Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

I know a little about law-----not usa law-----but catholic canon law and shariah----
In BOTH catholic canon law and shariah -----your comment is a capital crime
I had a nun tell me Catholicism was the only true religion and we were the only ones getting into heaven because we were baptized Catholic

The rest of you will be on the outside looking in. Catholics are Gods Favorite

So you are telling us that you are an atheist that does not believe in God but you are God's favorite because you were raised a Catholic and a nun told you that you were the only ones getting into heaven. She lied to you, R.W.. There is no salvation in Catholicism. Buy a KJV Bible and read it.

20 million Catholics in this country know they are Gods favorite

Why would anyone belong to a religion that thinks it is second best?

the gate is narrow.....few find it.

I hear there is good job security in being the gate keeper of the Messiah. Some say it's eternal.

that would mean no IRA retirement plans

Blessed are the carbon emission fighters and non-tooters, for they will inherit the earth.

Now where is my Popemobile with bullet proof glass? I wish to wave at the crowds.
In the time of Jesus-----jewish males did not go about without some sort of
head covering
Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
Of course they were. Greeks were some of the first to swallow the Jesus stories and we were once members of the Catholic church. There was no competition back then. Protestants Baptists Presbyterians Lutherans and the rest all came later.

The early Greeks became Scripture believing Christians before some (later on) went off the path and got into Catholicism, Sealy.
Not much of a historian.......are you.
I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
Of course they were. Greeks were some of the first to swallow the Jesus stories and we were once members of the Catholic church. There was no competition back then. Protestants Baptists Presbyterians Lutherans and the rest all came later.

The early Greeks became Scripture believing Christians before some (later on) went off the path and got into Catholicism, Sealy.
Not much of a historian.......are you.
if it doesn't serve the hate in her heart Jeri has no use for it. she'll believe preposterous lies much more easily than obvious truths if it bolster's her hate.
i pray that she shakes the grip of evil off of her heart and truly finds god.
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
Of course they were. Greeks were some of the first to swallow the Jesus stories and we were once members of the Catholic church. There was no competition back then. Protestants Baptists Presbyterians Lutherans and the rest all came later.

The early Greeks became Scripture believing Christians before some (later on) went off the path and got into Catholicism, Sealy.
Not much of a historian.......are you.
if it doesn't serve the hate in her heart Jeri has no use for it. she'll believe preposterous lies much more easily than obvious truths if it bolster's her hate.
i pray that she shakes the grip of evil off of her heart and truly finds god.
God is merciful, but even God can't always help the perpetually perplexed.
That is not an accurate description of our teachings. Quite the opposite.
What's the opposite? Did or didn't the Catholic church lose its authority somewhere along the way? So if God really told Joseph Smith what Joe says he says, Catholics are following a lost religion.

Be honest what Mormons believe.

I am. The fact that they have lost their way doesn't mean they are an abomination. Nor does it change the fact that I would encourage them to follow Christ their way if I cannot persuade them of the doctrines of Christ.

“If I esteem mankind to be in error, shall I bear them down? No. I will lift them up, and in their own way too, if I cannot persuade them my way is better; and I will not seek to compel any man to believe as I do, only by the force of reasoning, for truth will cut its own way.” - Joseph Smith Jr
That's nice. If you can't convince them your way is right you don't want to stop them worshipping their way.

The question we all want to know. What does God do to them for choosing wrong?

Judge them according to their works
But good deeds don't get you to heaven. Being nice isn't enough. You gotta buy the story.

Nope. But we are still judged and accountable for our thoughts, words and deeds

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