Boehner abandons GOP to extremists

That's exactly what I just said it was, you provided links and said her e, read this.

If you know what you are talking about, how is it not possible for you in your own words just to give a list of several issues the Republicans have moved to the right on?

I provided links that demonstrated 1) the group is small. This is important to know. In as much as I am not about to run out and defend every cockamamie "liberal" and I am not demanding that every Republican step forward and have to defend every other cockamamie "conservative". Two, this is the name of the group and the players. 3) this is the name of the man that changed the tactics and this is how they have evolved and this is who controls them. 4) and this includes the response from those involved not just in the foundation but others in congress.

How is it that you cannot handle that?

I don't know what you're smoking, but you jumped into a conversation where leftists said Republicans are moving to the right, and I asked them how they are doing that. None of your hallucinations here seem to have anything to do with that
1960 GOP Platform included the following:

America's growth cannot be compartmentalized. Labor and management cannot prosper without each other. They cannot ignore their mutual public obligation.

Industrial harmony, expressing these mutual interests, can best be achieved in a climate of free collective bargaining, with minimal government intervention except by mediation and conciliation.

Even in dealing with emergency situations imperiling the national safety, ways of solution must be found to enhance and not impede the processes of free collective bargaining—carefully considered ways that are in keeping with the policies of national labor relations legislation and with the need to strengthen the hand of the President in dealing with such emergencies.

In the same spirit, Republican leadership will continue to encourage discussions, away from the bargaining table, between labor and management to consider the mutual interest of all Americans in maintaining industrial peace.

Republican policy firmly supports the right of employers and unions freely to enter into agreements providing for the union shop and other forms of union security as authorized by the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (the Taft-Hartley Act ).

Republican-sponsored legislation has supported the right of union members to full participation in the affairs of their union and their right to freedom from racketeering and gangster interference whether by labor or management in labor-management relations.

Republican action has given to millions of American working men and women new or expanded protection and benefits, such as: Increased federal minimum wage;

Extended coverage of unemployment insurance and the payment of additional temporary benefits provided in 1958-59;

Improvement of veterans' re-employment rights;

Extension of federal workman's compensation coverage and increase of benefits;

Legislative assurance of safety standards for longshore and harbor workers and for the transportation of migratory workers;

An increase of railroad workers' retirement and disability benefits.

Seven past years of accomplishments, however, are but a base to build upon in fostering, promoting and improving the welfare of America's working men and women, both organized and unorganized. We pledge, therefore, action on these constructive lines:

Diligent administration of the amended Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act) and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (Landrum-Griffin Act) with recommendations for improvements which experience shows are needed to make them more effective or remove any inequities.

Correction of defects in the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act to protect employees' and beneficiaries' interests.

Upward revision in amount and extended coverage of the minimum wage to several million more workers.

Strengthening the unemployment insurance system and extension of its benefits.

Improvement of the eight-hour laws relating to hours and overtime compensation on federal and federally-assisted construction, and continued vigorous enforcement and improvement of minimum wage laws for federal supply and construction contracts.

Continued improvement of manpower skills and training to meet a new era of challenges, including action programs to aid older workers, women, youth, and the physically handicapped.

Encouragement of training programs by labor, industry and government to aid in finding new jobs for persons dislocated by automation or other economic changes.

Improvement of job opportunities and working conditions of migratory farm workers.

Assurance of equal pay for equal work regardless of sex; encouragement of programs to insure on-the-job safety, and encouragement of the States to improve their labor standards legislation, and to improve veterans' employment rights and benefits.

Encouragement abroad of free democratic institutions, higher living standards and higher wages through such agencies as the International Labor Organization, and cooperation with the free trade union movement in strengthening free labor throughout the world.
I don't know what happen to the republican party between now and then ... there hatred of people who are on welfare, the hatred of getting a fair break by regulations on how companies doing business ... republicans believe if business don't have all their regulation remove then the constitution is being violated ... I just don't get that way of thinking these days
It's the GOP platform.

This is from 1964

—enlargement of employment opportunities for urban and rural citizens, with emphasis on training programs to equip them with needed skills; improved job information and placement services; and research and extension services channeled toward helping rural people improve their opportunities;

—tax credits and other methods of assistance to help needy senior citizens meet the costs of medical and hospital insurance;

—a strong, sound system of Social Security, with improved benefits to our people;

—continued Federal support for a sound research program aimed at both the prevention and cure of diseases, and intensified efforts to secure prompt and effective application of the results of research. This will include emphasis on mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, cancer, heart disease and other diseases of increasing incidence;

—revision of the Social Security laws to allow higher earnings, without loss of benefits, by our elderly people;

—full coverage of all medical and hospital costs for the needy elderly people, financed by general revenues through broader implementation of Federal-State plans, rather than the compulsory Democratic scheme covering only a small percentage of such costs, for everyone regardless of need;

—adoption and implementation of a fair and adequate program for providing necessary supplemental farm labor for producing and harvesting agricultural commodities;

—tax credits for those burdened by the expenses of college education;

—vocational rehabilitation, through cooperation between government—Federal and State—and industry, for the mentally and physically handicapped, the chronically unemployed and the poverty-stricken;

—incentives for employers to hire teenagers, including broadening of temporary exemptions under the minimum wage law;

—to repeal the Administration's wheat certificate "bread-tax" on consumers, so burdensome to low-income families and overwhelmingly rejected by farmers;

—revision of present non-service-connected pension programs to provide increased benefits for low income pensioners, with emphasis on rehabilitation, nursing homes and World War I veterans;

—re-evaluation of the armed forces' manpower procurement programs with the goal of replacing involuntary inductions as soon as possible by an efficient voluntary system, offering real career incentives;

—enactment of legislation, despite Democratic opposition, to curb the flow through the mails of obscene materials which has flourished into a multimillion dollar obscenity racket;

—support of a Constitutional amendment permitting those individuals and groups who choose to do so to exercise their religion freely in public places, provided religious exercises are not prepared or prescribed by the state or political subdivision thereof and no person's participation therein is coerced, thus preserving the traditional separation of church and state;

—full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen;

—improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times;

—such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote;

—immigration legislation seeking to re-unite families and continuation of the "Fair Share" Refugee Program;

—continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex. We recognize that the elimination of any such discrimination is a matter of heart, conscience, and education, as well as of equal rights under law.

So when leftists are shrieking that the Republicans are moving to the right, you're thinking they meant over 50 years ago and Democrats are now just realizing that?
1960 GOP Platform included the following:

America's growth cannot be compartmentalized. Labor and management cannot prosper without each other. They cannot ignore their mutual public obligation.

Industrial harmony, expressing these mutual interests, can best be achieved in a climate of free collective bargaining, with minimal government intervention except by mediation and conciliation.

Even in dealing with emergency situations imperiling the national safety, ways of solution must be found to enhance and not impede the processes of free collective bargaining—carefully considered ways that are in keeping with the policies of national labor relations legislation and with the need to strengthen the hand of the President in dealing with such emergencies.

In the same spirit, Republican leadership will continue to encourage discussions, away from the bargaining table, between labor and management to consider the mutual interest of all Americans in maintaining industrial peace.

Republican policy firmly supports the right of employers and unions freely to enter into agreements providing for the union shop and other forms of union security as authorized by the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (the Taft-Hartley Act ).

Republican-sponsored legislation has supported the right of union members to full participation in the affairs of their union and their right to freedom from racketeering and gangster interference whether by labor or management in labor-management relations.

Republican action has given to millions of American working men and women new or expanded protection and benefits, such as: Increased federal minimum wage;

Extended coverage of unemployment insurance and the payment of additional temporary benefits provided in 1958-59;

Improvement of veterans' re-employment rights;

Extension of federal workman's compensation coverage and increase of benefits;

Legislative assurance of safety standards for longshore and harbor workers and for the transportation of migratory workers;

An increase of railroad workers' retirement and disability benefits.

Seven past years of accomplishments, however, are but a base to build upon in fostering, promoting and improving the welfare of America's working men and women, both organized and unorganized. We pledge, therefore, action on these constructive lines:

Diligent administration of the amended Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act) and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (Landrum-Griffin Act) with recommendations for improvements which experience shows are needed to make them more effective or remove any inequities.

Correction of defects in the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act to protect employees' and beneficiaries' interests.

Upward revision in amount and extended coverage of the minimum wage to several million more workers.

Strengthening the unemployment insurance system and extension of its benefits.

Improvement of the eight-hour laws relating to hours and overtime compensation on federal and federally-assisted construction, and continued vigorous enforcement and improvement of minimum wage laws for federal supply and construction contracts.

Continued improvement of manpower skills and training to meet a new era of challenges, including action programs to aid older workers, women, youth, and the physically handicapped.

Encouragement of training programs by labor, industry and government to aid in finding new jobs for persons dislocated by automation or other economic changes.

Improvement of job opportunities and working conditions of migratory farm workers.

Assurance of equal pay for equal work regardless of sex; encouragement of programs to insure on-the-job safety, and encouragement of the States to improve their labor standards legislation, and to improve veterans' employment rights and benefits.

Encouragement abroad of free democratic institutions, higher living standards and higher wages through such agencies as the International Labor Organization, and cooperation with the free trade union movement in strengthening free labor throughout the world.
I don't know what happen to the republican party between now and then ... there hatred of people who are on welfare, the hatred of getting a fair break by regulations on how companies doing business ... republicans believe if business don't have all their regulation remove then the constitution is being violated ... I just don't get that way of thinking these days

sad left-wing losers; put away that worn-out "hate" card, it's as worn out as that pathetic race card you use
Democrats abandoned their own Party to extreme-Left-wingers long ago.

let's name Republican moderates, even pro-choice ones, then name more conservative Democrats. Which list will be bigger?? Democrats purged their Party of moderate "Blue Dog Democrats" about a decade ago, there are almost none left.

libs are hypocrites who whine about things they are guilty of on an even bigger scale.

When push came to shove, all the blue dogs voted for Obamacare belying that they were ever actually "moderate"
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
name five pro-life Democrats still in congress

let's see who moved in what direction and how much ok?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
i love the way left-wing losers post 200-lines of propaganda.

your piece is irrelevant. Ever hear of cause and effect genius disir?

and it is still 1960?
see what I mean... he hasn't a clue and thinks he's
a genius ... here's a cause in effect that bedwetter doesn't get... republicans stating in 1999 to 2003 removed the regulation from banks and insurers ... cause bank thinking they would make more money ... effect the went bankrupt nearly causing another great depression ... they deny that reality but bedwetter will tell you different
Democrats abandoned their own Party to extreme-Left-wingers long ago.

let's name Republican moderates, even pro-choice ones, then name more conservative Democrats. Which list will be bigger?? Democrats purged their Party of moderate "Blue Dog Democrats" about a decade ago, there are almost none left.

libs are hypocrites who whine about things they are guilty of on an even bigger scale.

When push came to shove, all the blue dogs voted for Obamacare belying that they were ever actually "moderate"
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
that's not the argument ....the argument is not all liberals think the same ...where republicans must all think the same ... republicans don't get that they can have a different point of view... that's the argument idiot ... I used the idea of abortion as a piece of subject matter ... put in health care, put in wages, put in taxes, welfare, its the idea of a different point of view that I was trying to get across ... republicans have one point of view that's it
That's exactly what I just said it was, you provided links and said her e, read this.

If you know what you are talking about, how is it not possible for you in your own words just to give a list of several issues the Republicans have moved to the right on?

I provided links that demonstrated 1) the group is small. This is important to know. In as much as I am not about to run out and defend every cockamamie "liberal" and I am not demanding that every Republican step forward and have to defend every other cockamamie "conservative". Two, this is the name of the group and the players. 3) this is the name of the man that changed the tactics and this is how they have evolved and this is who controls them. 4) and this includes the response from those involved not just in the foundation but others in congress.

How is it that you cannot handle that?

I don't know what you're smoking, but you jumped into a conversation where leftists said Republicans are moving to the right, and I asked them how they are doing that. None of your hallucinations here seem to have anything to do with that

They are and they did. But, I drew attention to the fact that it is a small group rather than as a whole. I named names and provided details because I firmly believe in nailing specifics where possible and information is available. It's a current push and pull but there is a group that is doing whatever they possibly can to pull it further to the right.
But, you couldn't fucking handle that.

God wasn't an issue for years and years and years or a part of their platform until when? How about abortions? Can you name that time?
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When push came to shove, all the blue dogs voted for Obamacare belying that they were ever actually "moderate"
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
that's not the argument ....the argument is not all liberals think the same ...where republicans must all think the same ... republicans don't get that thewy can have a different point of view... that's the argument idiot

You gave as an example of liberals not thinking the same that you are a liberal who agrees with liberals, how is that an argument?

And seriously, you think Republicans think the same? That's delusional. There are RINOs, socons, libertarian leaning, Tea Partiers, neocons, establishment Republicans and they disagree all the time.

So do you have an issue you actually disagree with Democrats on? That would greatly improve your argument that you don't agree with Democrats on every issue
When push came to shove, all the blue dogs voted for Obamacare belying that they were ever actually "moderate"
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
that's not the argument ....the argument is not all liberals think the same ...where republicans must all think the same ... republicans don't get that they can have a different point of view... that's the argument idiot ... I used the idea of abortion as a piece of subject matter ... put in health care, put in wages, put in taxes, welfare, its the idea of a different point of view that I was trying to get across ... republicans have one point of view that's it

the argument is you're a mental-case; lock-step agreement is more of a factor on the Democrat side of the aisle idiot. and all the facts prove it. THAT'S WHY your Democrat candidates dont need many debates, they all agree on everything
That's exactly what I just said it was, you provided links and said her e, read this.

If you know what you are talking about, how is it not possible for you in your own words just to give a list of several issues the Republicans have moved to the right on?

I provided links that demonstrated 1) the group is small. This is important to know. In as much as I am not about to run out and defend every cockamamie "liberal" and I am not demanding that every Republican step forward and have to defend every other cockamamie "conservative". Two, this is the name of the group and the players. 3) this is the name of the man that changed the tactics and this is how they have evolved and this is who controls them. 4) and this includes the response from those involved not just in the foundation but others in congress.

How is it that you cannot handle that?

I don't know what you're smoking, but you jumped into a conversation where leftists said Republicans are moving to the right, and I asked them how they are doing that. None of your hallucinations here seem to have anything to do with that

They are and they did. But, I drew attention to the fact that it is a small group rather than as a whole. I named names and provided details because I firmly believe in nailing specifics where possible and information is available. It's a current push and pull but there is a group that is doing whatever they possibly can to pull it further to the right.
But, you couldn't fucking handle that.

God wasn't an issue for years and years and years or a part of their platform until when? How about abortions? Can you name that time?

So now your argument isn't that Republicans moved to the right, it's that a small group of them are trying to move it to the right? And seriously, you don't think that happened before?
When push came to shove, all the blue dogs voted for Obamacare belying that they were ever actually "moderate"
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
that's not the argument ....the argument is not all liberals think the same ...where republicans must all think the same ... republicans don't get that they can have a different point of view... that's the argument idiot ... I used the idea of abortion as a piece of subject matter ... put in health care, put in wages, put in taxes, welfare, its the idea of a different point of view that I was trying to get across ... republicans have one point of view that's it

where do Democrat Party members diverge on any of the issues you mention dullard? what are their names? How do they disagree with standard Democrat orthodoxy on health care, wages, taxes (especially on the rich)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Democrats abandoned their own Party to extreme-Left-wingers long ago.

let's name Republican moderates, even pro-choice ones, then name more conservative Democrats. Which list will be bigger?? Democrats purged their Party of moderate "Blue Dog Democrats" about a decade ago, there are almost none left.

libs are hypocrites who whine about things they are guilty of on an even bigger scale.

When push came to shove, all the blue dogs voted for Obamacare belying that they were ever actually "moderate"
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
the point is we lefties have the ability to have and open mind... we don't just support lefties Ideas, we do support some conservative ideas... your response her is condescending at best
When push came to shove, all the blue dogs voted for Obamacare belying that they were ever actually "moderate"
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
the point is we lefties have the ability to have and open mind... we don't just support lefties Ideas, we do support some conservative ideas... your response her is condescending at best

NO DUMMY; that might have some crediblity if you losers werent running around clearly trying to whitewash, rationalize of MAKE PATHETIC EXCUSES FOR voting FOR policies you say you are against
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
that's not the argument ....the argument is not all liberals think the same ...where republicans must all think the same ... republicans don't get that they can have a different point of view... that's the argument idiot ... I used the idea of abortion as a piece of subject matter ... put in health care, put in wages, put in taxes, welfare, its the idea of a different point of view that I was trying to get across ... republicans have one point of view that's it

where do Democrat Party members diverge on any of the issues you mention dullard? what are their names? How do they disagree with standard Democrat orthodoxy on health care, wages, taxes (especially on the rich)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
see as I told you ... bedwetter doesn't get it ... he wants names addresses ... you just proved my point ... so closed minded that they can't see any further then their noses ... bedwetter go and look at any one of these thoughts that I posted, go look at the house voting records .. . you will find dem/liberals on record voting against these things... where you believe all liberals vote the same oh what a surprise they don't ...
George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
that's not the argument ....the argument is not all liberals think the same ...where republicans must all think the same ... republicans don't get that they can have a different point of view... that's the argument idiot ... I used the idea of abortion as a piece of subject matter ... put in health care, put in wages, put in taxes, welfare, its the idea of a different point of view that I was trying to get across ... republicans have one point of view that's it

where do Democrat Party members diverge on any of the issues you mention dullard? what are their names? How do they disagree with standard Democrat orthodoxy on health care, wages, taxes (especially on the rich)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
see as I told you ... bedwetter doesn't get it ... he wants names addresses ... you just proved my point ... so closed minded that they can't see any further then their noses ... bedwetter go and look at any one of these thoughts that I posted, go look at the house voting records .. . you will find dem/liberals on record voting against these things... where you believe all liberals vote the same oh what a surprise they don't ...

one more time; none of that matters since it is you idiots that PRETEND:
1. either you didnt actually vote for that spending OR

now you want to hold up things you losers are usually denying you did in the first place as examples if bi-partisanship???????????????????

what a loser
the problem with bedwetter is he doesn't understand that dems/liberals can decide what they believe in it maybe all far left pointys oif views with sprinkled conservative Ideas not all conservative ideas are bad ... the problem with cinservitives is the all suffere from tunnel vision ... onece they see site of it there's n o turning back ... that's not how dems/liberals think or work ... bedwetter doesn't understand that way of thinking

George Patton: If everyone's thinking alike, someone isn't thinking
how true is that ... that's something the conservative posters on these boards don't get about dems/liberals ... if we aren't all on the same path like they are then the just don 't get us ... for instance, I don't like the Idea of abortions ... I as a liberal will say I don't like abortions ... the difference here is conservatives will try and stop every abortions at all cost ... mainly because of their points of views ... where I as a dem/liberal can say its not my right to force my views on others, if a woman wants and abortion its her choice ... I would rather not see it happen ... conservatives can't fathom that point of view, it either all there way or nothing

So you as a liberal want credit for having an open mind and agreeing with the left? Not an overpowering argument. And who on the left will say they like abortions?
the point is we lefties have the ability to have and open mind... we don't just support lefties Ideas, we do support some conservative ideas... your response her is condescending at best

NO DUMMY; that might have some crediblity if you losers werent running around clearly trying to whitewash, rationalize of MAKE PATHETIC EXCUSES FOR voting FOR policies you say you are against

he clearly doesn't get it ... probably never will ... if we voted for it or against it why would we need to rationalize it ... ether we are for it or against it ... it doesn't have to be a left Idea you idiot ... that what you don't get ...unless its all a conservative Idea then the right wing nut jobs like you are against it ... we don't think that way
you're simply a clown, and a pathetic one at that.

you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. so typical of your ilk
your side rants endlessly about "disastrous Bush policies" but your Party voted FOR THEM

that's called collusion, or ineptitude. pick one

because surely you werent concerned about a label of "obstructionism" from republicans over polices you idiots INSIST "tanked the global economy"????? so much that you voted FOR them just acting in good faith???


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