Boom! Collusion!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Drip, drip, drip, and Trump has no plumbers. And this is from Right-Wing, Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal.


GOP Operative Sought Clinton Emails From Hackers, Implied a Connection to Flynn
I really really really tried hard, but I just couldn't hear them. Please tell me what they are actually saying......not ''likely'', ''thought to'', ''private person'', or Mr. Smith died at age 81 on May 14, which was about 10 days after the Journal interviewed him. His account of the email search is believed to be his only public comment on it.
It was only a matter of time.

For what? It may all be true, but we sure see no proof here.
It is my opinion that Trump and members of his Administration colluded in the Russian attacks against the Democrat party. Resulting in an unfair advantage to candidate Trump, ultimately resulting in Hillary's defeat. AKA the Russian hack was a smashing success.

I'm just patiently waiting for the media to do their job and provide the PROOF of what I currently believe.

If they've investigated everything to the limit, and find nothing, I will accept that as fact.

What's your thoughts on the matter?
It was only a matter of time.

For what? It may all be true, but we sure see no proof here.
It's called corroborating evidence. And it's piling up.

Do you still support Trump after his tweets today about Mika?

Who said I supported Trump? Do you? Or do you still hate his guts?
He's unfit to be President.

Do you support Trump? Let's get you on the record.

Why is that important to you?
Why and how is he unfit to be President? Because you hear those talking points on CNN/MSNBC daily..........I mean they are bezerk over it, and remember ....tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth. How in the world was Obama FIT to be President? Talking points again.

For the record that seems to mean so much to you. Some things with Trump I support. Some things with Trump I do not support. It all depends on what it is.
Are we clear? I have told you for 13 years now that I am a people person, and not in lock step with any Party, yet every year you ask me the same thing.

With that being said, I am going to post something pretty. Wanna watch?
It was only a matter of time.

For what? It may all be true, but we sure see no proof here.
It is my opinion that Trump and members of his Administration colluded in the Russian attacks against the Democrat party. Resulting in an unfair advantage to candidate Trump, ultimately resulting in Hillary's defeat. AKA the Russian hack was a smashing success.

I'm just patiently waiting for the media to do their job and provide the PROOF of what I currently believe.

If they've investigated everything to the limit, and find nothing, I will accept that as fact.

What's your thoughts on the matter?

I can't keep up. One day one thing is said......2 days later we find out it was fake or a lie, or whatever you want to call it.

What is your limit? How much investigation does there need to be?

And FYI: I definitely respect you saying ''It is my opinion''. We don't see enough of that. People just take things and run with it usually.
2 days later we find out it was fake or a lie
FALSE! Cite examples. And don't give me that recent CNN stuff, with the 3 fired employees. They retracted, after a mistake was made.

And how long did it take them, HT? Did you consider it important things, or just shrug it off?

I am too tired to cite proof right now. Had a tiring day TBH.

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