Breaking: Army Suggesting Brain Scan on Decorated Physician for doubting Obamas Eligi

Obama satifies the requirements set forth in the constitution.

But if there are Republicans out there thinking they have an arguement with the "Birther debate" be my guess.

Just do me a favor and don't run for office. I want a choice and a "birther" is not a choice in my book.

Consider the above a warning.
Thing about it is. Hawaii Dept of Health never produced the COLB in the first place that we saw on the internet that was proven to be fraudulent.

why would they release a short form birth certificate stating that Obama was born in Hawaii if Obama were not born there? THAT document would be fraudulent, would it not?

So back to my original question, if you please.

Hawaii didn't release the short form. Obama did. Hawaii isn't in the business of releasing any version of a person's birthcertificate. As for the long form, in Hawaii, you can't request that even for yourself if you were born there.

I never said they released it, only that they produced it... and why would they produce a document they knew to be fraudulent? The answer is, of course, that it is not fraudulent.
Is this guy - rankwise - only answerable to the president? I mean is the chain of command this guy then the commander-in-chief?

If not, then he's going to be disobeying orders from anyone who ranks him in between. Their authority over him is unaffected by any Obama birther issues.
Is this guy - rankwise - only answerable to the president? I mean is the chain of command this guy then the commander-in-chief?

If not, then he's going to be disobeying orders from anyone who ranks him in between. Their authority over him is unaffected by any Obama birther issues.

unlawful orders need not be obeyed...
Thing about it is. Hawaii Dept of Health never produced the COLB in the first place that we saw on the internet that was proven to be fraudulent.

why would they release a short form birth certificate stating that Obama was born in Hawaii if Obama were not born there? THAT document would be fraudulent, would it not?

So back to my original question, if you please.

Hawaii didn't release the short form. Obama did. Hawaii isn't in the business of releasing any version of a person's birthcertificate. As for the long form, in Hawaii, you can't request that even for yourself if you were born there.

that is not true, you or interested persons (say a lawsuit for paternity) can request and will recieve a copy of the original birth certificate
Is this guy - rankwise - only answerable to the president? I mean is the chain of command this guy then the commander-in-chief?

If not, then he's going to be disobeying orders from anyone who ranks him in between. Their authority over him is unaffected by any Obama birther issues.

unlawful orders need not be obeyed...

Non sequitur. The entire military isn't dissolved and re-formed at the change of commander-in-chief. You get orders every day in the military that are not issued directly by the president. As an officer in the US military you are not solely answerable to the president.
I think unlawful orders are order that are contrary to law. Not because you don't like the politics of the guy giving them.
Is this guy - rankwise - only answerable to the president? I mean is the chain of command this guy then the commander-in-chief?

If not, then he's going to be disobeying orders from anyone who ranks him in between. Their authority over him is unaffected by any Obama birther issues.

unlawful orders need not be obeyed...

Non sequitur. The entire military isn't dissolved and re-formed at the change of commander-in-chief. You get orders every day in the military that are not issued directly by the president. As an officer in the US military you are not solely answerable to the president.

what if your orders come from the president, say deployment? i don't think this guy is talking about keeping his bed neat
I don't blame him for not wanting to go back to Afghanistan but when you're in the military you're supposed to do as you're told so he has to lump it.
unlawful orders need not be obeyed...

Non sequitur. The entire military isn't dissolved and re-formed at the change of commander-in-chief. You get orders every day in the military that are not issued directly by the president. As an officer in the US military you are not solely answerable to the president.

what if your orders come from the president, say deployment? i don't think this guy is talking about keeping his bed neat

the president issues deployment orders? Not so. Units deploy all the time without the president getting involved in the slightest.
Brain scan is just harrassment.

The guy is being an idiot. I will grant he is intellectually probably a supernova to my moon, but all of us have little spots of stupidity that sort of get in the way of our usefulness. Or obscure it totally. If he won't serve at 0bama's orders, then he should sit at a desk or be retired.

He serves the constitution of the united states but follows the chain of command constitutionally established. If he can't do that, there are others who can.

As anyone knows that has been in the military, you are expected to obey any legal order. To state that you will not obey a legal order because of your personal belief about the superior officers citizenship, is insubordination, and failure to do your duty.
I have seen the tape Lt. Col Lakin has made and he seems to be sane as ever. I wonder who would order such a thing and why? This man is friends with Secretary of Defense Gates and he runs the Pentagon Hospital when not in the field. I think there is a sinister plot against this man because he is a ranking officer and a threat to Obama who Obama thinks could potentially cause trouble for him within the ranks of the military about his eligibility. Again a BRAIN SCAN??? Is this what it has come to when doubting or wanting to ask questions about Obama's Birth Certificate or his Eligibility?

Army suggests brain scan for eligibility challenger

Video of Lt Col Lakin explaining his motive:
YouTube - American Patriot Foundation: FTC Terry Lakin Defense Fund

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is the highest-ranking and first active-duty officer to refuse to obey orders based on President Obama's eligibility.

The U.S. Army is – unofficially – suggesting a brain scan and medical evaluation for an officer who announced he would refuse to follow further orders until and unless President Obama documents his constitutional eligibility to be commander in chief. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is the highest-ranking and first active-duty officer to refuse to obey orders based on President Obama's eligibility.

A spokeswoman for the developing case of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a flight surgeon with 18 years in the service, said the recommendation came to Lakin today from an officer whose name was not being used who implied that those higher up the chain of command thought it was a good idea. The suggestion was described to WND by spokeswoman Margaret Calhoun Hemenway, a veteran Washington appointee and now volunteer spokeswoman, as being presented in a "solicitous" manner

Officially, the U.S. Army says it has no plans for formal action at this point against the officer. But the controversy also raises the prospect that the government may be unwilling to pursue a prosecution because of the possible ramifications – including a defense demand for a court-ordered discovery process that would target Obama's historical documentation.

You know the US military is stupid and PC. One of the reasons I retired. Those zero's that are in control are more politician than functional.

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