Borders Are Like Lies

peasant said:

CSM and the others who attacked my idealism, i'm sory you've become so cynical you feel the need to attack the fact that I am THINKING on a larger scale. Ironically, you're obvious paranoia and xenophobia(yes i said it), makes it clear that you yourself posess a healthy dose of idealism, not mention you are clearly prejudice of me because you assume I am younger than you. Wonderful display of hippocracy without focusing on the real issue, which is, why aren't we working to solve the real problems, poverty, crime, etc, all go hand in hand, even the dreaded anarchy you mention.

and how do we do that?

we take opportunities like this, where big changes are happening, and HAVE to happen, and use them to create better ways of living, get it?

thanks, sorry if my ideas were a bit to large for you golden oldies...

as they say, can't teach an old dog new tricks...

thanks for the welcome!!! glad to be here!

You got what you came here for. You came trolling and you got the response you wanted.

If you call your post "thinking" you have a long, long way to go. I went to your blog where your age is listed as 20 and that makes me much older than you. I assumed nothing.

If you mistake my realism for xenophobia and paranoia, you have a lot to learn yet. The real hypocracy is your presumption that anyone in disagreement is not worthy of consideration. It is also arrogant. Of course, some of us here on this board have come to expect exactly that from those such as yourself.
  • Thanks
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Another aside.

Peasant - it's Your, not You're. 'You're' means 'you are'.

Work on your grammar - people relate intelligence to communication skillz, y0!


That is all...for now.

Yes - another aside:

"...make it clear you possess a healthy dose of Idealism..."

Dude - Is Idealism GOOD or bad? First you call it 'healthy' - then go on to use it as an insult, or to suggest it's bad.
peasant said:

I am going to say this once, and I hope it get's a bunch of ironic, racist, and xenophobic responses to justify itself.

The most important part of my message is this, these people are already here, they are all around us, to not accept them is to cut our own hands off, it is time to accept their presence and make the whole country a better place. or should we have a civil war?

You could argue that it's breaking the law just like stealing, I would say, have you ever sped down a highway to get to your job?

We hurry when we are late, we hide when we are in danger, we cross borders when they should not exist.

DO YOU REALIZE we could ALL be payed better if the illegal workforce already IN america was able to acquire citizenship and then be able to SHOW their face at the bargaining table with giant corporations? alongside all us other suckers who think we're on our way? (this may not apply if you are rich and living off of investments made by your grandaddy)

I am a person who believe thats these borders that seperate us, are the cracks in our humanity, they are the foundations of racism, they are the pillars of hatred,. By seperating ourselves, we do not unite, we do not come closer to a unified race of humans, as a free-thinking american citizen, I am DISGUSTED by the other people in this country who feel as if we need to keep people away from a better life, in our country or in any other. It's time for people to start thinking about things a little differently, open the damn borders, forget what your grandparents and parents have drilled into your heads, the houses they live in were built by immigrants.

The most important part of my message is this, these people are already here, they are all around us, to not accept them is to cut our own hands off, it is time to accept their presence and make the whole country a better place. Or should we have a civil war?


Hope some other yankees start to join hands with these people who are more citizen than most.

Tell you what... since you don't believe in borders.... post your real name, address, phone number, your social security number, your bank account numbers, your credit card numbers...

oh, and how about letting any of us date and otherwise, romance, your significant other

And you won't because you know what would happen if you were stupid enough to do such a thing.

And, oh by the way, try sneaking into Mexico, North Korea, Cuba, or any of the other countries that are so critical of the Yankee sense that our borders are supposed to be inviolate...

See what the powers of those countries do to you if they catch you and if you survive and manage to return.... please, please, please tell us all about it and don't leave out a single detail! I'm sure you'll be missing a few body parts, but hey....borders are so.... what was it? ..... "artificial"... was that what you called them?

so put your money where your mouth is and don't be "ironic, racist, and xenophobic"

When you're ready to do such things, then feel free to subject us to your senseless platitudes and, as Billy Joel once called it, "Peter Pan Advice"
dmp said:


You must spread some reputation around before giving it to dmp again. Dude, that picture ROCKS!
peasant said:
does that picture of our bumbling great leader at the top mean this is a board for a commander in chief fanclub... man whatever happened to good old roosevelt!

Roosevelt died because he wouldn't step down after two terms. Given the circumstances, I can't say I really blame him, though. (I do, however, blame him for Social Security)

The picture of Bush is up there because, love him or hate him, he is our current president. You'll actually find that most of us here who previously were Bush supporters are really pissed right now.

We used to have Kerry up there, too, in order to balance it out, but the vets on the board didn't want his picture up there next to a serviceman, so we went with the last Democrat who represented the office of president well, JFK.
Awrighty then! I figure he's got about ten more posts to go before he covers the rest of the now infamous "talking points". I also figure I will get through about three of them before I put him on 'ignore'.
More side notes:

Somebody should commission a study which looks at how quickly's talking points get shot-down here on this forum. The signs of "idiots with a computer" are as follows:

1) Their first post is a manifesto - what they think they know/believe. The post fires their WHOLE load.
2) when asked to explain why they believe what they state, they resort to insults
3) when called on the insults they resort to whining.
4) when told to stop being big f'ing babies, they go away.
4a) They come back after getting MORE indoctrination of Stupidity on sites like DU or Mo_Org.
4b) THOSE ideas get shot down based on 'reason' and 'reality'.
4c) They cry for awhile
5) they go away forever, or come back under a new screen name pretending to be hip...with-it...ducka-ducka-ducka-.....ahhhh! (picture Dr Evil doing the Macarena for that last bit)



dmp said:
Just an aside, for the record.

dmp is an old man who spends a LOT of time on a message board. He really IS superior.

That is all...continue.

Hey! You're not SO old!
peasant said:

CSM and the others who attacked my idealism, i'm sory you've become so cynical you feel the need to attack the fact that I am THINKING on a larger scale. Ironically, you're obvious paranoia and xenophobia(yes i said it), makes it clear that you yourself posess a healthy dose of idealism, not mention you are clearly prejudice of me because you assume I am younger than you. Wonderful display of hippocracy without focusing on the real issue, which is, why aren't we working to solve the real problems, poverty, crime, etc, all go hand in hand, even the dreaded anarchy you mention.

and how do we do that?

we take opportunities like this, where big changes are happening, and HAVE to happen, and use them to create better ways of living, get it?

thanks, sorry if my ideas were a bit to large for you golden oldies...

as they say, can't teach an old dog new tricks...

thanks for the welcome!!! glad to be here!

Was that a very large dodge of every point I brought up, or are you just attempting to ignore the response?

And do you really think that saying 'You people are just too old to get it' is really going to win you any friends around here? The teens that post on this board are capable of posting without condescension; you should be able to as well, if you expect to be listened to around here.
gop_jeff said:
Was that a very large dodge of every point I brought up, or are you just attempting to ignore the response?

And do you really think that saying 'You people are just too old to get it' is really going to win you any friends around here? The teens that post on this board are capable of posting without condescension; you should be able to as well, if you expect to be listened to around here.

Uhhh.....Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh oh gee but I have fun, swallowing animals one by one. :)
Said1 said:
Uhhh.....Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh oh gee but I have fun, swallowing animals one by one. :)

There's Canadian edumacation for you. :happy2:
gop_jeff said:
There's Canadian edumacation for you. :happy2:

Shirley Temple is evil, you'll find that out for yourself soon, real sssooooonnnn. MMMMwwwwwwaaaahahahahahaaa.
Hobbit said:
You must spread some reputation around before giving it to dmp again. Dude, that picture ROCKS!
I did! Better me than you! ;) :laugh:
Hobbit said:
One final warning, condescention is a HUGE pet peeve on this board. If you keep talking like that, you'll get pounded so hard it'll make your head spin.

I was going to jump in here pard, but after reading the rest of the thread, and noticing that this little punk has already tucked tail and run, heck, you don't need my help with this little nipple licker.
dmp said:
More side notes:

Somebody should commission a study which looks at how quickly's talking points get shot-down here on this forum. The signs of "idiots with a computer" are as follows:

1) Their first post is a manifesto - what they think they know/believe. The post fires their WHOLE load.
2) when asked to explain why they believe what they state, they resort to insults
3) when called on the insults they resort to whining.
4) when told to stop being big f'ing babies, they go away.
4a) They come back after getting MORE indoctrination of Stupidity on sites like DU or Mo_Org.
4b) THOSE ideas get shot down based on 'reason' and 'reality'.
4c) They cry for awhile
5) they go away forever, or come back under a new screen name pretending to be hip...with-it...ducka-ducka-ducka-.....ahhhh! (picture Dr Evil doing the Macarena for that last bit)




lmao. You guys gotta stop exposing the lib trolls or we won't get anymore!
theHawk said:
You guys gotta stop exposing the lib trolls or we won't get anymore!

There's no way that's going to happen. This board draws them like moths are drawn to the light. :)
Adam's Apple said:
There's no way that's going to happen. This board draws them like moths are drawn to the light. :)

and the results are exactly the same....dead pests (figuratively speaking, of course). some actually are more like big giant flying cockroaches; they aren't killed by the light but they continually buzz and bang around, doing nothing except make a lot of noise.
peasant said:
don't tell me i am pouting when i am simply replying and engaging in discussion, why don't you post something intelligent?
***Pssssssttttt* You go first. :rolleyes:

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