Bobby Jindal (R-LA) to announce for president at 4 PM Central today

"I wouldn't mind Kasich at all...." with either Rand or Marco.

Such a ticket would alter the party power base and might win the election. Marco on the ticket would completely gut the nativists on the right.
"I wouldn't mind Kasich at all...." with either Rand or Marco.

Such a ticket would alter the party power base and might win the election. Marco on the ticket would completely gut the nativists on the right.

The thought of Paul anywhere near the Presidency scares the Bejeezes out of me. I like his social stances, but on foreign policy, he seems downright dangerous. But, if my choice was a Kasich/Paul ticket vs. CLinton/whomever... well, that's a no brainer.
"I wouldn't mind Kasich at all...." with either Rand or Marco.

Such a ticket would alter the party power base and might win the election. Marco on the ticket would completely gut the nativists on the right.

Rand would be a bad combination with Kasich since they are political neighbors, so to speak.

Rubio is coming off as a lightweight IMO but that never stopped a VP pick yet.

If he is there purely to attract Hispanic voters then he is a better choice than Cruz.
"I wouldn't mind Kasich at all...." with either Rand or Marco.

Such a ticket would alter the party power base and might win the election. Marco on the ticket would completely gut the nativists on the right.

Rand would be a bad combination with Kasich since they are political neighbors, so to speak.

Rubio is coming off as a lightweight IMO but that never stopped a VP pick yet.

If he is there purely to attract Hispanic voters then he is a better choice than Cruz.

I actually agree... and yes, look at Biden, he comes off as clinically insane.
if only he was hispanic! then he could win.

How about Kasich/Rubio? We need a Hispanic to pull our Hispanic vote up enough to win Florida, Co and Virginia. Kasich would also strengthen our case for Ohio!
as much as i love Kasich, i dont think he will get passed Walker. I think its obvious that Rubio will be on either end, we just have to wait and see how Walker does, Walker/Rubio ...Rubio/Walker is one of a few Dream Tickets that should easily beat Hillary or BigBird.
Walker will be made out by the MSM as the Bad Old Republican Meanie. I don't think he has been than a 40 60 chance if he is nominated.
if only he was hispanic! then he could win.

How about Kasich/Rubio? We need a Hispanic to pull our Hispanic vote up enough to win Florida, Co and Virginia. Kasich would also strengthen our case for Ohio!
as much as i love Kasich, i dont think he will get passed Walker. I think its obvious that Rubio will be on either end, we just have to wait and see how Walker does, Walker/Rubio ...Rubio/Walker is one of a few Dream Tickets that should easily beat Hillary or BigBird.

Rubio is the GOP establishment's backup in case Jeb fails to buy his way on to the ticket IMO.
Kasich is the best bet to beat Hillary, imo. I'm not sure the VP slot is a good thing for Rubio. The VP is pretty much a dead ender. I think it's pretty much Nikki's for the asking.
Bobby Jindal makes his presidential announcement today What to expect

But, he has already announced at his website:

where he first broke the news to his kids.

This is what his campaign logo looks like:

View attachment 43115

Guess no one on his team noticed that this looks like a Christmas candy-cane, what?

Discuss: does Bobby Jindal even have a chance at the nomination?

Who says they didn't notice? Maybe they like the unconscious association with something positive and pleasant.
Rubio is the GOP establishment's backup in case Jeb fails to buy his way on to the ticket IMO.
I don't know that is the case, but if we don't take CO, VA, FL, and maybe NC we don't have a chance against the Dems.

The GOP establishment is doing the same math that you are and they know that Jeb will hold the line with Hispanic voters in those states. If he doesn't make then Rubio is the only viable option to attract those voters IMO. Cruz scares off more voters than he attracts so he is a net loss to any ticket. That doesn't leave any other option that I can see out there.
My god, watching it now. You can set your watch for every 15 seconds. The trained seals applaud. Bobby Jindal: "Wah-wah-wah-wah". Trained seals applaud. Bobby Jindal: "Wah-wah-wah-wah". Rinse and repeat.
The man is too soft spoken to run for President. Are we sure he isn't a librarian in his off hours? :dunno:

Soft-spoken, perhaps, but well-spoken. Political speeches bore me to tears, such that I usually just get the transcripts and skim them rather than sitting through actually listening to them. I heard a clip of a Bobby Jindal speech and was so impressed I actually watched the entire video.
Cruz has no chance as a viable Pres or VP candidate.

He is a crazy who appeals to crazies only.
Rubio or Cruz is our only hope to take florida and the western purple states with plenty of Hispanics who will vote for Rubio in the same manner "The Uninformed and Brainless" voted for Obama.
What do you think of a Cruz/Jindal ticket? Cuban and Indian couldn't be touched by the pc police.

Well, I'm not exactly excited about Cruz, except in comparison to . . . virtually anyone being discussed for the Democrat nomination.

Still, I would prefer a headliner I like more.
Rubio or Cruz is our only hope to take florida and the western purple states with plenty of Hispanics who will vote for Rubio in the same manner "The Uninformed and Brainless" voted for Obama.
The center would say you are full of crap, podjo. The center will vote for Rubio never for Cruz.

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