Boehner abandons GOP to extremists

Extremists are in the Democratic Party, so in a way, you're right. But his resignation is a good thing for Republicans AND the country overall. Hopefully someone with balls will replace him.
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.
Good or bad for republicans?

Good or bad for the country should be. What's good or bad for the GOP isn't going to be limited to the GOP.

Am waiting for the other shoe to drop and the actual reason to come to light. Wake me when that happens.
It marks the end of the republican party.

Until a new, sane right-of-center party is established the democratic party will be in control.

This is a good thing for now, but after 8-12 years it could become as corrupt and unpatriotic as the GOP did.
Both. There seems to be this thought that the "grass roots" supports this because the Heritage Foundation says so. They want someone in there that they can control. Once the "grass roots" figures this out then they will clean house. Right now the "grass roots" are rebelling against moneyed interests and at some point that is going to kick the Heritage Foundation in the ass. The plus side is that Cruz is going to be seen for what he is and several others will be recognized for their little power grabs. In the end, I think these groups will lose some power as well but it might take a hot minute to get there.
Oh, yeah--"extremists"! Let's see, that would be those:

* Who want to stop deficit spending and balance the budget so we don't end up like Greece or Spain or Italy or England (or Detroit).
* Who want to return to a sound money policy (the kind that Norway, Germany, and Switzerland follow).
* Who want to stop sending tax dollars to an organization that is killing third-trimester babies and selling their body parts.
* Who want to prevent the Holocaust-denying mullahs in Iran (the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism) from getting over $100 billion.
* Who do not want to see Iran be allowed to keep its nuclear weapons potential largely intact.
* Who want to bring over $2 trillion back into our country from overseas by lowering our insane corporate income tax and our repatriated income tax rate.
* Who want to protect babies in the womb who can feel pain from being killed in elective abortions.
* Who want to uphold the First Amendment so that religious people aren't forced to choose between earning a living and living their religion, etc.

Yeah, wow, real "extremists" those guys! Watch out for them!
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There are now two wings in the Republican Party - the RINOs and the Crazies.

and why are you surprised.

Since 1968, the GOP has been the rich manipulating people's racial, sexual, religious and economic fears and getting them to vote against their own economic interests.

The "Crazies" as you call them, are people who have been riled up about these things for decades, see no progress made on their issues, and are lashing out.

The straw that broke Boehner's back, apparently, was this Planned Parenthood nonsense. after weeks of getting the crazies riled up that PP was selling babies for parts (they weren't), Boehner had some crazy idea that we weren't going to shut down the government to try to defund 10% of their federal subsidy.

IN all probabity, Kevin McCarthy will be the next Speaker, and the Crazies will bitch just as much about him.
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

You people keep blaming the Republicans for 2013 Shutdown. If that is the case, how did Republicans take back all of Congress in 2014?
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?
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Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?
And lost big in 2008 and 2012. The Senate is positioned to go Dem in 2016. With Trump's candidacy and Boehner's resignation, the party will tear itself apart over the next 14 months.
Boehner is a slimy RINO worm and won't be missed......good riddance!! ....... :thup:
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