Brat believes Hitler may happen again

When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a cross.

That has been updated to "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a quran!":cuckoo:

Actually, honestly, I believe that it should read: "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the American flag and posing as a politician"

They can do both at the same time!

The left always acts surprised when someone suggests that history might repeat itself. Never mind that it has countless times already. Face it, until human nature changes, history will forever repeat itself. Even though we learn things, over a time people forget things and falsely believe that, in this day and age, certain things cannot happen again. It's a foolish way to think. Only difference these days is that wannabe dictators have more technology at their disposal. While we have easier access to media, it has become less dependable. And we have more and more ignorant people who just don't pay attention, which is something that never changes. There has always been a portion of the population that is easy to fool and easy to use.

Until narcissistic people vanish from the earth, they will continue to believe that they are best suited to control the populace and dictate to all the lesser beings. They and their ilk will continue to seek power by any means and never have a pang of guilt for the suffering they cause others.

A situation like we saw with Hitler could happen again. There are those who would try to make it happen. Considering the sorry state of the union, nothing should surprise any of us anymore.

And while some roll their eyes at the notion that people could be so stupid again, they are tolerant of those who want to erase that part of history and pretend it never happened in the first place. The only logical reason for that is pave the way for it to happen again. If history is erased, no one can learn from it, can they?
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Moral capitalism? That would be a nice change but then again, that's anti-capitalistic.

A mixed-economy is the winner winner chicken dinner. It takes care of the basics and the rest is up to you.

He's not talking about any such thing. You are being as silly as the reactionaries in twisting.

He is saying that a truly moral Christianity will take care of the poor and oppressed while accepting the capitalism is here to stay.

The question is to the level of regulation Brat would allow the government: not much I am thinking.
The left always acts surprised when someone suggests that history might repeat itself.

Hardly. Why do you think people like myself were pointing out how nonsensical Romney's plans to balance the budget while cutting taxes and increasing military spending were?

Some of us learned from the Reagan experience how that is nonsensical.
You voted for Obama because you don't like Geeks?

No, anybody whose proposed budgets looked like Ryan's first attempts. He is moving center after his loss as VP nominee, may run in 2016.

Can you explain, in detail, what it is about his budgets you don't like? Because I can, and I am pretty sure you never even read his budget, you just listened the the idiots that told you he wanted to push grandma off the cliff.

60+% of his budget cuts were from spending on low income Americans.
No, anybody whose proposed budgets looked like Ryan's first attempts. He is moving center after his loss as VP nominee, may run in 2016.

Can you explain, in detail, what it is about his budgets you don't like? Because I can, and I am pretty sure you never even read his budget, you just listened the the idiots that told you he wanted to push grandma off the cliff.

60+% of his budget cuts were from spending on low income Americans.

But NYcabinet, those numbers were STILL HIGHER than the year before, and the year before that, and the year before that.... Are you really this stupid to think people don't know that LESS OF AN INCREASE IS STILL AN INCREASE???:cuckoo::cuckoo:
V, you have had your comeuppance several times already. :lol:

You and your brand underscore the importance of free speech: you speak freely and most ever body laughs at you, podjo.

Tis what tis.
V, you have had your comeuppance several times already. :lol:

You and your brand underscore the importance of free speech: you speak freely and most ever body laughs at you, podjo.

Tis what tis.

But Rep Frog Boy, everyone knows you lie, like your messiah, and you trying to spread your propaganda falls on deaf ears....We don't laugh at you...we chuckle wildly when you post. YOU dear Flakey, are our entertainment! We wish we could get your IQ into the 3 digit range, but they haven't invented a pill for your malady yet, and besides, you might actually realize that conservative values are what are needed, instead of bankrupting the country with failed economic policies, and multiple hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that the poser has given the OK to, to come and syphon off anything that might just be left over for your children.... you fucktards are completely suicidal.... You can't deny the obvious!
No, anybody whose proposed budgets looked like Ryan's first attempts. He is moving center after his loss as VP nominee, may run in 2016.

Can you explain, in detail, what it is about his budgets you don't like? Because I can, and I am pretty sure you never even read his budget, you just listened the the idiots that told you he wanted to push grandma off the cliff.

60+% of his budget cuts were from spending on low income Americans.

So that's a no?

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