Both Catholic Presidents are/were very bad Catholics


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.

Religion has not guided the hands, hearts and minds of men since the fucking Crusades. We need a Crusader President.
We don't need a crusader President, only a man who actually takes Christianity serious enough to believe he should follow the rules it sets down for human behavior.
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.
There is more to a man than any one part of his life, which is why judgment is best left in the hands of our loving God. Purgatory, maybe, where the part that is gold is purified in fire? Kings David and Solomon had plenty of faults
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.

Could be more worse - you could be president of the USA. Or president Biden could try to dance the schuhplattler. Or ...

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JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.
We have a separation of church and state, and the republicans want to control women and while I don't agree with the affairs JFK had(if he even had any) I disagree with a man serial assaulting women more and raping them, just so you don't know who it is, its tramp.
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.
We have a separation of church and state, and the republicans want to control women and while I don't agree with the affairs JFK had(if he even had any) I disagree with a man serial assaulting women more and raping them, just so you don't know who it is, its tramp.
So you have a problem with Trump mistreating woman? No you don't, because if you did, you would have a problem with Biden after Tara Reade came out and said he sexually assaulted her. And if you really had a problem with a separation of church and state, you would have problem with the preacher Warnock getting up their and stating that men and women can't serve God and the military, and that Jesus thinks abortion is reproductive justice, etc. No sir, you are just a political partisan hack that is part of a cult that is only concerned with towing the party line. And that is the rub. What is most important to you as a Christian? Is it what God thinks and says or what your party tells you to think and say for political power? Currently, the US has a Catholic President and a majority of Catholics in the Supreme court, all of which have no problem upholding Roe vs Wade while churches all over the world say it is mass genocide.
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.

Do you want a theocracy?
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.
We have a separation of church and state, and the republicans want to control women and while I don't agree with the affairs JFK had(if he even had any) I disagree with a man serial assaulting women more and raping them, just so you don't know who it is, its tramp.
So you have a problem with Trump mistreating woman? No you don't, because if you did, you would have a problem with Biden after Tara Reade came out and said he sexually assaulted her. And if you really had a problem with a separation of church and state, you would have problem with the preacher Warnock getting up their and stating that men and women can't serve God and the military, and that Jesus thinks abortion is reproductive justice, etc.

No sir, you are just a political partisan hack that is part of a cult that is only concerned with towing the party line. And that is the rub. What is most important to you as a Christian? Is it what God thinks and says or what your party tells you to think and say for political power? Currently, the US has a Catholic President and a majority of Catholics in the Supreme court, all of which have no problem upholding Roe vs Wade while churches all over the world say it is mass genocide.

Tara Reade has changed her story multiple times.
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.
We have a separation of church and state, and the republicans want to control women and while I don't agree with the affairs JFK had(if he even had any) I disagree with a man serial assaulting women more and raping them, just so you don't know who it is, its tramp.
So you have a problem with Trump mistreating woman? No you don't, because if you did, you would have a problem with Biden after Tara Reade came out and said he sexually assaulted her. And if you really had a problem with a separation of church and state, you would have problem with the preacher Warnock getting up their and stating that men and women can't serve God and the military, and that Jesus thinks abortion is reproductive justice, etc. No sir, you are just a political partisan hack that is part of a cult that is only concerned with towing the party line. And that is the rub. What is most important to you as a Christian? Is it what God thinks and says or what your party tells you to think and say for political power? Currently, the US has a Catholic President and a majority of Catholics in the Supreme court, all of which have no problem upholding Roe vs Wade while churches all over the world say it is mass genocide.
JFK was assassinated and Biden would be as well if the capital breach mob had their way, they would lynch him , Pence and Pelosi.
The Catholic Church is an organization of people. It is a club just like any other, but organized as a monarchy, with a king on top, organized by males to keep the female half of humanity at bay and under control, while upholding some universal truths a little bit when this fit the narrative. The men who run the Catholic Church need to have a serious sit-down with women who remain Catholic. and those who wish to be clergy and even were ordained on boats in international waters.

Biden recognizes the universal spiritual truths of humanity, all parts of it and all people in it.

Why limit the discussion to Roman Catholics? The Baptists seem to be having a fine time battling between themselves. What does the Baptist faith mean? We see the Frank Grahams and the Warnocks. All ministers in the Baptist denomination of Christianity.

The problem is not limited to the Christian faith. Look at the Jewish men who fight against Jewish women praying at the Wailing Wail, who fight against female rabbis taking their places as purveyors of the wisdom of the Torah. Faithful Muslim women are similarly fighting to have their voices heard in conveying the wisdom of the Qu'ran. In many other religions, the situation is the same.

There is a universal wisdom and spirituality carried by all persons in humanity and it must be recognized. Stop the fighting amongst and recognize all.
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JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.
Is the pope or any of his cardinals any better than that for all their worship of male celibacy? Or were the Protestant Lollards right in asserting that "such men like not women" and furthermore the Catholic nuns are constantly seeking abortions while maintaining their vows of feminine chastity?
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.

Actually, if we had a "good Catholic", people would be horrified by their religious fanaticism. Even most Catholics.

The funny thing is that the people who are really fanatical about Catholicism aren't people who were born Catholic, it's people who converted to it.
JFK had numerous affairs and when he died I'm pretty sure he went straight to hell.

Joe Biden goes to Mass on Sunday but has no problem with Planned Parenthood murdering innocent children and wants the government to pay for it.

If we had a good Catholic President, things might change for the better.

But so far, that hasn't happened.

Actually, if we had a "good Catholic", people would be horrified by their religious fanaticism. Even most Catholics.

The funny thing is that the people who are really fanatical about Catholicism aren't people who were born Catholic, it's people who converted to it.

The "funny" thing is that you as well as Blackrook are abstrahotic enemies of the holy church. Never any Catholic did do you somehting bad - but you hate us.

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