Books Cooked

You know.............Donald RumsFAILED is one of those idiots that is on my list. If he was ever in public and I saw him, at the very least, what I would do is call him a sorry fucker and tell him he should have never led the military.

It would be better if I could punch him in the nose for the remark "you go to war with the military you have, not the one you want to have" and then sent our troops into war with unarmored Humvees and a lack of equipment.
That MFer should be UNDER the jail!

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Yet another outrage from this historically corrupt and dishonest administration.

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

This is the kind of lying to the American people that results in American deaths. obama lounges on Martha's Vineyard while the very best American men and women die as a result of lies that stop at his desk.
These reports were never meant for public eyes. Some apparently go as far up the chain as the President. There is no reason to "politicize" them since they are not for public consumption, so why would the President want to see stuff that isn't true? That the President might not LIKE hearing the war isn't going so well, wouldn't lead him to want to hear inaccurate reports. He's not THAT dumb. If there's anyone to blame here, it's the upper level offiicials at CENTCOM sprinkling sugar on the President's reports. That is dangerous and it SHOULD be stopped. It is not Obama's fault.

P.S. Even a President gets to have a vacation.

Un-Fucking-Believable. To the fully-indoctrinated acolytes, nothing is the obama's fault. It's Orwellian. obama is your James Earl Jones.

Please show me where in that article it explains how this is Obama's fault, why he requests getting inaccurate reports. I read it twice. What am I missing?

Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama doesn't "request" inaccurate reports. He surrounds himself with people whose only goal is to fawn over him and kiss his...ring. No different, whatsoever from other celebrities who have no one to tell the NO, you can't do that, period. President Obama's drug of choice is not cocaine, heroin, gambling or women. President Obama's drug of choice is adulation, worship and more. He has proven that he will not listen to opposing views. So, while he himself doesn't call up these researchers, President Obama's minions make sure the message gets across. From,'s simple. You want to keep your job, and advance, you tell them what they demand they hear.


Too funny.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Yet another outrage from this historically corrupt and dishonest administration.

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

This is the kind of lying to the American people that results in American deaths. obama lounges on Martha's Vineyard while the very best American men and women die as a result of lies that stop at his desk.
These reports were never meant for public eyes. Some apparently go as far up the chain as the President. There is no reason to "politicize" them since they are not for public consumption, so why would the President want to see stuff that isn't true? That the President might not LIKE hearing the war isn't going so well, wouldn't lead him to want to hear inaccurate reports. He's not THAT dumb. If there's anyone to blame here, it's the upper level offiicials at CENTCOM sprinkling sugar on the President's reports. That is dangerous and it SHOULD be stopped. It is not Obama's fault.

P.S. Even a President gets to have a vacation.

Un-Fucking-Believable. To the fully-indoctrinated acolytes, nothing is the obama's fault. It's Orwellian. obama is your James Earl Jones.

If the senior officials were altering the reports the president received, how would he know?

In the words of Master Yoda: Stops where, the buck does?

FYI, When you start a thread you usually put forth an idea and discuss it with others.
You haven't engaged anyone.
You're trolling your own thread dope.

He IS a troll. I've never seen him act otherwise.
Yet another outrage from this historically corrupt and dishonest administration.

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

This is the kind of lying to the American people that results in American deaths. obama lounges on Martha's Vineyard while the very best American men and women die as a result of lies that stop at his desk.
These reports were never meant for public eyes. Some apparently go as far up the chain as the President. There is no reason to "politicize" them since they are not for public consumption, so why would the President want to see stuff that isn't true? That the President might not LIKE hearing the war isn't going so well, wouldn't lead him to want to hear inaccurate reports. He's not THAT dumb. If there's anyone to blame here, it's the upper level offiicials at CENTCOM sprinkling sugar on the President's reports. That is dangerous and it SHOULD be stopped. It is not Obama's fault.

P.S. Even a President gets to have a vacation.

Un-Fucking-Believable. To the fully-indoctrinated acolytes, nothing is the obama's fault. It's Orwellian. obama is your James Earl Jones.

Please show me where in that article it explains how this is Obama's fault, why he requests getting inaccurate reports. I read it twice. What am I missing?

Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama doesn't "request" inaccurate reports. He surrounds himself with people whose only goal is to fawn over him and kiss his...ring. No different, whatsoever from other celebrities who have no one to tell the NO, you can't do that, period. President Obama's drug of choice is not cocaine, heroin, gambling or women. President Obama's drug of choice is adulation, worship and more. He has proven that he will not listen to opposing views. So, while he himself doesn't call up these researchers, President Obama's minions make sure the message gets across. From,'s simple. You want to keep your job, and advance, you tell them what they demand they hear.

I do understand that dynamic, and considering how many military advisors he's gone through, I don't doubt it. I too have worked for highly politicized organizations and, being sensitive to nuances of writing, I've seen what you describe in other organizations besides the military.
My issue is with the OP, which made it sound as if Obama was responsible for "cooking the books" and getting people killed as a direct result. That is utter bullshit, according to the article and according to common sense.
If the investigation was conducted back in August of '15, I never heard the result of it. Did anyone else? It is something that OUGHT to be stopped, if at all possible. It is (like Bush and the Iraq war) a dangerous practice.
You know, there are times in the military (usually just before promotion time) that the higher ups do a whole bunch of ass kissing and inflate their reports to make them look better than what they actually were. Saw it happen, even had to type some of the reports and evaluations.

Now, the reports were being inflated and made to look better than what really was happening by those on the ground, because they knew it was going to eventually get to DC, and well........those stars aren't going to put themselves on.

No, Obama didn't know what was going on, he was getting the same BS that everyone else back in DC was getting, which was inflated reports from the commanders in Iraq.

How is it Obama's fault when it's the generals that are looking to get promoted and make themselves look better than what they are actually doing?
You know, there are times in the military (usually just before promotion time) that the higher ups do a whole bunch of ass kissing and inflate their reports to make them look better than what they actually were. Saw it happen, even had to type some of the reports and evaluations.

Now, the reports were being inflated and made to look better than what really was happening by those on the ground, because they knew it was going to eventually get to DC, and well........those stars aren't going to put themselves on.

No, Obama didn't know what was going on, he was getting the same BS that everyone else back in DC was getting, which was inflated reports from the commanders in Iraq.

How is it Obama's fault when it's the generals that are looking to get promoted and make themselves look better than what they are actually doing?

As you know and has been reported, the generals were providing accurate information, the analysists were making accurate assessments but those surrounding Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who demanded the reports be changed to the liking of their king.
Where has this been "reported"?
I've got the same question Iceberg, because all the reports I've seen thus far, the reports were being inflated and massaged to make the commanders look better and they came from those on the ground in the ME.
Yet another outrage from this historically corrupt and dishonest administration.

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

This is the kind of lying to the American people that results in American deaths. obama lounges on Martha's Vineyard while the very best American men and women die as a result of lies that stop at his desk.
These reports were never meant for public eyes. Some apparently go as far up the chain as the President. There is no reason to "politicize" them since they are not for public consumption, so why would the President want to see stuff that isn't true? That the President might not LIKE hearing the war isn't going so well, wouldn't lead him to want to hear inaccurate reports. He's not THAT dumb. If there's anyone to blame here, it's the upper level offiicials at CENTCOM sprinkling sugar on the President's reports. That is dangerous and it SHOULD be stopped. It is not Obama's fault.

P.S. Even a President gets to have a vacation.

whose fault is yr?

some Caucasian scapegoat as is usual?
I've got the same question Iceberg, because all the reports I've seen thus far, the reports were being inflated and massaged to make the commanders look better and they came from those on the ground in the ME.

You are captive to the literal get to where markle is, you must proceed on the assumption that Obama is the root of all problems.....even if he isn't a part of the chain of events.....he is omnipresent.....this makes things much easier to grasp.....

Govern yourself accordingly....

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