Boehner Gives In

Stephanie, if it is time to retire and collect SS into which you have paid, sure, do it.

You EARNED it.

not quite at that age yet, so welfare sounds like the next best thing until I can collect it..

tired of working to take care of everyone else in this country..worked for over 40 years and paid into welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc now ObamaNoCare.....we work how many months now out of the year just to support this government?

yep, I'm tired
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All of that for nothing. You could have put up a clean CR two weeks ago and avoided all of this. Oh well, I'm sure we'll hear from you and the Crazy Causus again in December.

John Boehner: 'We Just Didn't Win'

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Wednesday that he would not block a bipartisan Senate compromise to reopen the government, paving the way for an end to the two-week government shutdown.

"The House has fought with everything it has to convince the president of the United States to engage in bipartisan negotiations aimed at addressing our country's debt and providing fairness for the American people under Obamacare. That fight will continue," he said in a statement. "But blocking the bipartisan agreement reached today by the members of the Senate will not be a tactic for us. In addition to the risk of default, doing so would open the door for the Democratic majority in Washington to raise taxes again on the American people and undo the spending caps in the 2011 Budget Control Act without replacing them with better spending cuts."

"We fought the good fight, we just didn't win," he told WLW-AM in Cincinnati.

Not for nothing. The voters will remember who tried to represent them, in 2014. The reminders will be constant and on video tape, for those "independents" who have jobs and miss much of political realities.....:eusa_whistle:

You are not in touch with reality at all. The ACA is already signing up small businesses at a faster rate than expected. And I am willing to bet that many other employees with good health care benefits found that little had changed for them. For me, I get about the same thing for no more payroll deductions. That is a thousand annual savings for me. And the company is allso saving. By the end of 2014 as the kinks get worked out of it, this will be a very popular program.

The voters are going to look at what the GOP and Teabaggers did with no reason at all, and wonder why anyone would vote for such a bunch of idiots.
Stephanie, if it is time to retire and collect SS into which you have paid, sure, do it.

You EARNED it.

not quite at that age yet, so welfare sounds like the next best thing until I can collect it..

tired of working to take care of everyone else in this country..worked for over 40 years and paid into welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc now ObamaNoCare.....we work how many months now out of the year just to support this government?

yep, I'm tired

Po', po' Staph. Well, old gal, I have been working for 50 years. And am still working. 40 to 45 hours a week. And packing 9 credits at the local University. You know, those easy subjects, Chemistry and Calculus. Never even thought of welfare. That is for our Red State Conservatives.
Stephanie, if it is time to retire and collect SS into which you have paid, sure, do it.

You EARNED it.

not quite at that age yet, so welfare sounds like the next best thing until I can collect it..

tired of working to take care of everyone else in this country..worked for over 40 years and paid into welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc now ObamaNoCare.....we work how many months now out of the year just to support this government?

yep, I'm tired

Po', po' Staph. Well, old gal, I have been working for 50 years. And am still working. 40 to 45 hours a week. And packing 9 credits at the local University. You know, those easy subjects, Chemistry and Calculus. Never even thought of welfare. That is for our Red State Conservatives.

good for you
but am I suppose to give a shit about it?
you like working to take care of people who never say, thank you...have at sweat off my ass
I'm tired of being a slave for this government and for people I don't know and who could care less about me, and tired of people like you
the life of Julia is respectable, Obama says so..
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All of that for nothing. You could have put up a clean CR two weeks ago and avoided all of this. Oh well, I'm sure we'll hear from you and the Crazy Causus again in December.

John Boehner: 'We Just Didn't Win'

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Wednesday that he would not block a bipartisan Senate compromise to reopen the government, paving the way for an end to the two-week government shutdown.

"The House has fought with everything it has to convince the president of the United States to engage in bipartisan negotiations aimed at addressing our country's debt and providing fairness for the American people under Obamacare. That fight will continue," he said in a statement. "But blocking the bipartisan agreement reached today by the members of the Senate will not be a tactic for us. In addition to the risk of default, doing so would open the door for the Democratic majority in Washington to raise taxes again on the American people and undo the spending caps in the 2011 Budget Control Act without replacing them with better spending cuts."

"We fought the good fight, we just didn't win," he told WLW-AM in Cincinnati.

Not for nothing. The voters will remember who tried to represent them, in 2014. The reminders will be constant and on video tape, for those "independents" who have jobs and miss much of political realities.....:eusa_whistle:

You are not in touch with reality at all. The ACA is already signing up small businesses at a faster rate than expected. And I am willing to bet that many other employees with good health care benefits found that little had changed for them. For me, I get about the same thing for no more payroll deductions. That is a thousand annual savings for me. And the company is allso saving. By the end of 2014 as the kinks get worked out of it, this will be a very popular program.

The voters are going to look at what the GOP and Teabaggers did with no reason at all, and wonder why anyone would vote for such a bunch of idiots.

That is so cool. Are you an Obamacare navigator?

the left think they win something and they want to smash it in people's face..

and all over politics and this government...they act like they won a prize at a carnival

it's something to watch, really pathetic though


I don't care, you all will get to support me soon enough...maybe sooner than later...depends if I feel like working or not....why bother working when we get more government programs put on us, like Obamainsurance scam? I'm thinking of throwing in the towel, the hell with pride and freedom from this govenment....might just go on welfare for the hell of it...
I just feel bad for my children they have to live with people like all of you and what you vote for

All of that for nothing. You could have put up a clean CR two weeks ago and avoided all of this. Oh well, I'm sure we'll hear from you and the Crazy Causus again in December.

John Boehner: 'We Just Didn't Win'

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Wednesday that he would not block a bipartisan Senate compromise to reopen the government, paving the way for an end to the two-week government shutdown.

"The House has fought with everything it has to convince the president of the United States to engage in bipartisan negotiations aimed at addressing our country's debt and providing fairness for the American people under Obamacare. That fight will continue," he said in a statement. "But blocking the bipartisan agreement reached today by the members of the Senate will not be a tactic for us. In addition to the risk of default, doing so would open the door for the Democratic majority in Washington to raise taxes again on the American people and undo the spending caps in the 2011 Budget Control Act without replacing them with better spending cuts."

"We fought the good fight, we just didn't win," he told WLW-AM in Cincinnati.

not quite at that age yet, so welfare sounds like the next best thing until I can collect it..

tired of working to take care of everyone else in this country..worked for over 40 years and paid into welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc now ObamaNoCare.....we work how many months now out of the year just to support this government?

yep, I'm tired

Po', po' Staph. Well, old gal, I have been working for 50 years. And am still working. 40 to 45 hours a week. And packing 9 credits at the local University. You know, those easy subjects, Chemistry and Calculus. Never even thought of welfare. That is for our Red State Conservatives.

good for you
but am I suppose to give a shit about it?
you like working to take care of people who never say, thank you...have at sweat off my ass
I'm tired of being a slave for this government and for people I don't know and who could care less about me, and tired of people like you
the life of Julia is respectable, Obama says so..
[ame=]The Life of Julia! - YouTube[/ame]

Well now, isn't that we we expect of you 'Conservatives'? Whine about other people being lazy welfare reciepients, because you are jeolous of the idea of not working at all? While there are some on welfare that are just lazy, a great many in that state would love to have a job that paid enough so they could get off of dole, and stand on their own two feet. Yet here you are, already in a good position, crying and whining about the fact that you have to work. Yes, go on welfare, your mentality makes you the perfect stereotype for the welfare queen.
Po', po' Staph. Well, old gal, I have been working for 50 years. And am still working. 40 to 45 hours a week. And packing 9 credits at the local University. You know, those easy subjects, Chemistry and Calculus. Never even thought of welfare. That is for our Red State Conservatives.

good for you
but am I suppose to give a shit about it?
you like working to take care of people who never say, thank you...have at sweat off my ass
I'm tired of being a slave for this government and for people I don't know and who could care less about me, and tired of people like you
the life of Julia is respectable, Obama says so..
[ame=]The Life of Julia! - YouTube[/ame]

Well now, isn't that we we expect of you 'Conservatives'? Whine about other people being lazy welfare reciepients, because you are jeolous of the idea of not working at all? While there are some on welfare that are just lazy, a great many in that state would love to have a job that paid enough so they could get off of dole, and stand on their own two feet. Yet here you are, already in a good position, crying and whining about the fact that you have to work. Yes, go on welfare, your mentality makes you the perfect stereotype for the welfare queen.

Don't fall off your soap box and crack your head would you spew then
just get on being a slave for this government, you are the ONE,. a saint and all that
I'll worry about my life... you worry about yours
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Teaparty not carrying through w/ their threat. I thought they'd fire boehner :dunno:

This guy thinks he might know why:

We think Boehner is pathetic. We think he allowed himself to be maneuvered into a hopeless situation, forced either to crash the economy or lose his job at the hands of enraged teabaggers. But apparently he's a genius. [It] seems as if he knew this was a hopeless cause -- but he also seems to have an exquisitely subtle understanding of just how to mollify the lunatics in the asylum he runs. Tell them you're behind them all the way. Let them run into the streets and destroy all the property they like. Then, when the authorities (i.e., the financial markets) declare that their bourgeois riot has to be shut down, he tells them he was on their side all along.

And they believe him.

Wow! A blogger has an opinion. :eek:
And I say again...



Motherfuckin' HA!

It really isn't funny.

This is going to cost, big.

24 billion out of the US economy because of this bullshit.

And who knows how many bill the government racked up.

Republicans are assholes. dare they work long hours to keep passing bills to fund the government and send them to no-no Harry who chose to shut down the government instead. Damn them. Moron.
Teaparty not carrying through w/ their threat. I thought they'd fire boehner :dunno:

This guy thinks he might know why:

We think Boehner is pathetic. We think he allowed himself to be maneuvered into a hopeless situation, forced either to crash the economy or lose his job at the hands of enraged teabaggers. But apparently he's a genius. [It] seems as if he knew this was a hopeless cause -- but he also seems to have an exquisitely subtle understanding of just how to mollify the lunatics in the asylum he runs. Tell them you're behind them all the way. Let them run into the streets and destroy all the property they like. Then, when the authorities (i.e., the financial markets) declare that their bourgeois riot has to be shut down, he tells them he was on their side all along.

And they believe him.

Wow! A blogger has an opinion. :eek:

It's an informed opinion that's turning out to be correct. Guess you didn't check out his sources at the link.
As long as the world loves the U.S. Dollar, Mr. Greenspan is right:


Mr. Cheney said that deficits didn't matter, and he was right too.

Fiscal conservatism is meaningless when you have the U.S. Dollar.

So we can easily understand all the bad press towards the Eurozone, its austerity and limited central banking (no dual mandate) model. Rivals are not welcome.
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Wow! A blogger has an opinion. :eek:

It's an informed opinion that's turning out to be correct. Guess you didn't check out his sources at the link.

For a small amount, you can register a domain, find hosting, download software and start your own opinion blog. That doesn't make it informed though. Blogs are like assholes. Everyone has one and they usually stink.

Too bad the guy's right. For all the talk about Boner losing his speakership over this, it doesn't appear that's gonna happen.
Bohner: In addition to the risk of default, doing so would open the door for the Democratic majority in Washington to raise taxes again on the American people and undo the spending caps in the 2011 Budget Control Act without replacing them with better spending cuts."

what a lame excuse for holding the country hostage for their own truly reprehensible agenda ...

and yes the Democrats will be back to fight for the American way - and on a level playing field.


The Democrats won, Americans lots. It really is that simple.
And I say again...



Motherfuckin' HA!

It really isn't funny.

This is going to cost, big.

24 billion out of the US economy because of this bullshit.

And who knows how many bill the government racked up.

Republicans are assholes.

24 Billion is chump change compared to the 1.63 TRILLION that Obamacare is going to cost taxpayers

Lets collapse our dollar and the world economy. It isn't like you people give a damn....

What makes me most angry is the fact that you're not going after the cause of the DEBT...Welfare, bail-outs by the fed and wars.

During the 1950s and 1960's our country spent far more on infrastructure, manufacturing, science, tech and education. We became a super power because of it. I am not saying that the republicans are totally wrong about the debt but they're fighting against the health of this nation and the wrong things. Sequester is the most anti-American piece of shit imaginable.

You are wrong. The $17 Trillion national debt and counting is the most anti-American piece of shit imaginable. And you want to make it more.
And I say again...



Motherfuckin' HA!

It really isn't funny.

This is going to cost, big.

24 billion out of the US economy because of this bullshit.

And who knows how many bill the government racked up.

Republicans are assholes.
true. the gov't workers will have an even bigger backlog of work to do when they return. So, the taxpayers were hurt by this teaparty/repub/koch bros/heritage for action shutdown.

Absurd. Only non-essential government workers were on paid vacation. They didn't do much to start with.

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