Brat believes Hitler may happen again

Not I, I am more worried about those like Brat. And I voted for McCain 2008 because I believed him the better candidate, 2012, Paul Ryan made the decision for me: OBAMA.

You voted for Obama because you don't like Geeks?

No, anybody whose proposed budgets looked like Ryan's first attempts. He is moving center after his loss as VP nominee, may run in 2016.

Can you explain, in detail, what it is about his budgets you don't like? Because I can, and I am pretty sure you never even read his budget, you just listened the the idiots that told you he wanted to push grandma off the cliff.
Hasn't it already happened, this rising? Rwanda, Uganda, etc?


Where the heck do you see Rwanda's and Uganda's having been brought up in as much as a single sentence of one post on the entirety of this thread???

I'd stick to making threads about pics of sugar 'n' spice, if I were you, Gracie: understanding history and propaganda clearly isn't your thing.
You voted for Obama because you don't like Geeks?

No, anybody whose proposed budgets looked like Ryan's first attempts. He is moving center after his loss as VP nominee, may run in 2016.

Can you explain, in detail, what it is about his budgets you don't like? Because I can, and I am pretty sure you never even read his budget, you just listened the the idiots that told you he wanted to push grandma off the cliff.

Quite frankly, at this point, I don't believe that there is any way OUT of the rabbit hole that this 17 Trillion dollar debt has taken us - regardless of whose budget we utilize.

It may have been possible say in 2000, when it was still "maybe" manageable, but nearly 12 TRILLION dollars later - I just don't see it happening. We are up to our collective eyeballs in debt to China - which, at some point will most definitely bite us on our national sovergnity.

I wish to hell that I could feel even the slightest bit "optimistic" - but I don't. What these last 12 or so years, and in particular the last 5.5, have accomplished is to send the United States into a tailspin (economically) that will one day mean the end of our way of life.

Congratulations George Bush and Barry Obama. You put a loaded gun to our heads and the Chinese will one day - pull the trigger.
Hitler was a Christian. Which faiths, besides Jews, did he murder? The Far Right Christians today would do the same to Muslims.

Seriously? I knew you were stupid, but, seriously?

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library
I said faiths. Everyone knows he persecuted homosexuals, socialists, and unions ... same groups the far right christians hate today.

It's also an ridiculous to point out that because Hitler killed some Christians..he was after Christians as well.

Christians always kill Christians.

Christians kill everyone.
No, anybody whose proposed budgets looked like Ryan's first attempts. He is moving center after his loss as VP nominee, may run in 2016.

Can you explain, in detail, what it is about his budgets you don't like? Because I can, and I am pretty sure you never even read his budget, you just listened the the idiots that told you he wanted to push grandma off the cliff.

Quite frankly, at this point, I don't believe that there is any way OUT of the rabbit hole that this 17 Trillion dollar debt has taken us - regardless of whose budget we utilize.

It may have been possible say in 2000, when it was still "maybe" manageable, but nearly 12 TRILLION dollars later - I just don't see it happening. We are up to our collective eyeballs in debt to China - which, at some point will most definitely bite us on our national sovergnity.

I wish to hell that I could feel even the slightest bit "optimistic" - but I don't. What these last 12 or so years, and in particular the last 5.5, have accomplished is to send the United States into a tailspin (economically) that will one day mean the end of our way of life.

Congratulations George Bush and Barry Obama. You put a loaded gun to our heads and the Chinese will one day - pull the trigger.

China doesn't hold most of the US debt.

The American people do.

Seriously..get a new gig.
Is Brat a religious lunatic?
Even if he's not a fanatic, even if he is merely an openly observant religionist who sometimes refers to theological principles to support his political positions -- GET RID OF HIM! Religion and politics is a dangerous mixture because it ultimately and inevitably moves toward fanaticism. It causes division and is eminently capable of promoting genocide.

Says a poster who believes 9-11 was a fraud perpetuated by a cabal of Jewish bankers.

Yeah, I can see why you hate Christianity: Hitler felt the same way.
Brat Essay Warned Hitler's Rise 'Could All Happen Again'

Now I know why no one has ever heard of the college this jackass teaches at.

The 13-page essay, titled “God and Advanced Mammon — Can Theological Types Handle Usury and Capitalism?," was published by "Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology."

According to the Journal, one section of the essay discussed how if Christian people “had the guts to spread the word,” government would not need to “backstop every action we take.” Then it stated:

Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler came along, and he did not meet with unified resistance. I have the sinking feeling that it could all happen again, quite easily. The church should rise up higher than Nietzsche could see and prove him wrong. We should love our neighbor so much that we actually believe in right and wrong, and do something about it. If we all did the right thing and had the guts to spread the word, we would not need the government to backstop every action we take.​

Are you saying someone like hitler couldn't happen again? If you are you are dumber even than I think you are.
Seriously? I knew you were stupid, but, seriously?

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library
I said faiths. Everyone knows he persecuted homosexuals, socialists, and unions ... same groups the far right christians hate today.

It's also an ridiculous to point out that because Hitler killed some Christians..he was after Christians as well.

Christians always kill Christians.

Christians kill everyone.

Well if it isn't the forum's Socrates, come to wise us up fer a spell.

Again, Hitler was NOT a Christian.

He was an occultist whose views amalgamated precepts of theosophy and Eastern religions, and was able to bend them under a fraudulent guise of Christianity to serve his nefarious goals.

That's how the occult works: it's malleable, unlike Judaism and Christianity, the two religions for which Hitler had his deepest hatreds.

There are a number of good books cited on this thread alone. Read one of them some time. It would significantly curtail your looking like a drivel-spewing idiot on threads like this.

Here to help.
Hasn't it already happened, this rising? Rwanda, Uganda, etc?


Where the heck do you see Rwanda's and Uganda's having been brought up in as much as a single sentence of one post on the entirety of this thread???

I'd stick to making threads about pics of sugar 'n' spice, if I were you, Gracie: understanding history and propaganda clearly isn't your thing.

Go fantasize about poop. This is not your forte'.
Anyone here familiar with the saying those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Can I keep this quote next time the right says Min Wage, Affirmative Action and Equal Rights legislation isnt needed anymore?
Obama is Hitler is blackface

his supporters are as fanatical as any NAZI ever was
Brat believes Hitler may happen again

So? What's wrong or crazy about thinking that?

It is quite possible that another Hitler could emerge.
Hasn't it already happened, this rising? Rwanda, Uganda, etc?


Where the heck do you see Rwanda's and Uganda's having been brought up in as much as a single sentence of one post on the entirety of this thread???

I'd stick to making threads about pics of sugar 'n' spice, if I were you, Gracie: understanding history and propaganda clearly isn't your thing.

Go fantasize about poop. This is not your forte'.

I learn something new about you every time you post.

I don't fantasize about poop, moron. This is just a handle.

You don't know a damned thing about history. Matter of fact, I'm not sure if you know a damned thing about anything.

But you sure as shinola don't belong in this thread, that's for sure.

Get back to reading your Dr. Seuss "novels," Granny Seroquel.
Can you explain, in detail, what it is about his budgets you don't like? Because I can, and I am pretty sure you never even read his budget, you just listened the the idiots that told you he wanted to push grandma off the cliff.

Quite frankly, at this point, I don't believe that there is any way OUT of the rabbit hole that this 17 Trillion dollar debt has taken us - regardless of whose budget we utilize.

It may have been possible say in 2000, when it was still "maybe" manageable, but nearly 12 TRILLION dollars later - I just don't see it happening. We are up to our collective eyeballs in debt to China - which, at some point will most definitely bite us on our national sovergnity.

I wish to hell that I could feel even the slightest bit "optimistic" - but I don't. What these last 12 or so years, and in particular the last 5.5, have accomplished is to send the United States into a tailspin (economically) that will one day mean the end of our way of life.

Congratulations George Bush and Barry Obama. You put a loaded gun to our heads and the Chinese will one day - pull the trigger.

China doesn't hold most of the US debt.

The American people do.

Seriously..get a new gig.

Hey Nazi...Show me where I stated that "China holds most of the US debt".

Who Holds Our Debt?

Foreign nations hold enough of the United States debt that they (collectively) could, if necessary, destroy our national economy by demanding full payment on loans that we merely pay INTEREST on.

Dumbass. Now YOU get another gig, Nazi.

Q: Who are the holders of U.S. debt?
A: The biggest are the Social Security trust funds (16 percent), the Federal Reserve banks (12 percent), China (8 percent), Japan (7 percent) and mutual funds including money-market funds (6 percent).

I keep hearing about the debt ceiling and the U.S. borrowing more. Who are the holders of U.S. debt? Meaning who, exactly does a country of our size borrow money from? Thanks.


Our primary source is Table OFS-2 in the September issue of the Treasury Bulletin, which can be found under the heading “Ownership of Federal Securities.” For additional details, we’ve also drawn on reports of the Federal Reserve System and other U.S. Treasury documents.
As of the end of March 2013 — the most recent period for which the Bulletin provides a breakdown — total federal debt stood at $16.8 trillion. It has since grown to nearly $17.2 trillion, but the share of debt held by various lenders cannot have shifted by much.

The largest portion of the total debt — about 40 percent — was held by federal government accounts plus the Federal Reserve banks. Since 2009, the Federal Reserve banks have been sharply increasing their holdings of Treasury securities to stimulate the economy, and as of March 31, they held just under $2 trillion of the national debt, or about 12 percent. The federal government accounts include the two Social Security trust funds, which together hold 16 percent of the total federal debt. Other federal government accounts include the federal civil service retirement and disability fund (5 percent of total debt), the military retirement fund (3 percent), the Medicare hospital insurance fund (1 percent), and several other smaller funds.

Another 34 percent of total federal debt is owed to foreigners, including China (which owned nearly $1.3 trillion of the total debt, or about 8 percent), closely followed by Japan, which owned $1.1 trillion, or 7 percent. Previously, Japan had been the top foreign owner of U.S. debt, but China surpassed Japan in September 2008. Other major foreign lenders are various Caribbean banking centers including the Cayman Islands (2 percent altogether), various oil-exporting nations including Saudi Arabia (2 percent altogether) and Brazil (2 percent).

The remainder of the total federal debt is spread among mostly private, domestic investors, including 6 percent owned through mutual funds, such as money-market funds. Another 3 percent is owned by state and local governments. The remaining 17 percent is spread among banks and other depository institutions (2 percent), owners of U.S. savings bonds (1 percent), private pension funds (3 percent), state and local pension funds (1 percent), and insurance companies (2 percent), with the remaining 9 percent held by various “individuals, Government-sponsored enterprises, brokers and dealers, bank personal trusts and estates, corporate and non-corporate businesses, and other investors,” according to the Treasury.
– Brooks Jackson

“TABLE OFS-2.—Estimated Ownership of U.S. Treasury Securities.” U.S. Treasury Bulletin. Sep 2013.
“The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It.” U.S. Treasury website. Accessed 19 Nov 2013.
“Federal Reserve Banks Combined Quarterly Financial Report, March 31, 2013.” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 31 May 2013.
“Note 3. Intragovernmental Debt Holdings, Monthly Schedules of Federal Debt.” U.S. Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt. 31 March 2013.
“Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities.” U.S. Treasury. Undated document accessed 19 Nov 2013.
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When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a cross.

That has been updated to "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a quran!":cuckoo:
That will just be Islam. It has no Church and State separation, just the submission of one's will to that of God's.
When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a cross.

That has been updated to "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a quran!":cuckoo:

Actually, honestly, I believe that it should read: "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the American flag and posing as a politician"

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