Boys and Girls Will Never Be Equal

Girls are superior.

The fact that you say that is proof that you believe there are biological differences between the sexes that give them advantages, and disadvantages, in different areas.

That fact that you say girls (women) are superior indicates which of these biological differences you hold more important.

Since how you personally value the different attributes is subjective, there is no right, or wrong, answer to the question of which is superior.
The fact that you say that is proof that you believe there are biological differences between the sexes that give them advantages, and disadvantages, in different areas.

That fact that you say girls (women) are superior indicates which of these biological differences you hold more important.

Since how you personally value the different attributes is subjective, there is no right, or wrong, answer to the question of which is superior.

Other than having babies, how else is the female species superior?
how else is the female species superior?

The fact that they have the biological ability to manipulate boys into doing practically anything, give them a unique superiority.

Men's biologically inherent larger muscle mass give them an advantage in a hunter gatherer scenario. Less so in an agrarian society.

However, men's larger caloric requirement (due to the increase in muscle mass) makes them more prone to starvation and nutritional pathologies in times of famine.
Bigger boobies.
I guess that's typically true even though I'm pretty flat chested myself,... But I still have bigger boobies than Brittney G. though. ;)

The fact that they have the biological ability to manipulate boys into doing practically anything, give them a unique superiority.

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I guess that's also true lol

They lack the male ego which makes it possible for them to make better, common sense, decisions.

That's a really good point that I have to admit.
Not in the way of sports. The only thing that makes women superior to men is their/our ability to give life.
It is not either/or, April. The world is not totally black and white--there are gray areas where one overlaps the other. Extreme positions are never right. I am a male. Am I as physically capable as pro athlete or someone who is genetically prone to those attributes? HaHa, not on your life. My point is short is, "accentuate your positives, be the best you that you can be." That is all anyone can expect and definitely don't dwell on the fact that someone else is able to do something that you are either not designed for or have a desire to do. Re: your statement that women are "superior" to men because they can give life---try doing it without a man. I don't believe they have synthesized sperm yet.
The fact that they have the biological ability to manipulate boys into doing practically anything, give them a unique superiority.

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Yes, it's always been a HUGE phalacy (yes, I know what I did there), that men run the world.
It's the woman who let them beleive that. We all know who REALLY runs the world.

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