border security a reflection of where we're headed?

i don't care about Hate , just don't let it become violence . i'm only concerned with Sovereignty of the USA and its Borders . And importing these people or letting them into the USA just hurts Americans and especially American kids TRed .
I am old and forever, ever ever, every single election of my life time has been about illegal immigration and wars. Always the US and its concerns for I wrong for wanting just once an election year to focus on me, my family, my nieghbors, my community, my country. I understand completely how hard it is for other countries to get their shit together, but the US can not solve every single problem around the planet. Our days of being global leaders, have passed many many years ago. We're a wounded country in desperate need of healing within...FIRST.
'I'm also old or older , i am 70 so i think of myself as one of the LAST REAL Americans . I pretty much don't give a feck for other countries problems . Let them fix things for themselves . USA Drills water wells for them , show them how to plant food but all they want to do is flood the USA . Its a quandary and problem but i think its mostly a problem for this generation of young Americans thats going to Kindergarten today TRed .
'I'm also old or older , i am 70 so i think of myself as one of the LAST REAL Americans . I pretty much don't give a feck for other countries problems . Let them fix things for themselves . USA Drills water wells for them , show them how to plant food but all they want to do is flood the USA . Its a quandary and problem but i think its mostly a problem for this generation of young Americans thats going to Kindergarten today TRed .
Its very easy and convenient for our leaders to place all their focus on external concerns, because dealing with real tangible issues, such as infrastructure, healthcare, etc requires hard work and listening, something both parties run from. At the end of the day, my paycheck is stretched as far as it can go and like Trump said, I'm closed. I loath Trump, but on this, I gotta go with Trump and to my parties demise, if we take all our energy and put it on illegals, we're gonna lose in 2020...because the american people are tired tired tired of being the answer for everyone's hurt, we're hurting too damit, we're hurting to. And just because we're americans does not make us less vulnerable than these people, that's the shit that kills me. Those women that want better for thier kids....come to my neighborhood after dark.
use technology and what we know we can do to stem the tide.
But that only works as long as Republicans are in power. As soon as the Dems have control, that technology will sit in a warehouse while thousands of illegals flood our border every month.
i'd rather see that "something" be working together to get back to the core of the issue and resolving it at it's root cause. i don't disagree that's a near impossible dream, no. but that is my own feeling on what we should be doing.
I would too, but what we "should" be doing is not going to happen. And you're right, it's an impossible dream. It boils down to ….defeat the Democrats and the problem goes away. There are no other options.

The problem is still the open border policy, and this is what the Democrats are advocating and it has let in criminals and hurt the economy of the US. All in order to win elections for their candidates. The fight is still for the wall. The Pubs need a wall in order to make the economy strong again and reduce violent and heinous crime. Just deporting isn't enough.

Open border - Wikipedia
Look, its not about criminals, its not about drugs, its about brown people. You know it and I know it and God forbid if people from Africa were somehow sneaking into this country, the world would end. No, Its about a country that has had is fair share of illegal immigration for decades; who's simply had enough. At some point, we have got to limit access, the point is when??? Right now thanks to Sessions and that moron Trump, democrats and bleeding hearts are making this about families and kids being seperated from them, that's why the on surge is increasing...these illegals now have a voice championing their cause and I have no doubt Trump is loving this and wouldn't be surprised if some outside force is pushing these people to proceed...we do have an election year coming and this has been his strong point thus far and its strange how much this has increased over the years, especially under someone so mean and racist as Trump...and still they come??????
None the less, we now have more illegals being released into the country than at anytime under the last 2 administrations. Sooner or later poor communities once again all over this country are gonna see again their tax resources squander and once again, low wage jobs overwhelmed by these people.
Laws must be changed that accommodate the large groups of asylum seekers and those that flood the border..No amount of wall will stop what the law can....
which laws?

the # of people we allow per year?
the process by which they must go through to become citizens?

and how will we change them?

if they're coming over here because of our "entitlement" mantra these days, will changing laws stop that? they're going to break them anyway so what laws would we put in place they'll follow? not being a dick - just asking honestly if they're going to break laws anyway what laws can we change to get them to stop? also, what laws are we no longer enforcing out of fear of being called "racist"? if we don't enforce the laws we have now, why will more help?

man, sounds like gun control and immigration control share some common problems. :)
You are basing your argument on two underlying "facts" that I'm not convinced of. First, if they are here illegally, they aren't collecting 1K a month. They are not eligible for benefits and they stay away from government offices for obvious reasons.
Second, why are you assuming they are here to break laws?

When you can look at this argument objectively, without all the current folderol, then would be the time to try a "fair" discussion.
Laws must be changed that accommodate the large groups of asylum seekers and those that flood the border..No amount of wall will stop what the law can....
which laws?

the # of people we allow per year?
the process by which they must go through to become citizens?

and how will we change them?

if they're coming over here because of our "entitlement" mantra these days, will changing laws stop that? they're going to break them anyway so what laws would we put in place they'll follow? not being a dick - just asking honestly if they're going to break laws anyway what laws can we change to get them to stop? also, what laws are we no longer enforcing out of fear of being called "racist"? if we don't enforce the laws we have now, why will more help?

man, sounds like gun control and immigration control share some common problems. :)
You are basing your argument on two underlying "facts" that I'm not convinced of. First, if they are here illegally, they aren't collecting 1K a month. They are not eligible for benefits and they stay away from government offices for obvious reasons.
Second, why are you assuming they are here to break laws?

When you can look at this argument objectively, without all the current folderol, then would be the time to try a "fair" discussion.
i didn't say they were here to break laws. i said they're breaking laws to get here. to me this means they don't respect them or will ignore laws they don't like. you say to change the immigration laws and i asked which ones so we could dig into the details and you didn't reply that i saw. apologies if i missed it. however, simply changing the laws i don't see as a viable alternative for the simple reason they've already shown to be willing to break them.

i hope we can agree they are breaking the law to come here illegally.

as for UBI - Will ‘basic income’ become the California norm? Stockton starts $500 no-strings payments

"The idea of universal basic income is simple — giving money to everyone, regardless of income level or employment status, with no restrictions on the expenditures. "

"giving money to everyone".

that would include illegals. even if just the potential to be given these things is going to make them want to come here more than they already do - so upping the reward will certainly have them take their chances on the laws.
Laws must be changed that accommodate the large groups of asylum seekers and those that flood the border..No amount of wall will stop what the law can....
which laws?

the # of people we allow per year?
the process by which they must go through to become citizens?

and how will we change them?

if they're coming over here because of our "entitlement" mantra these days, will changing laws stop that? they're going to break them anyway so what laws would we put in place they'll follow? not being a dick - just asking honestly if they're going to break laws anyway what laws can we change to get them to stop? also, what laws are we no longer enforcing out of fear of being called "racist"? if we don't enforce the laws we have now, why will more help?

man, sounds like gun control and immigration control share some common problems. :)
You are basing your argument on two underlying "facts" that I'm not convinced of. First, if they are here illegally, they aren't collecting 1K a month. They are not eligible for benefits and they stay away from government offices for obvious reasons.
Second, why are you assuming they are here to break laws?

When you can look at this argument objectively, without all the current folderol, then would be the time to try a "fair" discussion.
You seem to be having trouble with two words, fact and fair. While they can't apply for federal benefits unless they have purchased false identity papers, in a large number of places the can received services from local and state governments that will not report them to ICE. Do these services total $1,000 a month? More? Less? It's not possible to say, but if we are talking about families, it will be a substantial amount. Second, by coming here illegally they have demonstrated a willingness to break any law that gets in their way, so while they may not have come here for the purpose of breaking laws, there is every reason to think they will not respect any of our laws that get in their way.

Until you find a way of dealing with the facts, there is no way you can have a "fair" discussion.
Laws must be changed that accommodate the large groups of asylum seekers and those that flood the border..No amount of wall will stop what the law can....
which laws?

the # of people we allow per year?
the process by which they must go through to become citizens?

and how will we change them?

if they're coming over here because of our "entitlement" mantra these days, will changing laws stop that? they're going to break them anyway so what laws would we put in place they'll follow? not being a dick - just asking honestly if they're going to break laws anyway what laws can we change to get them to stop? also, what laws are we no longer enforcing out of fear of being called "racist"? if we don't enforce the laws we have now, why will more help?

man, sounds like gun control and immigration control share some common problems. :)
You are basing your argument on two underlying "facts" that I'm not convinced of. First, if they are here illegally, they aren't collecting 1K a month. They are not eligible for benefits and they stay away from government offices for obvious reasons.
Second, why are you assuming they are here to break laws?

When you can look at this argument objectively, without all the current folderol, then would be the time to try a "fair" discussion.
You seem to be having trouble with two words, fact and fair. While they can't apply for federal benefits unless they have purchased false identity papers, in a large number of places the can received services from local and state governments that will not report them to ICE. Do these services total $1,000 a month? More? Less? It's not possible to say, but if we are talking about families, it will be a substantial amount. Second, by coming here illegally they have demonstrated a willingness to break any law that gets in their way, so while they may not have come here for the purpose of breaking laws, there is every reason to think they will not respect any of our laws that get in their way.

Until you find a way of dealing with the facts, there is no way you can have a "fair" discussion.
she doesn't seem to have a problem with them at all - just sees them from a different direction. as long as we can talk openly w/o attacks on our opinions, i'm game. don't have to agree with me, but stick around til we find the common ground.

i'd rather see / hear other points of view and learn how people think and what motivates them than live in an echo chamber screaming YOU SUCK at those not in it with me.
Laws must be changed that accommodate the large groups of asylum seekers and those that flood the border..No amount of wall will stop what the law can....
which laws?

the # of people we allow per year?
the process by which they must go through to become citizens?

and how will we change them?

if they're coming over here because of our "entitlement" mantra these days, will changing laws stop that? they're going to break them anyway so what laws would we put in place they'll follow? not being a dick - just asking honestly if they're going to break laws anyway what laws can we change to get them to stop? also, what laws are we no longer enforcing out of fear of being called "racist"? if we don't enforce the laws we have now, why will more help?

man, sounds like gun control and immigration control share some common problems. :)
You are basing your argument on two underlying "facts" that I'm not convinced of. First, if they are here illegally, they aren't collecting 1K a month. They are not eligible for benefits and they stay away from government offices for obvious reasons.
Second, why are you assuming they are here to break laws?

When you can look at this argument objectively, without all the current folderol, then would be the time to try a "fair" discussion.
You seem to be having trouble with two words, fact and fair. While they can't apply for federal benefits unless they have purchased false identity papers, in a large number of places the can received services from local and state governments that will not report them to ICE. Do these services total $1,000 a month? More? Less? It's not possible to say, but if we are talking about families, it will be a substantial amount. Second, by coming here illegally they have demonstrated a willingness to break any law that gets in their way, so while they may not have come here for the purpose of breaking laws, there is every reason to think they will not respect any of our laws that get in their way.

Until you find a way of dealing with the facts, there is no way you can have a "fair" discussion.
she doesn't seem to have a problem with them at all - just sees them from a different direction. as long as we can talk openly w/o attacks on our opinions, i'm game. don't have to agree with me, but stick around til we find the common ground.

i'd rather see / hear other points of view and learn how people think and what motivates them than live in an echo chamber screaming YOU SUCK at those not in it with me.
In order for a discussion to rise above mere bickering, there has to be an agreement to base opinions of facts and not just on feelings, ane the facts indicate that allowing in illegal immigrants is bad for Americans not matter how touching one may think their stories are. I believe her honest response should have been that she is so moved by the stories she has heard about their lives in their home countries that she has no tolerance for facts that don't support her feelings. With that attitude on her part, I don't see how any discussion can be productive.
Laws must be changed that accommodate the large groups of asylum seekers and those that flood the border..No amount of wall will stop what the law can....
which laws?

the # of people we allow per year?
the process by which they must go through to become citizens?

and how will we change them?

if they're coming over here because of our "entitlement" mantra these days, will changing laws stop that? they're going to break them anyway so what laws would we put in place they'll follow? not being a dick - just asking honestly if they're going to break laws anyway what laws can we change to get them to stop? also, what laws are we no longer enforcing out of fear of being called "racist"? if we don't enforce the laws we have now, why will more help?

man, sounds like gun control and immigration control share some common problems. :)
You are basing your argument on two underlying "facts" that I'm not convinced of. First, if they are here illegally, they aren't collecting 1K a month. They are not eligible for benefits and they stay away from government offices for obvious reasons.
Second, why are you assuming they are here to break laws?

When you can look at this argument objectively, without all the current folderol, then would be the time to try a "fair" discussion.
You seem to be having trouble with two words, fact and fair. While they can't apply for federal benefits unless they have purchased false identity papers, in a large number of places the can received services from local and state governments that will not report them to ICE. Do these services total $1,000 a month? More? Less? It's not possible to say, but if we are talking about families, it will be a substantial amount. Second, by coming here illegally they have demonstrated a willingness to break any law that gets in their way, so while they may not have come here for the purpose of breaking laws, there is every reason to think they will not respect any of our laws that get in their way.

Until you find a way of dealing with the facts, there is no way you can have a "fair" discussion.
she doesn't seem to have a problem with them at all - just sees them from a different direction. as long as we can talk openly w/o attacks on our opinions, i'm game. don't have to agree with me, but stick around til we find the common ground.

i'd rather see / hear other points of view and learn how people think and what motivates them than live in an echo chamber screaming YOU SUCK at those not in it with me.
In order for a discussion to rise above mere bickering, there has to be an agreement to base opinions of facts and not just on feelings, ane the facts indicate that allowing in illegal immigrants is bad for Americans not matter how touching one may think their stories are. I believe her honest response should have been that she is so moved by the stories she has heard about their lives in their home countries that she has no tolerance for facts that don't support her feelings. With that attitude on her part, I don't see how any discussion can be productive.
and i'll give that a chance to happen. if it doesn't we yell at the other and walk away and don't talk for another month. but as long as there's civil conversation, i'm in. not enough of that around here; emotional or factual.
Laws need to be enforced that require asylum seekers to remain in the country of the first border crossed that offers asylum.

Let's get one thing straight however, the vast majority of these freeloaders are claiming asylum, and their stories about being in danger are bogus.
These people are simply trying to get around all immigeation laws.

We need two things.
1. Stop voting for Dimocrats. They will allow this country to be swamped with the third-world if they had full control of our government.

2. The focus needs to be placed on employers who hire these people. Throw the mother fuckers in jail.
Laws must be changed that accommodate the large groups of asylum seekers and those that flood the border..No amount of wall will stop what the law can....
We have laws the only problem is enforcement especially when you have states or some picaune city counsel and an out of control judicial system where any pissant judges can overrule the president who's job it is to enforce our federal immigration laws. What we need to do is clap some shitforbrains state or local officials in jail for aiding and abetting federal criminal offences and reign in the courts by requiring a supreme Court ruling to overrule the administration. Other than that start using live ammo on the border and defend the border as the constitution requires in earnest. Maybe once they get the idea that we're serious, the bullshit will cease. Otherwise this country will become just like the shitholes they are all trying to get away from.
That an alarming large and not surprisingly dumb group of people can be whipped up into a frenzy over something they didn’t care about less than 4 years ago is a bad sign for the nation. Yes.
Laws must be changed that accommodate the large groups of asylum seekers and those that flood the border..No amount of wall will stop what the law can....
which laws?

the # of people we allow per year?
the process by which they must go through to become citizens?

and how will we change them?

if they're coming over here because of our "entitlement" mantra these days, will changing laws stop that? they're going to break them anyway so what laws would we put in place they'll follow? not being a dick - just asking honestly if they're going to break laws anyway what laws can we change to get them to stop? also, what laws are we no longer enforcing out of fear of being called "racist"? if we don't enforce the laws we have now, why will more help?

man, sounds like gun control and immigration control share some common problems. :)
You are basing your argument on two underlying "facts" that I'm not convinced of. First, if they are here illegally, they aren't collecting 1K a month. They are not eligible for benefits and they stay away from government offices for obvious reasons.
Second, why are you assuming they are here to break laws?

When you can look at this argument objectively, without all the current folderol, then would be the time to try a "fair" discussion.
You seem to be having trouble with two words, fact and fair. While they can't apply for federal benefits unless they have purchased false identity papers, in a large number of places the can received services from local and state governments that will not report them to ICE. Do these services total $1,000 a month? More? Less? It's not possible to say, but if we are talking about families, it will be a substantial amount. Second, by coming here illegally they have demonstrated a willingness to break any law that gets in their way, so while they may not have come here for the purpose of breaking laws, there is every reason to think they will not respect any of our laws that get in their way.

Until you find a way of dealing with the facts, there is no way you can have a "fair" discussion.
she doesn't seem to have a problem with them at all - just sees them from a different direction. as long as we can talk openly w/o attacks on our opinions, i'm game. don't have to agree with me, but stick around til we find the common ground.

i'd rather see / hear other points of view and learn how people think and what motivates them than live in an echo chamber screaming YOU SUCK at those not in it with me.
In order for a discussion to rise above mere bickering, there has to be an agreement to base opinions of facts and not just on feelings, ane the facts indicate that allowing in illegal immigrants is bad for Americans not matter how touching one may think their stories are. I believe her honest response should have been that she is so moved by the stories she has heard about their lives in their home countries that she has no tolerance for facts that don't support her feelings. With that attitude on her part, I don't see how any discussion can be productive.
I'm so sick and tired of being treated like some pinup for leftie beliefs (which have nothing to do with how I feel or even what I have ever said) that I'm going downstairs to rant. Excuse me.
which laws?

the # of people we allow per year?
the process by which they must go through to become citizens?

and how will we change them?

if they're coming over here because of our "entitlement" mantra these days, will changing laws stop that? they're going to break them anyway so what laws would we put in place they'll follow? not being a dick - just asking honestly if they're going to break laws anyway what laws can we change to get them to stop? also, what laws are we no longer enforcing out of fear of being called "racist"? if we don't enforce the laws we have now, why will more help?

man, sounds like gun control and immigration control share some common problems. :)
You are basing your argument on two underlying "facts" that I'm not convinced of. First, if they are here illegally, they aren't collecting 1K a month. They are not eligible for benefits and they stay away from government offices for obvious reasons.
Second, why are you assuming they are here to break laws?

When you can look at this argument objectively, without all the current folderol, then would be the time to try a "fair" discussion.
You seem to be having trouble with two words, fact and fair. While they can't apply for federal benefits unless they have purchased false identity papers, in a large number of places the can received services from local and state governments that will not report them to ICE. Do these services total $1,000 a month? More? Less? It's not possible to say, but if we are talking about families, it will be a substantial amount. Second, by coming here illegally they have demonstrated a willingness to break any law that gets in their way, so while they may not have come here for the purpose of breaking laws, there is every reason to think they will not respect any of our laws that get in their way.

Until you find a way of dealing with the facts, there is no way you can have a "fair" discussion.
she doesn't seem to have a problem with them at all - just sees them from a different direction. as long as we can talk openly w/o attacks on our opinions, i'm game. don't have to agree with me, but stick around til we find the common ground.

i'd rather see / hear other points of view and learn how people think and what motivates them than live in an echo chamber screaming YOU SUCK at those not in it with me.
In order for a discussion to rise above mere bickering, there has to be an agreement to base opinions of facts and not just on feelings, ane the facts indicate that allowing in illegal immigrants is bad for Americans not matter how touching one may think their stories are. I believe her honest response should have been that she is so moved by the stories she has heard about their lives in their home countries that she has no tolerance for facts that don't support her feelings. With that attitude on her part, I don't see how any discussion can be productive.
I'm so sick and tired of being treated like some pinup for leftie beliefs (which have nothing to do with how I feel or even what I have ever said) that I'm going downstairs to rant. Excuse me.
unfortunately people are quick to stereotype so they can go straight to the bitching. thinking has become a lost art.
Look, its not about criminals, its not about drugs, its about brown people.

The wall is about terrorists, terrorists, terrorists. Then it's criminals, drugs, cheap labor, welfare and the rest. It's not really about brown people. What if they were really rich? Then they would be welcome.
The republicans have been in charge since 2013 and have done nothing. The first 2 years of Tramp they refused to work with the Dems. You didn't want to get partisan, but you sure did.
"Republicans can come along for the ride but they gotta sit in the back"
Barack Obama.

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