Boycott These Products - We Can't Kill 'Em

Thanks for letting some of us know where to throw our support. :)

yes... let our government go to the highest bidder....

then whine and cry and tantrum that your freedoms are being taken away

well, no one ever said the rightwinnut toons who have been trained by their masters to vote against their own self interest were bright.


This is one of my most favorite lib stances.

but I have to translate this for everyone;

Be a greedy fuck, don't vote for what's best for the country, always remember, It's all about me me me.

just proves how selfish and self centered they are and how much they hate people that care for other people.
So we just need to stop buying their stuff:


Thanks I will be buying MORE of these products
Should we boycott MIT's "integrative cancer research institute? Koch brothers 100 Million
Should we boycott NY Presbeterian Hospital Ambuitory care ? Another 100 mil
How about Sloan Kettering cancer hospital? About 30 million donation by the Koch brothers
NY Mt Sinai Hospital 30 mil and NY Hospital Special surgery 30 mil by the Koch brothers

yes, liberal hate is so strong, that they are actually protesting outside NY Presbeterian Hospital Ambuitory care.

The brothers gave the money so they could pay for more docs and nurses.

The Kochs are thinking of other people instead of being selfish, so libs see this as eveal
Thanks for letting some of us know where to throw our support. :)

I have no doubt that some rw's want to be slaves. They know they work for the 1%. They know they do not work for themselves. They know they are crapping on their children's and grand children's futures.

So, why would they knowingly shit on themselves AND their families?

If they're slaves, they won't have to make more decisions. Everything will be done for them. They can shop at the company store and they know the blue states will pay their health care bills.

Some rw's want to be slaves.

There is no doubt about it.

i love this post. Perfect projection. We like to make our own decisions. People like you are the slaves. You need the govt to tell you what to do, because life and freedom are too hard for you.

The only thing we depend onmothers for is a paycheck, but conservatives also would like to make starting and maintaining a business easier so you dont have to rely on others. Who stands i the way kf that, commies like you.

what i dont get is why do you want the govt to tell you what to drive, eat, what kind of lightbulbs you can use

talk about a slave.. funny talk from a person that wants single payer
How George Soros Made $4B In 2013: Short The Yen, Bet Against Bill Ackman
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Just like when he broke the Bank of England, netting $1 billion betting on the inevitable devaluation of the British pound, George Soros came into 2013 with a large currency bet: shorting the Japanese yen amid intense monetary easing encouraged by the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in order to jump-start the Japanese economy. With the trade on since November, Soros Fund Management made a reported $1 billion profit to open a year in which he personally earned an estimated $4 billion, landing him atop our list of highest earning hedge fund managers.

How George Soros Made $4B In 2013: Short The Yen, Bet Against Bill Ackman - Forbes

not a single image of anything that he helps in creating, he's got almost no positive impact on America or the world and has openly caused great harm to the whole world.

and he's a leftist hero. go figure

oh and, lest we forget, he invested 100 million in Brazilian oil 2 weeks before obama gave the $10 Billion. but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

I mean, after all, the evil Koch brothers ponied up hundreds of millions to build a new hospital. Just so they could go see suffering kids, I'd bet

The plight of the desperate far right....bring up George Soros when all else fails.

The plight of the desperately pathetic far left: Oh, noes!!! People have noticed that George Soros owns us!!! Quick, find a rich donor on the right to divert attention!!!
Some feel that KFC has ventured too far in varying the menu, driving away former regular customers. More businesses commit suicide than are killed by competitors.

Just got KFC coupons in the mail, though, and now I have a hankering for fried chicken and mashed taters.
Some feel that KFC has ventured too far in varying the menu, driving away former regular customers. More businesses commit suicide than are killed by competitors.

True, but I still remember Chick-Fil-A appreciation day. There is a Chick-Fil-A literally behind my old employer. I went out to see the scene and it was amazing. Car were in line well down the block. Just to get a chicken sandwich took 3 HOURS (no I didn't get a sandwich). That had a dozen or so cops directing traffic. It was like that from breakfast to well probably dinner (I left work around 5:00).

And the thing is, I think for a lot of those people, it wasn't about religion OR homosexuals. It was just that Americans don't like bullies, and they don't like being told what to do. Contrariness is built into our national character. It's been diluted by lazy welfare suckers and whiners over the decades, but it's still there.
No, but after they've bought the mid-term elections this fall, Congress will.

So you believe donating money to a candidate that agrees with your positions is buying an election?

And donating money to defeat candidates who disagree with you is buying an election?

Can you match the Koch brothers in donations to your chosen candidates? No? I'm shocked.

Can you afford to run endless television ads in regional markets in order to influence the vote for your candidate? No? Shock me twice.

And once again, leftists are shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you! - by the fascinating discovery that being rich is more convenient than being poor.

Are the Koch Brothers the only wealthy contributors in the election? No? I'm not shocked. Are the biggest donors on the Democrat side? Yes? I'm not the least bit shocked. Maybe this is because, unlike you, I have my head out of my ass and actually functioning.
There are no cleaning products up to the task of removing the stain of liberalism.

Even dermatologists have given up.

Book a bus to Pyonyang then Miili, because Liberalism invented this country.
Seeya. :bye1:
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So we just need to stop buying their stuff:


So what am I supposed to do, wipe my ass with my hand like the Muslims?

I support buying their toilet paper, I want my money going to their pro-pot and gay marriage causes. Thanks for letting me know my money goes to a good cause.

I actually buy a different brand of toilet paper . . . because I like it. Couldn't really give a damn about the manufacturers, as long as my hands are clean in the bathroom.
"What is wrong with you people? You think that elections can now be bought? I have not heard that they changed the law and we aren't allowed to vote anymore. When did they make money collected determine the winner?u vote isn't for sale, I hope yours isn't. I don't give a rats ass how much money Hillary raises, I won't vote for her.

Yup. Truth is elections can be bought and sold. I will never believe anything else. If I did, I wouldn't be thinking straight. Those that use their immense wealth to control things are not my fellow Americans.

You don't want elections to be bought and sold? Don't sell your frigging vote. Easy peasy.
There is one possibility recently published in a medical journal reporting successful removal of the stain of liberalism however it involved 48-hour full-immersion soaking in a solution of vinegar and sodium hyopchlorite. The stains were gone but so was the liberal.

90% success ain't all that bad.....
So we just need to stop buying their stuff:


Right wing radio heroes sell bullshit products to their listeners. They figure if they are stupid enough to be a right wing ideologues then they will be suckers when it comes to making purchasing decisions.

Glenn Beck is the most egregious, with his partnership with Goldline International, which also enjoys endorsements from Mark Levin and, until recently, Sean Hannity and others. Beck cut tearful promotional videos for the company, hawks them passionately on his radio and TV programs, and even designed a coin for the company this year (it reads “mind your business” on the front).

As it turns out, the company’s business model is built on systematically swindling its mostly elderly clientele by talking or tricking them into buying overpriced coins or just sending them different products than they bought, prosecutors in California alleged, leading the company to settle for $4.5 million in refunds to its customers. A judge instructed the company to foot the bill for a court-appointed monitor, who was supposed to ensure the company stopped its alleged “bait and switch” scam.

Not long after that, the company’s former chief compliance officer came forward to say the company was back to its old tricks. “Goldline specifically targets vulnerable consumers with sales tactics designed to pressure those consumers into buying products that would often result in the consumer losing over one-third of his or her investment the instant the purchase is made,” she said in a legal complaint filed late last year.

Shady Limbaugh Sponsor Turns the Blues into Gold

"They start ripping you off immediately with the inflated shipping charge and then start removing your money 30 days from the ORDER DATE which typically is 10-14 days BEFORE the 30 day trial period STARTS. By the time the '30 day trial' is over they have already taken the first FULL payment of $75.00 (+ tax) by 2 WEEKS, even when you decide you don't want to buy this craprogram. One of Lucy's top-secret cures is to 'Drink 8 glasses of water everyday' and 'quit smoking and drinking' DUH!! Gee for such wisdom it only costs 450 bucks!"

Of course anybody with common sense can tell when they hear the advertisements. They also seem to push the tax resolution companies that eventually get shut down for ripping people off.

My advice to any right wing idiot who trusts the right wing endorsements is to by the shit they are selling. You might get ripped off in the short run but maybe it will cause you to wake up and re-engage your brain instead of being spoon fed by people that don't give a shit about the average American.
There is one possibility recently published in a medical journal reporting successful removal of the stain of liberalism however it involved 48-hour full-immersion soaking in a solution of vinegar and sodium hyopchlorite. The stains were gone but so was the liberal.

90% success ain't all that bad.....

. . . I'm actually missing the failure in this plan. What was the downside?
So we just need to stop buying their stuff:


So what am I supposed to do, wipe my ass with my hand like the Muslims?

I support buying their toilet paper, I want my money going to their pro-pot and gay marriage causes. Thanks for letting me know my money goes to a good cause.

I actually buy a different brand of toilet paper . . . because I like it. Couldn't really give a damn about the manufacturers, as long as my hands are clean in the bathroom.

I agree. I don't research a companies political ties. If they make a better product and are smart about advertising it, then it is going to sell.

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