BREAKING: Amazon is kicking Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, which will take them offline until it finds a new host

Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
You used it to plot insurrection. That's a crime. They should be shut down with prejudice and all their user data should be confiscated.
They used it to protest a corrupt government stealing an election......

You call it protest. They call it insurrection.
At most it was civil disobedience. And fully justified.

To quote what another member said - civil disobedience ends the moment you lay hands on a police officer (or imo - anyone).
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
Funny how they are only doing it to Trump supporters.

Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?
when this mindset is applied to all equally, you have a point.

Holler when we do that vs make up bullshit emotional insurance excuses.

Holler when the left violently invades the capital with the open support and encouragement of the POTUS, in an attempt to overturn the results of an election. In the meantime, I'll take your relentless false moral equivalencies as a sign you have no clue as to the significance of this.

Thanks :)
See what I mean? You people won't stop lying until you are forced to. You play little word games while corporations do everything they can to shut us down. We are all sick of it it. You scum started this and hope to hell you all rot.
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
You used it to plot insurrection. That's a crime. They should be shut down with prejudice and all their user data should be confiscated.
They used it to protest a corrupt government stealing an election......

You call it protest. They call it insurrection.
How do you have an insurrection against a corrupt congress?
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...

Is it government or private business censorship?
You can tell the difference? Who tells the government what to do? Can you really separate the government from their big money (foreign?) donors?
Who sells out the US workers to bank foreign cash? To me, censoring Parler is "big brother" and now Apple is "big brother".
OMG Google is telling me that they are tracking me for watching the following "big brother" video?? WTF??
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
1. Parler said they will setup their own site, so we'll see if they can keep it running
2. Who is calling for an insurgency? The DC chant was "stop the steal", it was a protest about voter fraud.
3. If it was an insurgency they would have had guns instead of flags.
4. I agree that calls to violence need to be filtered out.t
5. Trump supported what? He called for "a peaceful transition", but wants voter fraud reduced in future elections.

The chant at the capitol was "hang Mike Pence" I guess you can call it stop the steal. They did chant that at trump's speach.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
Funny how they are only doing it to Trump supporters.

Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?
when this mindset is applied to all equally, you have a point.

Holler when we do that vs make up bullshit emotional insurance excuses.

Holler when the left violently invades the capital with the open support and encouragement of the POTUS, in an attempt to overturn the results of an election. In the meantime, I'll take your relentless false moral equivalencies as a sign you have no clue as to the significance of this.

Thanks :)
See what I mean? You people won't stop lying until you are forced to. You play little word games while corporations do everything they can to shut us down. We are all sick of it it. You scum started this and hope to hell you all rot.

has some twist why them doing the very same damn thing is justified. demonized when others do it.
The fact that the social media is communist have been known from even before Trump. At this point if you haven't built your own entire system, it's on you. Bitching that evil is evil and pretending to act surprised is itself evil.

I moved out of these platforms a long time ago. Parler is also quite the joke. Ask for your phone number? Please...

Gab, Bitchute and Dlive are where it is at currently. Gab has its own server, so Amazon can go fuck itself. Reward the ones who played it right.

It's quite the irony that today, a Chinese company offers more free speech capabilities than an American one, but that is where we are at - and indeed will be going in the future. China is a decidedly not a leftist nation since they don't have democracy - the endless driver of leftism.
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Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
You used it to plot insurrection. That's a crime. They should be shut down with prejudice and all their user data should be confiscated.
They used it to protest a corrupt government stealing an election......

You call it protest. They call it insurrection.
At most it was civil disobedience. And fully justified.

To quote what another member said - civil disobedience ends the moment you lay hands on a police officer (or imo - anyone).
When lying criminal scum won't stop then extreme violence is all that is left. You can even see that's true when cops are chasing a killer who is shooting at them and he won't give up. What happens then? Do they send him a text message to come out with his hands up or do they kill him?
Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?

This is a thoughtful post, IMO, and it is THE question right now.

I do not yet know what side I'm on. I guess one issue is, how much of the body politic wants a revolution. It is not a terrorist group, after all, if it's a majority. It might be the winning side; in fact, in my heart I hope so.

Though I am aware that war is never so much fun as it looks like it will be beforehand.

I'm on the side of our democratic institutions - we've up held them for more than two centuries and they've seen us through even worse times. To discard them now...well, I don't know what to say. Too many people today (imo, and including myself) lack the farsightedness, education, and self-restraint that the people who developed our Constitution had. To enact a revolution over losing an election, based on false conspiracy theories would be the worst reason for a revolution. Do you trust anyone to create a better Constitution? I don't.
Then grant people the freedom of speech in the constitution and stop trying to present alternative thought as evil to justify your inability to control your emotions.
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
You used it to plot insurrection. That's a crime. They should be shut down with prejudice and all their user data should be confiscated.
They used it to protest a corrupt government stealing an election......

You call it protest. They call it insurrection.
How do you have an insurrection against a corrupt congress?
You're gonna be in the camps for a loooong time.

How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Because the government isn’t doing it. Amazon doesn’t want to sell their product to Parler. I can hardly blame them.
LOL!! You can tell the difference between the democrats and their big money donors? I call bullshit. Who do you think is calling the shots?
Why do you think section 230 is still there? Another thread called shutting Parler down our "kristallnacht". There can be no more free speech, or free thought, only what is approved by the state. "Big Brother" is taking over all information. Glad you support that?!
section 230 is what allows you to post stuff on the internet.
Without it, you couldnt post anything because the service provider could be sued for what you post.
for AWS, they just dont want to be involved with facilitating terrorism or being an accessory to terrorism or insurrection.
I disagree with your assessment. Both Trump and Biden want 230 repealed.
Wow. This is heavy. This is fascism. Thanks libs.
Not fascism. Common sense.
How is shutting Parler down not fascism.
Its blatant censorship, while still allowing China, Iran, and the other crazies around the world their anti-American speech?!
Parler is now a national treasure that will be supported by many of the 71m...
You used it to plot insurrection. That's a crime. They should be shut down with prejudice and all their user data should be confiscated.
They used it to protest a corrupt government stealing an election......

You call it protest. They call it insurrection.
How do you have an insurrection against a corrupt congress?

Many believe Cult45 are just as dangerous, corrupt and seditious as you believe Congress is.
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

View attachment 440604

He should have thought this out when he put the site together. He has the Mercer's they can put their own platform and server's together instead of sucking off other's.
That's what they're doing, according to him. Up in a week. I wonder if they will continue to be the site to use to organize the insurrection? Then what happens?
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

View attachment 440604

He should have thought this out when he put the site together. He has the Mercer's they can put their own platform and server's together instead of sucking off other's.
That's what they're doing, according to him. Up in a week. I wonder if they will continue to be the site to use to organize the insurrection? Then what happens?

Who knows? If they have to use att they will be shut down again since trump has had in for att for 4 years.
Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?

This is a thoughtful post, IMO, and it is THE question right now.

I do not yet know what side I'm on. I guess one issue is, how much of the body politic wants a revolution. It is not a terrorist group, after all, if it's a majority. It might be the winning side; in fact, in my heart I hope so.

Though I am aware that war is never so much fun as it looks like it will be beforehand.

I'm on the side of our democratic institutions - we've up held them for more than two centuries and they've seen us through even worse times. To discard them now...well, I don't know what to say. Too many people today (imo, and including myself) lack the farsightedness, education, and self-restraint that the people who developed our Constitution had. To enact a revolution over losing an election, based on false conspiracy theories would be the worst reason for a revolution. Do you trust anyone to create a better Constitution? I don't.
Then grant people the freedom of speech in the constitution and stop trying to present alternative thought as evil to justify your inability to control your emotions.
You have freedom of speech. What you don't have is the freedom to shout it from someone else's front porch.
You're right everyone on parler is not posting illegal activity and Apple gave them the chance to moderate and clean things up and they didn't.

The POINT of Parler is free speech without censorship, which is what you mean by moderation. I'm okay with free speech --- even if by Muslims, BLMs, antifa's ----- and Trumpists. I'd draw the line at live-streaming crimes, but not much more.

Consider, people: the really important thing about free speech is that then you know what people are actually thinking. We haven't had much free speech for too long, and so all the polls are worthless: people won't say what they think under the oppressive conditions we have been suffering. So then no one knows what people think and things like the Battle of Capitol Hill come out of nowhere, seemingly.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
Funny how they are only doing it to Trump supporters.

Not exactly true - overall the social media giants have suspended/banned the accounts of a number of groups over the past few years. Right now, at this moment, it is certain Trump extremists who have openly called for and supported an attempted violent insurgency, and planned it on social media platforms. Should they have been left alone so they can have a re-do with more arms and competency? How is it any different than any other terrorist group?
when this mindset is applied to all equally, you have a point.

Holler when we do that vs make up bullshit emotional insurance excuses.

Holler when the left violently invades the capital with the open support and encouragement of the POTUS, in an attempt to overturn the results of an election. In the meantime, I'll take your relentless false moral equivalencies as a sign you have no clue as to the significance of this.

Thanks :)
See what I mean? You people won't stop lying until you are forced to. You play little word games while corporations do everything they can to shut us down. We are all sick of it it. You scum started this and hope to hell you all rot.
All the while you supported those corporations which now do not want anything to do with yer sort of people. Welcome to the same club all people busted for a joint used to have..
But what makes you worse is the fact is you worked for the man and enforced that suppression and subjugation...
Yep, the purge is real.

They told us to "build our own facebook/twitter" if we didn't' like their rules. So we did, now they changed the goalposts and said "build your own everything."

Next they'll prevent us from using the fiber-optic cables.

View attachment 440604
Excellent. Shut down the platform used by Insurrectionists and similar disloyal un-American phukks.
I see several issues...

Amazon is a private company so it can do what it likes, for one.

Are they and these other tech giants preventing people from setting up new host sites? Everything is so intertwined these days.

Should anyone be forced to host entities calling for/promoting insurgency and political overthrow in the name of free speech? Parler, apparently removed Lin Wood's posts calling for Pence to be executed. Good? Bad? When stuff like that gains enough of a following to push people to act, like we saw this past week, and we have a President openly supporting it...what then?
1. Parler said they will setup their own site, so we'll see if they can keep it running
2. Who is calling for an insurgency? The DC chant was "stop the steal", it was a protest about voter fraud.
3. If it was an insurgency they would have had guns instead of flags.
4. I agree that calls to violence need to be filtered out.t
5. Trump supported what? He called for "a peaceful transition", but wants voter fraud reduced in future elections.

The chant at the capitol was "hang Mike Pence" I guess you can call it stop the steal. They did chant that at trump's speech.
If some of the protesters crossed "the line" they deserve to be prosecuted. Most were peacefully protesting the election and voter fraud.

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