Boycott These Products - We Can't Kill 'Em

WHile I understand the point of the boycott it simply will do no good. First, not just conservatives are guilty but uber wealthy liberals are also guilty of basically owning the system. At least the right to vote still exists although there are some wackos out there who believe only taxpaying citizens should be able to vote or better yet, this is rich(no pun intended), there are those that believe the rich should have more votes than the middle class.(This one is totally warped and is anti American in EVERY sense) and nobody in their right mind would believe anything resembling this. Still, again, both parties are guilty and frankly with the new supreme court decision the rich have an easy road to controlling things now. It quite frankly is simple to see that they don't like workers. I don't know why. Perhaps workers present some kind of threat to them. The system is tainted. There is seriously nobody who can seriously argue anything but.

Al Franken = 8 million
John Kerry = 194 million
Hillary Clinton = 21.5 million
James Carville = 5 million
Nancy Pelosi = 26.4 million
Harry Reid = 2.6 million
Sonia Sotomayor = 4 million
Chelsea Clinton - 5 million
Jimmy Carter = 5 million
Jerry Brown = 4 million
Al Gore = 100 million
Jane Harman = 435 million
Michael Bloomberg = 31 billion

Richest Democrats - The Richest
Michael Bloomberg Net Worth - TheRichest
Thanks for letting some of us know where to throw our support. :)

yes... let our government go to the highest bidder....

then whine and cry and tantrum that your freedoms are being taken away

well, no one ever said the rightwinnut toons who have been trained by their masters to vote against their own self interest were bright.

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Boycotts are so much fun!

The generally build name recognition for the longer term so the supposed victims become the beneficiaries within a few days.

But the activists never learn. I guess all that's important is their inner children are satisfied even more than from sucking their thumbs.
The only one I buy is Sparkle paper towels.

And I refuse to think they're anti-ghey. Those printed towels are FABULOUS!
Should we boycott MIT's "integrative cancer research institute? Koch brothers 100 Million
Should we boycott NY Presbeterian Hospital Ambuitory care ? Another 100 mil
How about Sloan Kettering cancer hospital? About 30 million donation by the Koch brothers
NY Mt Sinai Hospital 30 mil and NY Hospital Special surgery 30 mil by the Koch brothers
So we just need to stop buying their stuff:


Thanks now I know what to shop for. I like these brand names anyway so it's a plus plus for me. :lol:
So how many Dem rich are fighting for cutting their own taxes, and for pollution and screwing the non rich, Pub Dupes? So brainwashed and ignorant...

LOL, the dems fight for high taxes and just don't pay them...
they fight for gun control then sell guns,
they fight for environmentalism then sell their tv stations to al Jazeera.....
They sell carbon credit for dupes like you to buy.

What is a carbon credit? A license to pollute

talk about a dumb fuck
Thanks for letting some of us know where to throw our support. :)

I have no doubt that some rw's want to be slaves. They know they work for the 1%. They know they do not work for themselves. They know they are crapping on their children's and grand children's futures.

So, why would they knowingly shit on themselves AND their families?

If they're slaves, they won't have to make more decisions. Everything will be done for them. They can shop at the company store and they know the blue states will pay their health care bills.

Some rw's want to be slaves.

There is no doubt about it.
I've always said you ignorant commies more than likely had a half dozen Koch products in their homes while bitching about them. I never listed their products because I knew some weak willed individual like the OP would call for a boycott because his ideas can't win the day. Good job loser for not disappointing.
And were those libs serious in their belief that the brothers are evil then they'd block all the PBS stations on their TVs so their children couldn't be corrupted by Koch supported programs. But they don't - so, by their lights, they all oughta be jailed for child abuse and have their children "taken into care" for their own good.

But sincerity is not a vice common to liberals so they figure it's OK.
So how many Dem rich are fighting for cutting their own taxes, and for pollution and screwing the non rich, Pub Dupes? So brainwashed and ignorant...

So how many Dem rich are fighting for cutting their own taxes, None, they keep passing out new taxes on the poor and for pollution all and screwing the non rich, all Pub Dupes? So brainwashed and ignorant yes, yes you are

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