Boom! Trump to Rahm: Get Control of Chicago Murders or I will

Chicago has always had a high gang-related crime rate--remember Prohibition? It must be something in the water.
But I think the reason the crime rate has gone up so rapidly this past year is much simpler than most of you think--it was when the Chief of Police was fired a year ago over the shooting of the 17 year old kid and the attempted cover up. You KNOW the Mayor told him to keep the lid on that shooting for political reasons, and when they couldn't keep the lid on any longer, the Mayor threw the Chief under the bus. When you pull the leader of such a tight knit organization as a police department, you have to be careful. They had the DOJ and 50 feel good social scientists telling them they were racist and there were people in the streets calling them pigs. And the Mayor was quietly nodding his head. The cops aren't on strike, but they're in trouble.
Never has there been a more appalling example of how inadequate failed liberal policies are than in Chicago.

Actually there were more murders in Chicago than in Los Angeles and New York City combined.

Both of the latter are run by liberals too.

Your point is?

He doesn't have a point. He's just trying to deflect away from a point that's only too obvious.

It was a desperate attempt and it didn't work because the murder rate is only too obvious.
The point is, it seems peculiar to Chicago and not all liberal cities. Why is that?
Seems like special pleading from the right wing, like usual.

But Chicago also has some 2.7 million residents, more than any other city except New York and Los Angeles, and you’d expect it to have more murders (and other crimes) than most other cities for that reason alone. Adjust the raw numbers for population size to get a murder rate, and a very different picture emerges.

According to the FBI figures, Flint, Mich., had the highest murder rate of any sizeable U.S. city in 2012, the most recent year available. There were 62 murders per 100,000 population (which, coincidentally, was just about Flint’s estimated population that year). Trailing Flint were Detroit (54.6 murders per 100,000), New Orleans (53.2 per 100,000) and Jackson, Miss., (35.8 per 100,000). Chicago, whose population is several times bigger than any of those cities, came in 21st, with 18.5 murders per 100,000 — nearly quadruple the national average, true, but still nowhere near the highest in the country. (It’s worth noting that New Orleans didn’t report data in 2005, the year Hurricane Katrina struck.)

In fact, what’s striking is that from 1985 through 2012 only six cities have held the anti-honor of having the nation’s highest murder rate: New Orleans (12 times, most recently in 2011); Washington, D.C. (eight times, most recently in 1999); Detroit (four times, most recently 2006), Flint, Mich. (twice, also in 2010); Richmond, Va. (once, in 1997) and Birmingham, Ala. (once, in 2005).--
Why do the RW'ers exclusively blame the Chicago mayor but never make a peep against the governor of Illinois? know, the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner?

(is there a clue to the answer in what I posted?? lol
Why do the RW'ers exclusively blame the Chicago mayor but never make a peep against the governor of Illinois? know, the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner?

(is there a clue to the answer in what I posted?? lol

Oh hell, that is an easy one.....let me answer.....let me answer!

ANSWER--------->because the rest of the state is NOT like Chicago as far as violence.

Don't know about this election because I did not look it up -------------->but when Bradley or Brady.......whatever his name was, ran for governor against Quinn, every county in Illinois voted for him, except one, that being the country of Cook that Chicago sets in. He lost by 1000 votes or something like that. And so, you are looking at why Illinois is in trouble, mainly because of Chicago!
Never has there been a more appalling example of how inadequate failed liberal policies are than in Chicago.

Actually there were more murders in Chicago than in Los Angeles and New York City combined.

Both of the latter are run by liberals too.

Your point is?

He doesn't have a point. He's just trying to deflect away from a point that's only too obvious.

It was a desperate attempt and it didn't work because the murder rate is only too obvious.
The point is, it seems peculiar to Chicago and not all liberal cities. Why is that?

The point is it's not. It's just the WORST in Chicago. Why is that???
Why do the RW'ers exclusively blame the Chicago mayor but never make a peep against the governor of Illinois? know, the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner?

(is there a clue to the answer in what I posted?? lol

Maybe because the rest of the state isn't in chaos and Rahm's venue is.
Never has there been a more appalling example of how inadequate failed liberal policies are than in Chicago.

Actually there were more murders in Chicago than in Los Angeles and New York City combined.

Both of the latter are run by liberals too.

Your point is?

He doesn't have a point. He's just trying to deflect away from a point that's only too obvious.

It was a desperate attempt and it didn't work because the murder rate is only too obvious.
The point is, it seems peculiar to Chicago and not all liberal cities. Why is that?

The point is it's not. It's just the WORST in Chicago. Why is that???
it isn't. it is just, special pleading from the, fantastical, right wing.
Why do the RW'ers exclusively blame the Chicago mayor but never make a peep against the governor of Illinois? know, the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner?

(is there a clue to the answer in what I posted?? lol
because, they like to be "special".

Or conservatives actually would like crime to end in Chicago and liberals don't care how many blacks die, as long as they stay in power.
I don't see what Trump can do. The bloody Chicago mess has been a hundred years in the making. The Democrats have destroyed it. I just don't see what Trump can do. Seems like a lost cause to me.
Why do the RW'ers exclusively blame the Chicago mayor but never make a peep against the governor of Illinois? know, the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner?

(is there a clue to the answer in what I posted?? lol

Maybe because the rest of the state isn't in chaos and Rahm's venue is.
What "chaos"?

Should we ask for leadership advice from Control or "get Smart"?

Chicago has the third-largest gross metropolitan product in the United States—about $630.3 billion according to 2014–2016 estimates.[9] The city has also been rated as having the most balanced economy in the United States, due to its high level of diversification.[144] In 2007, Chicago was named the fourth-most important business center in the world in the MasterCard Worldwide Centers of Commerce Index.[145] Additionally, the Chicago metropolitan area recorded the greatest number of new or expanded corporate facilities in the United States for calendar year 2014.[146] The Chicago metropolitan area has the third-largest science and engineering work force of any metropolitan area in the nation.[147] In 2009 Chicago placed 9th on the UBS list of the world's richest cities.[148] Chicago was the base of commercial operations for industrialists John Crerar, John Whitfield Bunn, Richard Teller Crane, Marshall Field, John Farwell, Julius Rosenwald and many other commercial visionaries who laid the foundation for Midwestern and global industry.

Chicago is a major world financial center, with the second-largest central business district in the United States.[citation needed][149] The city is the headquarters of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (the Seventh District of the Federal Reserve). The city has major financial and futures exchanges, including the Chicago Stock Exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (the "Merc"), which is owned, along with the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) by Chicago's CME Group. The CME Group, in addition, owns the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the Commodities Exchange Inc. (COMEX) and the Dow Jones Indexes.[150] Perhaps due to the influence of the Chicago school of economics, the city also has markets trading unusual contracts such as emissions (on the Chicago Climate Exchange) and equity style indices (on the U.S. Futures Exchange). Chase Bank has its commercial and retail banking headquarters in Chicago's Chase Tower.--
Why do the RW'ers exclusively blame the Chicago mayor but never make a peep against the governor of Illinois? know, the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner?

(is there a clue to the answer in what I posted?? lol
because, they like to be "special".

Or conservatives actually would like crime to end in Chicago and liberals don't care how many blacks die, as long as they stay in power.
i got a "memo" from an "alt-left" think tank, that claims our "illegal" problems can be solved through simple economics, and on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Unemployment compensation should either clear our poverty guidelines or be one dollar an hour less than any statutory minimum wage (for rational (capital) choice theory), simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
Actually there were more murders in Chicago than in Los Angeles and New York City combined.

Both of the latter are run by liberals too.

Your point is?

He doesn't have a point. He's just trying to deflect away from a point that's only too obvious.

It was a desperate attempt and it didn't work because the murder rate is only too obvious.
The point is, it seems peculiar to Chicago and not all liberal cities. Why is that?

The point is it's not. It's just the WORST in Chicago. Why is that???
it isn't. it is just, special pleading from the, fantastical, right wing.

It's "fanatical" to object to almost 800 murders in a year??????????????????

Exactly WHEN would it be reasonable to object to this? This I have to hear! Keep rationalizing.
Rahm thought Chicago would be his springboard to the Governor's mansion and on to the presidency. What he didn't realize is that nobody but the corrupt ward bosses see him as anything but a little pissant ballerina with a bad temper. Somebody should slap the ugly off him on his way out the door.
Why do the RW'ers exclusively blame the Chicago mayor but never make a peep against the governor of Illinois? know, the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner?

(is there a clue to the answer in what I posted?? lol
because, they like to be "special".

Or conservatives actually would like crime to end in Chicago and liberals don't care how many blacks die, as long as they stay in power.
i got a "memo" from an "alt-left" think tank, that claims our "illegal" problems can be solved through simple economics, and on an at-will basis our at-will employment States.


What has that to do with me? What has that to do with Chicago, or solving the actual problem?

What does it have to do with anything other than your lame attempt to equate objecting to almost 800 murders as being on the "fringe?"

That's some pretty pathetic desperation on your part.
Why do the RW'ers exclusively blame the Chicago mayor but never make a peep against the governor of Illinois? know, the Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner?

(is there a clue to the answer in what I posted?? lol

Maybe because the rest of the state isn't in chaos and Rahm's venue is.
What "chaos"?

Should we ask for leadership advice from Control or "get Smart"?

Chicago has the third-largest gross metropolitan product in the United States—about $630.3 billion according to 2014–2016 estimates.[9] The city has also been rated as having the most balanced economy in the United States, due to its high level of diversification.[144] In 2007, Chicago was named the fourth-most important business center in the world in the MasterCard Worldwide Centers of Commerce Index.[145] Additionally, the Chicago metropolitan area recorded the greatest number of new or expanded corporate facilities in the United States for calendar year 2014.[146] The Chicago metropolitan area has the third-largest science and engineering work force of any metropolitan area in the nation.[147] In 2009 Chicago placed 9th on the UBS list of the world's richest cities.[148] Chicago was the base of commercial operations for industrialists John Crerar, John Whitfield Bunn, Richard Teller Crane, Marshall Field, John Farwell, Julius Rosenwald and many other commercial visionaries who laid the foundation for Midwestern and global industry.

Chicago is a major world financial center, with the second-largest central business district in the United States.[citation needed][149] The city is the headquarters of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (the Seventh District of the Federal Reserve). The city has major financial and futures exchanges, including the Chicago Stock Exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (the "Merc"), which is owned, along with the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) by Chicago's CME Group. The CME Group, in addition, owns the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the Commodities Exchange Inc. (COMEX) and the Dow Jones Indexes.[150] Perhaps due to the influence of the Chicago school of economics, the city also has markets trading unusual contracts such as emissions (on the Chicago Climate Exchange) and equity style indices (on the U.S. Futures Exchange). Chase Bank has its commercial and retail banking headquarters in Chicago's Chase Tower.--

You think almost 800 murders is okay????????????????????????????????????????
Chicago could use a good dose of the Duterte medicine.....execution of the dealers on the street corners. Same thing that's happening now, only police snipers doing the shooting. The problem would literally DISAPPEAR overnight. Is that Constitutional or giving these idiots due process? Of course not but the question is do you want the job done or not? :dunno:
It's surprising to see how many 'States Rights' conservatives seem to approve the idea of Trump moving federal forces into Chicago.

If the Chicago police force can't handle it, the next step would be for the state National the request of the mayor of Chicago and the orders of the Governor. Only when the State National Guard fails should federal forces be called in.

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