Books Cooked

James Earl Jones

What does he have to do with anything?

Real ALL the posts, genius.

Any of them in particular?

How about all the ones you just quoted, genius?

You've made several references to James Earl Jones, I see nothing elaborating on the association

Do you know who he is?

One of the greatest voices of all time........overcame the stutter he was born with.......voiced the role of Darth Vader

How much longer are you gonna be dodging the question?
You know, there are times in the military (usually just before promotion time) that the higher ups do a whole bunch of ass kissing and inflate their reports to make them look better than what they actually were. Saw it happen, even had to type some of the reports and evaluations.

Now, the reports were being inflated and made to look better than what really was happening by those on the ground, because they knew it was going to eventually get to DC, and well........those stars aren't going to put themselves on.

No, Obama didn't know what was going on, he was getting the same BS that everyone else back in DC was getting, which was inflated reports from the commanders in Iraq.

How is it Obama's fault when it's the generals that are looking to get promoted and make themselves look better than what they are actually doing?
Real ALL the posts, genius.

Any of them in particular?

How about all the ones you just quoted, genius?

You've made several references to James Earl Jones, I see nothing elaborating on the association

Do you know who he is?

One of the greatest voices of all time........overcame the stutter he was born with.......voiced the role of Darth Vader

How much longer are you gonna be dodging the question?

He's also the voice of CNN when they say "This is CNN".
You know, there are times in the military (usually just before promotion time) that the higher ups do a whole bunch of ass kissing and inflate their reports to make them look better than what they actually were. Saw it happen, even had to type some of the reports and evaluations.

Now, the reports were being inflated and made to look better than what really was happening by those on the ground, because they knew it was going to eventually get to DC, and well........those stars aren't going to put themselves on.

No, Obama didn't know what was going on, he was getting the same BS that everyone else back in DC was getting, which was inflated reports from the commanders in Iraq.

How is it Obama's fault when it's the generals that are looking to get promoted and make themselves look better than what they are actually doing?

Never saw that in Unka's Band of Ronin.......
Real ALL the posts, genius.

Any of them in particular?

How about all the ones you just quoted, genius?

You've made several references to James Earl Jones, I see nothing elaborating on the association

Do you know who he is?

One of the greatest voices of all time........overcame the stutter he was born with.......voiced the role of Darth Vader


And........this is..........

You know, there are times in the military (usually just before promotion time) that the higher ups do a whole bunch of ass kissing and inflate their reports to make them look better than what they actually were. Saw it happen, even had to type some of the reports and evaluations.

Now, the reports were being inflated and made to look better than what really was happening by those on the ground, because they knew it was going to eventually get to DC, and well........those stars aren't going to put themselves on.

No, Obama didn't know what was going on, he was getting the same BS that everyone else back in DC was getting, which was inflated reports from the commanders in Iraq.

How is it Obama's fault when it's the generals that are looking to get promoted and make themselves look better than what they are actually doing?

Oh look, there's ABikerSailor standing up on the cliff waiting to hear the holy words of his lord obama. Say ABikerSailor, obama is gesturing to you. Go on, don't defy your master.

Ironic - 'Cookin' the Intel Books is what Barry gave Bush so much trouble over...and now he and his own Intel gets busted for 'cookin' the books.

Karma, as they say, is a bitch! :p
Ironic - 'Cookin' the Intel Books is what Barry gave Bush so much trouble over...and now he and his own Intel gets busted for 'cookin' the books.

Karma, as they say, is a bitch! :p

It was the generals on the ground in the ME who cooked them, not Obama. They knew their reports were going to hit high levels at the Pentagon, and if you don't look really good, you get passed over for promotion.
Yet another outrage from this historically corrupt and dishonest administration.

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

This is the kind of lying to the American people that results in American deaths. obama lounges on Martha's Vineyard while the very best American men and women die as a result of lies that stop at his desk.

This won't get the MSM attention that the crowd of 50 National Security people that trashed The Donald got.

Who said the MSM isn't Leftist biased.
It's more likely they are temporally biased.

Yes, when The Donald wins they'll be kissing his buttocks.
When the Donald wins they'll likely be out of a job...
Yet another outrage from this historically corrupt and dishonest administration.

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

This is the kind of lying to the American people that results in American deaths. obama lounges on Martha's Vineyard while the very best American men and women die as a result of lies that stop at his desk.

This won't get the MSM attention that the crowd of 50 National Security people that trashed The Donald got.

Who said the MSM isn't Leftist biased.
The preliminary results of the congressional investigation were reported Tuesday by The Daily Beast. Last August, The New York Times reported the existence of the Pentagon inspector general investigation, opened after complaints by Centcom analysts.
Ironic - 'Cookin' the Intel Books is what Barry gave Bush so much trouble over...and now he and his own Intel gets busted for 'cookin' the books.

Karma, as they say, is a bitch! :p

It was the generals on the ground in the ME who cooked them, not Obama. They knew their reports were going to hit high levels at the Pentagon, and if you don't look really good, you get passed over.

Wait, wait, wait...

So under BUSH, it was BUSH who cooked the books, but under OBAMA, Obama had nothing to do with it?!

:lmao: :bsflag:

What a bunch of double-standard, hypocritcal, partisan BULLSHIT!
Yet another outrage from this historically corrupt and dishonest administration.

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

This is the kind of lying to the American people that results in American deaths. obama lounges on Martha's Vineyard while the very best American men and women die as a result of lies that stop at his desk.
These reports were never meant for public eyes. Some apparently go as far up the chain as the President. There is no reason to "politicize" them since they are not for public consumption, so why would the President want to see stuff that isn't true? That the President might not LIKE hearing the war isn't going so well, wouldn't lead him to want to hear inaccurate reports. He's not THAT dumb. If there's anyone to blame here, it's the upper level offiicials at CENTCOM sprinkling sugar on the President's reports. That is dangerous and it SHOULD be stopped. It is not Obama's fault.

P.S. Even a President gets to have a vacation.

Un-Fucking-Believable. To the fully-indoctrinated acolytes, nothing is the obama's fault. It's Orwellian. obama is your James Earl Jones.

If the senior officials were altering the reports the president received, how would he know?

In the words of Master Yoda: Stops where, the buck does?

FYI, When you start a thread you usually put forth an idea and discuss it with others.
You haven't engaged anyone.
You're trolling your own thread dope.
Ironic - 'Cookin' the Intel Books is what Barry gave Bush so much trouble over...and now he and his own Intel gets busted for 'cookin' the books.

Karma, as they say, is a bitch! :p

The Irony is deafening...

I understand that you are trying to absolve Scrub of the lies he, and his proxies, told to justify the idiotic invasion and occupation of Iraqnam, but

The 10-page report detailed persistent problems in 2014 and 2015 in Central Command’s description and analysis of American efforts to train Iraqi forces. Although it offers no definitive evidence that senior Obama administration officials ordered the reports to be doctored, it describes analysts as feeling as though they were under pressure from Centcom leaders to present a more optimistic view of the threat posed by the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

  • The Security Agreement also sets a date of December 31, 2011, for all U.S. forces to withdraw from Iraq. This date reflects the increasing capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces as demonstrated in operations this year throughout Iraq, as well as an improved regional atmosphere towards Iraq, an expanding Iraqi economy, and an increasingly confident Iraqi government.

  • These dates therefore are based on an assessment of positive conditions on the ground and a realistic projection of when U.S. forces can reduce their presence and return home without a sacrificing the security gains made since the surge.

    Renewal in Iraq

  • In The Past Year, Iraqi Security Forces Have Made Real Progress. This time last year, there were only a handful of combat-ready Iraqi battalions. Now, there are over 120 Iraqi Army and Police combat battalions in the fight - typically comprised of between 350 to 800 Iraqi forces. Of these, about 80 battalions are fighting alongside Coalition forces. About 40 other battalions are taking the lead, and most are controlling their own battle space and conducting their own operations with some Coalition support.
  • Iraqi Forces Are Taking The Lead. This progress is especially clear when comparing last year's assault in Fallujah and recent anti-terrorist operations in Tal Afar. In Fallujah, the assault was led by nine Coalition battalions - with six Iraqi battalions supporting. The Iraqis fought and sustained casualties but were primarily limited to protecting the flanks of Coalition forces and securing ground already cleared. This year in Tal Afar, the assault was primarily led by 11 Iraqi battalions, backed by five Coalition battalions. Many Iraqi units conducted their own anti-terrorist operations and controlled their own battle space. Many Iraqi forces have stayed behind to ensure the city's safety and move ahead with reconstruction projects. In October, the citizens of Tal Afar were able to vote on the constitutional referendum.
  • Iraqi Forces Are Taking Control Of More Territory. Today, over 30 Iraqi Army battalions have assumed primary control of their own areas of responsibility. In Baghdad, Iraqi battalions have taken over major sectors - including some of the city's toughest neighborhoods. Iraqi troops are securing the area around Baghdad's Haifa street, and roughly ninety square miles of Baghdad province. Across the country, Iraqi battalions are making similar strides, taking responsibility of areas in South-Central, Southeast, Western, and North-Central Iraq. As Iraqi forces take control of more territory, Coalition forces can concentrate on training Iraqis and hunting down high-value terrorist targets.
  • Coalition Bases Are Being Transferred To Iraqi Control. As Iraqi forces take over more territory, the Coalition is transferring forward operating bases to Iraqi control. Over a dozen bases have been handed over to the Iraqi government - including Saddam Hussein's former palace in Tikrit. From many of these bases, the Iraqi Security Forces are planning and executing their own operations against the terrorists.
  • By Any Reasonable Standard, The Iraqi Security Forces Are Making Progress. Some critics point to the fact that only one Iraqi battalion has achieved complete independence from the Coalition. To achieve complete independence, an Iraqi battalion must not only fight the enemy on its own but also provide its own support elements, including logistics, airlift, intelligence, and command and control through their ministries. There are some battalions from NATO militaries would not be able to meet this standard. But not every Iraqi unit has to meet this level of capability for the Iraqi Security Forces to take the lead in the fight against the terrorists.

    Fact Sheet: Training Iraqi Security Forces
You know...........those who are at the level of Commander or Captain in the Navy (O4 to O5), are generally desperate to get to flag level and will volunteer for anything or inflate their reports a bit to make themselves look really good.

Saw it happen in the Fleet and saw it happen in Recruiting.

If the people writing the reports are writing them to look better than the situation on the ground really is, how is it Obama's fault? He didn't write the reports, they did.

It really amazes me how ignorant civilians are of what really happens in the military.
Sorry....Libs can't have it both ways...

If the books were cooked under Bush and thus it is his fault then now that the books are cooked under Obama it's his fault.

All the excuse making and justification BS is just that - double standard partisan hypocritical BS.

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