BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

Oh brilliant one, please tell us what evidence do you have?

What evidence do you have that she did nothing wrong?

Funny you asking me for evidence when you've provided none of your own.

Go look at Wikileaks. All your evidence is there.
So what does this mean? It means what Gowdy said in his interview. The FBI and DOJ do nothing, she gets elected, and then Congress can finally step in and do something.
Gowdy? The guy that altered FBI documents to try to frame Clinton? That lying POS?
Oh brilliant one, please tell us what evidence do you have?

What evidence do you have that she did nothing wrong?
I have the FBI saying it. So, what do you have? Your fantasies?

Funny you asking me for evidence when you've provided none of your own.
I'm not an FBI agent, so I don't have access to evidence, but I have the FBI claiming it. What do you have?

Go look at Wikileaks. All your evidence is there.
Do you have any evidence that what is in wikileaks was not made up or altered? No, you don't. Quit pretending you do, all you have is your fantasies that are going up in smoke.[/QUOTE]
Now, the question remains - did Comey cost Hillary the Senate?
Interesting. Big story tomorrow, day before election. Wipes out Trump's supposed gains from when the rumor was started?
Not a chance, douche bag. Trump was gaining on Clinton before Comey made his announcement. Further, the polls have always been biased in favor or Hillary, but right before the election the pollsters have to start reporting closer to reality so they don't lose all credibility.
Oh brilliant one, please tell us what evidence do you have?

What evidence do you have that she did nothing wrong?
I have the FBI saying it. So, what do you have? Your fantasies?

Funny you asking me for evidence when you've provided none of your own.
I'm not an FBI agent, so I don't have access to evidence, but I have the FBI claiming it. What do you have?

Go look at Wikileaks. All your evidence is there.
Do you have any evidence that what is in wikileaks was not made up or altered? No, you don't. Quit pretending you do, all you have is your fantasies that are going up in smoke.


Wikileaks altered the emails? Do you have any proof that they did?
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

Ha,ha, says the fool who supports the orange buffoon who has been exposed as the most corrupt candidate to ever run for the office of the President. He takes money from his charitable organization to pay his bills, he fleeces his workers, he makes up fake universities to scam millions from innocent people, he lies every time he opens his mouth. Oh, and he gropes women and treats them like dirt.

I say the despicable ones are you and the rest of the deplorables in the basket.

you mean like how the clinton foundationn money paid for Chelseas wedding? asshole

No, I mean like Trump taking out money from the Trump Foundation to pay his legal bills, asswipe.

Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
A SOS was just let off the hook after 650,000 of her government emails were found on a pedophiles laptop and you're fucking worried about how a lawyer got paid. Anyone have any questions left about how we have ended up in this mess?
Interesting. Big story tomorrow, day before election. Wipes out Trump's supposed gains from when the rumor was started?
Not a chance, douche bag. Trump was gaining on Clinton before Comey made his announcement. Further, the polls have always been biased in favor or Hillary, but right before the election the pollsters have to start reporting closer to reality so they don't lose all credibility.

Yeah that's the ticket.
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I have the FBI saying it. So, what do you have? Your fantasies?

I have the hundred or so FBI agents with centuries of combined legal experience who worked on the case, who found clear evidence of criminal wrongdoing and were overruled by their boss. You know, because politics.

You gonna tell me where you got your degree in forensics?

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