Brat believes Hitler may happen again

He's wrong btw. With modern technology and the surveillance state, any future Hitleresque person would be far worse than Hitler ever was.
Is Brat a religious lunatic?

FYI, Einstein, the Nazis hated them, too.

Many "religious lunatics"—Evangelical, Jehovah's Witness and obviously, Jewish—were loaded up on the trains and taken to the camps.

Hating people of faith—people of real faith; not the posers in name only who've never read either of the The Bible's two Testaments—was exactly one of the principal latent themes of the Third Reich's innermost circle.

Here's the Cliff's Notes for you, Sherlock:

Vril - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the fact that an illiterate moron like you speaks before he has a clue what he's talking about underscores how easily it could happen again.
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History does repeat itself because nobody pays attention.

I absolutely agree with Brat. Anytime a people (regardless of who they may be) allow political ideology to overtake common sense, a Dictator can emerge. It has happened repeatedly throughout history.

Circumstances in THIS country are coming closer each day to allowing it to happen here.

I guess the smart money lives by the idea that "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is".

Post WWI Germany is a prime example. Hitler promised the moon - and then DELIVERED on many promises by taking Germany, which was in ruins, to a marketable nation. The people, being sheep, decided to follow this clown off the proverbial cliff.

It can happen anywhere, anytime people put their trust in a man to deliver the impossible. It's not a stretch to believe that Obama COULD have been like Hitler in many respects. The left is primed to be led by the nose. Unfortunately, nearly immediately after the Roman Columns at Denver, people began to see the clown for what he is - a fool. However, who's to say that the next smiling, well-spoken politician might not learn from the fool Obama and lead THIS country down the rabbit hole?

Let the people get desperate enough and watch......
Hitler can happen again. He has happened again. Anyone who murders great masses of people for their faith, is no different from Hitler himself.

Godwin's Law is in effect.
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.
Catholics were on his genocide list.

Hitler was no Christian. Having a Catholic mother did not make him one.
He's wrong btw. With modern technology and the surveillance state, any future Hitleresque person would be far worse than Hitler ever was.

" The Monster is coming! Bring out your dead! The Walking Dude is nearly here!"

- Stephen King "The Stand"
Brat may win, but this bodes well for Dems, as the fanatic, brainwashed TP may wreck the GOP's chances. Pub bs propaganda comes back to bite them...Cruz/Palin 2016!
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Hitler can happen again. He has happened again. Anyone who murders great masses of people for their faith, is no different from Hitler himself.

Godwin's Law is in effect.
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

And the Muslim extremist would kill all the infidels if given the opportunity.
Hitler can happen again. He has happened again. Anyone who murders great masses of people for their faith, is no different from Hitler himself.

Godwin's Law is in effect.
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

And the Muslim extremist would kill all the infidels if given the opportunity.
It's what the book says. You believe in Holy Books right? Or maybe, just in yours, like they do.
Hitler can happen again. He has happened again. Anyone who murders great masses of people for their faith, is no different from Hitler himself.

Godwin's Law is in effect.

Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

A simple Google search would answer that — if only you knew how to do it, or just weren't too lazy to do it before slurring a bunch of people about whom you obviously know absolutely nothing, idiot:

Holocaust victims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of victims of Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brat Essay Warned Hitler's Rise 'Could All Happen Again'

Now I know why no one has ever heard of the college this jackass teaches at.

The 13-page essay, titled “God and Advanced Mammon — Can Theological Types Handle Usury and Capitalism?," was published by "Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology."

According to the Journal, one section of the essay discussed how if Christian people “had the guts to spread the word,” government would not need to “backstop every action we take.” Then it stated:

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.​

Anyone with a brain believes the same thing, are you trying to prove you lack a brain?
Hitler can happen again. He has happened again. Anyone who murders great masses of people for their faith, is no different from Hitler himself.

Godwin's Law is in effect.
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

Seriously? I knew you were stupid, but, seriously?

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library
I said faiths. Everyone knows he persecuted homosexuals, socialists, and unions ... same groups the far right christians hate today.
Hitler can happen again. He has happened again. Anyone who murders great masses of people for their faith, is no different from Hitler himself.

Godwin's Law is in effect.

Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

Catholics were on his genocide list.

Hitler was no Christian. Having a Catholic mother did not make him one.

Exactly. :thup:

It's nice to see at least two or three people on this thread who know what the hell they're talking about.

(Maybe Mike Judge was onto something with his film Idiocracy, eh? :badgrin:)
Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.

These were Brat's words? He wrote this in "college"? At "Princeton"? Yeah, Princeton Religious School. That's why it sounds like it was written by a 7th grader.
Leftists(and Neo-Cons) are always saying Hitler is around the corner. Saddam was Hitler, Ahmedenijad was Hitler, Gadaffi was Hitler, Putin is Hitler according to Hilary Clinton. Leftists in Europe are now saying Fascism is on the rise because center right parties(like UKIP and Front National) that want immigration controls and this could bring back a Hitler. Hell people yesterday were calling voters in the VA-7th anti-semites and the GOP at large anti-semites cause they voted out their only jewish house rep. People in this thread compare republicans to Hitler.

So is the OP saying he agrees with Brat? Or do you only disagree with the Hitler claim when a Republican says it?
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Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

Seriously? I knew you were stupid, but, seriously?

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library

I said faiths. Everyone knows he persecuted homosexuals, socialists, and unions ... same groups the far right christians hate today.

Did you even bother to read everything in the link he gave you???

Jehovah's Witnesses are a faith.

Evangelical Christianity is a faith.

Some even argue that Freemasonry is a faith.

Hitler tried to exterminate all three of them.

Put down the iPod, stop watching the E! Channel and read a book some day, idiot.
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

Seriously? I knew you were stupid, but, seriously?

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library
I said faiths. Everyone knows he persecuted homosexuals, socialists, and unions ... same groups the far right christians hate today.

You didn't read the link, did you?

First, the Jews were not selected because of their beliefs, they were targeted because of their race. Anyone with an IQ above the freezing point of helium knows that.

Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians. Most of the remaining victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany.

Every European country, even Germany, had those who did not believe in the Nazi ideology and who were willing to die for their beliefs. Perhaps no other group stood so firmly in their beliefs as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Hitler felt particularly threatened by this strong group of Christians because they, from the very beginning, refused to recognize any God other than Jehovah.

When asked to sign documents of loyalty to the Nazi ideology, they refused. Jehovah’s Witnesses were forced to wear purple armbands and thousands were imprisoned as “dangerous” traitors because they refused to take a pledge of loyalty to the Third Reich.

Learn more about the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses, CLICK HERE.

Hitler wanted not only to conquer all of Europe, but Hitler also wanted to create a new religion and to replace Jesus Christ as a person to be worshipped. Hitler expected his followers to worship the Nazi ideology. Since Catholic priests and Christian pastors were often influential leaders in their community, they were sought out by the Nazis very early. Thousands of Catholic priests and Christian pastors were forced into concentration camps. A special barracks was set up at Dachau, the camp near Munich, Germany, for clergymen. A few survived; some were executed, but most were allowed to die slowly of starvation or disease.

Keep in mind that I picked a Jewish holocaust site for a reason, so I could show just how fucking stupid you are. You are approaching Holocaust denier levels of stupidity.
Seriously? I knew you were stupid, but, seriously?

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library

I said faiths. Everyone knows he persecuted homosexuals, socialists, and unions ... same groups the far right christians hate today.

Did you even bother to read everything in the link he gave you???

Jehovah's Witnesses are a faith.

Evangelical Christianity is a faith.

Some even argue that Freemasonry is a faith.

Hitler tried to exterminate all three of them.

Put down the iPod, stop watching the E! Channel and read a book some day, idiot.
Hitler's Christianity
My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.
-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

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