Body found


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
30,752 Article - Missing Washington girl search leads police to child's body

SEATTLE (AP) - Law enforcement officers searching for a 6-year-old Washington state girl said Thursday they found a child's body in the vicinity of the mobile home park where the girl vanished over the weekend.
Authorities in Kitsap County said the remains have not been identified and an autopsy will determine the manner and cause of death. They provided few other details, saying they would give more information at an afternoon news briefing.
Jenise Wright was last seen when she went to bed Saturday night at her home near Bremerton. Bremerton is on the west side of Puget Sound, across from Seattle.
Her family said they didn't become worried and call for help until Sunday night because the child had left the home on previous occasions and wandered around the neighborhood, authorities have said. They felt it was relatively safe because the mobile home park is fenced.

WTF????? Article - Missing Washington girl search leads police to child's body

SEATTLE (AP) - Law enforcement officers searching for a 6-year-old Washington state girl said Thursday they found a child's body in the vicinity of the mobile home park where the girl vanished over the weekend.
Authorities in Kitsap County said the remains have not been identified and an autopsy will determine the manner and cause of death. They provided few other details, saying they would give more information at an afternoon news briefing.
Jenise Wright was last seen when she went to bed Saturday night at her home near Bremerton. Bremerton is on the west side of Puget Sound, across from Seattle.
Her family said they didn't become worried and call for help until Sunday night because the child had left the home on previous occasions and wandered around the neighborhood, authorities have said. They felt it was relatively safe because the mobile home park is fenced.


Yup, they waited 24 hours before calling the cops. It's BS, they killed her IMO.
Some people should never breed.

PLUS..this guy is a perv and a known molester. So this idiot woman still marries him and has babies with him. Girl baby. She needs to be spayed. He needs to be neutered.
What is the weather like there? If it is not the little girl...that means it is another kid. Bad, regardless.
What is the weather like there? If it is not the little girl...that means it is another kid. Bad, regardless.


It rains in Seattle all day, every day, Gracie.

And based on this thread's title, I also see why you're not writing headlines for newspapers, too.
CaféAuLait;9586990 said: Article - Missing Washington girl search leads police to child's body

SEATTLE (AP) - Law enforcement officers searching for a 6-year-old Washington state girl said Thursday they found a child's body in the vicinity of the mobile home park where the girl vanished over the weekend.
Authorities in Kitsap County said the remains have not been identified and an autopsy will determine the manner and cause of death. They provided few other details, saying they would give more information at an afternoon news briefing.
Jenise Wright was last seen when she went to bed Saturday night at her home near Bremerton. Bremerton is on the west side of Puget Sound, across from Seattle.
Her family said they didn't become worried and call for help until Sunday night because the child had left the home on previous occasions and wandered around the neighborhood, authorities have said. They felt it was relatively safe because the mobile home park is fenced.


Yup, they waited 24 hours before calling the cops. It's BS, they killed her IMO.

Check this out.

Court records show Jenise Wright's father, James Wright, was charged more than a decade ago with molesting two girls, ages 8 and 15.

He eventually pleaded guilty in Whatcom County Superior Court in December 2001 to a misdemeanor assault charge related to the older girl.

It was not immediately clear why the molestation charges were dropped. Prosecutors there did not return calls from the Associated Press.

Body found in woodland believed to be six-year-old girl who went missing from her trailer park home at the weekend | Mail Online
And it's important to put a face to this tragedy. Poor baby. Heaven has another little angel in the choir.

CaféAuLait;9586990 said:

Yup, they waited 24 hours before calling the cops. It's BS, they killed her IMO.

Check this out.

Court records show Jenise Wright's father, James Wright, was charged more than a decade ago with molesting two girls, ages 8 and 15.

He eventually pleaded guilty in Whatcom County Superior Court in December 2001 to a misdemeanor assault charge related to the older girl.

It was not immediately clear why the molestation charges were dropped. Prosecutors there did not return calls from the Associated Press.

Body found in woodland believed to be six-year-old girl who went missing from her trailer park home at the weekend | Mail Online

I think I'm going to be sick. Even if Dad did nothing wrong, I'm sick over the ridiculous notion one does not have to call the cops after their 6 year old went missing for 24 hours. Oh, there is a fence, really fuckers? What about being missing over night? WA gets cold at night more so the further you move north like Bremerton. It was 45- 50 degrees most likely the night she went missing, not to mention wet as well.
What is the weather like there? If it is not the little girl...that means it is another kid. Bad, regardless.


It rains in Seattle all day, every day, Gracie.

And based on this thread's title, I also see why you're not writing headlines for newspapers, too.

Are you mad at me or something, Shart? You have been a tad snarky lately.
I think I'm going to be sick. Even if Dad did nothing wrong, I'm sick over the ridiculous notion one does not have to call the cops after their 6 year old went missing for 24 hours. Oh, there is a fence, really fuckers? What about being missing over night? WA gets cold at night more so the further you move north like Bremerton. It was 45- 50 degrees most likely the night she went missing, not to mention wet as well.

What is the weather like there? If it is not the little girl...that means it is another kid. Bad, regardless.


It rains in Seattle all day, every day, Gracie.

And based on this thread's title, I also see why you're not writing headlines for newspapers, too.

Do you live in Seattle? I lived there for 13 years. Though it rains a lot, it doesn't rain every day all day. What a ridiculous statement. In summer it may rain some, and it may often be overcast. But in no way does it rain every day all day. Your statement is pure, thoughtless hyperbole. I lived in Vienna for four years, and the weather there in summer is worse than it is during the summer in the Seattle area.

In the Seattle area, in August, it is not necessarily wet at night either. It depends on what the weather has been like this week. On Thursday, it was 78 F and there was zero precipitation. In August, the average is 72 F and zero precipitation. Bremerton is virtually the same. Yesterday was 77 F with no rain. The current forecast for Bremerton is 73 to 87 F with no rain. So let's be realistic.

Maybe they can't identify the remains because she is badly beaten or something. Even if it did rain, it would take more than 24 hours for the body to become difficult to identify.

I agree with Gracie: some people should not be allowed to have children. Even if the parents didn't kill the girl, they are in a large part responsible for her demise. Letting a six year old wander around at night? Ludicrous and pure child neglect and child endangerment.
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My point was..if it is not the child in question..WHICH CHILD IS IT? Two??? One missing, one unidentifiable? In the same area as the child molester? And yeah...what IS the weather like? I am no expert but weather is a factor in the condition of a body found.

Regarding the title of the thread...its my thread. Since when is Shart the Thread Title Police? Dayum. If he has a problem with me..then he needs to spit it out instead of the digs.
My point was..if it is not the child in question..WHICH CHILD IS IT? Two??? One missing, one unidentifiable? In the same area as the child molester? And yeah...what IS the weather like? I am no expert but weather is a factor in the condition of a body found.

Regarding the title of the thread...its my thread. Since when is Shart the Thread Title Police? Dayum. If he has a problem with me..then he needs to spit it out instead of the digs.

I just explained in detail what the weather is like. It is a myth, stereotyping, to say that it is always wet and rainy in Seattle, especially in August, the driest month of the year. That's what lies and misleading information do: they cause people to believe things that aren't true.

And even IF it was wet or rainy, it would take more than 24 hours for a body to become unidentifiable or difficult to identify.

If it is another child, then it may be about there being a child molester in the area, but the father's record is for older girls, not 6 year olds. It may be a bad neighborhood; there may be other child molesters in the area. We are just speculating and should wait for further information, facts and not gossip or hyperbole.

One way or another, it's a terrible tragedy.
This is one of the comments on this story:

Any "normal" person's mind is going to spin like crazy trying to figure out how a parent can wait 24 hours to report their child missing. No worry when she isn't home in the morning? For breakfast? For lunch? Wait until 10:00 p.m to call the police! VERY abnormal. Hell most people would be out looking for their cat by that time, let alone for a SIX YEAR OLD child. The fact that two other children were removed from the home says a lot about the dysfunction and neglect that must have been going on in that home.

I agree with this person. So yeah. I am judging way in advance and no, I ain't waiting to hear more. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. This guy molested kids before. I'm betting he did again to his own daughter. And then either killed her on purpose or accidentally. And his skanky wife knew. What mother does not look for a SIX YEAR OLD child missing?
This is one of the comments on this story:

Any "normal" person's mind is going to spin like crazy trying to figure out how a parent can wait 24 hours to report their child missing. No worry when she isn't home in the morning? For breakfast? For lunch? Wait until 10:00 p.m to call the police! VERY abnormal. Hell most people would be out looking for their cat by that time, let alone for a SIX YEAR OLD child. The fact that two other children were removed from the home says a lot about the dysfunction and neglect that must have been going on in that home.

I agree with this person. So yeah. I am judging way in advance and no, I ain't waiting to hear more. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. This guy molested kids before. I'm betting he did again to his own daughter. And then either killed her on purpose or accidentally. And his skanky wife knew. What mother does not look for a SIX YEAR OLD child missing?

You could very well be right on all counts.
This is one of the comments on this story:

Any "normal" person's mind is going to spin like crazy trying to figure out how a parent can wait 24 hours to report their child missing. No worry when she isn't home in the morning? For breakfast? For lunch? Wait until 10:00 p.m to call the police! VERY abnormal. Hell most people would be out looking for their cat by that time, let alone for a SIX YEAR OLD child. The fact that two other children were removed from the home says a lot about the dysfunction and neglect that must have been going on in that home.

I agree with this person. So yeah. I am judging way in advance and no, I ain't waiting to hear more. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. This guy molested kids before. I'm betting he did again to his own daughter. And then either killed her on purpose or accidentally. And his skanky wife knew. What mother does not look for a SIX YEAR OLD child missing?

So as usually you are deciding what is or is not true minus any evidence or facts.

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