Bragg's Case Against Trump - election interference - politically motivated? I have the answer.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
"Yet this case is not really about election interference, nor is it a politically motivated attempt to criminalize a benign personal deal. Boring as it may sound, it is a case about business integrity."

The author Rebecca Roiphe used to work in the office that is prosecuting Mr. Trump. Ms. Roiphe is a former assistant district attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. More than anyone, she seems to have no dog in the fight over what this is really all about.

It’s not surprising that the lawyers on both sides are trying to make this about something sexier. This is a narrative device used to make the jurors and the public side with them, but it has also created confusion. On the one hand, some legal experts claim that the conduct charged in New York was the original election interference. On the other hand, some critics think the criminal case is a witch hunt, and others claim it is trivial at best and at worst the product of selective prosecution.

As someone who worked in the Manhattan district attorney’s office and enforced the laws that Mr. Trump is accused of violating, I stand firmly in neither camp. It is an important and straightforward case, albeit workmanlike and unglamorous. In time, after the smoke created by lawyers has cleared, it will be easy to see why the prosecution is both solid and legitimate.
great info:

"Lawmakers in New York, the financial capital of the world, consider access to markets and industry in New York a privilege for businesspeople. It is a felony to abuse that privilege by doctoring records to commit or conceal crimes, even if the businessman never accomplishes the goal and even if the false records never see the light of day. The idea is that an organization’s records should reflect an honest accounting. It is not a crime to make a mistake, but lying is a different story. It is easy to evade accountability by turning a business into a cover, providing a false trail for whichever regulator might care to look. The law (falsification of business records) deprives wealthy, powerful businessmen of the ability to do so with impunity, at least when they’re conducting business in the city."
"Yet this case is not really about election interference, nor is it a politically motivated attempt to criminalize a benign personal deal. Boring as it may sound, it is a case about business integrity."

The author Rebecca Roiphe used to work in the office that is prosecuting Mr. Trump. Ms. Roiphe is a former assistant district attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. More than anyone, she seems to have no dog in the fight over what this is really all about.
Even long time leftist attorneys are scratching their heads over this... what is the crime?...
Do you know what the crime is or what law was broken in this case?... I'm serious... I would like to know so maybe I could understand it better... I'm watching the trial coverage and I can't see a crime... I see embarrassing stuff come out but its all the things we already know about... just airing the same dirty laundry over and over again and keep Trump in the courtroom is election interference....
Even long time leftist attorneys are scratching their heads over this... what is the crime?...
Do you know what the crime is or what law was broken in this case?... I'm serious... I would like to know so maybe I could understand it better... I'm watching the trial coverage and I can't see a crime... I see embarrassing stuff come out but its all the things we already know about... just airing the same dirty laundry over and over again and keep Trump in the courtroom is election interference....
Read the indictment. It lists the crimes.

Bragg's Case Against Trump​

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I'm watching the trial coverage and I can't see a crime...
Where are you watching it, in the courtroom?

And if you truly following it and do not know what crimes Trump is accused of...

Without alleged crimes, this would not be in any court. If you disagree Trump broke the laws alleged in the indictment, that's one thing. But to suggest you don't what the crimes are? You spend far too much time in a safe place.
Where are you watching it, in the courtroom?

And if you truly following it and do not know what crimes Trump is accused of...

Without alleged crimes, this would not be in any court. If you disagree Trump broke the laws alleged in the indictment, that's one thing. But to suggest you don't what the crimes are? You spend far too much time in a safe place.
I'm watching the "coverage" of the trial... And I've heard nothing that is a crime..... Catch and Killing stories are not illegal... MSM does it all the time... paying for silence is also not illegal... it happens everyday... covering up the pay off is at best a bookkeeping error and has never forced a criminal trial...
Crimes, not crime. Read the indictment.
You don't know.... you just proved you do not know what the crime is... you people are going to destroy the democrat party with this and you are going to lose in November because of this.... Trump is up by 5 over Biden today... add in RFK Jr and Trump is up by 9... CNN poll...
I'm watching the "coverage" of the trial... And I've heard nothing that is a crime..... Catch and Killing stories are not illegal... MSM does it all the time... paying for silence is also not illegal... it happens everyday... covering up the pay off is at best a bookkeeping error and has never forced a criminal trial...
No one has said 'catch and kill ' stories are illegal. No one.

Covering up anything is not an error, it's a crime to falsify business records to cover up payoffs in NY state. Then there is the question of FEC filings.

You always ignore any previous post and continue on with nonsense:

posted a few minutes ago:
"Lawmakers in New York, the financial capital of the world, consider access to markets and industry in New York a privilege for businesspeople. It is a felony to abuse that privilege by doctoring records to commit or conceal crimes, even if the businessman never accomplishes the goal and even if the false records never see the light of day. The idea is that an organization’s records should reflect an honest accounting. It is not a crime to make a mistake, but lying is a different story. It is easy to evade accountability by turning a business into a cover, providing a false trail for whichever regulator might care to look. The law (falsification of business records) deprives wealthy, powerful businessmen of the ability to do so with impunity, at least when they’re conducting business in the city."
You don't know.... you just proved you do not know what the crime is... you people are going to destroy the democrat party with this and you are going to lose in November because of this.... Trump is up by 5 over Biden today... add in RFK Jr and Trump is up by 9... CNN poll...
You go from what are the crimes, to the presidential horse race?

Okay, trollboi.
No one has said 'catch and kill ' stories are illegal. No one.

Covering up anything is not an error, it's a crime to falsify business records to cover up payoffs in NY state. Then there is the question of FEC filings.

You always ignore any previous post and continue on with nonsense:

posted a few minutes ago:
"Lawmakers in New York, the financial capital of the world, consider access to markets and industry in New York a privilege for businesspeople. It is a felony to abuse that privilege by doctoring records to commit or conceal crimes, even if the businessman never accomplishes the goal and even if the false records never see the light of day. The idea is that an organization’s records should reflect an honest accounting. It is not a crime to make a mistake, but lying is a different story. It is easy to evade accountability by turning a business into a cover, providing a false trail for whichever regulator might care to look. The law (falsification of business records) deprives wealthy, powerful businessmen of the ability to do so with impunity, at least when they’re conducting business in the city."
Covering up a payoff is not an illegal act that requires a criminal trial... its called a bookkeeping error... the tax money still got paid it was just written up as a business expense which is technically is.... no one has ever been criminally tried for it.... so you think its ok to start with a president?....
Covering up a payoff is not an illegal act that requires a criminal trial... its called a bookkeeping error... the tax money still got paid it was just written up as a business expense which is technically is.... no one has ever been criminally tried for it.... so you think its ok to start with a president?....
No bookkeeping error. And the jury will hear the facts, not your pathetic spin and rants.

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