Booster shots will not help much, getting the unvaccinated, vaccinated ...will help!

The left need to accept reality and quit with the fantasies. We will never get ahead of this virus with the left not accepting reality. The most highly vaccinated countries is the world at 80% are experiencing surges with Delta. So, trick question here, what happens if we can turn the US into one of those most highly vaccinated countries on the Earth at 80%?

Answer: Delta will be surging in the US. And, since we will never get the US even to that 80% figure, why don't we formulate some kind of a plan that will actually work and is based on reality, not fantasy?
It has to begin with them selling real numbers instead of fudged ones and that's not going to happen until you get a republican administration. New York hid almost 12,000 covid deaths but it wasn't only New York it was also the CDC that hid them.
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Because it's a novel virus, we didn't know the dose amount....for the vaccine to give us the protection needed for the delta variant.

Yep, much like influenza virus, it will take yearly vaccines, or more....

But to me, that's better than the alternative...
The alternative to what? A 99.7% survival rate??

How do you propose getting everyone vaccinated? Force?

Can you guarantee no detrimental side effects?

Do you propose to take everyone’s personal medical choice away from them for something that 99.7% of people will survive? What gives you that right?
The alternative to what? A 99.7% survival rate??

How do you propose getting everyone vaccinated? Force?

Can you guarantee no detrimental side effects?

Do you propose to take everyone’s personal medical choice away from them for something that 99.7% of people will survive? What gives you that right?
You Lie!!!
Coronavirus Cases: 215,059,727
Deaths: 4,481,887
Death Rate of 2.1%

Survival Rate 97.9%
10.6% damage unable to return to work.
Faster, without killing millions, is BETTER than FASTER, with killing millions.

Doing it naturally KILLS 3 million people, at a 1% death rate...

Doing it via vaccine, does not kill off 3 million in the spreading of covid and the developing of antibody process.....

and does not jam pack our hospitals and does not kill off all the people needing medical care for other ailments, with no where to go,

and does not cause a mass exodus of nurses, doctors, and therapists and technologists because they just can't handle seeing so many unnecessary deaths....

WHY WOULD YOU WANT to do it your way, without vaccination and go back to the middle and dark ages instead of using the brains and gifts of medicine, that God gave us to use, so that we would not kill off 3 million?

That's just cold, calculated, murder/suicide...when we have the ability to give us the same result....close to herd immunity, and done in two months, without the 3 million plus deaths?
You have absolutely NO CLUE what the fall out of these vaccines will result in! None! You have ZERO idea whether or not they will result in more or less damage and harm. You cannot make the statement above and keep any integrity at all.
The alternative to what? A 99.7% survival rate??

How do you propose getting everyone vaccinated? Force?

Can you guarantee no detrimental side effects?

Do you propose to take everyone’s personal medical choice away from them for something that 99.7% of people will survive? What gives you that right?
They intend to take all choices of every kind way starting with this one. This is why the left is so invested in this movement which has now begun to take on the appearance of a cult.

This is an extremely in depth article I just found, that explains why, mathematically tied to science, booster shots won't help in slowing the spread of covid and will not lower hospital beds in use for covid.

It's really worth reading.

Basically, the rate of infection spread of covid can not be reduced enough by giving the vaccinated a 95%+ protection rate with a booster shot, instead of the 83% protection it is running now with Delta....

Vs. Getting 25% more of the unvaccinated, vaccinated, with the 83% protection....which will reduce infection spread and hospitals capping out with patients.

The focus has to be on getting more of the unvaccinated, we all can have a near normal, lifestyle again and be able to live with covid.

(those who already have had covid don't count... they have some protection like the vaccinated.... It's getting those with no protection at all, vaccinated, that will help the most, to bring us to some resemblance of normal.)

It's fine to get a booster, it just won't help society on the whole, enough.

Please read the article, and go through the whole exercise.

I'm heading to the sack, will respond tomorrow!

No it won't.

Within 2 years there won't be a person alive that doesn't have covid, whether they present symptoms or not.

You can't beat covid, you can't stop it. Nothing can be done. Much like the flu it is now a part of life on earth. In a couple years strains will branch off of strains exponentially to the point where we are with the flu vaccine. In that every year a flu vaccine has 3 of 4 strains in it they guess will be the biggest ones that year out of hundreds.

Masks and vaccines will slow down spread, but eventually we all will have it.
Doing it via vaccine, does not kill off 3 million
All of those were not covid. To suggest that they were is just dishonest. That is the type of disingenuous political propaganda that has led to vaccine hesitancy in the first place. When the democrats, Fauci, the WHO and CDC start telling the truth instead telling us to follow BS science that they, themselves repudiate every other day, maybe they'll get a more universal response. I don't trust anyone involved in these over the top lies--media, brainwashed doctors, nurses, so-called scientists, who BTW, are the ones that try to cover their lies with "Science is always changing" or "we just don't know." If they don't know, just STFU. They are doing more harm than good.
In your calculation of the three million that might die have you all added in those that can not have a procedure that might save their life because the Medical system is overwhelmed that they can not do the procedure?

The part that many miss is the fact yes you can survive Covid if the medicine is there and our medical community is not overwhelmed with mass amounts of people sicken by the virus, but if the Medical system is overwhelmed with patients then many could die…
They tried that "overwhelmed hospital" bullshit last year and it was answered with field hospitals and hospital ships that went totally unused. The left wing lies are getting redundant.
That's a real shame! First time in our history that something like this has become so political....that we're willing to bring our nation down 6ft in to the earth....because of primarily scary, fake news being spread on the internet, likely initiated by our foreign enemies, who are happy as can be, to see us, brought down and happy seeing their plan to pit us, against one another, has worked.

The article is worth the read, regarding why boosters are not mathematically, the solution to getting us out of this takes more people who have zero protection now, getting vaccinated.
It’s a waste of time arguing with them. This thread gives them an opportunity to call you stupid for taking the vaccine and let everyone know how smart they are for not taking it. A lot of them have taken it and just love complaining, but in any case, I don’t see a thread like this doing any good. My advice is just ignore them.
No it won't.

Within 2 years there won't be a person alive that doesn't have covid, whether they present symptoms or not.

You can't beat covid, you can't stop it. Nothing can be done. Much like the flu it is now a part of life on earth. In a couple years strains will branch off of strains exponentially to the point where we are with the flu vaccine. In that every year a flu vaccine has 3 of 4 strains in it they guess will be the biggest ones that year out of hundreds.

Masks and vaccines will slow down spread, but eventually we all will have it.
It’s a waste of time arguing with them. This thread gives them an opportunity to call you stupid for taking the vaccine and let everyone know how smart they are for not taking it. A lot of them have taken it and just love complaining, but in any case, I don’t see a thread like this doing any good. My advice is just ignore them.
HaHaHa, Karnac has spoken.

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