locals have control over their own lives, liberty, and property.
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
Libs love to whine and cry about dangerous rhetoric when it fits their agenda.

Otherwise they are in , NM at trump rallies throwing bottles and grapefruit sized rocks at police, kicking horses and throwing poles at them trying to knock them down, setting fires, shooting guns at the police head quarters and convention centers.

Or blocking traffic,spewing anti police anti white rhetoric trying to get the masses in a frenzy in several cities this weekend.
And then ignoring when their anti cop crap results in looting and gun violence against cops in Dallas, LA, GA,Mo,San Antonio, NYC and California.

Save your lectures for someone who actually believes this fake dialogue you libs have now dreamed up to cover your lying asses.
What a fucking joke you are. "Don't blame Bundy for the nutcakes!!!!" "Oh! BLM is responsible for every insane, extreme thing any one says about the cops!"

YOU save YOUR double standard, self-righteous pontificating for for someone who doesn't see you for exactly the racist, retarded demagogue that you are.

Welcome to the land of the ignored. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Throw out the race card and run away. So compelling.
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?
some ranchers out west want to defend their land from the crooks in washington dc so they can be at peace with it in their own home state capital, or, some thug snipers who set ambush to murder police officers. there's really no equivalence in that. of course, if you want a race war in the cities, if you want to divide and conquer the people from a distance, you'll still lie and say there is an equivalence. but don't be surprised when that lie gets turned against you as people realize that states rights tend to become counties rights where all the locals have control over their own lives, liberty, and property.
Except the "thug snipers" were no more part of the BLM, then than the nutcake anarchists were part of the Bundy Crowd.
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
They didn't want to stop the shooter. Why would black protesters want to stop a black shooter that was shooting white cop?
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?
some ranchers out west want to defend their land from the crooks in washington dc so they can be at peace with it in their own home state capital, or, some thug snipers who set ambush to murder police officers. there's really no equivalence in that. of course, if you want a race war in the cities, if you want to divide and conquer the people from a distance, you'll still lie and say there is an equivalence. but don't be surprised when that lie gets turned against you as people realize that states rights tend to become counties rights where all the locals have control over their own lives, liberty, and property.
Except the "thug snipers" were no more part of the BLM, then than the nutcake anarchists were part of the Bundy Crowd.
How do you know. You know them all personally?
...and while I'm doing my bit to piss off Iceweasel, and other conservative retards, here's another little piece of trivia about Thursday's Dallas shooting:

There were 20 self-identified open carry activists in the crowd on Thursday.

They did not prevent the shooting.

They did not stop the shooter, after he began shooting.

What they did do was join everyone else in the "Big Scaredy Runaway"

So much for that, "All it takes is good people with a gun..." bullshit.
They didn't want to stop the shooter. Why would black protesters want to stop a black shooter that was shooting white cop?
Except they weren't protesters. They were counter-protesters, following the crowd, to bring "awareness" to the issue of gun control, and the second amendment.

Wanna try again?

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