Brat believes Hitler may happen again

Hitler can come fro the left or the right, because a Hitler is not a political ideologue, merely a murderous tyrant using whatever works.
Hitler can happen again. He has happened again. Anyone who murders great masses of people for their faith, is no different from Hitler himself.

Godwin's Law is in effect.
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

Hitler was about power and revenge. Religion was used as a tool to get what he wanted. He persecuted any church that got in his way. Hitler left figuring out the post-war social structure to his minions, several were pan-paganists. Look up the German Faith Movement for their concept of a religion married to Nazi doctrine.
So what are you, a REAL socialist? Fucking faggot.
That wouldn't make sense even if I bothered to think about it.

What is Capitalism if rich people getting richer is considered "Marxist"?

Or could it be that wealthy Capitalists are using the lamestream corporate-owned "liberal" media to feed bullshit straight into morons' brains, telling millions of morons all at once to blame "Kenyan Marxists" for the economic collapse that was caused by Capitalists who have sucked up the majority of the world's wealth to themselves?

No, that's just more Kenyan Muslim Marxist liberal media propaganda.

Fucking morons.

You don't even understand what liberalism is. Jesus you are out of your depth. The funny thing is, you think you are enlightened because you figured out Obama and Bush are the same. You want a medal faggot?

But socialism? Wow you are so far off the mark.

Why don't you piss off to a commune and leave the grown ups alone. Go to RevLeft you would fit in there.
Why do you monkeys always tell everyone else that they don't know anything, and then NOT explain it to them? "You're a stupid liberal. You don't know anything and I'm not going to explain it because you're a stupid liberal and you wouldn't understand", right?

Explain to me what "liberalism" means. Hitler was very "liberal" with the number of people that the Nazis killed, but he was very "conservative" with who he would allow into the cabinet of the Third Reich. Corporate mass media are very "liberal" with the number of useless stories about missing planes and celebrity twerking that are used to promote an image of being informative but at the same time being completely useless, their only purpose now is to fill airtime in between paid commercial advertisements for boner pills and fast food, but they are very "conservative" with the amount of real, useful information that they allow to reach the national audience because a truly informed electorate is a threat to the ruling class.

What is Marxism? What is Capitalism? Rich people get richer under Obama so that's Marxism, right? Rich people got richer under Reagan, too, so Reagan was a Marxist like Obama? Rich people get richer and poor people get poorer under the current economic system that we have. We're not Socialist or Marxist. Rich people got richer and poor people got poorer for years before Obama was elected, and it was always called "free market Capitalism". Now from 2008-2016, this system of rich people getting richer while everyone else struggles is proof that pussy God-Boi-King Sultan Hussein Obama is turning us into a Marxist fascist dictatorship?

Explain that.
And shart pulls an ad hom while talking to himself in the mirror: no stick, all balls.

Brat is correct, and most of you lefties and reactionaries are twisting what he wrote to your own twisted ends.

He is calling for a morality based "on love your neighbor" which will mitigate capitalism's greed while also creating a moral basis and character to stand up to Hitlers of the right and left.
Moral capitalism? That would be a nice change but then again, that's anti-capitalistic.

A mixed-economy is the winner winner chicken dinner. It takes care of the basics and the rest is up to you.
Brat is scary, I hope I am wrong in my first impressions of him.
Before this is done, we are going to have alot of fun with Brat
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

Catholics were on his genocide list.

Hitler was no Christian. Having a Catholic mother did not make him one.

Exactly. :thup:

It's nice to see at least two or three people on this thread who know what the hell they're talking about.

(Maybe Mike Judge was onto something with his film Idiocracy, eh? :badgrin:)

I don't know if Hitler was a christian, but he sure mentioned God a lot in Mein Kampf. So do the republicans that claim to be believers even they would rather see people die from lack of food and health care if it means raising the taxes of the very wealthy and corporations even 1%.
Hitler can happen again. He has happened again. Anyone who murders great masses of people for their faith, is no different from Hitler himself.

Godwin's Law is in effect.
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

I'd really like to see your link to The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.
Muslims ARE Killing Christians ~
Christian Persecution Doubled In 2013, Reports Annual Survey By Open Doors
Catholics were on his genocide list.

Hitler was no Christian. Having a Catholic mother did not make him one.

Exactly. :thup:

It's nice to see at least two or three people on this thread who know what the hell they're talking about.

(Maybe Mike Judge was onto something with his film Idiocracy, eh? :badgrin:)

I don't know if Hitler was a christian, but he sure mentioned God a lot in Mein Kampf. So do the republicans that claim to be believers even they would rather see people die from lack of food and health care if it means raising the taxes of the very wealthy and corporations even 1%.

Hitler dropped the pretense after achieving power.
Brat Essay Warned Hitler's Rise 'Could All Happen Again'

Of course a Hitler will rise again...and again it will be out of Germany. Germans are inherently disposed to hate and attempted genocide. If you pay attention, you can see it in the news everyday as German hate is on the rise and there is a growing intolerance of Jewish people. Germans cannot be trusted, they are a cursed people who cannot avoid the bloodlust and hate. Germany is a godless country and their people have been cursed with hate.
Before this is done, we are going to have alot of fun with Brat

He is not amusing in the least:

"God gave us this win" "God acted through people on my behalf."

" in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation", he warns of what happens if WE do as Cantor did in terms of RELIGION. Cantor: "failed to uphold that Creed."

Sounds VERY familiar, name the 20th century sources.

People who are worried that Hitler (or someone like him) could happen again, are the people who directly oppose the present agenda of the leftist Democrats in this country.

No wonder the Democrats are coming after David Brat with everything they have.

Not I, I am more worried about those like Brat. And I voted for McCain 2008 because I believed him the better candidate, 2012, Paul Ryan made the decision for me: OBAMA.
Brat Essay Warned Hitler's Rise 'Could All Happen Again'

Now I know why no one has ever heard of the college this jackass teaches at.

The 13-page essay, titled “God and Advanced Mammon — Can Theological Types Handle Usury and Capitalism?," was published by "Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology."

According to the Journal, one section of the essay discussed how if Christian people “had the guts to spread the word,” government would not need to “backstop every action we take.” Then it stated:

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.​
He is right, his name is obama. How about the current jackass in the WH now college records? Hypocrite.
Brat Essay Warned Hitler's Rise 'Could All Happen Again'

Now I know why no one has ever heard of the college this jackass teaches at.

The 13-page essay, titled “God and Advanced Mammon — Can Theological Types Handle Usury and Capitalism?," was published by "Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology."

According to the Journal, one section of the essay discussed how if Christian people “had the guts to spread the word,” government would not need to “backstop every action we take.” Then it stated:

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.​

You turds are sifting through everything he ever wrote to find something to smear him with. So far you got zip.

You look sad and pathetic resorting to these kinds of tactics. It just shows how desperate you are. We can't have anyone in congress who actually believes in capitalism, now can we?

Not to worry. Brat's going to get lots of rope. :D

People who are worried that Hitler (or someone like him) could happen again, are the people who directly oppose the present agenda of the leftist Democrats in this country.

No wonder the Democrats are coming after David Brat with everything they have.

Not I, I am more worried about those like Brat. And I voted for McCain 2008 because I believed him the better candidate, 2012, Paul Ryan made the decision for me: OBAMA.

You voted for Obama because you don't like Geeks?
Is Brat a religious lunatic?
Even if he's not a fanatic, even if he is merely an openly observant religionist who sometimes refers to theological principles to support his political positions -- GET RID OF HIM! Religion and politics is a dangerous mixture because it ultimately and inevitably moves toward fanaticism. It causes division and is eminently capable of promoting genocide.
People who are worried that Hitler (or someone like him) could happen again, are the people who directly oppose the present agenda of the leftist Democrats in this country.

No wonder the Democrats are coming after David Brat with everything they have.

Not I, I am more worried about those like Brat. And I voted for McCain 2008 because I believed him the better candidate, 2012, Paul Ryan made the decision for me: OBAMA.

You voted for Obama because you don't like Geeks?

No, anybody whose proposed budgets looked like Ryan's first attempts. He is moving center after his loss as VP nominee, may run in 2016.

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