BREAKING: Amazon is kicking Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, which will take them offline until it finds a new host

It's funny to me how afraid the oligarchy is of people getting together and organizing, so much so that they pull shit like this that, whether it's within their rights to do so or not, it does make them look really bad..... but they're more afraid of their political and cultural opposition communicating with each other.
And that's stupid, IMO, because the organized groups aren't the ones they need to really worry about. They need to worry about 100 million folks who just pick a target and go destroy it, all by themselves, with no organizing, communicating, or coordinating with anyone else at all.

They can't stop that..... but those individuals acting alone, can sure as hell stop them.
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
You used it to plot insurrection. That's a crime. They should be shut down with prejudice and all their user data should be confiscated.
They used it to protest a corrupt government stealing an election......

You call it protest. They call it insurrection.
At most it was civil disobedience. And fully justified.

To quote what another member said - civil disobedience ends the moment you lay hands on a police officer (or imo - anyone).
When lying criminal scum won't stop then extreme violence is all that is left. You can even see that's true when cops are chasing a killer who is shooting at them and he won't give up. What happens then? Do they send him a text message to come out with his hands up or do they kill him? are justifying rioting? That's it? You ok with all the riots this past year?

The riots in the democrat cities where democrats officials did nothing to stop them? Lol, spin twist and spew.
All you have to do is stop lying and trying to silence us. But you won't.
The human species having evolved a brain have decided killing each other isn't such a good idea. And our democracy has decided that it is not going to be overthrown without a fight.

They have decided not to have wars anymore? Huh! I hadn't noticed that. That really would be a change. Are you sure?

And I agree: my side has decided democracy is not going to be overthrown without a fight.
That's what they're doing, according to him. Up in a week. I wonder if they will continue to be the site to use to organize the insurrection? Then what happens?

Well ----------- possibly an insurrection! The Sunday morning talk shows with very important talking heads are all talking about just that. Not "is this the edge," but "have we tipped over the edge." Wow, this happened fast.

But then, it only can happen fast.

I expect a pull back for a couple months and then another outrage and a big reaction; that's how the Civil War went. The seven states seceded FAST, but the North was so sure this was all nonsense and they'd come crawling back. And the South plainly did not want to fight; they just wanted to be left alone in their new country. Then came Bull Run and the North was so sure Federal troops would easily massacre the South's army because those types won't fight -- that congressmen and their families took picnic lunches there to watch it.

And had to gallop in terror back to Washington.

I don't think there will be much choice when the democrats start packing the courts, legalizing Mexicans, adding more states and destroying electoral college. Not unless you are happy with one party rule conducted by tyrants. You would think that the leftists would simply wait until America has the 3rd world demographic and then push through their agenda, but communists always overreach.

Things will escalate from here quickly. Biden has not even been sworn in yet and they are already banning everyone to the right of Mao. Be prepared...
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Applies to silencing people on social media as well.
I don't think there will be much choice when the democrats start packing the courts, legalizing Mexicans, adding more states and destroying electoral college. Not unless you are happy with one party rule.

I'm sure not happy with THEIR one-party rule.
That's what they're doing, according to him. Up in a week. I wonder if they will continue to be the site to use to organize the insurrection? Then what happens?

Well ----------- possibly an insurrection! The Sunday morning talk shows with very important talking heads are all talking about just that. Not "is this the edge," but "have we tipped over the edge." Wow, this happened fast.

But then, it only can happen fast.

I expect a pull back for a couple months and then another outrage and a big reaction; that's how the Civil War went. The seven states seceded FAST, but the North was so sure this was all nonsense and they'd come crawling back. And the South plainly did not want to fight; they just wanted to be left alone in their new country. Then came Bull Run and the North was so sure Federal troops would easily massacre the South's army because those types won't fight -- that congressmen and their families took picnic lunches there to watch it.

And had to gallop in terror back to Washington.

I don't think there will be much choice when the democrats start packing the courts, legalizing Mexicans, adding more states and destroying electoral college. Not unless you are happy with one party rule.
The British smashed the printing presses in the 1770's.
Now the Oligarchs are doing the same.

You are right! I had forgotten that. They smashed American printing presses, because they were printing, guess what? Revolutionary appeals. We call what they came up with anyway "America."
America needs another revolution. A peaceful one. But first you need to get rid of those voting machines.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
Funny how they are only doing it to Trump supporters.

Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?
when this mindset is applied to all equally, you have a point.

Holler when we do that vs make up bullshit emotional insurance excuses.

Holler when the left violently invades the capital with the open support and encouragement of the POTUS, in an attempt to overturn the results of an election. In the meantime, I'll take your relentless false moral equivalencies as a sign you have no clue as to the significance of this.

Thanks :)
See what I mean? You people won't stop lying until you are forced to. You play little word games while corporations do everything they can to shut us down. We are all sick of it it. You scum started this and hope to hell you all rot.

has some twist why them doing the very same damn thing is justified. demonized when others do it.

Quit making excuses for something that is inexcusable. Sometimes, it isn't a "both sides" moral equivalency. You can't acce[t that EVER, so you just attack the posters instead. You will never admit when your own side goes too far. And they did in this instance. Way way too far.
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You are a hypocrite. Plain and simple.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
Funny how they are only doing it to Trump supporters.

Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?
when this mindset is applied to all equally, you have a point.

Holler when we do that vs make up bullshit emotional insurance excuses.

Holler when the left violently invades the capital with the open support and encouragement of the POTUS, in an attempt to overturn the results of an election. In the meantime, I'll take your relentless false moral equivalencies as a sign you have no clue as to the significance of this.

Thanks :)
See what I mean? You people won't stop lying until you are forced to. You play little word games while corporations do everything they can to shut us down. We are all sick of it it. You scum started this and hope to hell you all rot.

has some twist why them doing the very same damn thing is justified. demonized when others do it.

Quit making excuses for something that is inexcusable. Sometimes, it isn't a "both sides" moral equivalency. You can't acce[t that EVER, so you just attack the posters instead. You will never admit when your own side goes too far. And they did in this instance. Way way too far.
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Did you condemn Pelosi and Harris for the encouraging rioting?

I can't recall that, can we read the posts somewhere?

Not that Trump had anything to do with occupying the house. But it sure is funny seeing these idiots supposedly so angry about taking over the building - when the leftists took over an entire city block for days and days. And you had no problem with it whatsoever - admittedly I did not have problem with that either, as I don't with the current protests.

Where did Pelosi and Harris encourage rioting?
This is some funny shit.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
Funny how they are only doing it to Trump supporters.

Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?
when this mindset is applied to all equally, you have a point.

Holler when we do that vs make up bullshit emotional insurance excuses.

Holler when the left violently invades the capital with the open support and encouragement of the POTUS, in an attempt to overturn the results of an election. In the meantime, I'll take your relentless false moral equivalencies as a sign you have no clue as to the significance of this.

Thanks :)
See what I mean? You people won't stop lying until you are forced to. You play little word games while corporations do everything they can to shut us down. We are all sick of it it. You scum started this and hope to hell you all rot.

has some twist why them doing the very same damn thing is justified. demonized when others do it.

Quit making excuses for something that is inexcusable. Sometimes, it isn't a "both sides" moral equivalency. You can't acce[t that EVER, so you just attack the posters instead. You will never admit when your own side goes too far. And they did in this instance. Way way too far.
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This where I show progressive cities in ruins and you make excuses?

usually is.
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

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Ronald Reagan: ‘If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism’
I guess since you lived in Russia you don't understand that business and government aren't the same thing here in the United States.

Amazon isn't the government. So the government doesn't have anything to do with what Amazon has done.

There is, of course, a difference, but the trend is common, for example, when the elections of governors were canceled in Russia, Putin said that it was for the sake of fighting terrorism. When they started regulating the Internet and banned some sites like Linkedin, they used similar reasons terrorism, pedophiles, personal data protection.

Amazon probably did it to not be held responsible for allowing parler to be on their platform with all the treason, terrorism and conspiring to overthrow our legally elected government and kill our Vice President.

I thought that this decision should be made by the court, and not just a private company.

If you live here in America you need to understand that private business isn't the government.
Formally, the same is true in Russia, but they "quite accidentally" follow the Kremlin's agenda.
Yea but for very different reasons.
Indeed. Biden wants social media companies to have responsibility for spreading false conspiracy theories and Trump wants social media forbidden from stopping him spread false conspiracy theories.
I can go online and call Melania a Russian prostitute and they will let it stand.
If I say "Hmmm, that election looked shady"
They'll unperson me.
Name me one leftist commentator who was banned from Youtube or FB.
That's what they're doing, according to him. Up in a week. I wonder if they will continue to be the site to use to organize the insurrection? Then what happens?

Well ----------- possibly an insurrection! The Sunday morning talk shows with very important talking heads are all talking about just that. Not "is this the edge," but "have we tipped over the edge." Wow, this happened fast.

But then, it only can happen fast.

I expect a pull back for a couple months and then another outrage and a big reaction; that's how the Civil War went. The seven states seceded FAST, but the North was so sure this was all nonsense and they'd come crawling back. And the South plainly did not want to fight; they just wanted to be left alone in their new country. Then came Bull Run and the North was so sure Federal troops would easily massacre the South's army because those types won't fight -- that congressmen and their families took picnic lunches there to watch it.

And had to gallop in terror back to Washington.
Yeah, that was freaky, congressmen taking their families with picnic lunches to watch a war. That thing you said about normal? True. Not right, but true.
I join other members (and guests) in expressing my deepest sympathies to Parler.

Although I have never been to that website and have no interest in doing so, I am very sorry that it has been forced off the Internet by partners of the totalitarians who are taking over the federal government in two weeks.

Under Mr. Biden (I shan't call him "President"), the United States of America begins the inevitable trip down the road of dictatorship.

The leftists demand that you either agree with them or shut up.

Being 83 years old and a lifelong coward, I shall shut up, of course.

But I suspect that there are some Americans who will not shut up.

I hope that they can find some way to get their message out.

January 20 will be a sad day in the history of this country, indeed.

The only thing I can do is to avoid watching the Inauguration and instead enjoy some ice cream while watching "Friends."
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

View attachment 440604

Ronald Reagan: ‘If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism’

John Thomas Flynn ( As We Go Marching 1944)
But when fascism comes it will not be in the form of an anti-American movement or pro-Hitler bund, practicing disloyalty. Nor will it come in the form of a crusade against war. It will appear rather in the luminous robes of flaming patriotism; it will take some genuinely indigenous shape and color, and it will spread only because its leaders, who are not yet visible, will know how to locate the great springs of public opinion and desire and the streams of thought that flow from them and will know how to attract to their banners leaders who can command the support of the controlling minorities in American public life. The danger lies not so much in the would-be Fuhrers who may arise, but in the presence in our midst of certainly deeply running currents of hope and appetite and opinion. The war upon fascism must be begun there.
The thing about a huge sudden new improvement in human communication is that it turns out what people really want to talk about is how much they hate each other and want to kill each other. This is normal. At least, maybe some of you don't like that, but -- yeah, it's totally normal for the human species.
The human species having evolved a brain have decided killing each other isn't such a good idea. And our democracy has decided that it is not going to be overthrown without a fight.
Our Democracy is all about freedom of speech. Even speech you don't like.

Which side is attacking that?

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