BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passes Ban the Jab Resolution!

Bless them!:thup:

The Arizona Republican Party is now the second state Republican Party to pass a ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution and declare COVID-19 injections biological and technological weapons.

The resolution declares the COVID-19 injections to be biological and technological weapons and calls on the Governor to prohibit their distribution and the Attorney General to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis of their contents.

In addition to being an attorney, Dan Schultz is a former West Point graduate and former U.S. Army counterintelligence and human intelligence officer.

When Iwas growing up 70's and 80s vaccinations were widely considered a modern medical miracle.

When and how did public opinion change so radically?
When Iwas grpwing up 70's and 80s vaccinations were widely considered a modern medical miracle.

When and how did public opinion change so radically?

After the Covid poison jab.
When Iwas growing up 70's and 80s vaccinations were widely considered a modern medical miracle.

When and how did public opinion change so radically?
Have you gotten sick from the conditions you were vaccinated against?

You can with this one, and even die.

If I called rat poison a “vaccine”, your cult would take it.
Bless them!:thup:

The Arizona Republican Party is now the second state Republican Party to pass a ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution and declare COVID-19 injections biological and technological weapons.

The resolution declares the COVID-19 injections to be biological and technological weapons and calls on the Governor to prohibit their distribution and the Attorney General to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis of their contents.

In addition to being an attorney, Dan Schultz is a former West Point graduate and former U.S. Army counterintelligence and human intelligence officer.

I love it. Anyway we can thin the MAGA herd, I am all for it.

You know what would be even better? If the orange loser throws a MAGA rally and gets them all infected. Bliss!
I took the vax, and have been double boosted. So
We have known this for a long time from your posts .

The top research teams have become most interested in irreveresible personality changes coming from the Killer Shots which Mutate the DNA .

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